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Chapter 74 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Eustia's Banquet (12)

"Selena said she would arrive around the time the ball music starts. I should go ahead and get a feel for the atmosphere."

Zeke headed to the Eustia mansion alone, convinced by Selena's argument that making a separate entrance during the ball music would draw more attention than arriving together.

"Let's see who these foul-smelling bastards are. I wonder if that Hela woman showed up?"

Grand music echoed from within as Zeke arrived, indicating the banquet was already underway.

As he slowly walked towards the entrance, a familiar face caught his eye.

"Hmm…? Isn't that Soi Spoon?"

He had anticipated seeing her here, especially after witnessing her transformation at the hands of Selena and Iriel.

After all, the Soi he saw that day was undeniably beautiful, worthy of the title of female lead.

"To which family does the Lady belong?"

Listening closely, Zeke realized the guard was suspicious of Soi. She stood there awkwardly, stammering.

'It must be hard to admit you're commoner from the Spoon family. And the name Elise is just an alias…'

Revealing her true identity would undoubtedly draw unwanted attention.

Of course, the tight security was understandable.

Eustia, one of only three Dukedoms in the Empire.

Zeke often interacted with Yohaiden, Eustia, and the Imperial family, so he tended to overlook their significance.

However, they were all individuals of immense status within the Empire.

It was only natural for a banquet hosted by such a family to have strict restrictions on commoner entry.

'Iriel, you should have taken care of these things beforehand if you invited her.'

Zeke frowned, watching the guard's increasingly hostile demeanor towards Soi.

He couldn't fault the guard for doing his job.

After all, the venue was filled with the Empire's most important figures.

Filtering out suspicious individuals was crucial.

What if someone with malicious intent snuck in with a stolen invitation and a hidden identity?

'But if she stays like this, she'll be humiliated or investigated. It'll be even worse if they find out she's using an alias. She's already burdened with a difficult fate.'

Zeke was aware of the harsh destiny that awaited her.

A near-inevitable fate of death, almost impossible to escape.

'Fortunately, it wasn't a complete 100%.'

When he had urgently checked on Soi, he discovered that while her <Eyes of Judgement> displayed 100%, it was actually an indeterminate fate of 99%, infinitely close to certain doom.

'Even so, her life's going to be a living hell.'

She was the heart of the novel he transmigrated into, the female protagonist.

Zeke was determined to help her in any way he could.

Even if it was something as trivial as this, it was only natural to lend a hand.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Zeke stepped forward, defending Soi.

'Well, I feel a bit sorry for the guard who's just doing his job, but I have no choice.'

To emphasize Soi Spoon's importance, he even resorted to veiled threats, mentioning Iriel to pressure the guard into letting her in without further scrutiny.

Without such measures, it would have been impossible to bring Soi inside without a thorough inspection.

"Th-thank you."

Soi bowed her head in embarrassment, expressing her gratitude.

"It's nothing."


Zeke observed her intently.

'She looks a bit more casual than before. Maybe this suits her better.'

She still wore expensive clothes and dazzling jewels, but compared to the day she was dressed as a perfect noble lady, today she exuded a more vibrant aura.

This seemed more natural for her.

However, surrounded by nobles, her stiff posture and nervous perspiration tugged at his heartstrings.

"Here, use this."


Zeke took out a handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to her.

Soi Spoon panicked, flustered by the gesture.

'Honestly, she's so easily flustered.'

With a slight chuckle, Zeke used the handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her forehead.


Soi flinched, closing her eyes tightly as she accepted his touch.

'It's not like she's a puppy.'

Letting out another chuckle, Zeke even fixed her stray hairs before folding the handkerchief and returning it to his pocket.

'Well, the only people she knows here are Iriel and Selena, right?'

He had nothing to do until Selena arrived, anyway.

His schedule consisted of observing the nobles and zoning out.

"I have some time until Selena arrives. If you don't have anyone else with you, would you like to stay by my side until then?"

Soi nodded slightly at Zeke's suggestion.

"Then let's go."

Together, they entered the banquet hall.

* * *


Soi couldn't collect her thoughts.

It felt like she had been dropped into a strange, unfamiliar world.

She expected it to be different, but this was beyond anything she could have imagined.

The dazzling backdrop, so bright and shimmering that it felt like she had stepped into another dimension.

She was afraid to even move a muscle, terrified of dirtying the carpet with her commoner's feet and being slapped with an astronomical cleaning bill.

The world of nobles seemed like a place she didn't belong.

'But Instructor said he'd stay with me…'

Zeke stood beside her in a corner of the banquet hall, his expression as stoic as ever.

She couldn't bear to think what state she'd be in without him.

'But, wouldn't Instructor want to enjoy this banquet…?'

Soi glanced around the hall.

Other nobles were gathered in groups, chatting and laughing, seemingly enjoying themselves.

"Um, Instructor…"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"You don't have to stay here because of me."


His silence and unwavering gaze compelled her to be more direct.

"You can go ahead and leave me here. I know I can't really tell you to just go…"

"I think you're misunderstanding something. I hate these kinds of events."

"What? R-really? But there's so much delicious-looking food here!"

"Yes. And I have no interest in listening to their pointless chatter. I prefer to eat in peace."

His words sounded sincere, his expression reflecting genuine boredom towards the surrounding spectacle.

Soi felt a wave of relief wash over her.

"But, being with me must be just as boring…"

"It's much better than being with them."

Instructor had a knack for saying such things without a hint of self-consciousness.


There it was again.

Soi felt her face flush.

This man really knew how to make her misunderstand.

'Seriously, I'm not trying to compete with Iriel or Selena!'

She needed to change the subject, and fast.

'Instructor said he doesn't like banquets, right?'

"…Th-then, what *do* you like, Instructor!?"

"Hmm… Well… What I like…?"

Zeke furrowed his brow slightly, tilting his head in thought.

After a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke.



"Yes, that's right."

He nodded, confirming his own answer with an air of certainty.


Soi couldn't hold back her laughter.

His serious expression while uttering something as simple as 'money,' as if it were some profound concept, was too much for her.

It was hilarious.

"Yes, money is important."

"Indeed. There's nothing wrong with having money."

Soi found herself enjoying this bizarre conversation with him more than the extravagant banquet itself.



"Yes, I like bread."

"Hmm, make sure you're getting all your nutrients. You won't build any muscle otherwise."

"Seriously, you're always the Instructor. Anyway, I said one thing, so now it's your turn."

"Do we have to take turns?"

"That's how conversations work."

"You have a point."

Zeke crossed his arms, tapping a finger against his chin as he pondered.

"Hmm… Beds…?"


"Yes, I like to just lie down and do nothing."


This time, she couldn't contain her laughter.

She had no idea Zeke Clayman was capable of such unexpected answers.

She always perceived him as this stern, training-obsessed figure who seemed to specialize in confusing her with his words and actions.

She assumed his desires and preferences must be something grand and extraordinary.

But seeing him utter things like 'money' and 'beds' with such a serious expression made him feel much more relatable.

Soi found herself wanting to know more about him.

"…Then, have you ever been in love?"


Zeke hesitated, and Soi immediately regretted her question.

Perhaps she had been too casual, prying into his personal life.

Being in an unfamiliar space with no one she knew must have lulled her into a false sense of comfort.

She began to apologize for her transgression.

"I'm s—"

Zeke cut her off, his voice barely a whisper.



"…I've never… been in love…"

He averted his gaze, seemingly embarrassed by his own confession.

Soi couldn't help but smile.

Just then, a blonde boy and girl approached them.

"Zeke Clayman."

Zeke turned his head at the sound of his name, his eyes widening in surprise.

It was the First Prince, Iloise Leonaine, and Yuri Gilbert.

Zeke hadn't anticipated the First Prince's presence.

Selena's plan hinged on the assumption that neither the First nor the Second Prince would respond to such a hastily arranged invitation.

'Damn it, things are going to get complicated now that he's here.'

Zeke addressed the prince with a less-than-welcoming expression.

"First Prince."

"Address me with respect, Zeke Clayman. This isn't within the academy grounds."

Yuri interjected.

"Yuri Gilbert. It's rare to hear you speak so much."

"It's alright, Yuri. Anyway, Zeke Clayman, it's been a while."

Zeke simply nodded, refusing to acknowledge the prince's implied demand for a more respectful form of address.

As if speaking politely was beneath him.

Iloise's eyebrow twitched at the blatant disrespect.

Iloise shook his head slightly.

'Let it go, Iloise. Hmm? Who is that lady?'

Iloise's gaze fell upon the woman standing awkwardly beside Zeke.

The world seemed to slow down as his eyes met hers.

He had never seen anyone like her before.

Her light brown hair and silvery eyes held a captivating allure.

She exuded an aura that was both noble and not, a captivating paradox.

She wore expensive jewelry, but it didn't appear gaudy on her.

There was a captivating blend of elegance and unrefined beauty in her presence.

Who was she?

From which noble family did she hail?

Was she involved with Zeke Clayman?

No, more importantly…

“…How beautiful.”

The words escaped his lips before he could stop them.

Zeke glared at Iloise, his eyes narrowed.

‘This bastard! Trying to steal my girl before I’ve even raised her!?’

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