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Chapter 73 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Eustia's Banquet (11)

Before the banquet began, the invited guests arrived one by one.

Their faces beamed with pride, as if receiving Iriel's invitation was akin to Eustia's recognition.

Nobles, adorned in their finest attire, surveyed Eustia's banquet hall with feigned indifference.

Tables glittered with dazzling jewels, soft music filled the air, and the floor was so immaculate that not a speck of dust could be found.

A pleasant, subtle fragrance wafted through the air, blending with the sparkling decorations.

A luxurious red carpet, a testament to the family's prestige, covered the floor.

The banquet hall was filled with nothing but the finest luxuries.

And the servants, in their immaculate uniforms, greeted the nobles with disciplined grace.

Every single element was more than enough to captivate the hearts of the visiting nobles.

“Hmm, the Eustia family has really outdone themselves this time,”

remarked one of the neutral nobles, overwhelmed by Eustia's grandeur.

“Well, they did say the princes were coming.”

“That's still uncertain. It wouldn't have been easy for them to decide between Yohaiden and Eustia.”

“Ha! Lady Iriel personally delivered the invitations, so there's no doubt.”

The pro-Eustia noble shook his head, as if there was no room for doubt.

The neutral noble glanced at his pocket watch. It was still much earlier than the scheduled start time of the banquet.

However, he could already see many nobles with glasses in their hands, engaged in conversation.

“The main banquet starts in two hours. My, so many people have gathered already. As expected of Eustia.”

“Come, come. Let's join them. There's someone I'd like to introduce you to over there.”


The neutral noble nodded reluctantly and followed, as if he had no other choice.

* * *

Soi Spoon frowned as she prepared for the banquet at the bakery.

“I-Is this right?”

That day, she had diligently observed various experts, learning how to apply makeup, style her hair, and dress appropriately.

However, her inexperienced hands made everything seem awkward.

“Sis! Today’s banquet……!”

Just then, her younger brother, James, opened the door and entered.

He tilted his head.


He rubbed his eyes, unsure if he was seeing things correctly.


James called out to Soi with a grave expression.

“Sis. Are you really going like that?”

“I-Is it weird?”

“Yeah, totally.”

James nodded solemnly.

Soi Spoon’s appearance could be described, at best, as a child imitating her mother’s makeup.

Her face was painted with mismatched colors, her dress was awkwardly tight around her waist, and her hair was a mess.

The only saving grace was her expensive jewelry, including a necklace and bracelets.

Of course, those were easy to wear, so it was only natural.

“Ugh……. What should I do?”

Soi looked at herself in the mirror and wailed.

Even to her own eyes, she looked nothing like the elegant ladies she had seen.

The girl in the mirror, a comical mess, mimicked her weeping.

“Oh, this won’t do. I’ll close up shop and call Mom and big sis.”

James, with a panicked expression, made a quick decision and rushed out to fetch their mother and Silia.

“Pfft! Gah! Hahaha!”

“Pfft, Soi!”


Soi bit her lip.

She was mortified, but Silia burst into laughter the moment she saw her.

Their mother tried to stifle her laughter, covering her mouth and turning away.

She had received various luxurious gifts, including a dress, for the banquet, so she couldn’t refuse to attend.

They had to leave right away.

It seemed like no one understood the gravity of her current predicament.

“I’m serious! What should I do? If I go like this, I’ll be a laughingstock!”

Soi shouted, her expression serious.

“Hehehe. So, Soi. Hehe. Don’t, pfft, worry. I’ll help you, pfft!”

“Haha, Mo, Mom will help, hoohoo, you too.”

From outside, they could hear James’s uncontrollable laughter.



That day, after the Duke’s daughters and Soi left with solemn expressions, Zeke asked with a serious look where Soi had gone.

Silia told him about the shops Soi frequented.

And then, one by one, items began to arrive at the bakery.

They were all expensive at first glance.

Even when they timidly asked what they were, the only response they received was the name “Elise” and a statement that they would be left there.

Witnessing this, Silia, their mother, and James couldn't help but think:

‘Oh my! The instructor must have given them as gifts!’

As commoners, they couldn’t help but feel burdened by such expensive gifts.

However, having seen Zeke's character, they knew that returning them would be unacceptable.

- What should we do……. If she receives too much……. Soi will feel pressured.

- L-Let’s ask Soi when she gets back and decide then.

That was their plan, but when they saw Soi return to the bakery later that night, they were even more shocked.

They had initially mistaken her for a young noblewoman visiting their humble bakery and had bowed their heads respectfully.

- So, Soi! How……. No, w-what is all this…….

- I’m, going to sleep. Don’t bother me.

Soi, with a grave expression, went into her room and pulled the blanket over her head.

- Little sis, did something happen?

- Maybe we should return the gifts…….

- No, our daughter may seem like that, but she’s thoughtful and level-headed. If she was truly uncomfortable, she wouldn’t have accepted them. And if she changes her mind, she’ll return them herself. Let’s leave them be for now.

After that, Soi's expression remained so serious that her family couldn't bring themselves to ask her about it directly.

Since she hadn’t returned the gifts, they decided to accept the situation for the time being.

As they helped Soi get ready, they finally had a chance to talk as a family.

Now, their mother and Silia were trying to lighten the mood with casual conversation.

Soi had changed out of her clothes, washed up, and was now sitting in a chair.

“Soi, we can’t make you look like those noble ladies.”

“That’s right, dear. Let’s just dress you up modestly, okay? Everyone has a style that suits them.”

Silia and their mother said as they brushed Soi’s hair.

“……I don’t want to stand out and feel self-conscious……”

Soi replied in a subdued voice.

“But the instructor is coming too, right? Ask him to keep an eye on you. He seemed quite fond of you.”

Silia said with a mischievous grin.

“N-No, it’s not like that!”

“Oh really~? With all these gifts he sent, you’re saying there’s nothing going on?”

“Well, even I thought he seemed particularly fond of you. He seemed like a sincere young man……. And he doesn't look that much older than you. To think he’s already an instructor.”

“The princesses gave me all of this.”

“Yes, yes.”

Soi grumbled in response, but her mother and sister didn’t believe her for a second.

“Soi, what kind of person is the instructor?”

Her mother asked as she applied makeup on Soi’s face.

“……The instructor?”

‘What kind of person is the instructor?’

Soi still couldn't quite answer that question.

- Found you.

- You did?

- Wait here a moment.

He rested his hand on her shoulder and stared intently at her.

His black eyes flickered, desperately searching for something.

Like a traveler seeking water in the middle of a desert.

What was he trying to see in her?

How long had their eyes met?

Suddenly, the instructor smiled brightly.

Iriel and Selena, who had been frozen in place beside them, bit their lips and ground their teeth.

- I-I’ve never seen Zeke smile like that.

- W-We shouldn’t have dressed her up. This difference from her usual appearance……. Ugh! You! This is all your fault!!!

But Soi couldn’t hear their voices.




Her heart pounded so loudly that she worried he might hear it.

“Your smile is beautiful….”

Lost in thought, Soi unconsciously mumbled the words that had come to her at that moment.

Startled, her mother and Silia stopped what they were doing, taken aback by her unexpected response to their lighthearted question.

They exchanged glances and nodded.

“I-Is that so! Then, Soi, today we’ll make sure your smile is the most beautiful thing here.”

“Y-You can count on me!!”

* * *

The banquet had already begun, and majestic music flowed from the Eustia mansion.

Almost all of the nobles and royalty who had received invitations had arrived.

Soi Spoon, who had no idea how to hail a carriage, stumbled and ran in her high heels.

‘I-I’m late!’

Her mother and Silia were equally unfamiliar with dressing up, so it had taken them far longer than expected.



She caught her breath, her chest heaving.

Finally, she arrived at the Eustia mansion.

Soi approached the guard standing at the entrance to the banquet hall.

She noticed his eyes widen slightly as he spotted her.

“H-Here’s this.”

Soi held out her invitation with trembling hands.

The man examined the invitation, then looked at her with a puzzled expression.

“Which family do you belong to, miss?”

“I-I’m a classmate who takes lessons with Iriel…”

Soi replied timidly, her voice almost inaudible.

The man frowned slightly, as if finding her response unsatisfactory.

“You dare, to Lady Iriel Eustia, speak so informally? And… a classmate…?”

The guard seemed suspicious, as if he doubted Soi’s legitimacy.

“I-I apologize. At the academy, we agreed to address each other informally, so I got a bit confused.”

“What kind of lessons are you classmates in?”


“And so, which family do you belong to, miss?”

His every question was laced with suspicion, as if he were interrogating a criminal.

Soi wanted to turn around and go home right then and there.

“….W-We’re c-commo….”

Soi closed her eyes tightly.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

A man’s voice cut in from behind them.

It was a cold, low voice.

Soi turned around at the familiar voice.

A man with jet-black hair, sharp eyes, and a military uniform.

His expression was as stoic as ever, but his brow was furrowed in displeasure.


Zeke stepped forward, shielding Soi with his body.

“Lady Elise is my student. I can attest that she received a direct invitation from Iriel during my class.”

Zeke pulled out his own invitation and presented it to the guard.

The guard’s eyes widened as he took the invitation.

“Z-Zeke Clayman!”

“That’s right. I am Zeke Clayman. Do I need to prove my identity and lineage as well?”

“N-No, sir. I am well aware of who you are, Zeke Clayman.”

“Then why did you treat this young lady in such a manner?”

Zeke’s voice was low and threatening, causing the guard to gulp nervously.

“I will personally inform Iriel that your invitation carries no weight when it comes to verifying someone’s identity.”

“B-But that’s! I apologize!!! P-Please, enter!!”

The guard bowed his head deeply, his face pale with fear.



Zeke walked forward without a word, his expression unreadable, his gaze fixed straight ahead.

Then, he turned his head slightly.



“Are you coming?”

Zeke tilted his head towards the banquet hall entrance.


Flustered, Soi hurried after Zeke.

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