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Chapter 76 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,MasterBonus chapter thanks to @Djx6 from Ko-fi!

Buried in Books

Let's graduate from the academy quickly.

I received the stack of papers Chloe handed me and followed the guidance magic she used.

Before I knew it, the dormitory appeared.

The dormitory was very neat.

You could tell they spent a lot of money on it.

Anyway, that's not important right now.

There was something more important than that.

"I should read this."

Reading the stack of papers Chloe gave me.

This was the most important thing.

It seemed like it would contain a lot of information.

Even if it didn't contain much, reading it at least once felt like it would be a very good experience for me.

With that thought, I opened the door to the dormitory and went inside.

"..Starting tomorrow?"

As I read through the stack of papers Chloe gave me, I learned a lot.

And to briefly summarize the important points:

Formal lectures start tomorrow.

There are no class divisions.

You can take the lectures you want at the time you want.

- That's about it.

It's convenient if you think about universities in reality.

But I wasn't planning on taking lectures.

"I have to study at the library."

I didn't come to the academy to take it easy.

I'm going to quickly acquire all the knowledge in the books, take the exams, and move on to the next grade.

This was my goal.

You could say it's a way to graduate from the academy quickly.

With that thought, I lay down on the bed assigned to me and fell asleep.


The next day.

A school uniform arrived in front of my room.

Chloe probably gave it to me.

After reading through the stack of papers all night, I heard that academy entrance wasn't originally this simple.

Originally, everyone attends an entrance ceremony, actively socializes,

It's like in common academy novels, but perhaps because Silvia understood my intentions perfectly, she skipped all those tedious steps and allowed me to focus solely on my studies.

"The size is perfect."

Well, it wasn't surprising anymore.

It's probably a type of magic Silvia used before.

Wearing the uniform, I headed to the library.

From now on, I was planning to stay put in the library.

With that thought, I checked my uniform once more and carried a subspace pouch on one side.

The subspace pouch was filled with jerky for easy eating.

I had no intention of leaving my seat.

How long did I walk?

"This must be the place."

A grand building greeted me.

Since the stack of papers Chloe gave me included a map of the academy, I was able to find it without getting lost.

I almost got confused.

Relieved, I carefully opened the library door.


The door opened lightly without a sound, as if it were made of expensive materials.

It certainly seemed like they invested a lot of money in it.

With that thought, I checked a part of the papers I brought again.

It remained in my head, but just in case, my memory could be wrong.

[Library Usage Guide]

The guide to using the library was written in a stylish font.

The method was extremely simple.

Choose a nearby book, find a seat, and read.

Once you're done reading a book, return it to the nearby return box.

Then the librarian will take care of organizing it later.

'..Basically open 24 hours.'

You can take care of bodily functions with magic while seated.

You can also wash up with magic.

It might be a bit uncomfortable, but since my goal was to leave the academy quickly, I couldn't rest.

It felt like I was putting in effort for the first time in a long time.

'It's annoying.'

I wasn't the type to enjoy putting in effort.

Maybe it's because I learned magic and bought a house.

It felt like situations where I had to work hard kept coming up.


Yawning, I started walking around and picking out books.

The library had a section for books containing knowledge related to exams from 1st to 4th year.

I went there and brought back a mountain of books.

First, I brought most of the books related to the 1st year exam.

Then I sat down on a nearby chair, neatly arranged the books, and began reading.


How long had I been reading?

I felt like I understood this book enough.

So I quickly moved on.

It wasn't a thick book anyway.

This should be enough.

It's all in my head anyway.

With that thought, I read the next book.


And so, I spent several days immersed in books.

How many days had passed?

Taking care of everything while seated, I couldn't help but feel my body stiffen up.

Maybe a short walk would be nice.

It felt like I was done with the 1st-year material.

Getting up from my seat, I returned all the books I had read to the return area.

'..I should have brought them back gradually.'

Perhaps because I brought them all at once, the return area was about to burst.

Well, it's not my job to organize them.

The person in charge of organizing will take care of it.

As I was leaving the library with that thought-

"Hey, you there."

Someone called out to me from behind.

Turning around, I saw a woman with dark black hair staring intently at me.

I could tell she wasn't around my age.

She looked to be in her late twenties to early thirties.

As I was thinking about her age, the woman approached me and spoke.

"Why would you bring so many books you're not even going to read? I have to organize all of this, it's driving me crazy."

"I... read them all."

"You read all those books in a week? I even saw you sleeping in between, don't be ridiculous."

"Well... there's nothing I can do if you don't believe me."

In the past, I would have tried to convince her, but now I was just annoyed.

What's the point of explaining myself when I won't even see her again?

There's no harm in not explaining myself now.

Feeling annoyed, I answered and resumed my walk.

Then, a thought occurred to me.

'Ah, let's check the forum.'

Checking the forum was also an important task.

The library was so well-equipped that I could take care of everything without leaving my seat, so I forgot to check the forum.

'I didn't know the library had sofas.'

I was planning to go back to the dormitory to sleep, but now that I knew there were sofas in the library's private rooms, there was no need to go back.

With that thought, I opened the forum-

[Real-time, is this for real? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL][13]

[Legendary shit LOLOLOLOLOLOL][4]

[Is this really happening?][2]

[Current Koruntum situation…jpg][8]

[This is legendary, seriously..][1]

It was chaotic.

I felt a bit left out.

Like an outsider.

Feeling a sense of alienation, I quickly wrote a post on the forum.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: I was busy with something else, what's the forum frenzy about???]

[Content: Seriously, what's going on? Anyone know?]

After posting, comments started pouring in.

It seems like there are a lot of people on the forum.

There's no way it could be this fast otherwise.

L: Koruntum just got raided LOL

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ, it's crazy

L: Instead of looking it up yourself, you're just asking? Sigh, freeloading bastard LOL

ã„´: LOL for real

ã„´: Look it up yourself

ã„´: Seriously, freeloaders are so annoying

L: It's legendary in Koruntum right now

ã„´: I don't know how many days you've been off the forum, but the Koruntum you knew is gone LOL

L: Search 'Koruntum' on the forum LOL


It seemed like something strange was happening.

So I carefully searched for Koruntum on the forum.

After searching for a while.


I understood the current situation in Koruntum.

So I immediately wrote a post summarizing the situation.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: So is this the current situation???]

[Content: A hidden Legion Commander was summoned in the middle of Koruntum, and since all the adventurers thought it was over and were resting, a lot of them died, is that right??]

Comments immediately started rolling in.

L: Yeah

L: That's right

L: But why are you late to the party LOL There were so many posts summarizing it, you could have just read those

ã„´: LOL for real

ã„´: Late to the party STCH

ã„´: This is hilarious LOLOLOL

L: The Legion Commander is super high-ranking too LOL An Archmage was dispatched to Koruntum

ã„´: If an Archmage went, it's over

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ, not just anyone, but an Archmage

ã„´: They're practically national powerhouses

'..It should be fine.'

There's not much I can do even if I go now.

It's better to grow stronger here and then go.

With that thought, I took a short walk and returned to the library.

As I entered the library, I saw the librarian who had spoken to me earlier.

She was glaring at me with a tired expression.

"Uh... hello?" I said hesitantly.

"Just put the books back on the cart," she grumbled, gesturing to a nearby cart piled high with books. "You're not getting off that easy next time."


I quickly returned the books to the cart, trying to avoid her gaze. It seemed I had made quite the first impression.

Shaking off the awkward encounter, I headed deeper into the library. There was a lot of ground to cover if I wanted to graduate quickly. I just hoped the forum wouldn't explode with another crisis anytime soon.

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  1. I really like the way MC isn't part of every conflicts. It's a breath of fresh air that shows MC is a normal being that isn't some world problem solving genius
