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Chapter 75 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

Reunion with the Master

The first thing I did after entering Lukphelton was to find a map.

I had a good memory, so once I saw a map, I wouldn't forget it.

Of course, a map of the entire Lukphelton was quite expensive.

So I had no intention of buying it.

I was going to pretend to check if it was genuine and memorize it.

With that in mind, I approached the merchant selling the map.

“One gold for a map of Lukphelton!!”

“I’m thinking of buying it, but can I take a look to see if it’s a proper map before I buy it?”

I asked politely.

I didn't want to pick a fight.

I didn't want to fight either.

With that in mind, I asked.

“Well, whatever… I don’t mind.”

“Ah, then let me check it out for a moment.”

“Yes, yes.”

The merchant said that and shouted again, but he didn’t take his eyes off me.

He’s probably suspicious that I’m going to run away.

Thinking so, I handed the map back to him.

“I don’t think I need to buy it.”

I said that and quickly left the place.

I thought it would be a bit awkward if I was suspected for no reason.

I memorized the map in my head and started walking towards the academy.


How long have I been walking?

Thump, thump.

Finally, a huge building began to appear before my eyes.

Perhaps because Lukphelton itself was so vast, the academy was also huge.

It's to the point where it's a shame to even compare it to Baruk.

Thinking so, I pulled myself together.

I can't make a mistake here.

I will perfectly graduate from the academy and return to Baruk.

“Stop, what’s your business here?”

As I was about to approach the academy gate, a guard blocked my way.

They must be blocking outsiders.

So I took out the invitation I had put in my pocket and handed it to him.

And a moment later.

“Please come in.”

The guard's tone became very polite.

It was understandable.

Entering the academy meant that you were from a very wealthy family, or a noble family.

From the guard’s point of view, there was no reason not to use honorifics to us.

Thinking that, I entered the academy.

Students were visible everywhere.

First, I need to find the headmaster of the academy.

If I go to the headmaster and present the invitation, he will take care of the procedure.

‘…Where would he be?’

If I use detection magic here, there’s a high chance that other people will notice.

Basically, detection magic is about spreading mana to detect the surroundings.

It means there is a high possibility of feeling the flow of mana.

Since using magic inside the academy didn’t seem like a good idea, I decided to ask the students around me.

So, I approached a girl who was looking at me and asked,

“Excuse me, do you know where the headmaster is? I’m here to see him.”

“The headmaster?”


“The headmaster… If you look over there, there’s a strangely shaped building. He’s likely to be there.”

“Thank you for your answer.”

After thanking her, I went to find the headmaster.

By the way, she spoke to me formally.

It was a very fresh experience.

In this world, if I speak formally first, people usually ignore it and speak informally.

Indeed, educated people are different.

I think I understand, just a little, why people who are not nobles send their children to academies.

While I was thinking about it, I arrived in front of the strangely shaped building.

Knock knock.

I knocked on the door.

And after a while.


The door opened by itself.

As if inviting me in.

Unsure, I used a barrier on my body and entered the building.

I don’t trust people easily.

I tend to be suspicious.

As I went up the stairs, using the barrier,


I felt a familiar mana.

Well, should I say I felt the mana that I felt when I lived with Silvia?

With a suspicious feeling, I quickly climbed the stairs—

“You’ve arrived.”


Silvia was waiting.

To be precise, I should say Asil.


By the way, I was curious.

Wasn’t Silvia on the battlefield?

"You have no idea why I'm here."

As I looked at Silvia with that question in my eyes, she gave a slight smile and spoke.

"I asked for a moment to see you. It's been a while, and I wanted to see you."

That's how I got to meet Silvia.


"So, you're saying you defeated Andromalius?"

"Yes, yes. It wasn't that difficult."

"Of course, you are my disciple after all."

"Ahem, well, that's true."

Being with Silvia made me feel a little calmer.

Although we'd only been together for about a month, I'd grown fond of her during that time.

It felt comfortable, to say the least.

With that in mind, I began to talk about the main issue.

"By the way, where is the Headmaster?"

"Ah, he's gone to teach the students for a while. You came while he was away."

"So you came secretly...?"

"No. That's not it. I came because there's a lull in the battle."

A lull in the battle.

Certainly, I hadn't heard anything about the battle being difficult in the forum lately.

As I was thinking about this, I asked the question I was most curious about.

"By the way, that DieIllegally in the forum, he's an archmage, right?"

"That's right."

"I thought so. His way of speaking was a bit professional."

"He's a friend with definite skills."

I immediately asked the next question.

"Um... is it okay if I pretend to know you on the posts that Master wrote in the forum? There were things I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to ask because it might be inappropriate..."

I thought it would be nice if she could allow me to do that.

Because I was a little conscious of what others might think.

As I asked her, thinking that-

"Well... it doesn't matter, but that doesn't mean you should ask anything too useless."

"Oh, of course."

As she spoke, Silvia came closer to me and fiddled with my cheek.

She used to do this sometimes when we lived together, fiddling with my cheek.

I don't know why.

Maybe it's because my cheeks are soft.

Thinking that, I told her everything that had happened.

It was a longer story than I thought, but it didn't feel tiring to tell it to Silvia.

And after some time had passed...

"Hmm, I see. Then it would be most important for you to learn about subspace magic at the academy."

"Yes, that's why I'm here."

"It's a bit difficult for me to teach you about subspace magic. There are professors who specialize in teaching subspace magic, and teaching it personally could be problematic."


I see.

There was a reason Silvia wouldn't teach me subspace magic.

It seemed like it was forbidden to teach subspace magic privately.

For a mage like Silvia to say such a thing, subspace magic must have been controlled by very powerful individuals.

With that thought, I sat on the sofa and spent time talking with Silvia.

And how much time had passed?


A door opened in the air, and a face I had never seen before appeared.

It was a woman with long, red hair.

Her clothes were quite unique.

Should I say she was wearing something like a Hanbok?

Considering this was another world, it was a very strange sight.

As I was pondering this, the woman with red hair opened her mouth.

"...Are you the disciple that Asil has been bragging so much about?"

"Ah, yes."

It seemed like she didn't like me very much.

As I grew slightly nervous, Asil whispered to me from behind.

- She's just jealous because she doesn't have a disciple. She took in disciples but kicked them all out for being incompetent, and even though she spent a lot of money, she failed to raise a proper disciple while I succeeded without spending a dime, that's why she's like this.

Hearing the explanation, I understood why the woman with red hair in front of me was reacting this way.

As I was thinking about this, the woman in front of me sighed and spoke.

"I am Chloe, the Headmistress of the academy. You can consider me to be of the same rank as Asil, an Archmage."

"Ah... Yes."

I see.

No wonder the mana I felt from her was unusual.

It made sense if she was an Archmage.

Amazed, I cautiously spoke.

“By the way, what should I do now? The invitation said to meet the Headmaster.”

Chloe looked at Asil as she spoke.

And then-

“Well then, I must be on my way. My disciple, stay in touch. Let’s meet again next time.”

With those words, Asil disappeared.

And what remained were me and Chloe.

It was time to have an in-depth discussion about academy life.

“Ah, that bitch. Look at her, not breaking character. Ugh.”


“Ah, be quiet. Come here and take this.”

Chloe said so and pointed to a bundle of papers.

…It seemed like academy life was going to be a little tough.

Therefore, I made up my mind once again.

To graduate from the academy quickly.

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