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Chapter 23 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

A Vain Person (3)

The schedule at Galimar Academy was relentless.

As the most prestigious educational institution on the continent, its curriculum boasted a level of difficulty to match.

Freshmen were not exempt from this rigor.

There was no grace period for adjustment.

Lectures were a whirlwind of specialized knowledge and complex dissertations.

Assignments rained down like a torrential downpour.

The Spartan education seemed to scream, "If you can't handle this, you don't belong in Galimar."

And all of this had transpired in just one week.

- This is insane.

- I knew Galimar was notorious, but… I didn't expect it to be this bad.

- Did you guys finish the assignment? I can't make heads or tails of it…

- More importantly, we have a practical exam in just two weeks? How can there be eight exams in one semester?

Class A. The shining future of the Empire.

Only the highest-ranking students were gathered in this class, but even they were not safe from the clutches of academic pressure.

In fact, they were being worked even harder.

As members of the advanced class, the weight of their responsibility pressed down on them.

- Before we begin the lecture… all assignments for Class A will be three times the length of regular classes.

- Exceptional talent requires commensurate cultivation.

- These are the Headmaster's orders. Please strive to fulfill them diligently.

The surprising thing was that there were no dropouts yet.

Perhaps it was because they were all elites from prestigious families, or maybe they had come prepared.

Of course, they still grumbled amongst themselves.


Not that I cared.

As I idly twirled my pen, the pink-haired creature sitting next to me hesitantly spoke.

"Y-Young Master…?"

"Ah, Miss Regia."

"I-I was working on the assignment, a-and I came across something I don't understand…"

"Oh my~ It seems I must be of assistance!"

I had long since graduated from the academics of the original story.

In my quest for happy endings, I had repeated countless studies.

Unless it was the latest thesis from a magic tower or an alchemist, nothing could faze me.

"Let's see… a problem dealing with the limits of illusion magic?"

"Y-Yes, that's it. N-No matter how many times I try to solve it, I keep arriving at a paradox…"

In that sense, our protagonist's newbie struggles were enough to stir the heart of a veteran like myself.

Her emerald eyes welled up with frustration.

"I-It's too difficult… I-I can't… solve it…"

"It's not difficult at all. This type of problem can be easily solved using 'Ilya's Formula.' Let me show you."


I flashed a smile and scooted closer.

Was she flustered by my enthusiastic demeanor? Regia reacted adorably.

Her face even seemed to flush a little.

"Now, now, focus."

"Ah, y-yes…"

I explained the problem step by step.

As we were finishing up the assignment, the girl who had been observing us from behind spoke up.

It was Irene, her expression indifferent.



"I didn't know you were good at studying too."

"Hmph, I was quite the honor student, you know?"

I couldn't help but puff out my chest a little.

The feeling of being helpful to the protagonist… it brought an indescribable sense of joy.

"Y-You explained it so kindly, Young Master… Hehe, thank you."

"You're a bright student."

Beaming, I concluded the impromptu tutoring session.

Time had flown by while we were engrossed in the assignment. We rose from our seats.

"Shall we head back then?"


"Finally done?"

We exited the quiet library.

As we left the space filled with the scent of books and paper, the afternoon sunlight brushed against our eyes.

A cool breeze greeted us.


The scenery outside the building was that of spring.

Freshly blooming flower petals, the swaying of the grass, the gentle warmth of the sun…

We strolled along the peaceful path.

"The weather is lovely today."


"I'm struck by how beautiful the Galimar campus is."

"It is the size of a small city, after all."

"There's a reason why it's considered the best."

As we exchanged light banter, a group approached from the opposite direction. They were fellow first-year students.

Were they also heading to work on assignments?

I tried to pass by with a casual nod, but something felt off.

Their gazes were blatantly hostile.

- So that's him? The one Lady Vanity was talking about.

I discreetly focused my hearing.

Using a lie to enhance my senses to the limit, I could make out the whispers of the passing students.

Their words were laced with animosity.

- He doesn't look that strong… How did he manage to secure the top spot?

- Oh, didn't you see the class placement exam?

- I only heard that Her Highness the Princess forfeited.

- She's quite the enigmatic one.

- She must have thought he was pathetic.

- Decided he wasn't worth her time.

- Well, he's the one who stayed behind.

They would never have imagined I could hear them.

We were quite a distance apart, after all.

Unfortunately for them, I could hear everything if I wanted to.

Even if they were on the opposite side of the continent, their conversations wouldn't be safe from me.

A sinister smile crept onto my face.

'Emilia again, huh?'

I pondered the name I had briefly overheard.

Even though a week had passed since the semester began, the students' opinions of me were still unfavorable.

I hadn't exactly given them any reason to think otherwise.

Most of them considered me a fraud.

Even the few who didn't were still on the fence, adopting a "neutral stance."

Emilia had played a significant role in shaping this public opinion.

- I'll make you regret it.

It seemed her empty threats were not so empty after all.

She was diligently following through on her warning.

Manipulating public opinion, tarnishing my reputation…

It appeared her plan was to isolate me before slowly crushing me. It was quite amusing to watch.

"The name 'Vanity' sure carries a lot of weight, doesn't it?"

Second only to the Imperial family, they were the ones who ruled the Empire.

The students had no choice but to be wary of the villainess, lest they face her wrath.

Of course, I doubted Emilia would go that far.

Though she was quite twisted due to her inferiority complex, she wasn't so far gone as to resort to violence.

She was just a typical villainess, driven by her insecurities.

"Still, it's starting to get annoying… What should I do?"

As I pondered how to entertain myself with this situation, Irene, who had been chuckling beside me, whispered,

"By 'Vanity,' you mean that blue-haired girl we encountered before?"


"Planning to kill her?"

"I have no idea why you always jump to that conclusion."

Did she really want me to kill someone that badly?

As I stared at her with a dumbfounded look, the fox awkwardly averted her gaze.

"Never mind…"

"Do I really seem like such a bad person?"

"Well, you walk around with a murderous aura and a sinister smile plastered on your face. What do you expect people to think?"

"This is just my face."

Judging someone based on their appearance…

What a sad world we lived in.

It wasn't like I chose to look this way.

As I pouted in frustration, a sudden exclamation reached my ears.

"N-No, that's not true…!"


A voice filled with apprehension.

Turning around, I saw the pink-haired girl. She was trembling but bravely holding her head high. It was quite a pitiful sight.

What was she trying to say?

"Y-Young Master isn't… a bad person!"



"Young Master is… a good person! He's not bad at all…"

"Goodness gracious."

I couldn't help but cover my mouth in surprise.

Did our protagonist just defend me? Saying I wasn't a bad person?

"Y-Young Master is… a kind person! S-Scary, maybe! B-But not bad…!"

Her emerald eyes darted around nervously.

But despite her fear, she spoke each word with conviction, determined to defend me.

To think our protagonist would stand up for me like this…

How could I not be moved?

This called for at least thirty liters of tears!

Unable to contain my overflowing joy, I responded with a bright smile.

"I'm touched, Miss Regia."

"Y-You've always been so helpful, Young Master…"

"Indeed, indeed."

Now this was the proper reaction.

Unlike a certain ungrateful fox I knew. Maybe she should take some notes. I shot a pointed look at Irene.

"Why?" she asked.

"Don't you feel anything after seeing Miss Regia's display?"



"There's nothing to feel."

She refused to admit defeat.

Fine, then. Let's try a different approach.

With mock annoyance, I grabbed her fluffy, crimson tail.

"Eek?!" she yelped.

"Consider this your punishment," I said.

"H-Hey, let go! Not the tail! It's sensitive—Aah?!"

"Just accept your fate."

Our bickering continued.

The walk back to the dormitory promised to be a lively one.


Several days passed.

We were all gradually settling into our academy life.

Humans are creatures of habit, as they say.

Even the students who were initially overwhelmed by Galimar's demanding schedule had found their rhythm.

I, too, went about my days, trying to blend in.

- Fraudulent top student.

Unfortunately, the nasty rumors persisted.

They were becoming more frequent and widespread, as if fueled by someone's burning rage. I must have struck a nerve.

But so far, nothing major had happened.

Or rather, it felt like the stage was being set for something big.

My instincts told me that something interesting was about to unfold.

'I can't wait.'

Even in the face of impending doom, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation.

And then, finally, the day arrived.

"Well, well, well. What seems to be the problem here?" I chirped.

Upon entering the classroom, I was greeted by a rather intriguing sight.

A group of students, including the villainess herself, had surrounded the protagonist, who was slumped on the floor.

"Y-Young Master…!" Regia cried out, her eyes meeting mine.

She didn't appear physically hurt… perhaps her legs had given out?

It seemed she had been through quite an ordeal while I was away.

"Excuse me," I said, striding towards the gathering.

As I approached, a figure stepped forward, blocking my path.

"I was wondering where you had run off to, leaving the commoner to fend for herself," a haughty voice sneered.

Blue hair.

Arrogant tone.

I smiled knowingly.

"I had a feeling someone would be waiting for my grand entrance."

"How brazen."

"I'll take that as a compliment."


Emilia let out a mocking laugh.

Her lips might have curved into a smile, but her eyes held nothing but venomous scorn.

"Your charade ends today," she declared.


"I'm going to expose you for the fraud you are. Did you enjoy your time as the fake top student?"

"It's been quite entertaining, thanks to you."

"I do hope you find the upcoming events just as amusing."

With that, she clasped her hands together.

Her gloved fingers moved gracefully, peeling off the white fabric to reveal her pale skin beneath.

Her intentions were crystal clear.


The sound of the glove hitting my chest echoed through the room.

The discarded garment fluttered to the floor.

Before I could react, Emilia spoke again, her voice laced with icy determination.

"I, Emilia Vanity, challenge Judas Snakus to a duel in the name of honor and order."

A duel.

A challenge no self-respecting noble could refuse.

The villainess was determined to settle the score.

"The price of defeat… is to leave Galimar Academy, at the victor's discretion."

Her blue eyes glinted with malice.

A murmur erupted among the onlookers.

They had clearly not anticipated such high stakes. Gasps and whispers filled the air as all eyes turned to us.

The atmosphere crackled with tension.

"Well?" Emilia pressed. "What is your answer?"

All eyes were on me, awaiting my response.

A sinister smile spread across my face. Without hesitation, I gave them the answer they craved.

"I accept."


Expulsion, huh?

This was going to be fun.

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  1. I like where's this is going.I can't wait to watch how Judas will play with her and change the conditions of victory.

  2. Is their are untranslated version because I cant find it
