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Chapter 22 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

A Vain Person (2)

"Good day, Lady."

A sly greeting.

I hide Regia, who is trembling with fear, behind me. In front of me appears the villainess with blue hair.

I draw a relaxed smile.

"It's an honor to see you again."


Her lips twist.

Emilia lets out an overt sneer.

"To think you're protecting such a coward... Birds of a feather flock together, I suppose?"

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Which part?"

"If I'm someone who suits Miss Regia, it's a great honor in life."

"Not a great disgrace?"

"It varies from person to person."


Emilia taps her lips as if she finds it ridiculous.

Her characteristic insolent smile stands out.

An oddly tense confrontation ensues.

The girl's blue eyes are filled with malicious intent.

"To be in the same class as a man like this. It feels like my own level is dropping."

"I am also pleased to have you as a classmate, Lady."

"How disgusting."

The girl clicks her tongue briefly. Her reaction is laced with contempt.

"Top of the grade... I hope you don't mistakenly think that's your rightful place."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"I must admit, your shameless attitude is impressive."


"If Her Highness the Princess hadn't suddenly withdrawn... You would never be in this position."

Is she unable to accept the results of the class placement exam?

It was a somewhat expected reaction.

While the faculty could observe the inside of the barrier through magical tools, the students couldn't.

To their eyes, it must have looked like Charlotte went easy on me.

That's why I was still called a bubble top student.

Because I hadn't shown a convincing process.

In an academy full of proud geniuses, it was perhaps a natural reaction.

"This is not a place for someone like you."

"To think you would say something so disappointing... I considered you a worthy rival, Lady."

"Oh my, how unpleasant."

Emilia was no different.

She did not acknowledge me. No, it would be more accurate to say she could not acknowledge me.

"If you want to consider me a rival... shouldn't you at least have the skills to match?"

A venomous glint flickered in her blue eyes.

At first glance, it seemed like she was angry about an unfair outcome, but I knew the true nature of the emotions she felt.

What she felt was none other than...


It was an inferiority complex stemming from a desire for recognition.

The type who excessively obsesses over others' opinions.

Such people often lose themselves in jealousy, which manifests in negative behaviors.

Emilia was exactly that kind of person.

"I can't believe I've been pushed down to third place because of someone like you..."

A vain person.

Vanity is essentially a craving for recognition, and when deprived of others' attention, it leaves a deep wound.

In short, it was a disease carried in one's heart.


There is a suitable way to deal with such people.

"You are already in a very esteemed position, Lady."

It is to offer sincere encouragement.

Judging by her attitude, I wanted to cast an illusion spell on her right away, but considering she was a person in pain, I didn't want to be too harsh.


I smiled brightly.

Fulfilling her need for recognition.

In the original story, she couldn't control her thirst and went astray, but maybe this time it could be different.

If I could fill her void.

"Isn't this situation truly absurd?"

=I don't understand.


"Well, it's just that... you are 'third place,' Lady. I don't think you're in any position to say anything to me, the top student."

=You are also ranked third, Lady. There's no need to be jealous of the top rank; your position is quite high.

"What did you say...?!"

Emilia's reaction was intense.

It seemed she was embarrassed by the compliment. But I had no intention of letting her go.

This was a form of praise disguised as a gentle pat.

I would elevate her so high that she'd be buried in shame.

"It's alright. Being third is still a commendable achievement, isn't it? Even though I hold the top rank."

=It's okay. Being third is excellent.

"Third place... Pfft, it's truly a position worthy of being a role model for students."

=You are someone who can be a role model for students.

"And yet, you call me an inflated top rank? It makes me laugh."

=You see right through my inflated top rank. It's so endearing that it makes me laugh.

"I expected more from the daughter of the Duke of Vanity... Seeing you, I now understand the level of the Vanity family."

=Seeing such an outstanding lady, I can feel the prestige of the Vanity family once again.

Before I knew it, the girl's face had turned red. [T/N: I feel sorry for her…]

Her slender shoulders trembled intermittently.

Had I praised her too embarrassingly?

Perhaps she felt humiliated because other students were listening.


For some reason, Regia, who was standing behind, started hiccupping.

She looked at me with a pale face.

Had something gone wrong?

"How dare... How dare a lowly snake like you insult me, the daughter of Vanity...!"

"I merely stated the facts."

"Don't be ridiculous! Did you think you could get away with such an insult?!"

"Insult? That was the highest praise I could give you, Lady."

"Don't be ridiculous!!"

The trembling villainess glared at me with wide eyes.

It seemed my lavish praise had broken her down.

How pleased must she be to have even her lips twitching?

Perhaps it was natural for a smile to appear.

As I gazed at the girl with a satisfied expression, an excited voice soon returned.

"Let's see how long that arrogant attitude lasts!"

"Oh my~ If you approach me so eagerly, I'll be embarrassed."


When I smiled awkwardly, the villainess's eyes turned icy cold.

"You better be careful. Before I really destroy you."

"How scary."

"You might die."

Well, death, huh.

I do have some expertise in killing...

"I'll look forward to it."

"I hope so. So everyone can see your pathetic self."

Emilia spat out coldly and turned her back.

The girl led her followers and left the place.

'Did I embarrass her too much? Her reaction is quite fierce.'

I thought as I watched her bun hair recede into the distance.

As I tilted my head in confusion, I felt numerous gazes following.



All the students had rabbit-like eyes.

Everyone was holding their breath in shock. Even Regia showed a similar reaction.

"Why is everyone like this...?"

Did I do something wrong?


"Why is everyone like this...?"

As if the tense atmosphere just moments ago was all a lie, the boy asked nonchalantly.

It was a moment that fully revealed his characteristic shamelessness.


Regia stared blankly at the boy.

Seeing his sly smile, the tension in her heart gradually eased.

The breath she had been holding back escaped.

The cold sweat on her forehead dripped to the floor.

-What a fitting pair.

-One is a bubble top student... and the other is a clueless outsider.

When Lady Vanity suddenly spoke, Regia felt as if her body froze momentarily.

It felt like my mind had been completely bleached white.

Only a severe trembling existed at my fingertips.

It was a kind of imprinted fear.

-You need to be aware of your own presence.

-This place is for those who are qualified... It's not a place where mere commoners can intrude.

It happened just a few days ago.

The placement test in which I was helplessly defeated. Just recalling that memory made my shoulders shrink involuntarily.

-Leave, outsider.

Cold, blue eyes.

The softly whispering voice crushed my heart. Every scene was vividly clear.

Maybe that's why.

Regia couldn't help but be terrified.

Receiving those contemptuous gazes made it hard to breathe little by little. My heart pounded as if it would burst.

Just before suffocating from the pressure, what saved the girl was...


It was the boy with squinted eyes again.

He hid the panicked Regia behind his back and faced Lady Vanity alone.

-Good day, Lady.

Snakus, a prestigious family with a long history and tradition.

There was no doubt about its high standing in the Empire, but even that became a speck of dust in front of a duke's family.

It was the limit set by birth.

Normally, it would have been impossible to even make eye contact.

But Judas willingly stepped forward.

He accepted the malicious provocations of the lady and even engaged in a tense battle of nerves.

-You'd better be careful. Before I really crush you.

-How scary.

-You might die.

-I look forward to it.

It was not a beneficial action at all.

The opponent was the eldest daughter of the most esteemed family in the Empire. It was clear that nothing good would come from getting on her bad side.

Nevertheless, the boy continued to protect Regia.

'Why on earth.'

A muttered question that naturally came to mind.

In fact, this wasn't the first time.

Every moment spent with the boy brought forth an unending question.

'Why is he doing so much for me?'

It had been that way since their first meeting.

His attitude was so kind it was hard to understand.

The boy always took care of Regia.

Especially a few days ago, on a rainy day, he even came looking for her with an umbrella.

The words he said then were still clear in her mind.

-How are you, Miss Regia?

-Would you allow me to come closer?

He was a person she couldn't comprehend.

She wanted to ask.

What exactly was he doing this for?

Why was he being so good to someone as weak and insignificant as herself?

"Miss Regia?"

"...Ah, yes. Young Master."

Lost in complicated thoughts, the boy tapped her shoulder lightly.

He smiled brightly and spoke.

"It seems we've been delayed a bit... Shall we head back now?"

"Yes, yes...!"

Regia snapped out of her daze and nodded.

She turned back towards the carriage stop.

As she took a step, something gently patted her head.

"Eek... Y-young Master?"

It was none other than Judas.

He wore his usual playful smile.

"There's no need to be scared."


"I mean Lady Vanity. You seemed worried about her from earlier."


Had it been that obvious?

Regia hurriedly tried to compose her stiff expression. She felt her face heating up.

Then, his voice came again.

"If anything happens, I'll protect you. So don't worry too much."


"We're friends, after all."


There was a unique warmth in his kindness.

Her head moved following his gentle touch. An inexplicable ticklish feeling lingered in her chest.

Was it because of the awkward word 'friend'?

"...Thank you."

Regia subtly averted her gaze.

'As expected, an incomprehensible person.'

She murmured softly to herself.

The girl organized her tangled thoughts and started walking towards the bus stop.


Meanwhile, in an alley near the dormitory building.

There was a girl taking out her anger on an innocent wall.


Her fist struck the hard wall with force.

A dull thud echoed, leaving a stinging pain behind.

Despite this, perhaps her anger had not subsided, as the girl with blue hair threw her fist several more times.

Thud, thud-!

"How dare you...! A mere bubble top student!"

Her eyes were filled with a venomous light.

Before she knew it, her knuckles were torn and bleeding, but the girl gritted her teeth harshly.

"A lowly snake dares! To the noble bloodline of Vanity...!"

The detestable squinting eyes flashed before her.

She chewed over the taunts that lingered in her ears. Her pupils glistened with hatred.

-Third place, huh... Pfft, truly a position worthy of being a role model for students.

-I had high expectations since you are the young lady of the Duke of Vanity... Seeing you, I can tell the level of the Vanity family.


Her teeth ground together.

Judas Snakus. The 'bubble' top student, as she liked to call him.

The insults she had endured from someone she considered beneath her cut deeper than any blade.

The girl recalled.

-I look forward to it.

The boy smiled ominously.

She wanted to tear apart that pale face right then and there.

"You may be so arrogant now... Let's see how long that lasts."

Her murmuring voice was filled with murderous intent.

The girl had no intention of letting this situation slide. She was determined to set things right.

She would drag him down to the bottom.

"A duel... though I doubt a fraud like him would even have the guts to accept."

Muttering a venomous sneer, the girl started walking.

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  1. Ngl, if our MC fights her with that tongue during the duel, I feel like she may just break down on the spot and cry.
