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Chapter 2 - Extra C's Childhood Friend is the World's Strongest Heroine

I had possessed a character who was an extra C, from a novel I read as a child. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,Academy,EFWSH,Fantasy,Possession,Magic

Rudellheit Weinstein

A warm spring breeze blew.

Under the clear blue sky, a lush green plain stretched out.

And. A carriage was moving along that plain.


With a low groan, the boy looked out the carriage window at the scenery.

Light brown hair reminiscent of hazelnuts and emerald green eyes.

Pale skin from lack of sunlight and thick black-rimmed glasses.

He was a boy with a gentle appearance that gave the impression of harmlessness.

His name was Rudell.

Rudellheit Weinstein.

He was the only child of the Weinstein Viscounty, a minor aristocratic family in the remote countryside, and was destined to inherit the title in the future.

And. He was also a being fundamentally different from others in this world.

"You seem nervous."

The man sitting across from him spoke to the boy who was groaning softly.

Slightly darker brown hair than Rudell's.

Yellow eyes reminiscent of topaz.

He was a man with a gentle impression, thanks to his soft eyes, thick glasses, and thin physique.

His name was Carlos Weinstein.

Rudell's father and the head of the Weinstein Viscounty.

He was also known as Carl among those who knew him well.

"Of course... I can't help but be nervous."

Rudell grumbled in response to Carl's words.

"It's the birthday of 'the' Princess Lagrind, after all."

Princess Lagrind.

Her full name was Leje El Lagrind.

She was the only daughter of the Lagrind Dukedom, one of the most prestigious noble families in the kingdom, so famous that there was no one who didn't know her.

And, at the same time, she was the person who would be at the center of the great events that would unfold in the distant future.

If you were to ask why he knew that, the answer was surprisingly simple.

Because this world was the world of a novel he had read a long time ago.

Seven years ago, in the winter.

He had lost his life in an accident while working as a construction worker to earn some extra money.

The last thing he felt was the sensation of falling endlessly downward.

What followed was an endless darkness.

When he opened his eyes again after losing consciousness in the darkness that covered his eyes, everything had changed.

The scenery around him, the people looking at him...

Even his own appearance.

He didn't know what had happened, but somehow he had been reborn as Rudellheit Weinstein, a character in the novel and an extra of about C-level importance.

At first, it was confusing, but now, after seven years, he had completely adapted to his new life.

"This day has finally come..."

Rudell looked out the window with a depressed voice.

"I want to go home."

He wanted to avoid getting involved with the characters in the novel as much as possible.

That was because the novel's content was cruel and had a dark, depressing nature.

It was common for major characters to die suddenly.

Other supporting characters and extras were literally swept away like dust.

The novel's content was so brutal that most of the characters except for the main character and heroine died after the final battle.


This meant that if he got involved with the main or supporting characters, he, who was not even an extra A but a C, would also find it difficult to survive.

"I just want to live a normal and quiet life..."

Didn't someone say that?

That the hardest thing in the world is to live an ordinary life.

Feeling the meaning of those words deeply, Rudell let out a short sigh.

"We'll be arriving soon."

Carl, who was sitting across from him, said so, and Rudell turned his head following Carl's gaze.


And, a low exclamation escaped from his mouth, which had been showing a depressed expression just a moment ago.

The sight of a huge city surrounded by high walls.

The central city of the Lagrind Dukedom and one of the five largest and most prosperous cities in the kingdom.

People called it 'Lagrandria'.

"It's amazing..."

He couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of the city, which was far grander and more magnificent than the scenery he had imagined while reading the novel as a child.

Its overwhelming presence, enough to make a viscounty look insignificant, was a fresh shock to him, who had only lived in a viscounty that was little more than a large village.

Its enormous scale was not far behind that of modern cities.

The sight of the buildings and roads made of the white stone unique to the Lagrind Dukedom, and the people in clothes reminiscent of early modern Europe coming and going on the streets, was enough to catch his eye.

It felt like he was on a trip.

Rudell, who was staring at the sight in a daze, could feel his heart pounding.

But, only for a moment.


Turning his head with a low cough, Rudell slowly took a deep breath to calm his excitement.

He wasn't a child, so what was he supposed to do by getting excited over something like this?

In the first place, this was not a place where one could leisurely enjoy a trip.

It was a dog-eat-dog world where the weak could not survive.

It was the world of the nobles.

It was commonplace for families caught up in political strife to fall, and for other families to take their place.

If that was the life of high-ranking nobles, what about the Weinstein family, which was nothing more than a viscounty in the remote countryside?

"There's no need to be so nervous, Rudell. No one's going to eat you, are they?"

Carl said that while looking at him taking a deep breath, but Rudell still couldn't relax.

There were things in the world that were better left unknown.

The fact that he could do almost nothing even though he knew what would happen in the future made Rudell feel powerless.

"No one will pay attention to us here anyway. We'll just make an appearance and go back."

"I hope it goes that way."

He had to avoid getting involved with dangerous people at all costs.

With a short sigh and that thought in mind, Rudell looked out the window at the passing scenery.

And so, after a while, the carriage carrying the two of them continued down the road.


Rudell let out a low exclamation as he saw a certain building that began to appear in the distance.

A building so massive that it could be called a castle rather than a mansion.

The mansion, boasting a magnificent scale, and the surrounding spires exuded an overwhelming presence.

Its presence was so great that Rudell felt a sense of intimidation just by looking at the mansion.

"That's the Duke's mansion."

"It's enormous..."

The sight of the mansion, which was enormous even by the standards of Rudell, who had the perspective of a modern Earthling.

As the mansion got closer, anxiety rose in Rudell's heart.

"Let's get ready."

"Yes, Father."

In the world of nobles, one's attire, etiquette, and every single action could become a weakness.

Rudell let out a short sigh as he adjusted his clothes, following Carl's example.

Meanwhile, the carriage carrying the two arrived at the entrance of the mansion, and Rudell looked out the window and let out a low groan.

"Oh my god..."

A line of carriages filled the entrance of the mansion.

The Lagrind Dukedom is considered one of the most prominent noble families in the kingdom.

As such, the entrance to the mansion was crowded with guests from all over the kingdom, leaving no room to step.

"I feel tired already."

Carlos, who was watching the scene, also frowned as if he had a headache and waited his turn.

After a while, their turn came...

"Please present your invitation."

A man who appeared to be a servant of the mansion spoke to them as they arrived at the checkpoint.

At the same time, Carl took out an envelope with the Lagrind Dukedom's seal from his pocket and handed it to the servant.

"Welcome, Viscount Weinstein. We hope you enjoy your time in the Dukedom."

The servant, after checking the invitation inside the envelope, bowed to Carl.

The guards blocking the entrance stepped aside to make way, and the carriage carrying the two of them sped off towards the Duke's mansion, which could be seen in the distance.



A sigh of tension escaped from Rudell's mouth as he watched the Duke's mansion getting closer and closer.

If by any chance.

Even if it was unlikely, he had to avoid getting involved with the Princess at all costs.

The second life he had somehow obtained.

One meaningless death was enough.

He would not let his second life end in the same way.

With that determination in his heart, Rudell looked at the Duke's mansion as it gradually drew closer.

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