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Chapter 70 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master


I accepted the griffin hunting request, came home, and lay down on the bed.

Then I opened the forum.

I needed to gather some information about the academy.

I wouldn't be staying at the academy for long.

I was planning to leave as soon as I obtained all the information in the library and learned about subspace magic.

I didn't like those kinds of institutions very much.

"...I'll get what I need and leave right away."

I could ask Silvia for a letter of recommendation.

There was a way, but I didn't want to do that.

There was a reason why I barely contacted Silvia on the forum.

I didn't want to bother her, so why would I contact her now?

That would be absurd.

And I thought I would work hard if I paid with my own money.

I was lazy by nature, so it was difficult to work hard unless I did it this way.

With that in mind, I searched the forum.

The keyword was [Academy].

"I don't think there's going to be much information."

Although there were various types of people on the forum, I didn't think there would be many who could provide information about the academy.

Information about the academy was precious.

But there must be some information.


When I set the keyword like that and searched, there were more posts than I thought.

However, most of the posts were complaining about academy graduates.

They said that kids who graduated from the academy were rude.

There were stories like that.

There were also those who were dissatisfied with the fact that if academy graduates were to become adventurers in the very unlikely event, they would immediately become Gold Plate Rank.

How long have I been searching?

[If you're going to the academy, read this post before you go...txt][18]

There was a post that seemed to have useful information.

So I clicked on it.

[Author: DieIllegally]

[Title: If you're going to the academy, read this post before you go...txt]

[Content: First of all, to briefly explain the academy, it's a place where noble children go.

So it's common for people with decent backgrounds to be ostracized if they try to enter the academy.

If you can't live without friends! I recommend you don't come in if you're that kind of person.

Well, I don't think there will be anyone like that.


There's only one way for someone who's not a noble to enter the academy.

Pay two platinum coins to get in.

To be honest, two platinum coins is an unspeakable amount of money unless you're really rich.

So if you have something you really need to get from the academy, I recommend you don't go in unless it's something like that.

Since it's a facility for nobles, ordinary people can't help but feel uncomfortable.

Now that I'm done with my warnings about the academy, let's get down to business. The academy has a total of 4 years.

The important thing here is that there's a promotion exam, which you can take whenever you want. If you've learned everything you can learn in each grade?

Then you can take the exam and move on to the next grade.

Theoretically, you could graduate in a day.

There's never been anyone like that before.

There are many departments, such as the Department of Magic, the Department of Knights, and the Department of Alchemy, but you guys know that.

I'm too lazy to explain any further, so I'll stop here.

Hope this helped~]


There was very good news.

'Promotion exam'.

According to this article, it seemed that I could get a diploma without dropping out of the academy through the promotion exam.

Two platinum coins.

To be honest, it's a shame.

But it was worth investing in, as it was the only magic that could be learned at the academy.

Even with a subspace pouch, subspace magic is really convenient.

I checked the comments, thinking it was pretty good.

L: There's no fucking idiot who would go to the academy, right? lol

ㄴ: Real lol

ㄴ: With two platinum coins, you could fucking eat and play for the rest of your life. Why the fuck would you go to the academy? lol

ㄴ: Not only that, but two platinum coins lol

ㄴ: If you don't have a fucking thirst for knowledge, you wouldn't even think about going lol

L: But isn't there a risk of getting kicked out of the academy?

 ㄴDieIllegally: Yeah

ㄴ: Crazy lol

ㄴ: It would be really shitty to get kicked out after paying two platinum coins lol..

L: How quickly did the fastest person graduate?

 ㄴDieIllegally: 6 months?

ㄴ: What the lol

ㄴ: Reducing 4 years to 6 months is really amazing

ㄴ: What kind of bastard is that?

ㄴ: Maybe one of the Archmages?

ㄴ: 6 months makes sense? That's really crazy lol

 ㄴDieIllegally: You have to do that much to become an Archmage lol

ㄴ: Crazy talented bastards lol

"...She really is talented."


No, I was sure Aciel was talented.

To become an Archmage, you have to shorten the time period like that.


'..It doesn't seem impossible.'

If I did well, I thought I could shorten the time even further.

It wasn't baseless confidence.

Rather, I should say it was well-founded confidence.

Judging by the speed at which I've understood magic so far, I'm sure I can shorten it even further.


Anyway, the post was very helpful.

I didn't think it would be this helpful.

I left a comment, thinking I was grateful.

'This person probably knows who I am, so what.'

I saw Silvia and 'DieIllegally' talking on the forum the other day, so I figured they were colleagues.

Maybe they're both Archmages.

That meant it was okay to leave a comment.

"Ah, I don't want to waste my time on the forum."

I used to be able to write nonsense posts without thinking, but these days I have to think before I write even a single nonsense post.

It couldn't be helped because I had more to lose than I used to.

It wasn't something I wanted, but I had someone to live with.

I had a house.

And I made close friends.

To do that, I had to consider all the possibilities and post on the forum accordingly.


I left a comment.

L ReallyDirtPoor: Copying this ^^..

I left a comment, yawned, and fell asleep.

The griffin extermination request was starting tomorrow.


"Ah, I want a disciple..."

"What's with you all of a sudden?"

"Well, I finally raised a disciple, but he was taken away because of the war... Ah. I'm bored."

"Oh, speaking of which, your disciple left a comment on my post."


"Yeah. Looks like he's trying to go to the academy? He left a comment on the academy post I made before."

I was a little surprised.

He already saved up enough money to go to the academy?

But I was curious.

"How did he save up the money already? I didn't give him that much."

"I think he earned it while working as an adventurer. Why don't you know? You've been watching the forum too."

"Well, I've never worked as an adventurer before. That's why I was wondering if he could make that much."

"Hmm... I've never been an adventurer either, so I don't know."

From the beginning, it was impossible to become an Archmage with just ordinary talent and wealth.

It was possible only if both wealth and talent were tremendously supported.

That's why I've never worked as an adventurer.

I went to the academy to learn magic, came out, did my research, and became an Archmage after being recognized for my achievements.

"I just hope he didn't make money in a weird way."

"Well, he seems to be living a decent life, judging by the posts he makes on the forum."

"No, he's kind of... how should I say this... he doesn't have much will to live. It wouldn't be strange if he died at any moment."


I meant it.

After living with Eugene for a month, that's the feeling I got.

Eugene lived as he was.

If he had it, he had it. If he didn't, he didn't.

So to say that it wouldn't be strange if he died at any moment, that's what Eugene was like.

With that in mind, I started my research again.

Research to create a magic that would blow up a gathering of enemies at once.


"Hmm, so this is it."

The appearance of the griffin in my imagination and the appearance of the griffin in reality were not that different.

It was an animal with the head of an eagle and the lower body of a lion. It was very cool.

A creature you rarely see in your life.

"...It's a shame to kill it."

It was a shame to kill it.

Of course, the request was to exterminate it, but before I came here, I asked Amelia about any useful byproducts, and she told me that griffin milk was very useful.

"It would be nice to catch one and have Basil raise it..."

Then I'd get money periodically, and it would protect the house.

There's no shortage of Basil, so...

Thinking about it, I thought about magic.

'...What kind of magic should I use to tame it?'

300 gold for killing a griffin.

But a bottle of griffin milk costs 50 gold.

Thinking in the long run, it's more profitable to catch the griffin.

After thinking that far-

[Dark Spear]

I deployed the magic formula.

I had to catch the griffin.

Griffins have high magic defense, so they don't die easily.

That means it's okay to be a little rough.

With that in mind, I cast the magic.

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