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Chapter 69 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master


As I walked back, I wondered again if my decision to get promoted to the Gold Plate Rank was the right one.

“Hmm… platinum coin.”

I was a little concerned about the platinum coin, but honestly, I could have earned it back anytime.

I guess it's good to have a broad perspective.

But no matter how I thought about it, it was an absurd amount of money.

I couldn't just sit there and do nothing, so I wrote a post on the forum.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Do you normally have to pay this much to get promoted to Gold Plate Rank as an adventurer?]

[Content: 100 gold seems like too much, am I the only one who feels this way? It's ridiculous.]

It was a post with a bit of sincerity.

It couldn't have been anything but sincere.

It was a matter of my hard-earned money.

Of course, I had already paid the money, but still.

And a little while later.

A lot of comments started to appear.

I had nothing else to do on my way home, so I checked the comments one by one.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Do you normally have to pay this much to get promoted to Gold Plate Rank as an adventurer?]

[Content: 100 gold seems like too much, am I the only one who feels this way? It's ridiculous.]

L: No way, is that for real? LOLOLOLOLOL

ㄴ: Yeah, it's real. You have to pay 100 gold.

ㄴ: Those crazy bastards.

ㄴ: I was respecting the guys who got promoted to Gold Plate Rank, but they were just suckers.

ㄴ: But there are benefits to it.

L Ferus: Yeah, there are benefits to it, so it's not bad.

ㄴ Ferus: I heard the Adventurers' Guild even gives out loans.

ㄴ: Oh, really??

ㄴ: Yeah, they give out loans LOL

ㄴ: Wow, I didn't know about the loans.

ㄴ: They even give out loans for this.

L: I don't know about anything else, but 100 gold is not bad. If you go to Koruntum, where there are a lot of adventurers, or Lukphelton, where things are super expensive, you have to pay a lot more.

ㄴ: Don't they have any shame, those bastards? LOLOLOL

ㄴ: It's a rip-off, that's what it is.

ㄴ: But the Adventurers' Guild is the only safe place to keep your money.

As I read through the comments, I realized that I was still better off than others.

They charge even more in other places.

I guess it was a good thing I started in Baruk.

If I had started as an adventurer somewhere else, I would have been ripped off for a huge amount of money in the name of investment.

As I was thinking about such things, I don't know how long I had been walking.

I arrived home before I knew it.


I wonder if Basil is guarding the house well.

Well, I'm sure he's doing a good job, but I can't trust him completely.

I don't trust people in the first place.

If you don't trust, you won't be disappointed.

That was the truth I learned after getting betrayed so many times while living as a beggar.


With such useless thoughts, I opened the door and entered the house, put my clothes away, and lay down on the bed.

I had replaced the bed with a pretty good one a while ago.

So it was in pretty good shape.

It's comfortable to lie down on, so to speak.

It was a bed made with monster byproducts.

'..I think I paid 20 gold for this.'

It was a bit expensive, but sleep is important for adventurers, so I didn't skimp on it.

And as a result.

I was very satisfied.

'..I heard there are more expensive beds.'

Personally, I'm not a fan of luxury, but when it comes to beds, I think a little differently.

Buying a good bed is not a luxury, it's an investment.

Of course, I can sleep anywhere, but if I can, wouldn't it be better to sleep in a bed with good effects?

With that thought, I fell asleep.

A month passed like that.

Nothing much happened during that time.

There was a bit of a commotion when the army that Ferus belonged to came to Baruk, but they just came to get supplies and headed to another place.

"Ugh... I'm tired."

There are a total of five regions on this continent.

The first is Lukphelton.

It is the richest region and where the nobles live.

There are many wizards there.

The academy was also located in Lukphelton.

It is the center of the continent, and all other regions are located below the mountains of Lukphelton.

The second is Riverport.

As the name suggests, it is located by a river.

I heard it's a huge river.

A river so vast that it is hard to take in with a single glance.

Perhaps that's why it boasts a civilization as developed as Lukphelton.

I was thinking of going there myself when I had the time.

The third is Baruk, where I live.

Well... I've talked about it a lot, so to explain it briefly, it's like something between the countryside and the city.

The fourth is Ehrenburg.

It was a village where blacksmiths mainly lived.

Perhaps that's why they interacted frequently with Koruntum.

It was said that going to Ehrenburg was a must to obtain good weapons.

Of course, I had never been there because I didn't need any weapons.

The fifth is Koruntum.

In a word, it was a mecca for adventurers.

There were a lot of monsters, and there were also a lot of adventurers.

It's a place where supply and demand meet perfectly.

There were also many blacksmiths from Ehrenburg in Koruntum.

But the real masters were in Ehrenburg.

"Hmm, maybe I should make a wand."

I thought making a wand might help me cast magic.

I thought it would be a good experience to go to Ehrenburg someday and make a wand when I had the chance.

By the way.

I must have saved a lot of money by now.

'..Learning subspace magic doesn't seem like a bad idea either.'

It didn't seem like a bad idea to go to the academy and learn subspace magic.

Even if I went there to learn subspace magic, there were many other rare magics I could learn at the academy.

With my memory, I thought I could learn a lot of magic.

And I also wanted to become an academy-trained wizard instead of a street wizard.

'People tend to look down on street wizards, which is annoying.'

Of course, once I showed them my skills, no one would look down on me, but it was very annoying to have to do that.

I didn't feel the need to do that every time I met such people.

With that thought, I visited the Adventurers' Guild.


Glancing at the door that made an eerie sound, I approached Esily.


"Oh, hello."

"What brings you here?"

"I was wondering how much balance I have left."

"Ah, I see. One moment, please."

I was initially shocked by the fact that they were running a bank in the Middle Ages, but once I understood the system, it was very systematic.

It was a dedicated bank that only Gold Plate Rank or higher could use, so they managed it very strictly.

As I was thinking about such things, Esily brought me a piece of paper and showed it to me.

"You currently have one platinum coin, 426 gold, and 13 silver."


That was the money I had saved up from doing all sorts of work for a month.

Fortunately, I haven't met anyone related to the legion commanders lately, so nothing dangerous has happened... but if I had met them in the meantime, something dangerous could have happened.

That's why I needed to learn new magic.

Of course, I could create my own magic.

But there was no need to go that far.

It was much easier to study something with a foundation than to start from scratch.

With that thought, I made up my mind and spoke.

"Is it possible to get a loan?"

I asked if a loan was possible.

To enter the academy.

Once you entered the academy, you could read all the books in the library for free.

In this world where books were precious, being able to read all the books for free was a huge advantage.

I could also increase my knowledge.

Actually, I wouldn't have gone this far under normal circumstances.


'..This can't go on like this.'

My mind changed after meeting CocoNenne the other day.

Those monsters wouldn't be the only ones.

Therefore, I had to improve my skills at least to the point where I could be near Silvia.

As I was thinking about this, Esily opened her mouth.

"Ah, well... You've built up quite a track record so far... I think we can go up to 500 gold!"


It was a very awkward amount of money.

Of course, I knew they were lending me this much because I was a wizard, but it was still an awkwardly insufficient amount.

"Are there any requests left? I'd prefer one with a good payout."

I had already made up my mind to go to the academy.

Of course, I wasn't planning on staying long.

I was going to learn everything I could and get out.

My goal was simply to 'learn'.

As I asked Esily that-

"Hmm... Ah, one moment, please!"

Esily seemed to be pondering as she asked me to wait a moment and began rummaging through the paperwork.

How long had she been digging through the paperwork?

Esily finally seemed to have found something as she handed me a document with a happy face.

And on that document-

[Griffin Hunting Request]

There was a request that seemed quite dangerous.


"...I'll take it."

The reward was quite sweet.

And besides, as if I would get hurt.

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