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Chapter 7 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Fox (2)

"Haha~ Why are you all acting like this? I just want to send you on your way comfortably!"

=I'm here to save you. I'll protect you in a safe place.

He spoke kindly.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt."

=I promise it won't hurt a bit.

I gestured with a gentle smile.

But despite such kindness, the foxes showed no sign of approaching.

Were they scared?


Irene even dropped the rusty sword she was holding.

She seemed to be enduring it with all her might, but in the end, her strength gave out, and she collapsed.


"Sob, Irene Unni…!"

The little foxes panicked and teared up.

They looked like elementary school students at most.

Perhaps they were just scared of the situation, trembling as they hid behind Irene.

"Oh dear, have I burdened you too much?"

I tilted my head alone.

As if I couldn't understand their reaction at all.

'Well… Actually, I know.'

As I said before, everything that was happening in this space was in the palm of my hand.

A game I had designed from start to finish.

The current situation was also included in the meticulous plan.

In a word, it was all staged.

I appeared like a villain.

Right before the foxes escaped. I blocked their way and deliberately revealed my bloodlust to create tension.

I made meaningful remarks to heighten their anxiety.

'It's only natural that they're trembling in fear.'

Right now, the foxes must be looking at me as a hunter.

The worst kind of hunter, capable of annihilating everyone here with a single gesture.


I chuckled in amusement.

Perhaps because it was the first time in a while that I was stirring up trouble, it felt doubly enjoyable.

My lips curved into a distorted smile.

The already sinister smile became even more viscous.

The perfect image of a hidden villain.


Irene was kneeling and looking at me.

Her clear eyes were shaking like crazy.

Maybe my acting was too perfect. The girl seemed completely taken in.

'I feel like I've really become a villain.'

The thought briefly crossed my mind, but I shook it off.

I knew how kind and considerate a person I was.

There was a hidden reason why I was putting on this show.


[Remaining output: 21.5%]

I had overused my lies.

There wasn't enough output left to return safely.

If I were alone, it would have been enough, but unfortunately, it wasn't easy because I was now responsible for the group of foxes.

In short, it was time for the lies to be replenished.

I decided to use them for that.

"Mercy is a luxury for slaves who have already caused a scene."

Judas's unique ability, Liar.

The more perfect the lie and the greater the emotional change it brought to the listener, the more effectively it was recharged.

I use the hearts of others.

The fear of death.

It is one of the most powerful emotions that bind living beings.

The foxes who were rejoicing in the hope of escape just a moment ago.

Now that those children were facing death, the emotional change that would follow…


[The target's emotions are fluctuating rapidly.]

(Hope -> Despair)

[Due to the rapid emotional change, lies have been largely restored.]

[Remaining output: 47.4%]

The output of lies was rapidly recovering.

It recharged in an instant with just a few words.

Originally, to fill this much of a gap, I would have had to mumble all day long.

'…As expected, this method is better.'

I felt a little bad for making the little kids cry, but I apologized inwardly.

This is all part of the process of saving you.

I believed they would all understand.


I muttered in a cold voice.

The smile had disappeared from my lips.


I clapped my hands once.

Following that, all the lanterns that had been illuminating the passageway went out simultaneously.

A world with only deep darkness remaining.

I shrugged off the shuddering and spoke.

"These useless scraps that don't know their place… will be disposed of here."

I released a little more of the suppressed bloodlust.

The biting tension condensed into frost, and a sticky darkness pressed down on the surroundings.

The children finally began to cry one by one.


[The target's emotions are fluctuating rapidly.]

(Hope -> Despair)

[Due to the rapid emotional change, lies have been largely restored.]

[Remaining output: 54.9%]

The output of lies was steadily recovering.

At this rate, it would take about five minutes.

As I was gauging the remaining time, the girl with crimson hair caught my eye.


Irene, lost in thought.

Had she lost her mind to extreme fear?

Despite the whimpering of the other children, the girl remained seated with her head bowed.

'Has she given up?'

That would be a bit disappointing.

The 'Fox' from the original story that I remembered wouldn't crumble so easily.

Perhaps it was because her awakening hadn't happened yet.

The tenacious Sword Saint I had looked forward to meeting was nowhere to be seen.

I felt my interest waning slightly.

I thought I might have some fun, but to think she would be in such a sorry state.


Well, should I just move on for now?

Now that I've come this far, I should at least help them.

As long as the world followed the original story, her awakening would come eventually.

"It's not what I expected, but I'll be satisfied with this for today······."


Just as I was savoring the bland aftertaste, a short phrase brushed past my ears.

"Listen carefully to what Unni is about to say."

A voice trembling with utter exhaustion.

However, the words that followed were anything but weak.

"Run without looking back."


She picked up the rusty sword that had fallen to the floor.

Her shoulders trembled as if they would break at any moment.

But even in such despair, the girl rose, using the sword as support.

"I'll hold them off here."

Her black eyes shone brightly.

The girl's pupils were filled with a venomous light as they glared at me.


An exclamation escaped my lips involuntarily.

Feeling the dying embers of interest reignite, I grinned.

'Yes, that's it.'

I almost got disappointed there.

A thrill shot through my fingertips.

Spreading the restrained lies all around, I let out a refreshing laugh.

"Hahaha! What an arrogant delusion!"

"Everyone, run!"

Following her fierce cry, the children began to flee.

I glanced at the fleeing fox cubs for a moment, but soon had no choice but to face forward.

The future Sword Saint, Irene.

Because she was charging towards me, her crimson hair fluttering in the air.

Setting a playful mood, I snapped my fingers in the hazy darkness.

"Well then~ Let's play for a bit, shall we?"


The world turned upside down.


A tunnel-like passage stretched out before them.

Thick darkness was the only thing present.

The lanterns that should have been illuminating the surroundings were all extinguished, leaving only the primeval pitch black to flow down.

An eerie atmosphere permeated the air.


A sharp noise cut through the silence.

In the pitch-black space, there were only two figures moving fiercely.

"Huff, huff…!"

Rough gasps echoed.

Irene, catching her breath as it reached her chin, swung her sword wildly.


With a powerful impact, the sword was blocked.

Standing there, blocking her attack with his bare hand, was the blond-haired boy.

"Is that all you've got?"

A playful smile adorned his face.

Unlike the girl with her ragged appearance, he was full of composure.

It was as if he was watching all this as a game.

'Damn it…!'

Was he even human?

He blocked the sword strike she had unleashed with all her might with just two fingers.

'Are his fingers made of steel or something…!'

Irene clicked her tongue and regained her stance.

Immediately, she kicked off the ground.

Clang! Clang!! Crackle…! Boom!!

The sounds of clashing metal followed fiercely.

Sparks flew each time the sword and fingers collided.

The momentary flashes of light briefly pushed back the surrounding darkness.


"You should put a little more effort into it. You seem to be losing ground."

"Sh-Shut up…!"

An enraged shout escaped her lips.

Irene's eyes widened.

She pushed back against the sword that was locked in a struggle. Immediately after, she struck again.


The sword's trajectory shifted horizontally. A surprise attack aiming for an opening.

Irene sensed victory.

The angle, distance, timing, everything was perfect. There was no way to block it.

'Got you…!'




He blocked it as if it were nothing.

Once again, his index and middle fingers.

The boy had deflected Irene's sword with just two fingers.


What kind of monster was this?

A hollow laugh escaped her lips.

But there was no time to dwell on such thoughts.

The boy's fist was already flying towards her.

Irene hurriedly raised her sword to defend.

The next moment.


His fist struck the flat of her blade, and the heavy impact slammed into her.


Despite assuming a defensive stance, she was thrown back a considerable distance.

Her fingertips throbbed.

She barely managed to keep her legs from giving out.

As she momentarily swayed, struggling to regain her balance, the boy approached.

Click, clack.

The sound of his footsteps was particularly loud.

As the terrifying sound of his approach filled the air, Irene bit her lip.

"Are you tired already? I'm just getting warmed up."


He lightly stepped on the ground.

It was just one step, but the boy was already standing before Irene's eyes.

As if he had teleported.


"You damn…!"

It was too late, even for a hasty reaction.

His fist had already connected with her abdomen.


A heavy blow landed. Her body was sent flying once more.

Her airborne form soon crashed to the ground.

Irene lay there, sprawled on the floor, letting out a pained groan.

"Ugh… Huff, hack…"

Her consciousness wavered.

She struggled to regain her senses.

As if to mock her, the boy muttered in surprise.

"Oh? Did that hurt that much? I thought I had controlled my strength…"


Irene silently lowered her head.

Her body wouldn't move anymore.

She had only taken one direct hit, but it felt like her insides had been turned inside out.

'Am I going to die here?'

The fox sensed death.

If she had known it would come to this, she would have just been sold as a slave.

A pointless regret surfaced.

The boy was toying with her.

If he had used his full strength, he could probably kill her with a single gesture.

'How pathetic.'

It felt like her entire life was being denied.

The sword she had trained so hard with was beyond reach. She couldn't even keep up with his movements.

The sense of helplessness born from her lament weighed heavily on her shoulders.

It hurt. It was scary. It was sad. It was lonely.

However, what came to mind before all those emotions was…

'I hope everyone else got away safely.'

It was the thought of others.

She had bought them some time. That was the only consolation.

The fox gave a wry smile.

She didn't want to die.

Death was terrifying.

But what was even more terrifying was being broken.

The girl slowly lifted her head.

"I guess this is as far as I go. I don't want our cast getting hurt."


The blond snake, no, monster.

He was looking at her with a seemingly concerned expression.

She wanted to punch him.

If her companions needed more time to escape this hellish slave trader, then she had to hold on.

It was a path paved with nothing but her convictions.

She would hold on for as long as she could.

Even if it meant burning through her very last breath.

"Hey… Snake bastard."

Irene forced her broken body up.

Her balance wavered, but she pointed her sword and muttered.

"Let's see this through to the end."

At that moment.

A light flickered from the rusted blade.

A faint luminescence pierced the darkness.

It was so faint that even Irene herself wouldn't have noticed it, but the snake didn't miss it.

The boy unconsciously murmured.

"······Could that be?"

A momentary flicker of doubt. It soon turned into an exclamation.

"As expected, you're interesting."

The corners of his eyes crinkled slightly.

The golden snake, feeling a jolt of excitement, flashed a bright smile.

It was a glimpse of brilliant talent shining through.

"I wasn't planning on doing this… but shall we have a little more fun?"

With a heart pounding with anticipation, the boy let go of his restrained lies.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    The Fox awakens!

  2. MC is a bit of a bastard huh? Even if he needed to recharge lies, at this point he’s clearly just having fun bullying kids…

    1. I mean can you pretend that it isn't making this significantly more interesting.
