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Chapter 6 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Fox (1)

"The World as Seen by the Little Prince."

It was an action RPG game based on the famous fairy tale.

The original work that served as the beginning. Whether it was an attempt to capture its unique atmosphere or not, it's evident that many elements were borrowed from it.

Background, setting, abilities, names… Various details exist, but…

What stands out the most is undoubtedly the 'characters.'

The main and supporting characters appearing in the original fairy tale.

Their stories were either adapted or reinterpreted, transforming them into fantasy-style characters.

It received much applause along with praise for its freshness.

Pilot, Regia Pilots.

The Little Prince, Charlotte Little von Staufen.

Drunkard, Selena Drunkard.

As you can see from their names, the character portrayals are perversely faithful to their concepts.

And this also applies to the 'fox' I came here to rescue.

'Irene Foxis.'

She is a rare fox beastkin and one of the supporting characters.

Her talent for the sword is unparalleled, and in the latter part of the game, she eventually reaches the level of 'Sword Saint.'

A character with both excellent performance and versatility.

Thanks to this, she even earned the nickname 'National Food,' but…

"As they say, the grapes are still sour."

The fox hasn't awakened to her talent yet.

Since it's before her awakening, she's nothing more than a weak fox beastkin for now.

It's at times like these that you earn favor by owing a debt.

My goal is to see the happy ending of this world.

And to befriend the main characters.

As an ardent fan of the original work, I wanted to build a friendship with them.

"Well then~ shall we get a move on?"

I've waited long enough, and I'm getting tired of watching the auction.

I want to move on to the highlight, so to speak.

Leaving behind my relaxed monologue, I rose from my seat.

The fox is currently in the basement of the auction house.

She's probably trapped in a cold steel cage, waiting for her turn.

"It's going to be a long night."

A wicked smile crept onto my face.

Suppressing the surging lies, I walked into the darkness.


Meanwhile, in the basement of the building.

A prison where only cold air flows.

Below the auction house, where laughter never ceases, lies a sanctuary of deep despair.

Light casts shadows.

The brighter the light that burns, the darker the shadow it casts.

Such a truth is a representation of reality itself.

People intoxicated by luxury and pleasure.

In proportion to their joy, those trampled beneath their feet groan.

It's said that suffering is life simply because one is born, but even in that, there are individual differences.

While there are those in the upper class who enjoy life without a single pain…

There are also those at the bottom who live without a shred of hope.


The people trapped in this basement were the bottom feeders.

Whether they were born with such a fate or were pushed down here by the dirty world, the difference wasn't significant.

They were worse than trash on the streets.

Dividing them into ranks among themselves as trashy lives would only add to the misery.

"…How did it come to this?"

The muttering girl was no different.

She was swimming through the wretched bottom.

As if to follow her lamenting state, the ponytail that reached her waist loosened.

Crimson hair.

Quiet, lifeless black eyes.

The animal ears positioned above her head revealed the girl's identity as a demi-human.

The girl's name was Irene Foxis.

She was a fox beastkin.

- Next auction is starting! Bring out the wolf beastkin!

- Handle them with care. If they get scratched, their value will drop.

- They'll flip out upstairs if they get hurt.

The surrounding noises reached her ears.

Irene bit her chapped lips.

Around her were a dozen or so shadows.

They were her fellow beastkin trapped in the same cage.

The beastkin, with fox ears and tails, were all trembling in fear.

All of them had been kidnapped or sold to slave traders.

'Damn it.'

What would happen to them now?

She tried to find hope amidst the anxiety, but it was a pointless endeavor.

The ending was as clear as day.

Fox beastkin were a rare race.

Especially in the underworld, there was a saying that fox slaves were worth their weight in gold.

In short, they were treated as the ultimate luxury item.

The ways nobles used foxes varied.

Some made them work, while others used them as sex slaves.

There were even rumors that some nobles had them stuffed and displayed in their mansions.

'Either way… it's all fucked up.'

The girl cursed silently.

As she was imagining such a miserable future, a strange noise reached Irene's ears.


The sound of something metallic falling to the floor.

Turning her head towards the sound, she spotted a bunch of keys rolling in front of the cage.


Did a guard passing by drop it?

It was within arm's reach.

After a moment of hesitation, Irene quickly snatched the keys.

Her heart pounded in her chest.

Perhaps this was the only chance for escape they had.

The girl didn't hesitate. Her quick hands fiddled with the lock on the cage.

A glimmer of hope.


Soon, she felt the sensation of the lock disengaging at her fingertips.

Irene slowly grabbed the opening door.

A faint sigh escaped her lips.

'I have to be careful.'

Fortunately, many of the guards were away, preparing for the auction.

If they were going to do something, now was the time.

Luck doesn't strike twice.

Irene took a deep breath.

She would calmly gather her fellow beastkin and quietly prepare for their escape.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'll protect you all."

The girl forced a smile, hiding her trembling.

Because there were those she had to protect.

Most of those inside the cages were young children.

Looking at the tearful faces of the little ones, Irene couldn't bring herself to escape alone.

"But you have to follow me quietly… okay?"

She picked up a sword that was lying in the corner.

It was rusty and in poor condition, but it was better than nothing.

Irene quietly sharpened the tip of the sword.


The cage door opened with a faint noise.

The foxes cautiously began to escape their prison.

Calmly thinking, Irene suddenly threw the bunch of keys towards a distant cage.

If she remembered correctly, that's where the bear beastkin were being held.

'If I can just buy some time…!'

Bears were known for their ferocity, even among beastkin.

If those who found the keys could distract the guards for even a moment, it would surely create an opening.

They could lure the guards in the opposite direction.

'I can handle the remaining few from this side.'

She had been practicing swordsmanship since she was little.

Although her body was weakened from the long imprisonment, she had to grit her teeth for the sake of escape.

Irene crouched down, holding her breath.

Like a fox evading a hunter.

How much time had passed? A fierce roar echoed through the prison.

- Grrrrroaaaaar!!!

It came from the direction where she had thrown the keys.

A thunderous roar. Sensing that her plan had worked, Irene led the children forward.

"Don't look back and run…!"

The foxes ran.

The beast's roar raged behind them, and the ground trembled. Yet, they didn't look back.

Occasionally, guards would block their path.

Each time, Irene would cut them down without hesitation.

A dance of slaughter, her swordsmanship as desperate as it was fierce.

There was no room for hesitation in her movements, her sword dripping with blood.

She knew that if she didn't kill, she would be killed.

"Haah, haah…!"

Her breath came in ragged gasps.

Her weakened state meant that fatigue was setting in quickly.

Irene steadied her swaying body.

Fortunately, the escape was proceeding smoothly.

The bear beastkin's resistance was even fiercer than she had anticipated, buying them precious time.


With a short breath, she subdued another guard.

Perhaps due to her exhaustion, her senses felt heightened to their limits.

A strange tremor ran through her entire body.

Her vision flickered white.

Strange sparks even flew from the blade of her sword, but Irene ignored them.

There was no time to be distracted.

"Don't stop, everyone! Just past this passage…!"

The exit was within reach.

During her confinement, she had memorized the surrounding layout, analyzing it in case an opportunity arose.

Thanks to this, Irene was able to navigate the most efficient escape route.

'Almost there.'

A narrow, tunnel-like passage.

Beyond it lay a staircase leading to the surface.

A glimmer of hope flickered in Irene's eyes. It was a reckless plan, but they had somehow pulled it off.

Yes, that's what she thought.

…Until a voice rang out from behind them "Ahaha~ It seems everyone is making a hasty escape?"

A shiver ran down her spine.

A chill pierced her lungs. Irene couldn't help but freeze in place.

Her body instinctively locked up.

Irene knew.

If she hadn't stopped just now, she would have been dead.


"I knew I'd find you if I waited here!"

What was this?

What was this dreadful aura?

The mere act of acknowledging the presence behind her sent a pain that felt like her brain was being crushed.

Her crimson eyes trembled uncontrollably.

As she slowly turned her head, Irene's gaze fell upon the figure behind her.


Golden hair that resembled a wheat field.

Narrowed eyes that seemed to hold a glint of amusement.

A sly smile played on his lips.

At first glance, he looked like nothing more than a boy with a slightly peculiar appearance.

However, with her senses sharpened to their limits, Irene could tell.

This 'thing' in front of her was not human.

It merely wore the skin of a human; its true nature was something else entirely.

"I can't even begin to describe how much I've been looking forward to meeting you."

An ominous feeling permeated the air.

Just looking at him made her feel like her very being was being torn apart.

A 'monster' with terrifying power.


A hollow laugh escaped her lips.

Because that monster, with its undisguised bloodlust, was approaching her and the other foxes.


The air grew heavy with a suffocating pressure.

Irene muttered in despair.

It was all over.

Her eyes, once shimmering with hope, were now stained with the blackest despair.


"I can't even begin to describe how much I've been looking forward to meeting you."

A voice brimming with delight.

I beamed at the girl standing a short distance away.

Long, crimson hair tied in a ponytail.

Black eyes peeking out from beneath her bangs.

A scar etched beneath her chin.

The animal ears and tail, characteristic of beastkin.

'Fox, Irene Foxis.'

One of the characters from the original work was standing right before my eyes.

I quietly calmed my excitement.

First Regia, and now Irene.

Seeing the game characters I cherished come to life was a truly moving experience.

I was almost moved to tears, to exaggerate slightly.

I chuckled softly.


How delightful.

A giddy joy kept me from wiping the smile off my face.

Composing my elated expression, I posed a meaningful question to the girl.

"Did you enjoy the stage I prepared for you?"

Her black eyes wavered uncertainly.

Our gazes met for a fleeting moment.

Reflected in her eyes was a profound sense of resignation.

It seemed she had realized.

That the situation we were currently in was all part of a plan from the very beginning.

'As expected, she's quick on the uptake.'

The foxes had successfully escaped.

The keys dropped by a passing guard, the rusty sword conveniently lying on the ground, the unusually small number of guards.

The foxes had seized their chance to escape through a stroke of luck.

…Or so they thought, until just now.

"You followed the script I laid out perfectly. A truly splendid performance."

Unfortunately for them, everything had been orchestrated.

My hand had guided every bit of "luck" the girl had encountered.

While wandering through the basement after leaving the auction hall, I had come across a group of guards and chosen one to hypnotize.

- I need you to do a few favors for me.

I instructed him to "accidentally" drop the keys near the cages.

I also asked him to leave a sword that Irene could use.

Something well-maintained might arouse suspicion, so I requested the oldest, rustiest one he could find.

Everything had unfolded exactly as I intended.

It was a scenario I came up with on the spot, but I was quite satisfied with how it turned out.

The power of my lies was pushing its limits, but even so, I considered this a success.

"Come this way."

I had put the other guards nearby to sleep.

I had heavily laced my suggestions, so there was no need to worry about them for a while.

Now, it was time for a true escape.

I extended my hand gracefully.

An invitation to take it, a promise to lead them out of this place.

Irene seemed to hesitate for a moment before collapsing to her knees.

What was this? Had the tension finally gotten to her?

As I tilted my head, observing the fox with amusement…

"You're… going to kill us, aren't you?"

"Excuse me?"

"I knew it was too easy. This whole thing… it was a trap from the start, wasn't it?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Her words caught me off guard.

I quickly tried to correct her misunderstanding, emphasizing my true intentions.

"Haha~ Why would you say such a thing? I simply wish to send you all on your way, safe and sound!"


Irene's face hardened.

To prevent her misconception from deepening, I offered her a refreshingly bright smile.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt a bit." [T/N: Your wording won’t help in this situation, MC!]

Well, maybe just a little fun wouldn't hurt.

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