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Chapter 65 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master


After receiving the completion reward, I headed home.

It felt like it had been a while.

It actually had been a while.

I hoped my house was still standing while I was gone.

With that thought, I opened the door and went inside.

And then-


I saw Basil with the same face as the last time I saw her.

Maybe it was because it had been a while, but I felt happy to see her.

So, I handed her the tanghulu I bought before I came.

"Here you go."

"Oh, thank you."

Even though she manages to eat well on her own without me taking care of her meals, tanghulu wasn't cheap enough for Basil to eat freely, so I bought it for her occasionally.

Basil took the tanghulu and started eating it right away.

To be honest, I don't really get why she eats that.

Of course, she ate it deliciously last time, but I thought it wasn't worth spending that much money on.

I handed her the tanghulu and went inside to check the house.

I was curious if anything had changed.

"Hmm... Nothing's changed."

I looked around, but nothing had changed.

Should I say it was exactly the same as before I left?

The image in my memory and the current state of the house were completely identical.

It must have been hard to keep everything the same even after cleaning.

Thinking that it was amazing, I lay down on the bed.

Because I was tired.

With that thought, I opened the forum.

I thought I might fall asleep if I browsed the forum.

And then I uploaded a post.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: I found an Legion Commander, what is this?]

[Content: (Photo) Looks really strong, looking for someone to hunt it together @@@]

It was the picture I took earlier.

The picture with the Legion Commander in it.

"They said an Legion Commander is worth one platinum coin..."

According to what I heard while browsing the forum, one Legion Commander was worth one platinum coin.

But that was the basic price, and I heard that the bounty changes when an Legion Commander appears.

It changes depending on its strength.

That's why it wasn't wise to immediately hunt Andromalius just because he appeared.

'...It's better to wait a bit and hunt it after it's done some damage.'

Of course, if Andromalius tries to invade the place where I am, I'll try to catch it right away, but if not, it's better to wait a bit and catch it.

While thinking about that, I checked the comments on the post I wrote earlier.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: I found an Legion Commander, what is this?]

[Content: (Photo) Looks really strong, looking for someone to hunt it together @@@]

L: How did you even take this picture?

ㄴ: OP's eyesight is insane lol

ㄴ: This dude's eyesight is crazy for real..

L: AssassinMaster: Dude why are there so many monsters?

 ㄴAssassinMaster: Looks tough to deal with

L: HeroOfOurTime: It's the weakest one though

 ㄴHeroOfOurTime: Still, it's way stronger than most monsters lol

ㄴ: So are you gonna hunt it or not?

 ㄴHeroOfOurTime: You think I'm crazy enough to hunt that?

 ㄴHeroOfOurTime: As if

L: HiddenExplosion: Why did you take a picture of this dangerous thing?


I doubted my own eyes.

Because there was someone who shouldn't be in the comments.

So I rubbed my eyes and checked again.

But still, the comment from that one person didn't disappear.

"...It's real."

My master.

Silvia left a comment.

She probably left a comment because she was worried about me.

So I left a comment too.

 ㄴReallyDirtPoor: I took it from afar

 ㄴReallyDirtPoor: You don't have to worry

We don't really show that we're close.

I thought it would be a bit weird if we showed that we were close and something happened because of it.

Of course, the probability of that happening is extremely low, but just in case.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

Feeling a little better after meeting Silvia on the forum, I checked the other comments.

L: Wow, this is definitely going to the top lol

ㄴ: This is the first time I've seen an Legion Commander captured this close up

ㄴ: fr

ㄴ: Seems like a mage lol

ㄴ: fr Gonna be lit

I didn't intend for it, but it seemed like the post I wrote was going to be a hot topic.

It already had over 13 upvotes.

If a post got 30 upvotes, it would be registered as a hot topic, and with 13 already, it was safe to say it was as good as done.

'This is the first time since I shared the beggar route before...'

It's not like anything good happens when a post goes viral.

It just feels good.

Well, it's not like I'm using the forum for self-improvement, so it's fine as long as I feel good, right?

Thinking that, I checked Silvia's comment.

ㄴ HiddenExplosion: lol

ㄴ HiddenExplosion: Alright

It seemed like Silvia was doing well too.

I thought she might be struggling on the battlefield, but it's a relief that she's doing well.

Thinking that, I checked other posts.

[Author: Ferus]

[Title: Heading to Baruk now]

[Content: I've finished organizing Koruntum to some extent, and now I'm heading to Baruk to get supplies and take care of the Legion Commander.]

L: Oh really?

ㄴ Ferus: It's real.

ㄴ: Finally here lol

L: I was so scared, but he's finally here. I knew I could count on you lol

ㄴ: fr Was I the only one scared?

ㄴ: It was scary

ㄴ: I was worried about when it would invade, but thankfully he's coming before that

L: So how long will it take? Judging by the posts from other users, it seems like he's almost there

 ㄴFerus: It'll take at least three days even if I hurry.

 ㄴFerus: I can't help it if it takes time because I'm not going alone.

"...Three days."

Three days was bearable.

There's no need for me to hunt Andromalius alone.

It's easier to hunt it together with others.

Of course, if I hunt it alone, I can have the platinum coin all to myself, but the risk is also higher.

There's a reason why such a hefty reward is on it.

"Speaking of which... I need to learn Spatial magic too."

It was too wasteful to spend two platinum coins on just one Spatial magic spell.

But it's not like I could just not learn it.

Spatial magic is really convenient.

'I don't really need to learn other magic...'

There's a reason why the academy tuition is so expensive.

Basically, the academy is a place for nobles.

If a commoner wants to enter, they have to pay at least two platinum coins.

"Ah, so annoying."

Even thinking about this was annoying.

How nice would it be if I could just learn Spatial magic for free?

Silvia would have taught me if she were here.

Unfortunately, we parted ways before I could learn it, so I couldn't learn Spatial magic.

As Silvia said, Spatial magic is a very high-level magic.

'...It doesn't seem that difficult though.'

Honestly, it didn't seem that difficult.

It feels like I could figure it out if I just take a look at it.

As I was browsing the forum with that thought, my eyes gradually closed.



I cast Alarm and Barrier magic before falling asleep.

I always use them before going to bed.

It's a habit, you could say.

Ever since I came to this different world and learned magic, protecting myself like this has become a habit.

It couldn't be helped.

The medieval times were dangerous.

With that thought, I drifted off to sleep.


A lot of time has passed.

About two days, to be exact.

Nothing much happened during that time.

The only thing out of the ordinary was that going outside was prohibited because I had informed everyone about the Legion Commander outside.

So I couldn't help but stay inside.


"What's wrong, mage? Chicken out already?"

"Ah, it's nothing like that."

"Just hand over the cards."

"Yeah, just hand them over."

The four of us, who had formed a party before, were gathered together playing cards.

There was no particular reason.

We had nothing better to do.

Well, Teron actually had work to do... but he was playing cards with us at Harang Inn, avoiding his wife's eyes.

Since Dontas was an adventurer in the first place, there was nothing else to do in this situation but play cards.

The same went for Violet next to him.

"Hmm... My hand's a bit strange. I'm out."

"You're awfully cautious, mage."

Maybe it was because we were playing for money, but Dontas was needling me from the side.

It seemed like he wanted me to bet a little more.

But I had no intention of playing into Dontas's hand.

"You know what they say, you gotta be afraid to play cards well."

It's easier to win a card game if you remember all the cards.

That's why I don't play games I'm going to lose.

As we were playing cards like that...

It got noisy outside.

Oh, by the way, we were playing cards at my house.

There was no other suitable place but my house.

I tried to ignore it and keep playing, but it was so noisy outside that we stopped the card game and went outside together.

And then-

"Move it!!!"

"Are you serious? Coming now of all times?"

"Ah, this is so annoying."

The adventurers were running past, swearing.

Looking at where they were going-


I think I knew what was going on.

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