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Chapter 64 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

Legion Commander

I drank a lot, but I didn't lose my mind.

One of the important things in life is to always keep your wits about you.

There's nothing more unpleasant than losing your mind.

With that in mind, I continued to order.

Every now and then, the staff would come and clear the table, and bring back food and beer to the cleared table.

I magically chilled the beer.

Actually, I'm not a big eater.

That's why Hearts and Cthulhu are eating the mountain of food piled up here.

“...Well, they are a job that uses a lot of strength.”

A job that requires a lot of eating, well.

I wasn't particularly surprised by this.

However, there was something strange.

“You eat mostly meat?”

There were many menus made of bread, but Hearts and Cthulhu gritted their teeth and only ordered meat.

When I asked why-

“Well, meat tastes better.”

“I agree!”

Saying that, Hearts and Cthulhu started tearing into the meat again deliciously.

I laughed and froze the beer next to me.

I was bored, so I wrote an article on the forum.

[Writer: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Do people who work out usually hate rice?]

[Content: Why do they only want to eat meat? Does anyone know?]

I wrote the article like that, and I started sipping my beer.

I didn't touch the meat.

My stomach was already bloated.

Should I say that it would be difficult if I eat more?

So, I thought it would be good to stop here.

I spent time thinking about it.


Chirp chirp-

When I opened my eyes, I was already-


I was lying in bed at the inn.

Then I remembered one fact.

“...I've never been to an inn.”

I've never caught an inn before.

But here I am, sleeping in an inn.

This could be very disturbing.

So I jumped up and looked around.

And then-


I could see Hearts sleeping in another bed.

Seeing Hearts lying down reminded me of yesterday.

Obviously, we all drank yesterday, left the Adventurers' Guild, and parted ways.

But there were no rooms in the inns around.

So, I had no choice but to go to the inn where Hearts was staying and go to sleep.

As I remembered everything from yesterday, I was a little embarrassed.


This is the first time I've let my guard down like this to someone else.

I think I was thinking of Hearts comfortably.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have slept in Hearts's room.

“I have to wake up.”

Hearts was still sleeping.

It's strange to wake up already after drinking so much yesterday.

Thinking so, I woke Hearts up.

“Mr. Hearts?”

As I spoke softly, Hearts's eyes opened.

And then Hearts speaks to me.

“Hmm…? What’s going on.”

“Ah, we have to go get paid for the request today.”

He clearly told us to come today.

It's okay to get up now and go.

When I said that, Hearts got up from his seat as well.

So we headed to the Adventurers' Guild.

Thump, thump.

As we walked to the Adventurers' Guild, we checked the forum in our spare time.

There was a post I posted yesterday, and I decided to check the comments.

[Writer: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Do people who work out usually hate rice?]

[Content: Why do they only want to eat meat? Does anyone know?]

L: It's not that they hate it, it's that they want to eat meat in that time

ã„´: Where are the people who hate rice?

ã„´: Real

L: Eating meat is efficient, your muscles grow

ã„´: I would only eat meat too lol

ã„´: It's a bit like that when you eat rice

ã„´: It's not like rice is that cheap either

ã„´: For that matter, meat is more expensive.

Actually, I posted the post without thinking, so I didn't really expect any comments.

As expected, the comments contained similar content to what I expected.

As I was checking the comments, we arrived at the Adventurers' Guild before we knew it.

“Ah, hello.”

“Well, you're here.”

As soon as we arrived at the Adventurers' Guild, a familiar face was waiting for us.

His identity was none other than Faithful Grandpa. It seemed like he was busy yesterday, as he didn't post anything on the forum.

Otherwise, there's no way he wouldn't have posted anything, considering how much he usually posts.

Thinking that, I stared at him.

Faithful Grandpa then handed me and Hearts a pouch.

“Here's your reward money.”

“Thank you.”

As soon as I received the money pouch, I felt the pouch with my hand to check how much money was inside.

Gold, Silver, and Copper are all slightly different in size.

So, I could check how much money was inside without opening the pouch.

‘..143 gold.’

To be honest, it was a bit cheap.

We almost died.

But that didn't mean I was going to ask for more.

It wouldn't hurt to get to know Faithful Grandpa better.

Judging by the things he says on the forum, he seemed to have a lot of connections.

Considering how he was ordering around someone called 'Poro' last time, he seemed like someone in a pretty high position.

So, I could let this much slide as a commission for getting acquainted.

Thinking that, I got up from my seat.

“Then we'll be on our way.”

“Off you go. I have so much to take care of, I should get going too…”

And so we parted ways.

Of course, Hearts and I immediately set off for Baruk.

“The carriage… isn't here.”

“That's right! We have no choice but to walk!”

“I guess so.”

Personally, I wasn't a big fan of walking, but there was nothing we could do without a carriage.

We had to walk.

Magicians inherently hate moving their bodies.

Of course, I'm physically tougher than other magicians, but that's only compared to other magicians.

Compared to ordinary people, there was a good chance I would look weak.

With that in mind, we started walking towards Baruk.




I walked while constantly using the two magics.

It wasn't a physically demanding magic, and it was helpful.

It meant I could walk fast even with a heavy load.

As I moved quickly, Hearts started talking in amazement.

“Oh, you're really fast!”

“I have to go fast like this. I want to go home and rest quickly too.”

“Hmm? You have a house?”

“Ah, I bought a new one recently. It's a bit on the outskirts, but.”

As I continued to do requests with Hearts, I felt like we had become close.

So, I could joke around with him.

“I'm envious that you bought a house. I'm still stuck in an inn.”

“Haha… Actually, you can afford it too. I heard they gave you a little over 500 gold.”

“Compared to the houses in Lupelton, it's quite cheap.”

“Hmm? You have a house in Lupelton too?”

“I have a small mansion in District 2. Why?”

“Ah, I see…”

Isn't this guy a total show-off?

Having a mansion in District 2 of Lupelton, not just any other district, meant he was incredibly rich.

Ordinary people have a hard time even entering Districts 1 and 2.

I knew Hearts was rich, but to have a house in District 2…

I didn't expect that.

Thinking how amazing it was, we continued walking.

We took breaks in between and slept.

Who knows how long we walked for.

I felt something in the distance.

So I used magic.

[Enhanced Vision]

I enhanced my vision to see what the distant presence was.

And then.

I could see a hairy man holding a snake in one hand, followed by a horde of monsters.

Seeing that, I knew.


It was someone who looked like a Legion Commander.

There's no way he could be leading so many monsters otherwise.

By the way, he looked a bit strange.

Holding a snake in one hand.

I zoomed in on him and took a picture.

Then, I grabbed Hearts and used teleportation to appear in front of the gate.

“Ah, pass.”

Perhaps our faces were familiar, as the guard at the gate let us pass right away.

And we headed to the Adventurers' Guild in Baruk.


Along with the familiar sound of the old door opening, we entered the guild-

As usual, Esily was waiting for us.

“Ah, hello.”

“Oh! You're finally here…!”

Esily's reaction was strange.

As if she had been waiting for me.

So, I was wondering why, when Esily spoke to me.

“I heard there was an attack on Koruntum, and I was so worried… I thought something terrible had happened to you.”

“Ah, you don't have to worry. I'm not going to die so easily.”

It was the plain truth.


And at that moment.

The Legion, hiding in the forest, began to move.

With a very ferocious spirit.

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