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Chapter 169 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

Navia's letter was full of love and concern.

The words of cute resentment, unsuited to the beautiful handwriting, kept a smile on the boy’s face as he read the letter.

The boy, Creed, bowed his tall, grown body to hide his face for a moment.

"Ah, this is driving me crazy, really..."

To think that worry could be this sweet, he definitely was a bad younger brother.

He felt like going mad with joy every time Navia wrote such words of longing for him.

It was a strangely masochistic feeling.

However, Creed himself was longing more deeply for Navia.

When he unfolded the portrait kept in a luxurious wooden cylinder, there she was, sixteen-year-old Navia.

Every time he saw his sister, who became excessively beautiful as time passed, he was engulfed in anxiety and ecstasy.

His heart ached.

He wanted to burst out of this place, climb through the window she had left open for him, and embrace her startled figure tightly.

Then, whispering tenderly, "I'm back," he wanted to kiss her blazingly beautiful eyes, her cheeks, and her soft, plump lips.

His blue eyes, clear as the summer sea with white foam, darkened with thirst.

He gently stroked the portrait with his hand and spoke in a voice that sounded painfully longing.

"I miss you too."

Much more than you miss me.

"Really, I miss you so much."

His voice was laden with love, and his lips lightly touching the portrait carried his longing.

It was the image of a boy completely lost in love.

Creed gazed intently at the portrait, as if he could draw it with his eyes closed, when suddenly his gaze fell on his wrist.

It used to have a magic control bracelet, but now it was empty. The bracelet was broken.

He remembered the story Lark told him before falling asleep.

"The magic control bracelet will break in four years."

"Then, I just need to replace it with a new one, right?"

"It's meaningless. The bracelet has no lifespan. It means you can't suppress your magic with mere magical tools."

"What will happen to me if the magic controller breaks?"

"You'll go berserk."

Berserk meant death.

"So, join the Kaladis war when it's about to break. And go berserk to your heart's content. If you keep releasing magic, you'll be fine."

"But then, I won't be able to see noona."

"Navia said she saw you in the eighth round. So, survive."

Creed sighed softly.

Unrequited love was hard enough, but not being able to see her was like hell.

He wrote a reply to Navia. Choosing words to reassure her as much as possible, carefully selecting each word not to reveal his feelings.

To my sister Navia,

If my actions felt cold to you, that's a real misunderstanding.

You might find it hard to believe, but you are the only person I can treat tenderly in this world.

If I become any more tender, you might run away from me.

And yes, I miss you too, but because of the magic control bracelet issue, I had no choice but to join the battle immediately.

I couldn't control my power...

Ah, don't worry. The battlefield is a good environment to develop control since I have to use a lot of power.

That's why I joined the battle on purpose.

...I wonder if this will make you worry more? I'm really fine.

By the way, I'm also hearing various news here, including from Eseled. It worries me more that you're taking on too much work.

You mentioned gifting me a car. That's very tempting. Once I become proficient in driving, I’d like to go see the sea with you.

After the war, when I go to the capital, would you go with me to see the sea? Or anywhere, really. We don’t have to go by car. Any place under the stars would be fine.

I miss you too. Really, very much. Even more...

I'll write to you first next time.

I'll be happy if there's a reply from you by then.

Worrying more about you,

Your Creed.

When he sealed the letter with red sealing wax, there was a knock.

"Come in."

The door opened, and the lieutenant stood respectfully.

"Your Grace, the staff is all assembled. Shall we move?"

Creed put Navia's letter and her portrait in the drawer and got up.

"Being on the battlefield will teach you how to control your insane magic to some extent. Well... maybe in about four years?"

'I hope so.'

"Let's go."

It was time to depart for the Kaladis war.

* * *

The Kaladis war did not end quickly. It was because Kaladis, along with the magical alliance, waged a war of annihilation against the Eden Empire.

As Lark had said, originally, the Eden Empire was supposed to be defeated by Kaladis. However, the balance of power had shifted evenly.

It was all because of a young hero who appeared like a comet and swept through the battlefield.

That hero was none other than Creed.

Creed was renowned as the sole 'Archmage' of his era.

A war that should have ended in defeat dragged on.

Initially just a side figure on the battlefield due to being the emperor's son and a duke, Creed gradually became central to the army.

He had become a respectable officer.

All this happened when he was just sixteen.

As time passed, countless stories about Duke Creed Eiles circulated in the capital.

"His Majesty the Emperor really has a great son!"

As Creed accrued more achievements, Yulrich's affection for his second son grew stronger.

The more jealousy grew towards the Eseled Duke's family, who suddenly appeared with the crazy technology of 'Magic Stone Recharging' and sparked an industrial revolution, the more special his favor became.

"Eseled is remarkable, but who owns the Famille Department Store? Its identity is still a mystery, isn't it?"

"Some say it's an old man, others a young woman. Who knows! They must be a master of disguise by the sounds of it."

"And speaking of which, have you seen the new automobile that just came out..."

The nobility, even amidst the war, showed no fear.

They casually browsed catalogs, focusing on new dresses and automobiles.

"After all, isn't this a war we're winning? We have Duke Eiles on our side!"

Creed's heroics made the Eden Empire's victory certain.

Yulrich amplified Creed's achievements, praising and increasing his influence.

That he had seriously upset Diana and Ares didn't matter in the slightest.

"What kind of person is the Duke?"

"I hear he's incredibly handsome."

"Isn't he the most eligible bachelor in the capital!"

People longed for the great hero to return to the capital.

Another year passed. Then two more. By the time Creed turned twenty, the long war had ended.

A grand victory for the Eden Empire.

* * *

Creed slowly opened his eyelids, blinking several times to clear his blurred vision.

The soft touch of the blanket on his cheek, the clean scent of sunshine, stirred distant memories.


No, it wasn't just a memory.

Navia was right there before his eyes.

Creed, in a dazed state, looked around.

'...Ah. Eseled.'

Why am I in Eseled? He looked at Navia again, confused. Then it dawned on him.

Ah, it was all a dream.

'The academy, the long war, all of it was just a dream.'

Creed smiled softly at the peacefully sleeping Navia.

It seemed like just another day where he had woken up first in the same bed as Navia.

Or pretended to be asleep before opening his eyes to watch her for a long time.

Creed, feeling a lazy happiness, gazed at Navia.

But when Navia began to stir from her sleep, he quickly closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep again.

His heart fluttered sweetly as he heard her mumble his name in her deep sleep.


He felt the touch of a hand gently brushing his hair.

With tender, loving gestures and a chuckling voice, Creed couldn't resist opening his eyes.

He wanted to see Navia's face.

And then.


Her face was right there in front of him.

Gorgeously matured into adulthood.


Creed frantically looked around.

Just moments ago, it was definitely the annex of Eseled, and he was a child, half his current size...

He was in a train now.

He looked down at his body.

He had grown as tall as Lark, his frame filled out with muscles, tightly fitted in a black uniform.

"...Was it a dream?"

Yes, of course, it had to be a dream. He hadn't seen Navia's recent form.

Creed leaned back with a sigh.

It had been nearly nine years since he last saw her. The last portrait he received showed her at eighteen, highlighting how long it had been.

Yet, imagining Navia all grown up wasn't hard for Creed.

He vividly remembered her often taking an adult form using Polymorph magic.

But this was the first time that image had appeared in his dream. Even more so, on the bed...

Creed roughly swept his face with his large hands.

It was a pitiful struggle to forget Navia, who had sweetly looked at him with a mature expression, smiling prettily right before his eyes.

'Why did I have to dream of that?'


Creed, exhaling a nervous sigh, already had his ears flushed bright red.

It was the moment when the guilt of having a dream he should not have weighed heavily on him.

"Your Highness, the Grand duke."

An aide approached Creed, who was sitting alone in first class.

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