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Chapter 168 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

Navia spoke to him with a calm expression.

"I am offering the supply of rechargeable magic stones first to the Lucia Ducal House."

This statement, laden with significant meaning, made Duke Lucia swallow hard several times.

"Why is that?"

His tone was much more polite than before.

"It's because I have a certain picture in mind for the Lucia Ducal House."

Navia briskly revealed that she had a scheme. This attitude overwhelmed Duke Lucia even more.

"With this technology, there will be no need to depend on magic stones from Agnes anymore. In fact, magic stones will be much more easily distributed and their prices significantly lower."

Navia smiled brightly.

"With that, wouldn't the Lucia Ducal House be able to gain sufficient independence from Her Majesty the Empress?"

The Lucia Ducal House had seen many conveniences as the maternal home of the Empress, especially concerning magic stones.

Duke Lucia pondered.

'Diana only sees our family as a tool for her use. Something she can discard whenever it becomes inconvenient...'

That anxiety had always been there. Diana was too cunning and cruel. A being without compassion. And that was frightening.

But now, with the possibility of obtaining magic stones at a much cheaper price, and even being able to recharge them after use?

'She's suggesting that I abandon the Empress and join hands with them.'

Duke Lucia swallowed hard as he looked at Navia, who was smiling enigmatically.

'Can a child younger than Sara wear such a perfect mask?'

Until now, he hadn't paid much attention to who Navia was. But now, he had a vague idea.

'She's not ordinary. She's different.'

If Diana had instilled fear in him, Navia was different. She inspired a sense of overwhelming. Like Lark.

'Do father and daughter share that trait?'

Duke Lucia quietly thought of his eldest son. Although absent, having enrolled in the Holy Empire Academy, his seventeen-year-old son, a year from graduation, was fine except for being a bit eccentric.

'With this technology, Agnes's authority will become worthless. There's no point in marrying Sara off to Agnes in such a situation.'

Marrying his eldest son to Navia seemed like the perfect solution.

Duke Lucia nodded and extended his hand.

"I count on you, Lady Eseled."

Navia shook his hand with an inscrutable expression.

"I count on you as well."

In a world where magic was inherited through blood, the criteria for a good marriage were clear.

It had to be a magician.

Therefore, it was quite difficult for a non-magician woman to be recognized as an attractive marriage prospect.

However, Navia was already receiving the fervent attention of the two most powerful ducal houses in the empire, including the royal family.

But Navia herself had little interest in such matters.

However, Nero, who was observing the situation, felt differently.

'That was definitely a covetous look.'

Of course, anyone who saw Navia, as well as the immense potential and various capabilities of Eseled, would naturally and rightfully show such a reaction.

In the quiet carriage, Nero broke the silence.

"What will you do if Duke Lucia brings up a marriage proposal?"

"I don't plan to marry. I want to live with dad forever."

She was utterly fed up with the idea of marriage.

"Uh... then..."

Nero wanted to ask, "What about Creed?" but instead brought up something else.

"Do you think Duke Lucia will break ties with the Empress?"

"He won't be able to completely break away, but he will try to become independent in many aspects. And if it seems like Princess Monica will become the next emperor, he'll quickly change sides."

Duke Lucia wasn't particularly brave or adept in business, just a man fortunate enough to be born into a good family and living well.

As such, he lacked strong convictions and was weak-willed. He was just a foolish man who only knew how to look out for his immediate comfort.

'That's why he's no match for Empress Diana.'

As Navia looked out the window, lost in thought for a moment, the carriage had already entered the Eseled Ducal residence.

And a red-painted carriage approached from the opposite direction. No, it wasn't a carriage. It wasn't pulled by horses.

The person driving the car was none other than Charlotte.

"Don't stick your head out of the window while driving, it's dangerous!"

Navia, in fact, leaned out the window, stretching her upper body towards Charlotte and shouted.

Nero was restless and repeatedly urged Navia to be careful, holding onto her waist, saying she was in more danger now.


As soon as the carriage stopped, Navia jumped down and ran to Charlotte, who was also getting out of the car.

"Huh? Charlotte, what's that on your face?"

Navia asked hesitantly, noticing the black sunglasses covering Charlotte's eyes.

"Oh, driving during the day can be dazzling, right? So I asked Mine to make these for me. They're sunglasses."

Charlotte, in her stylish outfit and sunglasses covering half her face, looked quite cool.

"You look so cool, Charlotte."

Charlotte struck an exaggerated pose.

"Thank you, Miss."

At that moment, someone staggered out of the passenger seat.

"Ricardo! You were here early?"

Ricardo, who had come to Navia for a matter concerning the Famille workshop, turned pale after riding in Charlotte's car at her invitation.

"I, I can't ride anymore."

"Oh, and I gave you such a cool drive. That's disappointing, Mr. Ricardo."

As Charlotte spoke with a twirling laugh, Ricardo momentarily showed a choked-up expression, then quickly turned his head away with a "Tch."

'Everyone's getting along well, that's a relief.'

Navia smiled contentedly watching them. Suleiman's voice could also be heard from a distance.

"Let's have a meal!"

Although Dad is asleep and not here now, this place is still warm. It was a happy home where a loving family lived together.

On her way to the main house, Navia murmured to herself.

"Speaking of which, why hasn't Creed been coming around these days...?"

Charlotte replied with surprise.

"He was here briefly today. Said he was heading straight to the academy. Didn't you see him, Miss?"

Navia blinked in stunned silence.

'He went straight to the academy? Why did he leave without seeing me?'

Creed hadn't visited her since the day he kissed her cheek. And then, suddenly, he left for the academy.

'Is it because he's in his adolescence...?'

Navia's expression turned melancholy, and Charlotte quickly tried to soothe her.

"Why don't you write him a letter? If it's Creed, there must be some urgent matter that made him leave so quickly."

"Really? Then could you help me prepare to write a letter?"

"Of course, Miss."

So, Navia began writing her first letter to Creed.

To Creed.

I never thought I'd be writing my first letter to you feeling like this.

How will you explain leaving for the academy without saying goodbye to me?

I hope it's not because you hate me. I still really like you, Creed.

I'll believe you had urgent business, so please visit me during the vacation. If I hear you're in the capital, I'll open my window and wait for you.

I hope you make many friends at the academy and have fun. Send me letters often. I'll always be waiting for your news.

I'm going to miss you so much.

No, I miss you already.

Ah, don't mind what I just said. I spoke without thinking.

Eat well and don't get hurt. If you do, come to me. Okay?

I'll be waiting for your reply.

Missing you already,



When We Became Adults


The boy, boasting a mature face and a tall, perfect body for his age, read the letter.

To the detestable Creed.

It's been four years since you showed up for just 30 minutes on your first vacation and then left abruptly.

Yes. It means I haven't seen your face for four long years! You write regularly, but why don't you come to the capital during vacations? Busy with studies? Okay, I understand.

But how should I understand you suddenly joining the war with the Kaladis Kingdom after graduating last year?

If you hate me, just tell me.

The disparity between your kind letters and your cold behavior is too confusing...

I really wanted to show you the department store and car driving demonstration I prepared.

I've even prepared the car you'll drive as an adult. Curious, aren't you?

So please, come home.

Stop making ridiculous requests like asking for my portrait without showing your face!

But I'll enclose a recent portrait of mine. Send me something of yours too. We won't see each other until the war ends.

Don't get hurt, and leave the dangerous work to others. Okay? Your safety is my utmost concern.

Call me if needed. I'll even come to Kaladis Kingdom.

I miss you, Creed.

Really, I miss you so much.

...I'll be waiting for your reply.

Unable to sleep with worry,


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