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Chapter 16 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Class Placement Test (2)

Galimar Academy's public training ground.

The vast, circular arena was bustling with the fiery passion of the students.

Every child's face was etched with tension.

Galimar's schedule was notorious for its intensity.

And right now, the 'Class Placement Exam,' known as the first gateway, was underway.

Students strived to prove themselves.

Some for honor, some for reputation, others for their future.

"Heh heh... This year's cohort is brimming with enthusiasm."

The Headmaster, observing the exam, smiled contentedly.

Though time had etched wrinkles onto his face, his eyes still gleamed with insight.

"What are your thoughts, professors?"

"I see many promising talents. This year's group is worthy of being called the 'greatest generation,' even compared to past years."

"I agree with Professor Kadel."

"All the talents of the continent have gathered here."

The faculty responded promptly to the Headmaster's inquiry.

Their evaluations were filled with praise.

The Headmaster nodded, a satisfied expression gracing his face.

"It's truly astounding."

The top ranks of this year's cohort were undeniably overwhelming.

From the second-place student to the fifteenth, they were all lined up, individuals who would have typically secured the top spot in other years.

It was an unprecedented boon for the academy.

"This will undoubtedly serve as a foundation to further solidify our academy's prestige."

The Headmaster chuckled softly. As he did, someone quietly approached the old man.

"I completely agree with your assessment, Headmaster... but there's something that concerns me."

"Speak your mind, Professor Kadel."

It was the professor who had been actively voicing his opinions earlier.

"There's no doubt that the students in this year's cohort are exceptional."


"However, regarding the top student... there seems to be a lot of talk."

The professor spoke with a hint of regret in his voice.

But it was nothing but a facade.

The corners of his lips were twisted into a sardonic smile, and his eyes were fixed on Selena.

It was a clear mockery directed at her.

"I'm worried that this might lead the students to question the integrity of Galimar."

"Isn't that a settled matter?"

"I'm simply expressing my concern."

"I remember the terms regarding Professor Selena's position. I won't go back on my word now."

Judas Snakus, the top-ranked student.

If he failed to maintain a position within the top 10 in this Class Placement Exam, Selena's position as the top professor would be revoked.

In other words, she would be demoted to an ordinary professor.

"So, let's not act rashly."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Professor Kadel retreated with an unpleasant smile.

The reactions of the observing faculty were divided.

One side mocked Selena, while the other offered sympathetic glances.

Surprisingly, there were some professors who sided with Selena, but even their reactions stemmed from pity.

Everyone predicted Judas' defeat.

In a way, it was only natural.

While he had delivered a rather impressive speech at the entrance ceremony, it was true that he fell far short of deserving the title of top student.

Selena was backed into a corner.

'It's over.'

'She might have been a bit eccentric, but she was skilled... What a shame.'

'The day to drag her down has finally come.'

'I heard she's an alcoholic... I guess she's lost her mind too.'

"It wouldn't be such a big deal if it were any other student, but considering his opponent is the Imperial Princess..."

The faculty members exchanged discreet glances.

Their gazes converged on a single point – a woman with violet hair.


Selena stood there, seemingly lost in thought.

Despite being in a precarious situation, her demeanor remained unchanged.

Her crimson eyes reflected a serene calmness.

[Seventh Match]

[Judas Snakus vs. Charlotte Little von Staufen]

"It begins," the woman murmured softly.

Her eyes were fixed on the center of the circular arena, specifically on the boy who was entering it.

His golden hair shimmered under the radiant sunlight.

It was a fight with no apparent chance of victory.

Nevertheless, the boy stepped onto the stage with unwavering resolve.


The Class Placement Exam proceeded in a predetermined order.

My turn was seventh.

Considering there were nearly 1,000 new students this year and around 100 students taking the exam on the first day, it was a surprisingly early turn.

Perhaps that was why.

My turn came around beforeI had time to get bored.

Just 30 minutes ago, I was observing the exams of other students, and now I stood in their place.

With steady steps, I walked onto the arena.

《The seventh match will commence shortly.》

《Students participating in this match, please proceed according to the instructions.》

The announcement echoed rather loudly.

The exam format was simple.

Two students of similar skill level would engage in a duel.

Regardless of victory or defeat, everything would be evaluated and used to rearrange the rankings.

'Could it be that my opponent is really Charlotte?'

A smirk played on my lips.

Perhaps the faculty was truly riled up by the fact that someone so inadequate had taken the top spot.

They were determined to pull me down.

"It's a shame, isn't it? This wasn't even a position I desired..."

=I didn't want to be the top student either. They forced me into it, and now they're making a fuss.

Why did they even make me the top student in the first place?

"It's rather unfortunate."

=Such incompetent handling. This is messed up.

It seemed they were expecting me to be utterly defeated.

Unfortunately for them, it wouldn't be that easy this time.

If someone intended to use me, they should be prepared to be used in return.

'This is not a bad opportunity. I needed a chance to make a statement anyway...'

As I pondered, my eyes met with those of the platinum-haired girl standing opposite me.



Her blue eyes, resembling the vast ocean, held my gaze.

As we locked eyes for a moment, the intrusive announcement blared once more, assaulting my eardrums.

《Participants, please stand by at your designated positions.》

《The exam will proceed as a duel. The match will end when one participant subdues or incapacitates the other.》

《Additionally, the match will also end if one participant forfeits.》

It was about to begin.

I gathered my falsehoods at my fingertips. A black mist enveloped my arm.

A voice reached me from the other side.

"I won't hold back."

Charlotte, her gaze unreadable, stared at me.

She was the epitome of the Little Prince. I responded playfully.

"To think Her Highness would show me her true abilities... How overwhelming."

"I'm curious about you."

"About me, Your Highness?"

"You remind me of someone. Someone I met once. I'm not sure if you two are the same person yet, so..."

"So, you wish to test me, Your Highness?"

"Yes. And I'll do my best."

"Haha, I hope to meet your expectations, Your Highness."

"Please do."

Charlotte drew her sword from its scabbard.

The unsheathing was fluid and graceful. The polished blade glinted, reflecting the sunlight.


I, too, gathered my falsehoods, mirroring her actions.

The shadows that had gathered in my palm took shape, forming a sword in my hand.

We pointed our blades at each other.


With that brief signal, the exam commenced.

Charlotte, her mana gathered, swiftly shook her arm a few times before launching herself off the ground.


A sharp sound echoed through the arena.

In the blink of an eye, Charlotte was right before me.

Without a moment's hesitation, she struck. A silver streak sliced through the air, aimed at me.


I narrowly blocked the attack.

It was a blow that would have landed on any average student. Charlotte, as if expecting my defense, muttered,

"As expected, you reacted."

"Just lucky, Your Highness."


Clang! Clang!! Crackle...! Thud!!

Her assault was relentless.

Sparks flew each time our blades clashed. I retreated step by step under her fierce swordsmanship.


I furrowed my brows, feigning a grunt of effort.

Of course, it wasn't truly challenging. I was merely putting on an act.

This was all part of my plan.

'Let's just counter... just enough.'

My goal for this Class Placement Exam was to secure a position within the top 10.

I had no intention of aiming higher or lower.

Above would be excessive, below would be insufficient.

My objective in this life was to blend in, to exist without drawing attention, and to witness the world's happy ending.

That was precisely why I had controlled my power during the initial entrance exam to achieve a mid-range ranking.

Remaining at the top would only attract unwanted attention.

However, losing pathetically and plummeting in the rankings would also draw unwanted attention.

People would undoubtedly say things like, 'As expected, he was a bubble top student,' tarnishing my reputation.

'I need to be convincingly weaker than Charlotte but still give the impression that I possess hidden strength.'

I tightened my grip on the sword, continuing the charade.

A touch of falsehood, subtly woven into the air, amplified the illusion of a perilous battle.


The relentless symphony of steel continued.

Sparks showered the arena with each clash of our blades.

As our fierce exchange persisted, murmurs erupted from the observing students.

-W-what...? He's doing better than expected?

-He's not just doing well, he's actually holding his own against Her Highness's swordsmanship...!

-I thought he'd be blown away by the first attack...

-Wasn't he called a bubble top student?

-Well, his opponent is Her Highness, and she's no pushover either.

Yes, that's precisely it.

Please, think of me as 'Extra #1, not quite top student material, but strong nonetheless.'

I smirked inwardly, relishing the buzz of excitement.

"Huff... huff..."

"Getting tired?"

"Yes... Your Highness."

"You're holding up surprisingly well for someone who's tired."


Charlotte, her gaze momentarily flickering with suspicion, suddenly pushed back against my sword with force. She created distance between us, assuming a new stance.

Her hands gripped the sword, its tip pointed towards the ground.

"Let's see if that exhaustion is real or just an act."

Her clear blue eyes gleamed.

Mana surged within her, its energy coursing through her veins and enveloping her.

A blue aura swirled around Charlotte.


The very air around her trembled, as if in fear.

It was an overwhelmingly dazzling display. I couldn't help but be astonished, recognizing the prelude to what was to come.

'She's using her ultimate move in a mere Class Placement Exam?'

And against an opponent like me?

A wave of bewilderment washed over me, but Charlotte's attack was swifter than my thoughts.

Her pale eyes flashed with a chilling light.

Her rosy lips moved, uttering the incantation.

"Sword, be dyed."


She plunged her sword into the arena floor.

The moment her words left her lips, the sound of steel and stone clashing reverberated through the air. It was a particularly sharp, piercing sound.

The blue aura that had been swirling around her exploded outwards.

And then...

Clank, clank, clank-!

Steel vines erupted from the ground, rapidly encircling the entire circular arena.

The vines intertwined and branched out, weaving themselves into a colossal structure.

"Haha... Isn't this a bit too much for a mere performance?"

Before my eyes stood a magnificent rose garden.

Every leaf, every petal, was formed from steel, creating a formidable cage of iron.

"I told you, I'd do my best."

Charlotte approached with light steps, a newly plucked rose-shaped sword in her hand.

Her gaze was unwavering, her intent clear. It seemed she wouldn't relent until I gave her a proper fight.

I reluctantly raised my sword.


Losing convincingly was harder than it looked.

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  2. So this is gonna be a pretty decent read only screwed over by the fact that it never gets translated? Great job guys.
    Not really worth waiting a week a chapter lol
