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Chapter 15 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Class Placement Test (1)

After the bustling entrance ceremony, we had a week of free time.

All academy schedules would begin after the class placement exam. In other words, it meant we had no particular schedule for a few days.

It was the academy's consideration for the freshmen who were not yet accustomed to the academy, a time for them to adjust.

'This feels new.'

It was a part that existed in the original story as well.

The process of the player exploring the academy and building relationships with other NPCs. Other than that, it was the part where the basic settings were laid out.

In other words, you could say this was the tutorial.

It also meant that the story of 'The World as Seen by the Little Prince' that I knew had finally begun in earnest.

My heart was filled with excitement.

How long had I waited for this moment? How bored I had been for the past three months since I possessed this body.

I think I did all sorts of things to relieve my boredom.

'Those days are finally over.'

The place I had dreamed of so much.

During the one week given by the academy, I diligently walked around the academy.

It was so vast that I had to ride a carriage all day long.

Irene, who had been dragged out with me, grumbled, but she also seemed interested.

It was called the best educational institution on the continent.

Not only that, but it was also a space that embodied the essence of imperial architecture.


The trees swayed in the gentle spring breeze.

A clear stream flowed by the side of the walkway I was stepping on. On the surface of the water, so transparent that you could see the bottom, a few baby swans swam leisurely.

It was a feast of beautiful scenery.

"It's really nice... I feel like I've wasted half my life."

"Hmph. It is nice."

"Miss Irene. Sorry to point this out while you're trying to sound chic, but your tail is wagging too excitedly."

"...... I told you it's nice."

Irene turned her head slightly at my remark.

Even though she couldn't hide her awe, her tail was still wagging.

A chuckle escaped my mouth.

She's prickly yet has a cute side. She was definitely a talent to tease.

We walked a little further along the road.

As we were enjoying such a pleasant walk.

"You there!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Who are they calling? As I turned my head with that thought, a girl with blue hair came into view.

Is she calling me?

"...... Did you call me, Lady?"

"Yes, I called you. Let's talk for a moment."

Click, click-.

The confident sound of heels.

The girl, who had approached me in no time, casually crossed her arms and stopped in place.

It was a dignified gesture.

"You... are the eldest son of the Snakus County, the one who entered as the top student this time, right?"

"That's right."

"Ha, the way you smile is truly a sight to behold."

She was rude from the first greeting.

Her way of speaking felt strangely familiar. I looked at the girl as I recalled it belatedly.

"To think that a man like you is the representative student of Galimar Academy."

Blue eyes resembling the sea.

Her long blue hair, reaching her lower back, was styled in bun-shaped waves.

A girl with the typical appearance of a villainess.

I knew who she was.


Emilia Vanity.

The eldest daughter of the Vanity Duke Family and an elite who entered as the third-ranked student in this year's intake.

In the original story, she appeared as a high-ranking noble who harassed the commoner Regia, and was a villainous character who made life difficult for the main character's party until the middle part of the story.

The girl's lips twisted slightly.

"Truly disappointing. This is the level of the academy."

The sudden appearance of the villainess.


Emilia was basically a vain person. [T/N: Yeah, checks out with the Vanity family, lol.]

She's obsessed with the attention she receives from others.

She feels extreme inferiority to those who shine brighter than her.

Since the motif of her character in the fairy tale was 'a vain person,' you could say that she was faithful to her concept.

-To think that a mere commoner is acting up... I can't accept it.

The reason she harassed Regia in the original story was simple.

She was jealous of the talent the main character possessed, and because Regia received more love and attention than her.

A trivial sense of inferiority sowed the seeds of conflict.

-Oh my~ I'm so sorry. I tripped by accident.

-I told you not to stand out.

-How should I interpret your current attitude, commoner? As a challenge to the Vanity Duke Family?

The intensity of the bullying wasn't severe.

There was no direct violence, and there was no financial extortion. It stopped at a level that could be overlooked as a mere prank.

But even that was a great deal of stress for Regia.

-So-, Sorry... Lady Vanity.

-I-, I, sob, I didn't, I didn't mean to...

Considering her personality, which already made her uncomfortable around nobles...

The fact that the daughter of one of the three most prestigious families in the empire was hostile towards her must have been agonizing.

She even ended up in tears later.


The person chattering in front of me now was that very person.

The character in the 'villainess' position who mentally shakes our beloved protagonist. An obstacle and a stepping stone for growth.

"Are you even listening to me?!"


"I don't know how someone like you could be the top student, but don't get cocky!"

Unfortunately, Emilia was not at all friendly towards me.

Perhaps it was only natural. She was someone who even expressed hostility towards our harmless protagonist, so what about someone with a sinister appearance like me?

In the entrance exam, I had surpassed her and took first place.

And at the freshman representative speech, I even struck a cool pose...

'Did I get on her bad side?'

It was something I had expected to some extent.

Even I didn't know why I was the top student, let alone the other students.

'But we're both nobles. I thought she might let it slide...'

No chance.

Emilia bared her teeth as soon as she saw me.

I had no choice but to vaguely agree with her to avoid hurting her feelings, and swallow down my bitter heart.

Very, very bitterly.

"Oh my~ I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm so outstanding that I ended up surpassing Lady Vanity and becoming the top student!"

"What did you say?!"

"I should have held back for the sake of your reputation, Lady, but I didn't think of it. Please forgive me..."

I deliberately dab at my tears.

As I put on the performance of my life, the girl's face turned red with anger.

"Are you making fun of me? That attitude you've had from the start...!"

"Making fun of you? How dare I! I'm just truly sorry that you were pushed back to 'third place'..."


Emilia was now making noises like a boiling kettle.

I smiled brightly with a thrilling sense of pleasure.

I poked and prodded her a few times for fun, and it drew out some very delicious reactions. I couldn't help but tease her.

"Ah... I curse my talent. To think I have a talent that makes even my closest friend jealous."

"I never said I was jealous! And when did we even become close friends!?"

"Oh my! Are you saying that the 30 minutes we spent together just now were all a midday dream?"

"It hasn't even been 30 minutes since we met!!"

"My, you're smarter than I thought."

"So you were trying to trick me?!"

"Maybe a little?"

This is dangerous. It was a very stimulating kind of fun.

Especially since the one reacting like this was the daughter of a duke, the thrill of pushing the boundaries was incredible.

My blood of chaos boils hot.

"And, and, and."


"That makes you third place."

"You... Are you really not afraid of the Vanity Duke Family?"

"Of course I'm afraid."

But I only seek amusement.

Besides that, there was nothing left.

If things went wrong, I could just erase her memory with my abilities. Not my preferred method, but...

"It's alright, Lady. Third place is still an excellent result, isn't it?"

"I don't want to hear that from someone who's below my level!"

"Third place is still an excellent result, isn't it? Third place is still an excellent result..."

"Don't repeat it three times!!"

Emilia must be very annoyed.

She came here to pick on someone she didn't like, but she's the one being teased instead.

How many times has she been teased in her life?

No, maybe this was her first time.

And since I was being careful not to cross the line, it would be ambiguous for her to respond seriously.

It was just a little prank between kids.

'It's not publicly known, but... Emilia's standing in the Vanity family is like a kite with its string cut.'

And the same goes for her twin brother.

Originally, the twins were the rightful successors of Vanity, but due to various circumstances, they were in a somewhat difficult position.

Well, let's just gloss over that.

It'll get too complicated if I go into too much detail.

Anyway, the point is, Emilia doesn't have the luxury of touching me.

She could punish the eldest son of a mere county, but even that would only be possible if there was a justifiable reason.

"I don't know why you're so upset, Lady. I'm purely congratulating you..."

"Don't make that pitiful face!!"

"You're really... hurting my feelings."

"Eek, eek!!"

Emilia finally explodes, unable to hold back her anger any longer.

As I was enjoying my happiness after a long time, her blue eyes glared at me fiercely.

"Ha! Let's see how long you can maintain that arrogant attitude."

"It's an honor to have you watch me."

"Rumors are already spreading among the students. Everyone knows that you're a worthless bubble at the top!"

"Oh dear, I've already been found out."

"Then enjoy your complacency while you can. It'll all be revealed soon."

The girl smiled bitterly.

"The upcoming class placement exam... I heard it's going to be in a tournament format, right? And I heard that your opponent is Her Highness the Princess."

"Don't we find out our opponents on the day of the exam?"

"However I found out, isn't it obvious?"

"You're more frightening than I thought."


She scoffed as if to say, "No kidding."

That characteristic look in her eyes that seemed to look down on others. Emilia, who had been confronting me for a while, finally took a step back.

It seems she's finally decided to leave.

"Well, this was a waste of time."

"That hurts my feelings."

"As if a frivolous man like you could stand a chance against Her Highness. Enjoy it while it lasts, for it won't be long before it's taken from you."

With that friendly warning, the girl turned her back on me.

Her blue, bun-shaped hair gradually disappeared into the hazy season.

I stared at her retreating figure for a moment.

Lost in thought, I stood there for a while, until Irene, who had been watching the situation from the side, cleared her throat.

"Um, well, you see..."

The fox was watching me cautiously. Why is she acting like this all of a sudden?

"Miss Irene? What's wrong?"


"Miss Irene?"

"......Are you going to kill her?"


Irene suddenly asks a strange question.

It was a completely incomprehensible turn of events. I tilted my head with a question mark above it and asked back.

"Out of the blue?"

"She just insulted you without any reason. Saying you were a bubble at the top and looking down on you."

"Well, that's true, but... why would you think I'm going to kill her?"

"Because you had that look on your face like you were annoyed. Like you were looking down at a crawling insect..."

"That's my usual expression."


The fox growled in a wary voice.

Perhaps she was truly nervous, because her forehead was covered in cold sweat and her tail was stiff.

I asked in disbelief.

"What do you take me for?"

"A monster."

"Why do I feel like your assessment of me is getting worse...?"

I saved her, fed her, sheltered her, protected the children.

I did everything for her, and this is how she repays me? Is this what they call a fox that doesn't repay kindness?

"......You have the power to do it."

You could brutally murder that girl and cover it up.

I don't know how great the Vanity Duke Family is, but I don't think they'd stand a chance against you.

"So it's pointless. The moment you set your mind to it, it'll be a disaster."

"You're overestimating me too much."

"So you can't do it?"

"Well, it's up to your imagination."

"See, I told you."


I laugh off the difficult question. With a little lie mixed in.

"Don't worry. Even I can't take on a duke's family alone."

"I knew it...?"

"There you go."


[Target's emotion has changed.]

(Wary, Suspicious -> Slightly Relieved)

[A small amount of lies has been recovered.]

[Current remaining output: 76.4%]

A clear mechanical sound rings in my ears.

A drop of noise signifies deception. Between my lips, which spit out lies as easily as breathing, exists only the flickering tongue of a serpent.

I smile and start walking.

"Shall we head back now? I think we've seen enough."


The fox hesitates for a moment before falling into step beside me.

She was going to do this anyway, so why did she even bother being wary? Feeling mischievous, I grab her tail.


A rather cute scream.

A fluffy sensation greets my fingertips.

As I knead the luscious fluff a few times, the girl's flustered reaction follows.

"Wh-What are you... Ugh, why are you touching my tail?!"

"It's punishment."

"Pu-Punishment for what?! Ow, hey, wait, not there...!"

"It's so soft."

"Give me a reason!!"

You don't know the reason?

You're hopeless. Today, I'll instill in you some respect for your employer.

And so, the tail-touching experience continued.

"Nn, nnngh...!"

"You sound so cute when you whine."

"This is... the worst!"


I was originally only going to tease her for a bit, but Irene's reaction was much more intense than I expected.

It was so fun that I ended up fiddling with it for a long time.

I finally let go of her tail when...

"......You're despicable."

Tears welled up in the fox's eyes.

It took quite a while to soothe her after she got completely sulky.


The hectic week passed, and the day of the class placement exam finally arrived.

I thought it was quite a long time, but...

Once I started exploring the academy, even that didn't seem like enough.

Still, I had no regrets.

I'll be staying here for the next three years, so it's good to take my time getting to know the place.

For now, it was time to focus on the situation at hand. I lift my head and look around.

"Please take a seat here. Check your opponent and wait for your turn."

I followed the staff member's guidance and sat down.

The current location was the public arena near the main building. It was a circular arena large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

As expected, I guess.

The scale never fails to amaze me.

I was momentarily captivated by the sight, but I quickly regain my composure.

As I examine the tournament bracket I received at the entrance, my name catches my eye.

[Seventh Match]

[Judas Snakus vs Charlotte Little von Staufen]

"Lady Vanity was right."

My opponent was Charlotte.

I wasn't particularly surprised. If the staff were planning to test me, I expected them to put me up against the strongest opponent.

Our Little Prince is more than enough to handle a test.


"Y-Your Excellency, are you alright?"

"Ah, Lady Regia."

The owner of the pink hair sits next to me.

Her clear green eyes are filled with anxiety. Regia points at the bracket in my hand and asks cautiously.

"Your opponent is Her Highness the Princess... What should we do? I heard she's incredibly strong."

The girl glances at me nervously.

Is she worried about me? I can't help but let out a disgusting, otaku-like smile.

"This is wonderful."

"Are you really alright?"

"Is there any reason why I shouldn't be?"

"W-Well, this might be presumptuous of me to say, but... I've heard rumors that Her Highness the Princess is incredibly powerful."

"Hmm, hmm."

Come to think of it.

Regia saw me take the entrance exam too.

Since she still remembers how I was back then, it seems like she's worried about me maintaining my rank.

Anyone would be a little wary if someone like me was the top student, but how can she be so kind?

I put on a satisfied smile and reassure the girl.

"Don't worry... It'll be different this time."

It was unlike the entrance exam.

I was already at the top of the class, and pretending to be excessively weak would only be detrimental now that attention was on me.

I planned to reveal a bit of my strength.

Not too little, not too much.

Just enough to maintain my rank in the academy.

"You can look forward to it."

I murmured meaningfully.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter! Loking foward next chapter!

  2. HUH? the lie thing filled up? So he can solo a duke family???

    1. Remember, this guy is not only a disgustingly powerful final boss, but also the leader of the country’s strongest criminal organization
