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Chapter 59 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

Encounter with the Necromancer

It wasn't strictly necessary to engage the marching legion of corpses. It would be like poking a hornet's nest.

Our combined strength could have handled it, but taking on that risk unnecessarily was unwise.

I explained my method to the others and sought their understanding. We weren't traveling as one cohesive group, but word could spread. It was best to inform them beforehand.

After my explanation-

"...So you're saying there's no chance it'll affect us?"

"Ah, yes. I don't think it will."


I couldn't give them a definitive answer. Under normal circumstances, there would be no chance of repercussions, but...

There was always the possibility of unforeseen circumstances.

I didn't want to shoulder the blame if things went south.

It was better to avoid responsibility unless absolutely necessary. Or rather, I didn't want to shoulder any unnecessary responsibility.

With that in mind, I prepared to cast my spell.

The core of this plan was simple: as long as I didn't directly attack the enemy, it would be fine. If the ground suddenly caved in beneath them, it wasn't as if I had directly attacked them, right?

It was a tactic I often employed in actual combat. A way to eliminate monsters without attracting their attention, so to speak.

Of course, most monsters would simply avoid a sinkhole, but the undead legion was different. They lacked any semblance of intelligence.

"This might just work..."

The only potential issue was the possibility of the necromancer controlling the undead noticing us.

So I pondered for a moment. Should I proceed with this plan? Would it be beneficial to me?

After weighing the various factors, I reached a conclusion.

'This is the place to do it.'

The destination of the undead legion was obvious. They were likely heading towards Koruntum.

Checking the real-time posts on the forum, it seemed undead legions were invading from multiple directions. This had to be one of them.

Which meant they were an enemy that needed to be dealt with eventually.

So, taking care of them now wasn't a bad idea.

With that thought, I began to weave my spell.


I carefully channeled mana into the activated spell.


As mana flowed, the ground beneath the marching undead began to tremble.

Many mages were unaware of this, but with skillful manipulation, [Earthquake] could create sinkholes.

I had inquired about it on the forum a while back, but no one seemed to know.

Well, it might have been common knowledge, but the odds of them knowing were slim. Even I hadn't realized it immediately.

Focusing my concentration, I meticulously controlled the flow of mana.



The earth split open, and the undead legion began to tumble into the chasm.

"Whoa, it actually worked!"

"Yeah, who knew?"

To be honest, I hadn't expected it to be this easy.

However, I didn't let my guard down just yet. There was always the risk of unforeseen dangers.

And at that moment.

"What the...? Who's there?"

A woman emerged from the heart of the undead legion.

Purple eyes.

Long, flowing black hair.

A skull-shaped necklace, a testament to her identity as a necromancer.

And simultaneously, an overwhelming surge of mana emanating from her.


...She was incredibly powerful.

Perhaps even beyond my ability to handle.

With more experience and knowledge, I might stand a chance, but at that moment, victory seemed unlikely.

I held my breath.

Hearts and the other adventurers, sensing the ominous mana radiating from the necromancer, followed suit.

'Stay silent.'

Laying low was the wisest course of action. Revealing ourselves would only invite punishment.

It was better to be discreetly cowardly than to suffer the consequences of bravado.

We remained hidden for what felt like an eternity.

"Hmm? Is someone hiding there?"

The necromancer had noticed us.


Honestly, I hadn't expected to remain undetected.

My hiding spot was a bit... subpar.

With a sheepish grin, I rose from my hiding place.

"Ahahaha... Hello there?"

Denials were pointless at this juncture. She was clearly aware of our presence.

As I stood, the other adventurers and Hearts followed suit.

Their weapons remained sheathed, although their grips were tight. They seemed hesitant to draw their blades.

The difference in our power levels was simply too vast.

"So, you're the leader?"

The necromancer addressed me directly.

Perhaps she assumed I was the strongest among us.

I had been meticulously concealing my mana, yet she saw through it effortlessly. Her abilities were truly remarkable.

"Ah, I'm not the leader," I replied.

"Well, that's neither here nor there. Show some respect and take off that hood."

She seemed rather particular about appearances. To think she'd take issue with my attire.

Reluctantly, I removed the hood I had worn since arriving in Koruntum.

And then-

"...Hmm, not bad looking."

The necromancer seemed momentarily taken aback before continuing.

"I'll let you off with a warning this time. Be on your way. Next time, I won't be so lenient."

With that, she brushed past us, seemingly disinterested.

How strange. Necromancers weren't exactly known for their pleasant dispositions.

The other adventurers, sharing my bewilderment, maintained a firm grip on their weapons.

We watched as she disappeared from view.

A wave of concern washed over me.

'This is going to eat at Hearts.'

Paladins were raised to vanquish evil. Witnessing a powerful, malevolent being and being forced to stand down wouldn't sit well with him.

"Are you alright?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

Every member of our group was crucial, and Hearts's departure would be a significant blow. Besides, I had grown rather fond of him.

His response was surprisingly pragmatic.

"Yes, I'm fine! It just means I need to train harder."

Such a practical response from a paladin...

It was the logical reaction, yet it felt... off.

"Well then," I announced to the group, "we should get going. If we leave now, we might be able to reach Koruntum before that necromancer."

"Hmph, as you wish," grumbled the adventurer with the greatsword.

Despite his words, he fell into step behind me.

His gruff exterior couldn't hide his true nature.

It was rather endearing.

With newfound determination, we set off towards Koruntum.

As we walked, I browsed the forum.

[Saw a ridiculously handsome guy today LOLOLOL][10]

The title piqued my interest, and I clicked on it immediately. The username was rather amusing as well.

[Author: CocoNenne]

[Title: Saw a ridiculously handsome guy today LOLOLOL]

[Content: OMG, saw the most gorgeous guy ever LOL. From now on, my ideal type is a sickly mage LOL..]

L: Oh, the sickly attribute is kinda hot.

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ LOL

ㄴ: Out of all things, the sickly attribute is the hottest LOL

L: I bet she didn't just "see" him. Probably found him while slaughtering some random town LOL

ㄴ: True

L: What a psycho. Killing people and analyzing their looks? I swear I'm gonna lose it LOL

L: Gay alert...

ㄴ: This isn't a guy, idiot. This username is famous for being a girl LOL

ㄴ: Holy crap, didn't know that LOL

CocoNenne being female was common knowledge on the forum.

Pushing that irrelevant thought aside, we continued our journey to Koruntum.

[T/N: CocoNenne Illustration on discord!]

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