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Chapter 58 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

Attack Commences

As the battle unfolded according to plan, the tide quickly turned in our favor.

We did run into some trolls along the way, but I took care of them with [Tsar Bomba].

There were a few close calls where other adventurers almost got caught in the crossfire, but thankfully, everyone managed to avoid any serious harm.

However, something felt off.

‘..Why are there so many trolls?’

Of course, encountering trolls wasn’t unusual in itself.

But their sheer number was concerning.

It was as if someone was deliberately driving them towards us.

While my suspicions grew, I knew that dealing with the immediate situation took priority over dwelling on doubts.

[Lightning Bolt]

This spell had become a reliable asset in my arsenal.

Its versatility made it incredibly useful, adaptable to a wide range of situations.

As I unleashed the bolt, I surveyed the battlefield, strategizing my next move.


An [Earthquake] would be ideal for this situation, but the risk of catching my allies in the crossfire was too high.

I had to opt for a different approach.

[Lightning Chain]

[Gravity Sphere]

Two spells, cast simultaneously.

The monsters, drawn together by the [Gravity Sphere], found themselves ensnared in the crackling energy of the [Lightning Chain].


Their bodies, wracked with electricity, crumpled to the ground, where the other adventurers swiftly finished them off.

You could say I was setting the table, and they were enjoying the feast.

Though we hadn't explicitly planned it, everyone seemed to instinctively understand their roles in this chaotic dance, a testament to their experience as adventurers.

Thanks to [Absolute Mind], Hearts remained calm and collected, efficiently cutting down the monsters with deadly precision.


The air was thick with the sound of flesh being torn and bones being broken.

Despite the gruesome scene, I felt strangely detached.

We were in this together, after all.

This was just another day at the office, so to speak.

As we pressed on, the last of the monsters fell with a sickening thud.

The battlefield was now silent, save for the ragged breaths of the adventurers and the stench of death that hung heavy in the air.

Even a thorough shower wouldn't be enough to wash away this grime.

I made a mental note to cast [Purify] once we were back in civilization.

Using it now would only be a temporary fix.

With that thought, I made my way over to where the others had gathered.

“Good work, everyone.”

A simple gesture of appreciation, but I knew it would be appreciated, even if they didn’t show it.

And if they didn’t care, well, at least I could say I tried.

The man wielding the greatsword grunted in response.

“Hmph, I’m leaving. Do what you want.”

He turned and walked away without another word, but I could sense a hint of bashfulness in his demeanor.

Perhaps he was embarrassed by my compliment.

Adventurers in this world weren’t exactly known for their eloquence or displays of camaraderie.

It was a harsh and unforgiving lifestyle, which had likely shaped their stoic nature.

Personally, I made it a point to break that mold whenever I could.

“Right, I should get going too!” Hearts chimed in, wiping the blood and gore from his armor before setting off.

Since we were all heading in the same direction, I decided to tag along.


Chirp, chirp

As we journeyed onward, the first rays of dawn began to peek through the trees.

Despite our earlier farewells, our paths continued to intertwine.

I'm sure the other adventurers didn't mind my company.

After all, having a powerful mage like myself around offered a sense of security.


A yawn escaped my lips.

The fatigue from our recent battle, coupled with the monotony of the journey, was starting to take its toll.

This was usually the time I’d turn to the forum for a distraction.

I needed something to keep myself awake.

As I scrolled through the latest posts, a chilling title caught my eye.

[Today's F*cked Crew, Upvote to Join the Pity Party][4]

[Forget Everything Else, Where's Our Ration Supply?][0]

[Koruntum's Screwed LOL][26]

The last title sent a shiver down my spine.

Intrigued and more than a little concerned, I clicked on the post.

[Author: Strawman]

[Title: Koruntum's Screwed LOL]

[Content: (Picture) Holy crap, the undead are attacking! Can't answer questions, gotta evacuate.]


This didn’t make sense.

CocoNenne had promised there wouldn’t be another incursion.

What was going on?

I scrolled down to the comments, hoping for an explanation.

L: No way, this is really bad.

ㄴ: How the hell are they supposed to stop this? LOL

L: If Koruntum falls, gear prices are going to skyrocket. Someone do something, you useless morons!

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ, adventurers get most of their gear from Koruntum. This undead horde is insane.

L: They wait for us to send all the strong fighters to clear out the monsters, then they strike? Talk about dirty tactics.

ㄴ: Seriously, such a cowardly move.

ㄴ: Real men fight face-to-face. What is this, a sneak attack?

ㄴ: Wasn’t CocoNenne supposed to be a no-show?

ㄴ: You’re telling me you actually believed a necromancer?

ㄴ: Yeah, who else would you trust, a necromancer? LOL

I tried not to judge people based on their professions, but necromancers were a tough sell.

They had a certain… air about them.

A sense of unease washed over me.

I had chosen to believe CocoNenne’s words, but now I wasn’t so sure.

‘...We need to hurry.’

To be honest, what happened to Koruntum didn’t directly affect me.

Baruk was my home.

But if Koruntum fell, other cities would follow, and eventually, Baruk would be next.

It was in my best interest to help.

As I continued reading the comments, one particular exchange caught my attention.

L: CocoNenne: Aww, you guys are so adorable, believing everything I say. LOL

ㄴ: CocoNenne: You’re all too precious. ㄹㅇ.

ㄴ: This bitch is insane.

ㄴ: Seriously, don’t necromancers get their materials from Koruntum too? Why would she do this? Does she even think?

ㄴ: CocoNenne: LOL, think what you want.

ㄴ: CocoNenne: Gotta go, bye!

ㄴ: What a psycho.

ㄴ: Is this for real?

ㄴ: What is wrong with her?

L: Upvote if you live in Lukphelton and this doesn’t affect you one bit. LOL

ㄴ: Upvoting furiously.

ㄴ: If Koruntum falls, you’re next. Why are you celebrating?

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ, why are you happy about this?

ㄴ: Some people have the brain capacity of a potato.

 L: Ferus: And here I was, hoping for a little break.

ㄴ: Ferus: My bones ache.

The pictures accompanying the posts showed a massive horde of undead, interspersed with hulking troll abominations.

While I doubted Koruntum would fall easily—it was a powerful city teeming with adventurers—the situation was clearly dire.

Something about this whole ordeal didn’t sit right with me.

‘..Why attack now?’

I could understand a spontaneous outburst of anger, but this felt calculated, deliberate.

My gut told me CocoNenne had an ulterior motive.

There had to be a reason why she would risk such a bold attack, especially alone.

I considered writing a post on the forum, warning others about CocoNenne’s suspicious behavior, but I quickly dismissed the idea.

There was no need to cause unnecessary panic.

Besides, publicly accusing a powerful necromancer could have unforeseen consequences.

It was better to investigate this matter discreetly.

What was CocoNenne really after?

But first things first—


—I had to deal with the approaching horde of undead.

One look at their staggering ranks told me this was no one-woman operation.

CocoNenne might have been a powerful necromancer, but even she couldn't control this many undead alone.

There had to be more to this than met the eye.

“This is going to be a pain…”

I muttered, already feeling the exhaustion creeping back in.

Beside me, Hearts had already drawn his sword, his gaze fixed on the approaching enemy.

He was ready to strike at a moment's notice.

I followed suit, summoning my mana and preparing to unleash a barrage of spells.

But then, something unexpected happened.

The undead horde, instead of attacking us, simply marched past.

As if we were beneath their notice.

As if they had a more important destination.

‘Should we intervene?’ I wondered.

They hadn’t shown us any hostility, and I wasn’t eager to pick a fight with an army of the undead.

But something about their single-minded focus, their unwavering march towards Koruntum, rubbed me the wrong way.

Then it hit me.

A plan began to form in my mind.

A way to use this situation to our advantage.

A way to uncover CocoNenne’s true motives.

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