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Chapter 54 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

Martial Artist

Lately, I've been realizing the importance of the forum.

No special conditions required, you can open it anytime, anywhere.

What more could you ask for?

With that in mind, I shortlisted a few posts.

[Met the young man who accepted the quest today][14]

[Koruntum, what the hell is that?][18]

[Mages, why can't you make something like this?????][11]

[CocoNenne <<< Upvote if he's a wimp lolololololol][17]

There were about four posts worth reading today.

Not a lot, but still pretty decent.

And if I'm really bored, I can always read the other general posts.

The reason for separating the posts like this is simple.

It was my nature to read the important posts first to get a sense of the forum's flow, and then move on to the general posts.

In real-world terms, it's like checking the trending topics before browsing regular posts.

With that in mind, I checked the first post.

[Author: MayTheUnfaithfulFindPeace]

[Title: Met the young man who accepted the quest today]

[Content: To be honest, I was a little surprised when the adventurer came back after reading the quest details.]

L: Wait, the adventurer came back after reading the details? How is that even possible lol

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ

ㄴ: Sounds more like a traveler than an adventurer

ㄴ MayTheUnfaithfulFindPeace: The adventurer himself said he wasn't one, so it's highly likely he's not.

 ㄴMayTheUnfaithfulFindPeace: But there's still a chance, so I'll keep an eye on him.

ㄴ: As expected, the slyness of a priest bb

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ, so sly lol If he said he wasn't one, then he's not. What's with the whole watching from the shadows thing?

ㄴ: Yeah, this is a bit much

L: CocoNenne: What the hell lol

ㄴ: Why aren't you invading? Chicken out?

ㄴ CocoNenne: Nonsense. I just don't feel like barging in right now lol

ㄴ: You chickened out, you bastard lolololololol

ㄴ: Total chicken, this one for real

ㄴ MayTheUnfaithfulFindPeace: Are you scared?

"...It was him."

The person who gave me the quest earlier was definitely the Faithful Gramps.

Something about the content and image I saw on the forum matched.

But I knew what the Faithful Gramps looked like from behind, so it was a bit funny.

'..He looks so cool, but the necromancer hentai...'

If this fact were to get out, wouldn't the Faithful Gramps's reputation be completely ruined?

As I was having such pointless thoughts, I checked CocoNenne's comment.


It was certainly impossible to invade Koruntum alone.

It's not just any other place, it's Koruntum, teeming with countless strong individuals and adventurers. For a necromancer to invade such a place alone?

It was an absurd notion.

That's why he must have made excuses and decided not to invade.

"Kind of anticlimactic.."

To be honest, I was looking forward to the invasion a little.

I was curious to see how strong his undead army would be.

Of course, it was just a tiny bit disappointing, and I was much more relieved that he wasn't invading.

With that in mind, I checked the next post.

[Author: Cthulhu]

[Title: Koruntum, what the hell is that?]

[Content: Who was that bastard who was staring at me near the forest just now? lol If I ever find you, you're dead]

L: Isn't that just paranoia?

ㄴ Cthulhu: No, I swear someone was watching me

ㄴ: Seeing stuff like this really reminds me of those people who claimed they were sexually assaulted with gazes...

ㄴ: Oh my

ㄴ: Please refrain from making such remarks..

L: Maybe it was a mage? It's hard to sense gazes unless it's them

 ㄴCthulhu: That's what I thought too

 ㄴCthulhu: As soon as I realized someone was watching me, I spread my senses around, but there was no one there

ㄴ: Oh

L: But who would mess with our Martial Artist bro lol

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ..

ㄴ: Feel a bit bad for Martial Artist bro

ㄴ: We're sorry

ㄴ: We should go easy on him from now on

 ㄴCthulhu: No, don't pity me, damn

L: But why post on the forum if the person might not even be here?

 ㄴCthulhu: Just in case they are

 ㄴCthulhu: So they can read this and piss their pants lol

"...That was Cthulhu."

To be honest, I didn't think Cthulhu would be that strong.

I figured he was just some random martial artist wandering the streets.

But from what I experienced the last time we met-

'..He was really strong.'

Truly powerful.

He might even be able to rival Silvia.

I couldn't understand why someone that strong was working as an adventurer.

He could easily go to Lukphelton and live a comfortable life.

I'm sure he has his reasons, but I couldn't quite grasp them.

As I was pondering this, I was about to leave a comment myself, but-


I stopped.

If I left a comment, wouldn't it seem like I was trying to subtly point the finger at myself?

He didn't even suspect me, and I didn't want to end up on his radar by leaving a careless comment.

"...I hope I never run into him again."

He was a rough-looking, intimidating person at first glance.

If we ever met face to face, I was sure it would lead to trouble.

And the thing I hated most in the world was trouble.

With that in mind, I moved on to the next post.

[Author: Starving]

[Title: Mages, why can't you make something like this?????]

[Content: Why the hell haven't you guys made something like a machine that automatically purifies water?]

L: Well.. because the efficiency is crap

ㄴ: Just boil it and drink it, why bother purifying it?

ㄴ: Do they think mages' labor is worthless?

ㄴ: Mages' labor is expensive, you know? Trying to freeload off them? You're shameless

L: It's more profitable to make and drink beer in the time it takes to purify water lol

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ lol

ㄴ Starving: You guys want to drink that kind of beer? Tastes like piss

ㄴ: Ah, you must be a broke ass who's never had ice-cold beer lol

 ㄴStarving: ???? There's ice-cold beer??

ㄴ: Sometimes a mage in Lukphelton holds an event where they serve it lol

 ㄴStarving: No way, that's awesome

"..So they do have ice-cold beer."

But it didn't seem to be very common.

After all, ice was a precious commodity in this world.

Unless it was winter, obtaining ice was difficult.

Mages could easily create it, but they weren't the type to use their magic for such charitable purposes.

I felt a newfound sense of pride in myself for having made ice-cold beer out of goodwill in the past, and I moved on to the last post.

[Author: Decadent]

[Title: CocoNenne <<< Upvote if he's a wimp lolololololol]

[Content: CocoNenne <<< Upvote if you think he's a 'weakling' who's too scared to even attack Koruntum lolololololol]

L: Upvoting with glee lolololololol

ㄴ: I can't resist upvoting this for real

ㄴ: But it's true that attacking Koruntum alone is ridiculous

ㄴ: How can you attack Koruntum by yourself? lol

ㄴ: At least have a group

L CocoNenne: I keep telling you

ㄴ CocoNenne: I'm not scared lol

ㄴ CocoNenne: I'll be back

ㄴ: Empty words, my friend lolololololol

ㄴ: I can kill a king with my words too lol

L: It's a bit pathetic to be scared..

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ..

L: It's funny that a dark wizard is dissing a necromancer lol

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ lol

ㄴ: Of all people, a dark wizard lol

ㄴ Decadent: Dark magic is legal

ㄴ: Bullshit. You guys experiment on people

The last post was, as expected, about CocoNenne.

It seemed that what CocoNenne had said earlier had spread throughout the forum.

I was curious, though.

Why weren't they invading?

There had to be a reason.

'..They wouldn't actually invade tonight after saying all that, would they?'

It wouldn't be entirely out of character.

It wasn't like necromancers had a code of honor or anything.

But still, there was a certain level of trust among those who used the forum, so I couldn't help but believe him to some extent.

However, I decided not to let my guard down.

Trusting others was the surest way to get killed in this world.

Trusting myself was the best way to survive.

With that thought, I closed the forum and lay down comfortably.


As much as I wanted to pull out a fluffy blanket from my subspace pouch, I decided against it. It would seem strange to the others. So, I closed my eyes without a blanket.

Perhaps it was because I had been thinking so much while browsing the forum, but thankfully, sleep came quickly this time.

How much time had passed?

My eyes opened naturally.

And as I looked around-

I could see that the surroundings had darkened.

The other adventurers were sound asleep, snoring away.

Careful not to wake anyone, I quietly made my way out of the tent.

And then-

"Huh, you're up."

The red-haired man I had seen earlier with magic was performing the Sleepless Art.

I was taken aback but managed to greet him.


"Yeah, so who are you? I was going to wake you up because you were a new face, but you were sleeping so soundly."

I had to choose my words carefully.

If I slipped up, I could arouse suspicion.

So, I took a deep breath-

And began to speak.

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