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Chapter 53 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

Using Magic

He was clad entirely in white.

Just from this, anyone could tell he was someone who did sacred work.

That made me even more curious.

What brought him here?

Of course, he must have come to see me, but I doubted he would come all the way here just to see one adventurer he gave a quest to.

So, I decided to be a little cautious.

Of course, it was possible he was really just curious about the person he had given the quest to... but the chances of that happening in this other world were extremely slim.

As I was thinking this, the old man spoke to me.

“Are you the adventurer who accepted the quest?”

His voice was incredibly deep and resonant.

It was hard to believe he was old, his voice was so full of strength.

I couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of pressure.

‘Oh, that’s kind of cool.’

With that pointless thought, I greeted him casually.

“Ah, yes. I’m the adventurer who accepted the quest.”

“I see, and what might your name be?”


“Are you a traveler?”


I could answer that quickly.

There was no need to tell others I was a traveler.

Of course, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if they found out, but there was no benefit to letting someone I met for the first time know that I was a traveler.

With that in mind, I continued the conversation.

“Hmm, so, do you know the details of the quest you received? That’s the most important thing.”

“Ah, yes. I read it on my way here.”

“Oh? It’s quite rare for an adventurer to read it beforehand.”

“It’s best to be prepared.”

Actually, this was the first time I had asked to read the quest details in advance.

But there was no need to ruin the good impression I had made, so I spoke with a friendly laugh.

“Hmm, you’re a rare sight these days, a young man like you.”

“Thank you.”

“Anyway, getting back to the point, there’s a place not too far from here where monsters are living in large numbers. It’s a bit of a concern to send too many people there, as it would weaken our defenses elsewhere… but it’s a relief you’re here.”

I was a little flustered by how much trust he was putting in me, a complete stranger.

I didn't expect him to trust me this much.

With that thought, I asked a question.

“Roughly how many are we talking about? I can handle most things, but variant Ogres would be a bit difficult.”

It wasn't that I couldn't kill them.

I could kill them.

It's just that it would be difficult to kill them in one hit.

Being able to kill other monsters in one hit meant there was a big difference in our levels.


Especially variant Ogres, were only slightly weaker than some legion commanders.

That's why they rarely existed.

When I asked, the old man immediately answered.

“Ah, of course there are no Ogres. It's ridiculous to think such monsters would come to a place like this. Even though Koruntum has a lot of monsters... it's not that much of a wasteland.”

“Right? I was worried for nothing… That's a relief.”

“Haha, you’re a cautious young man.”

“Can’t be too careful.”

And so, the old man and I talked.

How long had it been?

“Well then, let's end our conversation here. Poro will guide you.”


“Ah, yes. The name of the friend who will take you is Poro.”

Thinking it was a name that sounded like it would be good at saving money, I nodded, and the door opened to reveal the man I had seen earlier.

In other words, ‘Poro’ approached me.

“I will be your guide.”

“Ah, yes.”

I tried not to use informal speech with others unless I was close to them.

Of course, I was open to using informal speech if we became close, but I hadn't met anyone like that yet.

And it was more comfortable for me to use formal speech.

It meant I didn’t have to worry about offending anyone.

In a way, it was more convenient than informal speech.

With that in mind, I said goodbye to the old man and followed Poro.

Then, something suddenly occurred to me.

‘…Come to think of it, Old Man MayTheUnfaithfulFindPeace said he was in Koruntum.’

An old priest in Koruntum.

He couldn't be the person from earlier, could he?

But I couldn't be sure.

This was Koruntum, of all places.

There was a high chance that there were many priests here.

So I decided to keep it as a possibility and followed behind Poro.


Thump, thump, thump.

How long had we been walking?

“Here it is.”

“Ah, yes.”

Poro guided me to a temporary tent.

The facilities inside were very basic.

It was really only equipped for sleeping.

It reminded me of a military barrack.

I didn't particularly like it, but well... it wasn't like I was picky about where I slept.

I had slept on the streets with cockroaches before, so this was nothing.

With that thought, I asked Poro.

“By the way, when will the others be here? I’d like to say hello.”

“The others are out on subjugation right now. They’ll probably be back late tonight.”

“Ah, I see. What should I do then? Should I head out for the subjugation too?”

“It’s too late now. If you’re going, you’ll have to go with the others tomorrow.”


It was a bit of a shame.

Now that I’d decided to do it, I wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible, but it seemed like it would take another day.

Feeling a little disappointed, I said,

“Well then, I’ll just relax. Come get me tomorrow.”


With that, Poro disappeared before my eyes.

And I don’t mean that figuratively. He literally vanished.

It was probably one of the skills Poro had learned.

I had to admit, it was quite impressive.

I had never learned a skill like that.

Thinking how amazing it was, I walked out of the tent and began to prepare myself.


I needed to check the surroundings.

Of course, I had left the walls earlier, but that wasn’t enough information.

I needed to know what was around me and what kind of danger it posed.

With that in mind, I activated a technique.

And then, I poured mana into it.

[Thousand Mile Eye]

I started to look around the area with [Thousand Mile Eye], a skill that allowed me to see far into the distance.

It wasn't that my vision extended further, but rather it felt like I had a third eye.

Therefore, in order to focus on the third eye, it was necessary to close all other eyes.

Otherwise, the amount of information coming into my head would be a bit overwhelming.


As I used [Thousand Mile Eye] to examine my surroundings, I activated another technique.

The way magic was used determined its purpose.

Even with the same water attribute magic, you could give water to a thirsty person, but conversely, you could also kill them with it.

In that sense, magic could be a cruel blade that took lives, depending on the user.

And what I was trying to do now was-

To examine my surroundings.

[Lightning Strike]

I slightly modified my mana and poured it into the [Lightning Strike] technique.

Then, it began to expand its range, covering the surrounding forest.

It was a little much even for me, but it was necessary.

Checking the surroundings was an extremely important task.


Electricity flowed around, imprinting all the information about the surroundings directly into my mind.

At this rate, my brain could be damaged, so I immediately activated another technique.

[Thought Acceleration]

I quickly activated the technique and poured in mana to prevent any potential brain damage.

This allowed me to absorb the rapidly incoming information without overloading myself.

It was quite convenient.

And as I was observing my surroundings…

I felt someone watching me.

When I checked the direction…

A man with red hair, who looked incredibly strong, was staring directly at where my third eye was located.

As if he knew exactly what I was doing.

So I immediately deactivated [Thousand Mile Eye].

I had already obtained all the information I needed from the surroundings.

“…What was that?”

I thought I had used it very discreetly, but to think there was someone strong enough in Koruntum to notice it.

It was a bit surprising.

At the same time, I realized the high standard of Koruntum.

“Koruntum really is something else…”

Fortunately, there were people who looked like adventurers around the place where the red-haired man was standing.

That was a relief.

It would have been troublesome if they were enemies.

Even I didn't want to deal with such monsters.

The losses would outweigh the gains.

Of course, I would win, but...

With that in mind, I went back inside the tent and found a suitable spot to lie down.

“Hmm… I guess I’ll get some rest.”

It seemed like it would take a while for the others to arrive… It wouldn't hurt to take a nap here.

So, I used an alarm spell and a barrier, and lay down on the floor to sleep.

However, sleep wouldn’t come.

It wasn’t because I was in an unfamiliar environment.

I just couldn't fall asleep because I had slept too much.

In times like this, browsing the forum was the best.

It always seemed to lull me to sleep.

With that in mind, I opened the forum.

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