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Chapter 50 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

How to Live as an Adventurer

Honestly, I didn't expect this reaction.

Based on his personality so far, I expected him to be furious.

He hadn't shown me a positive side until now.

So I tried to say something—

But I didn't have the strength to speak.

Even for me, healing someone who had lost their lower body wasn't easy.

‘Well, I'll just keep it simple.’

I simply nodded my head in response, as if I understood his intentions.

This should be enough to smooth things over.

With a nod, I sat down deep inside the carriage.

It felt a bit awkward to say anything more.


"Brother, are you just going to let him be?"

"What do you mean?"

"That mage bastard, even though he healed you, didn't help us right away, did he?"

He was right.

If that mage had helped, I wouldn't have been hurt like this, and it would have been over quickly.


"The important thing is that he helped. Most mages are reluctant to use healing magic on adventurers, but he didn't hesitate to help me."

"...That's true."

The important fact was that the mage had helped him.

Sure, they had a fight yesterday, but that wasn't really important.

He had lost, and he wasn't petty enough to hold a grudge over something like that.

And the most important thing was—

"He's strong. We have to acknowledge that."

The mage was strong.


I wasn't sure what happened.

I was sitting deep inside the carriage, browsing the forum.

There wasn't much to enjoy in this medieval world.

The most they had were card games, which I didn't like, and it wasn't a good game to play in a carriage anyway.

That's why I was browsing the forum.

It's a good thing I edited the post earlier. If I hadn't, everyone would have known I was going to Koruntum.

Just the thought of it gave me goosebumps.

‘I shouldn't get too immersed in the forum.’

I always thought I shouldn't get too immersed in the forum, but I would unconsciously find myself getting carried away.

I even found myself saying unnecessary things to get more upvotes.

So it was better to think a little more before posting on the forum.

With that in mind, I checked the comments on the post I had written earlier.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Today’s breakfast…jpg]

[Content: (Photo) Starting the morning off easy with some jerky lol It’s good… The texture is something else though]

L: Jerky is delicious...?

ㄴ: Dude, what happened to your taste buds?

ㄴ: Seriously, I think something's wrong with your taste buds

L: ?? First time I've seen someone say jerky is delicious

L: Must be eating some expensive jerky

ㄴ: ㄴㄴ Judging by the looks of it, it's not expensive jerky

ㄴ: Expensive jerky has a different color

L: What is this guy on about...

L Ferus: Every time I see your posts, I'm amazed by your unique palate.

ㄴ Ferus: I eat jerky often too, but I wouldn't call it delicious.

Jerky in this world was a little different from the jerky in my original world.

It was like food made entirely for preservation, not for taste.

That's why people said not to expect much in terms of taste, but I couldn't agree with that.

Even though my palate wasn't sophisticated, it was actually edible.

After all, it was food made for humans to eat.

By the way, I was a little disappointed that even the adventurer dude didn't like the taste.

With that thought, I checked the next post.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Walking Down the Road and a Troll Just Showed Up lolololol]

[Content: (Photo) What are these guys? Lol]

L: Dude, why are you taking pictures when a troll is attacking? lolololol

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ.

L: This guy's just crazy lolololol

ㄴ: He's lost his mind wwww

ㄴ: There's no other explanation for this than him going insane

L Cthulhu: Trolls are helpless if you just chop off their heads lol

ㄴ: That goes for most monsters, you idiot

 ㄴCthulhu: Hey, he might not know

ㄴ: Sigh

Most monsters die when you cut off their heads.

The same went for trolls.

But the monsters knew that, so the skin around their necks was very tough.

It was hard to cut, to say the least.

So it was easier to aim for the heart.

Of course, when I was aiming for the troll earlier, I remembered that the heart was valuable, so I aimed for the stomach.


The reason the adventurers outside weren't coming in was simple.

They were probably taking care of the monster's byproducts.

Especially the troll's blood and heart.

Originally, we were supposed to do this together, but after making a grand entrance and then going back out to help, it felt a bit awkward to go back and help with the cleanup.

I was tired, too.

With that thought, I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes for a moment.

Of course, I kept a barrier up around me at all times.

Just in case something unexpected happened.

Clatter, clatter, clatter-

As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw that the other people around me were also sleeping, leaning on each other's shoulders.

They must have finished dismantling the troll and taking care of the byproducts before setting off again.

I didn't know how much time had passed.

But I was a little hungry, so I took out some jerky from my pocket and chewed on it.

‘This is pretty good.’

Of course, the texture wasn't my style, but the taste was there.

Meat was meat, after all.

As I munched on the jerky, I watched the scenery outside.

The horses weren't moving that fast, so I could see the surroundings without using magic.

We traveled for another three days.

“Mr. Eugene, could you spare some water?”

[Water Cannon]

I immediately deployed a spell formation and sprayed him with water.

“Thank you, sir.”

“I told you, just call me Eugene.”

I wasn't sure why we were having this conversation now.

We were traveling in the carriage as usual when the muscular man approached me and started acting friendly.

I kept ignoring him—

-Ah, come on, sir. Have a drink with me.

But the muscular man continued to act chummy with me.

I couldn't keep ignoring him because of my personality, so I finally gave in and told him my name.

He even took out my sleeping bag and made me comfortable.

I was a little suspicious.

I had healed him, but that didn't mean all the bad blood between us would disappear.

I kept an eye on him for a day, and then I realized.

‘...He's all brawn and no brains.’

There was only one reason why this guy was leading this group.

Overwhelming strength.

That was how he was leading the group.

That's why he bowed his head and behaved himself after losing to me last time.

‘...I guess it wouldn't hurt to use him.’

He didn't seem to have any ulterior motives.

From what I had seen, he was only treating me this way because I was strong.

I didn't quite understand it, but that must be how the muscular man—


That must be how ‘Pel’ lived his life.

With that thought, I decided to do him a few favors here and there.

There was no need to make enemies.

And so, we continued our journey to Koruntum, maintaining this ambiguous relationship.


"Well then, I'll be on my way."


I figured it was best to part ways quickly, so I briefly said goodbye and got off the carriage, heading straight for the Adventurers' Guild.

Well, I'm sure I'll run into Pel's group again sometime.

With that thought, I asked for directions and arrived at the Adventurers' Guild.


The sound of the door opening was the same here.

Typical of an Adventurers' Guild.

Pushing aside these useless thoughts, I approached the receptionist.

Then, I carefully spoke.

"Excuse me, I heard there was a request placed by someone named Baruk... where can I find out more about it?"

The receptionist, with his salt-and-pepper hair, looked at me and said,

“Hmm, we'll contact you... Come back here tomorrow morning. The client wanted to meet at the guild tomorrow morning.”


After making the appointment, I left the Adventurers' Guild and took a look around.

The streets were teeming with armed adventurers.

The atmosphere felt somewhat bleak.

As I walked, I handed a silver coin to a child on the street and asked,

“Hey, do you know which inn the adventurers go to most around here?”

The reason I was looking for the most popular inn among adventurers was simple.

Even if adventurers robbed ordinary people, they wouldn't rob fellow adventurers within the city.

It was a strategic question, so to speak.

When I asked the child on the street and handed him the money—

“Yes, sir…!”

He answered brightly and started leading the way.

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