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Chapter 4 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Galimar (3)

"Gasp, gasp…!"

Heavy breathing echoed through the spacious room.

As if holding his breath for a long time, his breathing was ragged, greedily seeking oxygen.

The once tranquil air became turbulent.

At the center of the chaos lay a woman, collapsed on the floor.

"Cough, hack…!"

She coughed, her body wracked with spasms.

Her name was Selena Drunkard.

She held the position of Head Professor and was currently the person in charge of the entrance exam.

Her red pupils trembled.

Long, purplish hair cascaded down her back, pooling on the floor.

Selena, abruptly collapsed, couldn't get up for a while and had to catch her breath.

A groan escaped her lips.

"What, what in the world…"

Her sentence trailed off, fragmented.

Only a sticky aftertaste remained.

The woman in purple, massaging her forehead, recalled the scene she had just witnessed.

<By any chance, when you say target... are you referring to the very small, precious, and cute doll standing over there?>

It was during the exam of a boy named Judas Snakus.

Selena had linked her consciousness to the target of the test.

It was a unique mental magic that she had developed.

For a certain amount of time, it allowed her to possess a designated inanimate object.

Her testing method was peculiar.

It involved directly experiencing the opponent's attack while in the form of a doll, and then giving a score.

In short, it was about getting hit directly.

- You're going to get hit by the students' attacks directly?

- Haha… Selena. I knew you were eccentric, but I didn't know it was to this extent.

- Professor Selena… you're not sick, are you?

- Maybe your head isn't working right because of all the drinking…

- Sigh.

- I knew this would happen.

- Drinking like that… you've finally lost your mind.

Despite the dissuasion from her fellow professors, Selena hadn't listened.

She knew it was safe.

It was magic she had experimented with thousands of times.

Their noisy worries would be silenced by the results.

Indeed, for the past five years, Selena had led the entrance exam without any problems.

She had even earned the position of Head Professor for her contributions.

That was certainly the case…


She had felt the fear of death.

When the boy's magic struck the doll, for a brief moment, an unknown pressure had crushed her.

Her senses, directly linked to survival, sounded the alarm.



It wasn't even that strong of an attack.

The output of the magic itself was about average for the academy.

However, there was something.

Like a viper hiding in the shadows, an eerie sense of incongruity flickered its tongue.

It felt like a snake was licking the back of her neck.

It was the intuition of a veteran.

'No. I'm going to die.'

She felt that if the boy put even a little more force into it, her head would split along with the doll.

She hurriedly severed the link.

In the fading vision of the doll, she saw…

<Oh~ Controlling my strength is always a challenge.>

…a pair of narrowed eyes murmuring with a sly smile.

Control his strength? What did that even mean?

Without even a moment to think, Selena collapsed.

After taking some time to recover, she was back to her current state.

"Ugh, ugh…"

Her head throbbed as if it would split open.

Staggering to her feet, Selena roughly grabbed the bottle of alcohol on the desk.

The pungent scent of alcohol numbed the pain.

However, the trembling in her hand wouldn't subside.


A hollow laugh escaped her lips.

Was she really going crazy from the alcohol?

He was just a kid who hadn't even had his coming-of-age ceremony yet, so why was she so frightened by him?

She couldn't understand herself.

[Magic Power Measurement]

Name: Judas Snakus

Attribute: Darkness

Power: C+

[Predicted Entrance Rank: 607th]

(Top 53%)


The measurement value displayed on the crystal ball.

Selena remained silent.

It was a value derived from a thoroughly objective perspective, based on a vast amount of data.

In fact, she felt the same way.

The First Princess of the Empire was entering this year.

The twin siblings from the "Vanity Duke Family," known for their swordsmanship.

And other talented individuals who were called prodigies.

Compared to them, his output was incredibly low. It was so ordinary and simple that it was almost embarrassing to even compare.


Selena hesitated to record it.

The reason was difficult to explain.

To put it simply, it was a kind of feeling.

As a powerful individual herself, it was an inexplicable sense of wariness she felt towards him.

"This is crazy…"

Even as she thought that, she picked up her pen.

She wanted to test it.

She wanted to know what it was that she had seen.

The tip of the pen, gliding as if drunk, left letters on the paper.

[Top Entering Student - Judas Snakus]

She replaced the spot originally reserved for the First Princess with the boy's name.

If he was truly ordinary, he would be weeded out anyway.

Selena simply wanted to know.

She wanted to know the true nature of "that" which she had glimpsed behind his insincere smile.

"If the Dean finds out about this… he's going to flip his lid."

And so, an unexpected top student was born.

Meanwhile, the person who was caught in the sudden storm…

"It seems my acting worked perfectly, wouldn't you say?"

=Dude, the villain hiding his power… Epic.

…was completely oblivious, muttering something to himself.


The entrance exam ended anti-climatically.

I sat still, waiting for Regia's turn to end.


I muttered under my breath, feeling slightly disgruntled.

As if sensing my dissatisfaction, she glanced at me.

I was quite upset at the moment.

- Please attack the target in front of you.

I felt like I had been scammed.

I had expected something extraordinary, but I never imagined it would be this disappointing.

It was like biting into what I thought was fried chicken, only to find it was fried tofu.

In any case, I was let down.

'It was my first event though…'

To be honest, I knew absolutely nothing about the entrance exam.

The original story always started after entering the academy.

It was uncharted territory for me.

I had been so excited, waiting for this.


I had calmed down a bit now, but back then, my disappointment had been immense.

It was hard to suppress the feeling of betrayal welling up inside me.

Maybe that was why I had unconsciously released a bit of my killing intent…

"Well, it seems no one noticed."

Even the assistant instructor overseeing the exam hadn't noticed.

He probably only felt a slight chill.

Unless someone was particularly perceptive, they would have just brushed it off.

Everything was going according to plan.

Class is indeed eternal.

Even if it was a bit faded, I was still a veteran who had memorized the strategy guide.

'I even hit it big by uploading strategy guide videos… I even debuted as a creator.'

Memories came flooding back.

I had amassed 3 million subscribers with my videos specializing in "The World as Seen by the Little Prince."

You could say I was the best player.

If I hadn't been suddenly possessed, I would have become a legend, the only player to discover the hidden ending.

It was a bit infuriating.

"Oh, my departed glory."

My ridiculous lament dissipated into the air.

As I was lost in thought, a large screen floating in the sky caught my eye.

It was showing the situation at the testing grounds.

Light emanating from a magic tool formed a screen in mid-air.


A fierce roar pierced my eardrums.

On the screen, a giant lizard with wings was roaring.

Beautiful crimson scales.

An aura that radiated dense mana.

It was a rare, mythical creature: a Wyvern.

Perhaps it had just breathed fire, as embers still lingered around its mouth.

Gasps of admiration erupted from the spectators watching the exam.

<Good job, Ephri!>

<That fire blast was amazing!>

A cheerful voice followed.

Following the camera's panning movement, a girl with pink hair appeared on the screen.

She was riding on the back of the monster.

Wearing old goggles, she looked exactly as she did in the game.

<Aw, good job, our cute little Ephri~>

Her hand stroked the ferocious creature without hesitation.

She was exactly the protagonist I remembered.

Confirming that the exam was coming to an end, I got up to greet the girl.

Wyvern Rider.

That was the nickname given to Regia in the game.

Summoners were common, but summoners who could handle such a rare creature were rare indeed.

It was a fitting ability for the protagonist.

"Oh? Young Master Snakus…?"

"Lady Regia."

I raised my hand in greeting as the girl approached.

I followed her towards the back gate.

"That was a splendid performance. I was truly impressed."

"Hehe… You were watching?"

"Of course."

"It's a bit embarrassing…"

Her cheeks flushed red, as if she wasn't used to compliments.

Just a moment ago, she had been a valiant rider, but now she looked every bit the innocent girl.

I chuckled softly.

"You should be more confident. You possess a truly radiant talent, Lady Regia."

"Uh, um…"

Her fair face turned crimson.

It was as if she was about to burst into flames.

Finding her reaction amusing, I couldn't help but tease her a few more times.

Eventually, her lovely lips pouted in a sulk.

"Excuse me~ Lady Regia?"


"Are you perhaps…upset?"


She was definitely upset.

I giggled, enjoying her innocent reaction.

She could have gotten angry, but she didn't. Truly our protagonist.

Unshaken even by the whispers of a wicked snake.

"How admirable."


As we were enjoying our little playful banter, we found ourselves outside the academy grounds before we knew it.

Unfortunately, it was time to return to our respective lodgings.

Until the entrance procedures were completed, access to the dormitories was restricted, so we had to find somewhere nearby to stay.

I had an inn in mind, and I assumed Regia did too.

Clapping my hands together lightly, I announced, "Well then! Shall we part ways here?"

"Ah… right. We're already outside."

The girl nodded belatedly.

Her emerald eyes seemed to hold a hint of regret.

Perhaps I was the first person she had befriended in a while.

She had been traveling the continent alone, so she might have been a bit lonely.

I winked, as if to reassure her.

"Let's meet again soon. My friend."

As someone who always had their eyes narrowed, my wink probably looked more like a grimace.

But what mattered was the thought, right?


Regia repeated the word, as if savoring it.

She seemed surprised to hear such words.

The girl, who had been frozen in place, clenched her small fists and her eyes sparkled.

"Yes…! Let's definitely meet again after we both get accepted!"

"Haha, well then, I'll be off."

With that, I turned my back on her.

As if suddenly remembering something, I added, "Be careful on your way back."

It seems like there are some rats lurking about.

I continued walking.

But instead of heading towards the inn I had booked, the liar in me chose a different path.

I walked towards a secluded alleyway, opposite the direction of my intended destination.


In a certain street a short distance from the academy.

It was an alley where darkness thrived more than light, thanks to the haphazardly clustered buildings.

Although it wasn't a pleasant place, it still bore traces of human presence.

Mostly beggars asking for handouts.

Occasionally, drunken men could be seen stumbling about.

Originally, it was a place where only a stifling silence reigned.

But not today.

Because there was a noise coming from a hidden corner.

Thud, thud-!

The sound of something being beaten.

Followed by a furious voice.

"Damn it! Damn it! Die…!"

The owner of the voice was Dexter Hollent.

The second son of the Hollent Baron family, a nobleman of noble lineage.

He was violently throwing punches.

A young beggar lay sprawled on the ground beneath him.

His face was a bloody mess, indicating he had been subjected to the beating for quite some time.

"Damn it! You little shit! I'll kill you!"

Thud, thud-!

The violence showed no signs of stopping.

He was swinging his fists with deadly intent, but there was no real reason behind it.

It was just blind rage.

- How amusing.

- Seeing you act so recklessly… I can't help but laugh.

The voice that lingered in his ears.

The more he heard it, the tighter Dexter gritted his teeth.

He had to vent his anger like this, or else the image of the sneering, narrow-eyed boy would continue to haunt him.


A young beggar, who looked to be about ten years old.

The child didn't even flinch under the barrage of unreasonable violence.

Or rather, he couldn't.

Corpses couldn't resist.

"Damnnnnnn it"

"Young Master, it's about time we take our leave."

"Shut up!!"


The knight escort sighed inwardly at the sight of Dexter, who had completely lost his mind.

What in the world was he doing?

Coming all the way to the slums just to vent his anger, beating up a helpless beggar…

It was so pathetic, it was beyond words.

At least he was doing this away from the mansion.

It was far better to take his anger out on beggars than on the servants.

After a brief moment, Dexter finally threw the battered child to the ground.

"Huff, huff…"

His body was drenched in sweat, but his anger was far from extinguished.

Especially after being subjected to that mockery.

Dexter ground his teeth.

"This is all because of that bitch. Damn it."

Regia Pilots.

That common-born, half-breed bitch who had bumped into him.

If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have run into that snake's son, wouldn't have suffered such humiliation.

Dexter barked at his escort, "You there!"

"Yes, Young Master."

"Find out where that commoner girl… Regia Pilots…lives."

"Are you planning to retaliate, Young Master?"

"What's it to you?! Just shut up and do as you're told!"

The escort knight could only nod in response to his master's outburst.

Dexter clicked his tongue in annoyance, then muttered with a cruel glint in his eyes, "To make up for the humiliation… I'll show her a lesson she won't forget."

Now that he thought about it, she did have a nice figure.

Her face wasn't bad either.

A sinister smirk spread across the pig's face.

"Maybe I'll take her as a plaything for the night. I'll torment her until she begs for mercy."

Dexter chuckled, indulging in his twisted fantasies.

As he was about to leave the alley with his escort, a faint figure caught his eye.


A boy stood in the opposite alley, as if blocking their path.

Dexter frowned, letting out a humorless chuckle.

Now even stray dogs were picking on him.

"Move out of the way! How dare you stand in the way of…"

"Well, well~"

A voice cut him off.

Normally, he would have retorted angrily, but Dexter froze in his tracks.

He recognized that voice.

The voice that had been ringing in his ears just moments ago.

"I guess all third-rate villains are the same, huh? They just love their clichés."

Judas Snakus.

"You overestimate yourself."

The blond boy stood in the alley, his signature sly smile playing on his lips.

A sudden chill washed over Dexter, and he found himself rooted to the spot, unable to move.

It was as if an immense pressure was pinning him down.

The escort knight beside him was in the same state.

"What a shame~ Joint Style! No, wait… maybe Tiger Style? Oriental Style?"

The correct term was Hollent Style, but such things didn't seem to matter to the snake.

An inexplicable fear descended upon them.

The two men, frozen stiff as statues, trembled pathetically.

As if amused by their reaction, the golden viper let out a chilling chuckle.

It wasn't just an amused chuckle.

It was a strange, eerie laugh that sent shivers down their spines, as if something terrible was about to happen.

"I did give you a chance."

The snake flicked its tongue.

"But you threw it away."

His white eyes glinted emptily.

They were wide open, burning with an unnatural intensity.

In the next instant, a swirling darkness enveloped the entire alley.

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  1. enjoying it so far but just a heads up for the editing. it seems his name switches between Judah and Judus a few times in the chapters so far.

    1. It is Judas, not Judah. Thanks for the heads up, fixed it!

  2. Replies
    1. Almost every novel with an OP MC has amazing potential, it's just that it quickly falls off after 20 or so chapters

    2. Well, it's basically just junkfood, but on rare occasions some of the stories can actually be good
