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Chapter 3 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Galimar (2)

Well, I don't know why I did that.

I guess you could say I was suddenly annoyed.

Perhaps it was an act that stemmed from the ridiculous thought, 'Our precious protagonist is in danger!!'

One thing was certain.


A piglet was rolling in front of me.

And the person who knocked him over was none other than me.

"Haha, this is quite awkward."

The corners of my mouth curled up softly.

It was a playful smile.

I wanted to look as kind as possible, but it wasn't easy, maybe because of my Unique Trait.

No matter what I did, I couldn't shake off the sneaky feeling.

Well, what could I do?

Giving up roughly, I lowered myself.

And I spoke to the piglet who had fallen in a ridiculous way.

"I apologize for the unintentional offense. Are you alright, Young Master?"

"Th-this…! Who the hell are you!!"

He suddenly shouted in a frenzy.

As the pain from the shock subsided, it seemed that anger at being knocked down was building up.

He's reacting more than I thought.

"Oh my~ What should I do? I'm so sorry."

"Where did this nobody come from! How dare you knock over a member of the Hollent Baron family?!"

"My steps were hasty, so my eyes were blinded, you see."

"Are you calling that an excuse right now···!"

"You have such a loud voice."

Expressing regret over the baby pig's anger, I gracefully introduced myself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Judas Snakus, the only son of the Snakus County."


The guy who was shouting suddenly flinched.

It seemed that the family name 'Snake' had put a brake on him.

Yeah, it would be weird if he didn't know.

Because it was a family that belonged to a prestigious family.

Observing the boy's face stiffening, I smiled brightly.

"The Count family of snakes…? If so, are you the son of the Snake?"

"It's an honor that you remember."


The pig's face turns white.

It seemed that he had realized that he was screwed.

But what good is late regret?

The snake, which had wrapped its neck tightly, had no intention of letting go of its prey.

'What? Hollent Baron family?'

As far as I knew, it was a trash family with no roots, wealth, or character.

How dare they bother a commoner with that kind of status?

And our lovely protagonist at that?

"So-sorry…! I-I didn't recognize you and acted rudely…!"

The boy hurriedly bowed his head.

The sight of him bending his stiff back until just now was truly pathetic.

Well, it's only natural that he would react like that.

He insulted a prestigious family in front of others.

"Huh… It seems you are aware of your rudeness?"

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry…!"


I tilted my head as if to pick on him on purpose.

Unfortunately for him, I had no intention of showing any mercy.

Because I wasn't interested in his shabby apology.

'Even if you apologize, you should have done it to our poor protagonist, not me.'

Maybe then I would have thought about it a little more.

Pushing those long, coiling bad thoughts behind me, I smirked.

"You're funny."

I reached out with a leisurely word.

An elegant gesture like a snake through the bushes.

It gently touched the piglet's shoulder and gave off a chill.

"Seeing you acting so recklessly... makes me laugh."

His eyebrows twitched.

I know these types of bastards very well.

People who are so full of pride and inferiority complex that they want to show off themselves no matter what.

The kind of person I hate the most.

The way to screw with this type is simple.

It's to crush their pride.

Humiliate them, make fun of them, ignore them, and break their unique spirit.

"Don't you think so?"

Yeah, Operation Name:

Make fun of him to the fullest.

I flicked my tongue lightly.

Through my parted lips came my characteristic sweet voice.

I didn't bother thinking about the lines.

Anyway, if I just bullshit roughly, my Unique Trait, 'Smiling Mask', will take care of it.

"Judging from your recent remarks, you seem more like a street thug than a nobleman?"

=Did you stuff your mouth with a rag?

"And shouting at a delicate young lady... I can't find any chivalry in you."

=Don't you have any shame? If you're going to live like that, just cut off your balls.

"Contrary to your physique, your vessel seems small."

=You look big, but you're so narrow-minded.

"I feel sorry for the Baroness. Well, they say that the death of a child is the hardest thing to go through."

=Your mom.

A barrage of relentless attacks.

The guy seemed unable to come to his senses at the dizzying feast of insults.


This is what you call a K-gamer's teabagging.

The point here is the other students watching us.

The sight of the guy who was roaring like a tiger a few minutes ago being revealed as a mere puppy.

People watching will laugh.

And the more they do, the more his pride crumbles.

"You're a very unique person."


As I was continuing the enjoyable bullying, there was a girl who suddenly appeared in my sight.

Pink hair, trembling green eyes.

It was our lovely protagonist.

'Regia Pilots.'

She was looking at me, kneeling on the floor.

She was trembling like a frightened rabbit.

Just like I saw in the game, she's a cute creature.

I gave her a light wink.

To let the girl, whose eyes I happened to meet, know not to worry too much.

'By the way... I think it's about time.'

I muttered, checking the time.

As soon as I had that thought, a voice rang in my ears.

<The entrance exam will begin shortly.>

<Applicants, please follow the guidance and proceed to the exam site.>

An announcement that cuts off the flow.

Only then did I stop the bullying and took my hand off the guy's shoulder.

His face was flushed red.

Seeing his arms trembling, it seemed that he was quite ashamed.

"Let's stop here for now, shall we? I'd rather not see you again!"

=Don't push it. If you don't want to get hurt.

I smiled brightly.

This time, I didn't hide the sinister atmosphere at all.

It was a blatant warning.

"······Thank you for your generosity."

The guy bit his lip for a moment, then bowed his head and backed away.

He was a 'third-rate villain' straight out of a painting.

It made me realize that this was really inside a game.

Chewing on silly thoughts, I moved my feet toward somewhere.


Our protagonist, who was trembling quietly.

I reached out to her.

"Are you alright?"


The girl, who had been lost in thought for a moment, came to her senses and took my hand.

"Th-thank you..."

"Don't mention it."

"It was a difficult situation, but thanks to you, I'm safe."

"Haha, I was just doing my job."

"St-still... you saved me in the end..."

The protagonist who doesn't spare her thanks even though it was just a personal 'punishment'.

I can already feel her kindness.

I felt something welling up in my chest.

This person is really the 'Regia Pilots' I know.

I'm your fan. Hug me.

Trying hard to swallow those words, I put a smile on my face.

"You may have heard it earlier... but my name is Judas Snakus."

"My name is Regia Pilots."

"It must be fate that we met like this. Would you like to accompany me?"

"A-accompany you?"

"This is my first time at the Academy. Since I didn't even bring an attendant, my first trip here was quite lonely."


Green eyes that are lost in thought for a moment.

It must be because of her personality that makes it difficult for her to deal with nobles. It's still the early stages of the game.

The girl, who had been hesitating, soon nodded.

"...If it's alright with you, Young Master."

"It's my pleasure."

It's like meeting the idol I've admired for a long time.

As I was being overwhelmed by indescribable emotions, the announcement that rang out once again urged us on.

<We will guide you again.>

<The entrance exam will begin shortly.>

<Applicants, please follow the guidance and proceed to the exam site.>

I said.

To our frozen protagonist.

"Shall we go then?"


Three years after possession.

Finally, it was time to enter the Academy.


During the past three years, I've had a lot of worries.

My mind was as confused as I was suddenly dragged into this world.

- It must be a dream...?

- Or am I really going crazy? Damn it, I should have played games in moderation.

- I don't know anything anymore...

I think there was a bit of a wandering period.

It always takes enough time to adapt to a new environment, doesn't it?

It was the same for me.

It was only after about a month that I realized it.

That all this was real.

And that there was no way to go back.

Realizing the cruel truth, I decided to live by adapting to this world.

There's nothing as stupid as clinging to something you can't do anything about.

It's wiser to accept it.

- Well... I guess it's not that bad if I think about it?

I decided to think positively.

It wasn't like I had any regrets since I had a lonely life with no one by my side anyway.

It was also fortunate that I was possessed by a game I was so into.

- I should at least see the ending.

I'm possessed by the final boss, after all.

Maybe this is a chance given to me after tens of thousands of hours of my life as a gamer.

1943 tries.

Since I was dragged here without seeing the ending in the end, I've never seen it before.

The ending where this world ends happily.

- This time for sure.

That's what you call an unfulfilled dream.

I wanted a sparkling story.

That's why I came to the academy according to the original story.

The goal I set was simple.

Enjoy academy life, help the protagonist and her party, and prevent the world from being destroyed.

In the end, I wanted to see a happy ending.

- In the process... it would be nice to get close to the characters from the original.

It was my life's game, after all.

If the children I've always only seen through the screen were running around in front of me, how touching would that be?

It was the unavoidable heart of an otaku.

I'll have to treat them well if we become close.

I'll take care of dangerous enemies for them and cheer them on.

If Judas was a traitor who deceived everyone in the original, I decided to be a reliable helper.

Yes, I definitely decided to do that... but...

"...Uh, uh..."

Why has she been like this?

"Lady Regia. Aren't you being too stiff?"

"Ah... So-sorry!"

Regia flinches even at a light remark.

She looked like a frightened rabbit.

'What is it? This isn't her original personality.'

I tilted my head.

Sure, she had a setting that made it difficult for her to deal with nobles, but it wasn't this bad.

Her characteristic innocence was nowhere to be seen.

'What's the problem?'

I pondered for a moment and looked at the girl.

It wasn't long before I found out why.

"It seems you've hurt your wrist?"


Did she get hurt when she fell earlier?

Regia kept touching her wrist.

Perhaps the question I poked at was the answer, the girl gave a wry smile.

"...I think I sprained it a little."

"That's a big problem. An injury right before the exam."

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt so much that it'll affect the exam."

"Still, I'm worried."

I hummed quietly.

Is there anything I can do?

After worrying for a while, I rummaged through my pockets as if I had thought of something.

"Lady Regia. Would you like to use this?"

"This is... a bandage?"

What I took out was none other than a bandage.

A pure white medical bandage with not a speck of dust on it.

I handed it to her nonchalantly.

It definitely wasn't the right size to be in my coat pocket, but let's just gloss over it.

Sometimes, what you don't know can't hurt you.

"I happened to have it in my pocket. I'd be happy if you'd use it, Lady Regia."

"Uh... uh...?"

"Here you go."

"H-how, from such a small pocket...?"

"It's a secret."

I playfully dodged the flustered girl's question.

To prevent further questions, I grabbed her defenseless arm.


"Please bear with me for a moment. I'm going to secure it so it doesn't get worse."

I untied the bandage and wrapped it around her wrist myself.

Regia, who seemed flustered at first, soon accepted my gentle touch.

"Th-thank you... I feel like I've been getting help from you ever since we met."

"You don't have to feel burdened."


"I'm more than happy to have helped you, Lady Regia."


Oops. Did I say that because I was too lost in memories?

Regia had several question marks floating above her head.

The pink-haired girl tilted her head and carefully opened her mouth.

"Do you perhaps... know me, Young Master?"


"Ah, no... It's just that you seem so familiar with me..."

What followed was, again, a difficult question.

How do I explain this?

While I was just giving a silly smile.

It was a deep voice from behind that saved me from the situation.

"Judas Snakus. You're next."

It was the assistant instructor supervising the entrance exam.

He held the list of examinees and nodded his pen a few times before glancing at me.

"Please follow me to the exam hall."

"Ah~ yes! I'll be right there!"

Since it was a chance to avoid answering, I raised my hand and stood up.

Perfect timing.

"It's my turn. I'll be back after the exam."

"Oh, uh... Yes, yes! Good luck on the exam...!"

"Haha! I'm glad you have high hopes for me!"

Well then, I'll be going!

Leaving those last words behind, I headed towards the exam hall.


Stepping into the exam hall with a pounding heart.

I was filled with anticipation.

The best educational institution on the continent and the setting for the original story, Galimar Academy.

What kind of interesting things will happen?

As befitting a place called prestigious, the entrance exam must be novel and interesting, right?

"Please attack the target in front of you."

However, it didn't take long for that expectation to be shattered.

I asked the assistant instructor with a disappointed look.

"By any chance, when you say target... are you referring to the very small, precious, and cute doll standing over there?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Oh my..."

I let out a disappointed sigh.

I was hoping for something a bit more spectacular.

"I trust you are aware of how the scores are measured."

I'm not, though.

"The magic tool has been broadcasting the exam to the magic stone in the waiting area so that other applicants can watch."

I was too busy chatting with our protagonist that I missed it.

"Well then, good luck."

Damn it.

I couldn't bring myself to say those things to the assistant instructor who was grading.

Can't I just adjust it roughly and hit it?

If I knew it was going to be like this, I should have listened to the instructions properly...


Regret came too late.

Accepting the cruel reality, I swallowed my tears and took a stance.

It was a stance for casting magic.

'The magic output... should be moderate enough to get me somewhere in the middle ranks, right?'

I quietly examined the target.

As expected, it wasn't just an ordinary doll.

Various magic circles for defense, absorption, calculation, and so on were woven into the cloth.

Does this mean it lives up to its name of 'the best'?

'I need to be careful... so they don't notice.'

I had no intention of taking the top spot.

A position that receives a lot of attention comes with a corresponding amount of hassle.

I'll pass.

I wouldn't take it even if they offered it to me.

'Just enough so that the doll doesn't break.'

With a small murmur, I aimed my finger.

A finger gun made by extending my thumb and index finger.

As I gathered mana at my fingertips, it intertwined into a single bullet of jet black.



With a sound like air escaping, darkness erupted.

A rapidly flying fragment.

The next moment, it hit the target's forehead.


The shadow fiercely struck the defense magic circle.

The fiercely rotating bullet seemed to pierce through the space between the eyebrows, but soon lost its power.

No matter how shabby the exterior, it was an entrance exam prepared by the Academy.

It wouldn't allow for an easy breakthrough.

In the end, the mana bullet dissipated without leaving a single scratch.


The doll, which had been standing still, collapsed from the impact.

I glanced at the target that had fallen to the floor.

'This should be fine, right?'

The doll wasn't broken, and the magic I used wasn't that flashy either.

There was nothing eye-catching about it.

Just the average output of the Academy.

It was a perfect control, even if I say so myself.

"Oh~ Controlling my strength is always a challenge."

I muttered under my breath so no one could hear.

I dusted off my mana-infused hand with a proud smile.


Just as planned.

"Huhu, I guess I'll go watch Lady Regia's exam once it's over."

...At that time, I had no idea.

The faculty of the academy.

The professors who were watching through the magic tool were in an uproar because of my exam.

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  1. Well, the same Author as depressed kendo player. Didn't have high hopes. And it is so...

    1. Is it because of possible misunderstandings or an OP MC?
