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Chapter 2 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

Became Final villain in fairy tale inspired game, but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Galimar (1)

Three years had already passed since I was possessed by this body.

A time that felt both short and long.

I had been wandering in this world, lost and confused.

-“Maybe if I wait a little longer, I can go back…?”

At first, I held onto that hope, but eventually, I had no choice but to accept reality.

The dates of the original story's events were fast approaching.

Yeah, that was it.

Possession is cold.

So cold that it would be perfect for freezing to death.

'I liked the game, but I didn't want my life to be a game.'

A genuine wave of shame washed over me.

I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

As I stood there with my hand on my forehead, I saw shining blonde hair reflected in the mirror.


I silently stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Soft, flowing blonde hair, half-closed eyelids, and a somewhat devious smile.

It was a boy with the typical appearance of a “narrow-eyed” character.

Judas Snakus.

That was the name of the body I was possessing.

Of all the characters, why did it have to be this guy?

The mastermind who plays the role of the final boss in every route, and the traitor who betrays the protagonist's party in every route.

He was always the one who led the ending to ruin.

I pressed the play button 1943 times just to try and beat this bastard.

I don't know how many times I faced defeat.

I miraculously managed to defeat him on my last try, but he immediately dragged me here without mercy.

I didn't even get to see the ending I had been waiting for. Damn it.

"Hmph… This isn't a very pleasant feeling."

I was definitely about to curse, but what came out was a stupid way of speaking.

And his voice was so calm.

It was hard to see it as the reaction of an angry person.

This was all because of this damn body.


[The trait 'Smiling Mask' is activated.]

[Composure is maintained in all situations. Basic dignity is not lost, and inner emotions are not revealed.]

A blue screen appeared before my eyes.

It was the status window. It looked exactly like the UI from the game.

I let out a short groan and glared at the letters. Of course, because of the trait, it was replaced with a hum and a meaningful look.

'Trait, Smiling Mask.'

Always maintaining a relaxed smile and a devious demeanor.

Perhaps it was a setting added to emphasize the narrow-eyed feel.

Undignified speech and actions are automatically censored, and actions that do not fit the character are suppressed. Just like now.

"My goodness."

= Fuck.

"Good heavens."

= This sucks.

"Hmm, unbelievable."

= Fuck, what the hell is this bullshit?

It's something like that.

The strange honorifics mixed in with the way of speaking are also probably due to the trait.

Not only was I possessed by the final boss, but I couldn't even curse.

'This is so frustrating.'

I can't call a spade a spade, and I can't call a dick a dick.

Perhaps this is how the hero Hong Gil-dong felt.

I swallowed my tears.

As I straightened my clothes, suppressing my frustration, I heard a call from beyond the door.

- Master, it's time to go.

It was the servant who attended to me.

I gave a rough sign that I understood and finished getting ready.

Today was a special day.

It was the day I would leave Snakus County, where I had spent the past three years, and head to the academy.

I had been so careful during that time.

The mansion had no trace of human warmth.

It was like a desert at night.

It was a cold, dark, and lonely space.

The day had finally come for me to escape this damn house and go to an academy full of hope.

'Well… Even if I say so myself, it's a good thing I got possessed by a noble.'

If I had been possessed by a beggar or a slave on the streets, I would have died before I could even adapt.

Not that it was a good thing that I was possessed by Judas.

I cleared my head of distracting thoughts and walked towards the prepared carriage.

"I hope you have a safe trip."

The butler saw me off with a curt greeting.

His mechanically bent waist showed no sign of warmth. It was just colorless.

I stood still and looked at him.

If I left for the academy like this, I wouldn't be back for at least three years.

There was no sign of worry or regret in his eyes.

The other servants were the same.

Not one of them treated me with any kindness.

'…The Count didn't even come out to see me off.'

The strangely cold mansion.

The servants who showed no warmth.

The Count who didn't even come out to see his only son off, even though he was leaving.

It was a harsh space.

It was no wonder the kid turned out the way he did, growing up in a place like this.

Perhaps there was a story behind Judas as well.

I clicked my tongue imperceptibly and looked away.

"Well then, let's be on our way."

It wasn't really any of my business.

The reason why the villain destroyed the world. I wasn't interested in that.

The heartless gazes that were directed at me.

Perhaps they resembled winter.

I skillfully stepped over the pouring sleet. I was used to this kind of coldness.

I just got into the carriage.


'The World as Seen by the Little Prince'.

Or 'TWASBTP' for short.

It was a game that had once taken the world by storm, and the title of the work I was now a part of.

It was considered the absolute top in the action RPG genre.

Excellent sense of impact, gorgeous graphics, and even curvy female characters.

It was a work with many attractive points, but the most acclaimed part was the story.

A story that reinterpreted a familiar fairy tale in a fantastical way.

The reason I first played the original was because of this fresh setting.

- What is this… The Little Prince?

- Everyone's saying it's fun. Should I give it a try?

I didn't know back then.

That I would become a game addict who even uploaded strategy videos online.

I even went crazy trying to find the hidden ending and ended up possessing the villain.

If I could go back to that time, I would quietly click the cancel purchase button.

But it was water under the bridge now.

"How unfortunate."

= Life sucks.

I muttered to myself and shook off my thoughts.

A giant gate stood before my neat steps.

It seemed that I had arrived at my destination while lost in thought.

I looked around.

High walls, beautifully decorated walkways, and majestic buildings.

It was only after I took in the scenery that it began to sink in.

The scenes I had only seen through the screen were actually unfolding before my eyes.

'Galimar Academy.'

The original story took place in this place.

The story branched out, centering on the daily life and events that took place at the academy.

A bit of childishness stirred within me.

My heart felt warm and fuzzy.

It was an inevitable reaction.

Even though the reality of being possessed was cruel, I was still a huge fan of 'The World as Seen by the Little Prince'.

That's why I was drawn to these little things.

"Hmph… It's much more magnificent than I imagined."

The best educational institution on the continent.

Its splendor lived up to its name.

The scale of the academy was also overwhelmingly large, so much so that it was said to be almost the size of a small city.

I walked, recalling the sentences I had read in the setting book.

There was quite a crowd near the main gate.

It was probably for the academy entrance exam scheduled for today.

It seemed like everyone had gathered here for it. I stood quietly and listened.

- So, what do you think the entrance exam will be like this time?

- I'm confident, of course!

- Hmm… There are a lot of competitors this time.

- You're telling me. It's going to be tough with so many children from prestigious families.-

- Ah~ I'm hungry!

The children were all buzzing with their own chatter.

A mixture of worry and excitement. It was a scene that exuded a cozy atmosphere.

Perhaps it was because I had spent all my time in a desolate mansion.

Just being surrounded by the conversations gave me a sense of peace.

'Yes, this is what it's like to live among people.'

I gently lifted the corners of my mouth.

Because of the trait, it was distorted into a somewhat dangerous and devious smile, but I decided to let it slide.

Just as I was about to lose track of time.

- Do you even know who you just blocked the way of?!

- How dare a commoner…!

A jarring voice reached my ears.

A shrill voice rang out.

I turned my head to find the source of the voice, and saw a spot where everyone's eyes were focused.

There, a girl was sprawled on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry… I was lost in thought and bumped into you by mistake."

It was obvious that she was being picked on.

Putting together the bits and pieces of conversation I overheard, it seemed that the girl had bumped into the child of someone important.

"What were you going to do if you had hurt the Young Master?!"

"I'm sorry... Sob... "

Actually, it was the girl who was hurt from the collision.

It was the girl who was rolling on the ground, the girl who was injured, and the girl who was holding back tears.

But when did bullies ever care about such things?

They were just picking on her because she caught their eye.

I scratched my head nonchalantly.

It was best not to get involved in this kind of thing.

I wanted to avoid troublesome events.

Just as I was about to lose interest, the girl's face, which had been hidden, came into view.


Pink hair that flowed down to her waist.

Green eyes that sparkled with tears.

A cute, puppy-like face, and a well-built body with elegant curves.

I knew who she was.

"Regia Pilots...?"

Regia Pilots.

The protagonist and most important character in the game "The World as Seen by the Little Prince."

In other words, the main character of the original story.

I could recognize her at a glance thanks to her distinctive outfit.

Since her design was based on the "pilot" from the fairy tale, she wore special equipment.

A somewhat rough-looking jacket, worn leather gloves, and aviator goggles hanging around her neck.

There was only one person who would wear such an outfit.

"This is why commoners are so hopelessly inferior!"

"Hng, sob… I'm sorry…"

I moved my feet as if possessed.

Towards the girl who was bowing her head repeatedly, tears streaming down her face.

"I-I didn't mean to do it, the Young Master suddenly ran into me…"

"Are you blaming me now?"

"B-But… I was clearly just standing there…"

"You insolent girl!!"


The young master was threatening the girl with a flushed face.

He must have been confident in the strength of the knights he commanded, completely losing his mind.

I stood behind him unnoticed and raised my foot.

"Oops~ Excuse me!"

And then I immediately kicked him in the ass.

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  1. The next chapter button doesn't link correctly for me, I have to click on the next chapter rom the table of contents.

  2. Oh, I get it! The MC IS the “Little Prince”, not the Snake

  3. That... that name right there. More on the nose than a Haitian cannibal.
