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Chapter 12 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Ramielli Academy Entrance Ceremony (2)

Sunlight streamed in through the luxurious wine-colored curtains.

A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, reflecting the incoming sunlight and illuminating the room.

The floor was covered with finely tanned leather from a bull-like monster, a Minotauros.

A translucent white canopy over the bed cast elegant shadows.

In the middle of such an extravagant room, a sophisticated woman was checking her appearance in a full-body mirror.

Behind her stood her maids, still as shadows.

Iriel Eustia.

She had a long, cool, and well-proportioned figure.

Her dazzling emerald dress shimmered with all sorts of accessories and jewels.

Her long, glamorous red hair, the same color as rubies, cascaded down her back in waves.

Her upturned eyes, the same ruby red, held a haughty, cat-like gaze.

She meticulously examined her appearance in the mirror, a vein throbbing in her forehead.

“Where on earth did that man go?!”

Her maids flinched and trembled at her outburst.

In the end, she had to face the entrance ceremony without finding him.

He had said that he would apply to be a swordsmanship instructor and head to the academy as instructed.

She even heard news that a shabby military carriage had arrived in the capital.

But for some reason, he had vanished into thin air.

His whereabouts had been unknown for a whole month.

'He handed over all the money I hid for him to the military... ... Unless he's earned money elsewhere, he wouldn't have been able to get lodging or even a meal... ... Is he living on the streets or something?'

She had every shop around the capital city thoroughly searched, but not a single strand of his black hair was found.

Iriel had planned to plant her own man in the Ramielli Academy, which she was entering this time.

So she pulled out a treasured card she had made a long time ago, but things had gone awry from the start.

'He didn't even come to me directly... ... The coachman dropped him off and left the capital right away. Where the hell did that man go?'

Iriel habitually brought her hand to her mouth, about to bite her nails, but stopped.

"I can't ruin my nails on the day of the entrance ceremony.”

Knock, knock.

Just then, a knock came from her door.

Iriel had her maid tighten the corset on her dress once more and then said,

“Come in.”

The door opened with a creak. A middle-aged man entered.

“My lady.”

“So, that man... ... Any news?”

“No, my lady. The academy keeps saying they can’t tell us for some reason...”

The man said with a troubled bow.

Yes. This was the problem.

In fact, if she really wanted to, she could have easily deployed people to find Zeke.

However, the academy, which she had inquired with several times already, responded like a broken record, saying they couldn't disclose Zeke's whereabouts.

They even showed signs of wanting to avoid getting involved.

This meant that someone higher than Eustia, a Duke's family, was involved.

In other words, it was clear that the Imperial family was involved in this situation.

If she poked around trying to find him in this situation and ended up causing trouble for her family, she might be forced to leave the academy and return home.

Her father was already quite displeased with her because of all the trouble she had caused here and there.

She had finally earned the opportunity to enter the academy after throwing a tantrum this time.

'If I have to go back, I'll have an engagement I have no say in and boring bridal classes waiting for me at home.'

She would absolutely refuse, no matter what.

"Tsk, of all things, the Imperial family. To think he's involved with the very power I despise... ... What on earth did he do in the military?"

Iriel clicked her tongue.

"Well, it's the entrance ceremony. I'm sure I'll find out today. He's a swordsmanship instructor, after all. Are you ready?"

"Yes, my lady. Let's go. I shall escort you.”

Iriel, led by seven attendants and servants, boarded a grand and elegant carriage.

As the carriage bearing the Eustia family crest passed by, people stopped in their tracks and cleared the way.

Other carriages did the same, pulling over to the side to allow the Eustia carriage to pass.

Though she was the one causing the inconvenience, Iriel didn't mind at all.

She believed that they were different from her, with innate nobility, and respect for their difference in status was only natural.

In reality, people avoided her because of the Eustia family's notorious temper.

"What's on the schedule for today?"

The middle-aged man with a stiff expression sitting opposite her took out a piece of paper from his pocket and checked it.

“The entrance ceremony is in the morning, and in the evening, there will be a banquet at the mansion, hosted by us, for the Ramielli Academy entrants.”

"Who's coming?"

"The Romie Marquis family, the Catherine Marquis family, and Ibarok..."

"Ah, forget it. It's the same kids I always see. Then stop by Hillaise Bakery and get me some bread. I'll eat it before the banquet."


Since she barely ate at banquets to maintain her image, she always bought bread beforehand to fill her stomach.

Even then, she couldn't eat much because she had to watch her figure.

Hillaise Bakery was a new bakery that had opened on the academy street.

The young lady of the Catherine Marquis family had brought it as a gift at the last banquet.

Of course, she had pretended not to eat such things and gave it to her maid, but later, she took it back to her room and tried it.

The soft texture that melted in her mouth and the savory yet sweet taste were perfect for Iriel's palate.

To Iriel, bread was a serious matter.

She couldn't even eat cake without bread.

'Hmm... ... Should I just secretly go and pick it out myself... ...'

Whenever she felt down, the thought of bread always cheered her up a little.

'Brioche? No, chocolate would be good too. It's so hard to choose just one. I wish there was such a thing as bread that didn't make you gain weight. Well, I guess the classic baguette with cheese and butter...'

"My lady. We have arrived."

As she was lost in thought, deciding what to eat while picturing each type of bread, they arrived at their destination.

Iriel stepped out of the carriage and walked towards the grand main gate of the Ramielli Academy, her heels clicking against the ground, her attendants following close behind.

Iriel brushed back her hair, feeling the gazes directed at her.

Although she had been here for walks several times, she felt a sense of pride every time she visited.

To think she would be attending this place!

It had cost her a fortune, almost half of the money she had saved, because her father was reluctant to allow it, but it was worth every penny.

Was there any other place that suited her so well?

A luxurious environment, a variety of amenities, delicious bread, and handsome men.

Iriel had no real interest in studying, but she desperately wanted to come to the academy.

Of course, it would have been much more reassuring to come with Zeke, but at least she would see his stoic face again soon.

'I'm much better than that clueless Yohaiden. He said he wasn't coming to the academy, didn't he? What a fool.'

This was a place where countless talented individuals and children of noble families, the future pillars of the empire, gathered.

Young, intelligent, and handsome, they were all here.

The marriage prospects her family suggested were all much older men who already held positions of power in the empire.

It was a good thing she came here.

'You have to look to the future, not the present.'

Here, without that thorn in her side, Yohaiden, she would meet many outstanding sons of noble families, build connections with them, and choose a man that Selena wouldn't even dare to look at, and marry him.

'I heard that the First Prince is quite something... ... If I marry the First Prince, would I become the Empress?'

Possible. Considering her status as a Duke's daughter, it was a very possible future.

Iriel shuddered with excitement just imagining the beautiful tiara that would one day be placed upon her head.

Hmm. Hmm. But she shouldn't get ahead of herself.

With the Second Prince also attending the academy this time, it was unclear who would ascend to the throne.

There was no need to take a risky gamble.

She just had to keep her options open and make her choice at the crucial moment.

She was confident.

No one could resist her beauty, and even the most unfeeling of men would wag their tails and fall for her with a few smiles and a wave of her hand.

Iriel turned around and asked,

"Where will the entrance ceremony be held?"

"I heard they have prepared it in the central flower garden of the academy."

"Ah, that place. It's been off-limits for a while."

Iriel had explored various parts of the academy, so she knew about the place that had been blocked off for some time.

"Yes. It's not too far, but it would be best to hurry a little."

"Right. We can't be later than the Second Prince."

As she walked with her attendants to attend the entrance ceremony, Iriel suddenly raised her hand, stopping those following behind.

"Wait a moment."

A silver-haired girl was muttering something with her head buried in an alleyway, and a familiar name caught her ear.

'Did that girl just say Zeke?'

Staring at the back of the girl's head, which for some reason made her want to hit it, Iriel spoke,


The silver-haired girl turned her head at her words.

A face that shouldn't be seen here came into view.

'What are *you* doing here?'

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Dream Big TL

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  1. As expected of someone possessing someone from Romance Novel... Alreasy establishing a harem xD

  2. Thanks for the chapter
