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Chapter 11 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Ramielli Academy Entrance Ceremony (1)

On the way to Ramielli Academy.

Zeke and Selena politely declined the attendants who offered to accompany them and walked side by side.

Selena had initially chosen their residence for its proximity to the academy rather than its location in the aristocratic district, so it was a manageable distance on foot.

Perhaps sensing Zeke's discomfort, Selena avoided making eye contact with him.

Well, she did glance at him from time to time, which only made him more self-conscious.

However, Zeke, burdened by his guilt, didn't say a word about it.

Normally, Selena would have been the first to break the silence, but her silence only amplified the awkwardness between them.

‘Is it that uncomfortable? Should I have brought the attendants along? They really wanted to come!’

Zeke tried to conceal his unease.

Carriages lined the street, moving at a snail's pace, while groups of students chattered excitedly amongst themselves.

The reality of his destination, Ramielli Academy, suddenly dawned on Zeke, sending a jolt of nervousness through him.

This was it. The start of his romance fantasy adventure.

As the title, [The Secret Girl of Ramielli Academy] suggested, the academy was the main stage for this story.

Countless characters would emerge, and countless events would unfold.

‘Right, I need to ride this secret girl bus and get back to Earth.’

Zeke made up his mind.

‘Is she a good driver? What if she’s some hardcore dark fantasy protagonist who refuses help…?

Unlike the dark fantasy world where defeating the final boss meant returning home, this situation offered no such clarity.

However, simply living out his days in this world was never an option for Zeke.

‘I just need to get involved somehow. I need to invest myself to have a chance of returning.’

The inconveniences of a less-developed life were one thing, but the presence of swords, mana, and monsters in this world made it impossible for him to resist the call to adventure.

That's why Zeke's goal was to find a way back to Earth.

‘I can do this, right? I can go back, right? I have to, or my heart won't be able to take it!’

Thanks to Selena's initial lessons, he had acquired knowledge of this world's culture and customs, but he still had no idea who the main characters were.

He turned his head.

Selena walked beside him, stiff as a wooden doll.



Selena jolted at the sound of her name, her response laced with surprise.

She turned to him with a delayed reaction, then quickly averted her gaze back to the front.

"You're like a doll."

"A-A doll!?"

"Are there any students I should be aware of?"

"W-What do you mean, a doll!? Um. Um! What was it again? Students to be aware of?"

"Yes, like royalty, for example. I need to know who might end up in my class."

Zeke decided to start by gathering information about the Second Prince and inquired about the royal family.

The word "doll" was stuck in Selena's head, but she chose to answer his question first.

"Well… The First Prince is already enrolled… and the Second Prince will be joining this year. I haven't heard anything about the Third Prince."

"I see… What are they like?"

"I met the First Prince a few times when we were younger. I'm not sure about now, but… I think it's safe to say he has a delicate and kind personality. As for the Second Prince… I've heard rumors that he's a bit… active… or rather, assertive…"

Selena spoke cautiously, her index finger resting on her lips.

‘So, the First Prince is alright, but the Second Prince is a handful. I knew it from the moment he was stalking the female lead. That creepy jerk.’

Zeke found himself understanding the nuances of aristocratic speech, a testament to Selena's effective teaching.

As a Duke's daughter, she couldn't exactly badmouth the royal family directly, so she resorted to these roundabout expressions.

It seemed like he didn't need to worry too much about the First Prince.

The problem was the Second Prince – the very reason he was stuck in this romance fantasy world, thanks to a mere three pages of the prince's foolish antics in the novel.

Although it wasn't explicitly stated that the Second Prince had been stalking the female lead, Zeke had a strong feeling based on the few scenes he could recall, where the male and female leads were flirting at the academy.

It stood to reason that the female lead would be entering the academy around the same time as the Second Prince.

It seemed highly likely that the female lead was among this year's freshmen.

‘Since the Second Prince appeared in those cliche scenes, I guess he’s considered a potential male lead. Hmm, should I try to get him into my class?’

As he pondered how to handle the troublesome prince, another typical romance fantasy character came to mind.

“Ah, and are there any girls like that?”

"Girls… like…? What? Girls…?”

Selena's expression went blank.

She had transformed into a real doll now.

Knowing that she wasn't in the best state of mind today, Zeke continued without paying much attention.

“You know, someone with a terrible personality. Reckless, troublesome to deal with. A girl to avoid.”

This time, he was referring to the character who tormented and antagonized the female lead – the villainess.

Having pledged to help the female lead, Zeke had to identify this character.

‘Of course, there’s always the possibility of a reformed villainess who becomes kind after reincarnation, but that would’ve been mentioned in the rumors about how things have changed.’

"Honestly… all that etiquette training was pointless. You avoid using harsh language, but you don't even try to be subtle…"

Selena's color returned, and she shot Zeke a sideways glance.

Perhaps he should have squeezed in a few more etiquette lessons.

Selena felt a tinge of regret, though she wasn't sure if more training would have made a difference.

"I'm not used to being subtle."

‘Or rather, this body isn’t.’

“Anyway… there is one person who comes to mind.”


"She's from one of the three Grand Duke families, like myself – the Eustia family."

A Grand Duke family meant they were second only to the royal family in terms of power.

It dawned on Zeke just how unassuming Selena was, considering she belonged to a family of such high standing.

"What's her name?"

"Iriel Eustia. I heard she's entering the academy this year. Steer clear of the redhead, Instructor."

"Got it."

Zeke nodded.

“Oh, we’re here!”

Located in the heart of the capital city, Ramielli, stood Ramielli Academy – the heart of the Empire itself.

According to Selena, it was the most prestigious educational institution in the Empire.

Children of royalty, nobility, distinguished families, and talented commoners – the next generation of elites all gathered here.

They spent four years at Ramielli, accumulating knowledge, building connections, and taking their first steps towards their future careers.

Furthermore, the academy prided itself on a strict meritocracy, where social status, whether royal, noble, or commoner, held no sway within its walls.

Or so they claimed. As if power could be contained by mere rules.

In reality, nobles flocked to their own kind, and commoners stuck together, forming their own circles based on social standing.

Nevertheless, gaining admission to this academy was a reason for villages to erupt in celebration, with announcements and banners adorning their entrances.

As Zeke listened to Selena's explanation, a question popped into his mind.

"By the way, Selena, why did you have to come here? Wouldn't it have been advantageous for all noble to attend?"

"Ah, daughters from high-ranking noble families, those of Marquis rank and above, have another option."

"Another option?"

"Yes, one is to enroll in the academy like this, and the other is to receive bridal training within the family after getting engaged. My father wouldn't allow me to enter the Knight Department…"

"I see, so you were originally supposed to be engaged."

‘Well, it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I have to admit, her boldness is admirable.’

Nodding in understanding, Zeke took in his surroundings.

He had to admit he had underestimated this romance fantasy world.

Centered around the main building, with its dome resembling the Berlin Cathedral, stood a collection of magnificent structures, each an architectural masterpiece.

Beyond the academic buildings, the academy boasted a theater, an equestrian center, a dessert street, a restaurant street, a shopping district, and even a botanical garden for leisurely strolls.

The surrounding land, mostly owned by the academy, was constantly being developed to cater to the students' needs and desires.

Hiding his astonishment at this extravagant display of wealth, Zeke addressed Selena.

"I'm going to meet the headmaster first."

"Yes! See you at the entrance ceremony!"


* * *

Zeke parted ways with Selena and made his way towards the entrance of the main building, his steps echoing in the grand hall.

‘Wow, this scale is insane…’

"May I ask who you are?"

Someone approached him, addressing him politely. It appeared to be an academy official.

"Zeke Clayman. I'm here as a swordsmanship instructor for the Knight Department."

“Ah! Yes, of course! Please follow me to the headmaster's office.”

The official led the way, and Zeke followed, ascending a grand staircase. It seemed the headmaster's office was situated on the highest floor of the main building.

Knock, knock.

"Who is it?"

"I've brought Instructor Zeke Clayman, the swordsmanship instructor."

"Let him in."

The official opened the door slightly, and Zeke entered the room alone.

Seated at an antique desk was an elderly man with a head of white hair. His sharp gaze settled on Zeke.

For some reason, Zeke got the feeling the headmaster had already formed a negative impression of him.

"Hmm, so you're Zeke Clayman, the one who was a month late?"

"Yes, sir."

"What's your relationship with the Yohaiden family?"

"I became acquainted with them on my way to the academy and am currently indebted to them for their hospitality."

‘I was a bit worried that my body would blurt out, "That's right," as if it were still the initial interview, but thankfully it didn't.’

Zeke was grateful that his body naturally defaulted to polite speech in front of an elder.

He had been a bit concerned after hearing himself speak casually to the academy official earlier, but it seemed his body had its own set of standards.

The headmaster let out a deep sigh.

"Damn it… Why… Who… These blasted Duke families… Just what are they up to…"

He muttered something under his breath, his words too low for Zeke to make out.

With a frown, he lifted his head again.

"Then! What about your connection to the Eustia family!!"

"The Eustia… family?"

Zeke was taken aback to hear the name Selena had mentioned just moments ago.

‘Wait, don’t tell me… Did this body have some kind of connection to that family?’

"I have no connection to them."

"Are you sure? But why…"

"There is none."

The headmaster looked bewildered, but Zeke meant every word.

He saw no reason to honor whatever life this body had led before he took over.

‘Who in their right mind would ask to be isekai’d into a romance fantasy world?’

He had no desire to clean up the messes his predecessor might have created by getting entangled in past relationships he knew nothing about.

Of course, he knew that the Eustia family was a Grand Duke family – a force to be reckoned with in the Empire.

However, Zeke was confident.

‘I can handle a few backstabbers.’

Rubbing his temples, the headmaster spoke.

"The Eustia daughter came looking for you."

"Is that so?"

"And you claim to have no connection to them?"


Zeke pieced together the situation from the headmaster's words.

‘Did this body receive orders from the Eustia family, something along the lines of infiltrating the academy as an instructor and helping out this Iriel?’

It seemed inevitable that he would cross paths with her soon.

This was a world of clear-cut good and evil, a typical romance fantasy setting.

And she was a character who leaned towards the side of evil.

The wicked young lady, Iriel Eustia.

The thought of approaching her briefly to gather information did cross his mind, but Zeke quickly dismissed it.

‘It’s not like I’d get a warm welcome if I went that route.’

Besides, without knowing what kind of person his predecessor was, any attempt to feign familiarity would likely backfire, only raising suspicion.

Zeke decided it was better to sever any ties he might have to the Eustias.

‘They’ll react to that somehow, and I can use their reaction to figure out the situation.’

"Why can't they just leave the academy out of their games?"


‘That’s not really something I can control, you know?’

Zeke could sympathize with the headmaster's position.

As Selena had explained, the Empire stood on three pillars: Yohaiden, Eustia, and Ira.

And here he was, a single instructor caught between two of these Grand Duke families.

It was only natural for the headmaster to be worried about getting caught in the crossfire.

But Zeke had already placed his bet on the Yohaidens – or more specifically, Selena Yohaiden.

'As for the female lead? Hmm, she's on hold for now. I'll decide after I meet her.'

Having invested his trust in Selena, jumping ship now would only lead to disaster.

He didn't want to create any unnecessary anxiety for her by appearing unreliable.

‘So what if I cut ties with them? What are they gonna do? I’m sticking with Selena Yohaiden until the very end.’

The Selena he supported and this Iriel were both from Grand Duke families.

And they were rivals, their powers evenly matched.

What would happen if he threw his weight behind Selena?

After running various simulations in his head, he arrived at the same conclusion: it didn't matter.

‘I should discuss this with Selena later.’

Observing Zeke's demeanor, the headmaster clicked his tongue.

"Ha… You… Never mind. Just forget I said anything."


"It's fine. The entrance ceremony starts in an hour. Normally, you'd have other duties to attend to, but another swordsmanship instructor will take care of them. You only need to be present for the introduction of instructors during the ceremony. Keep that in mind."

The headmaster waved his hand dismissively, as if exhausted.

Contrary to his initial impression, Zeke began to think the headmaster might not be such a bad superior after all.

He hadn't had high expectations for their relationship in the first place.

It seemed like they could at least manage a normal, professional relationship with a healthy dose of distance.

‘Is he just another office worker, tired of all the political maneuvering?’

* * *

"I must have seemed so strange…"

Selena's face burned as she replayed their earlier interaction in her mind.

Zeke's image kept resurfacing, his words echoing in her ears.

'Dressed like that…! And complimenting my outfit, which he never does…! And calling me a doll!! Is that allowed? Or not? And yesterday, he even brought my favorite flowers!'

His jet-black hair, the cold aura that surrounded him like a winter storm, his sharp gaze, his deep voice that seemed to resonate deep within her, and yet, a hint of warmth hidden beneath the surface…

Descriptions from the countless romance novels she had devoured flooded her mind, intertwining with her image of Zeke.

Her breath grew shallow, and her eyes took on a slightly dangerous glint.

This… This was all Instructor Zeke's fault!

It was only natural for her to react this way when he looked at her with those eyes and spoke to her in that voice.

Yes, it was definitely the instructor's fault.

Selena pressed her hand against her chest, her heart pounding in her chest.

Suddenly, she remembered that the entrance ceremony was about to begin.

"Oh no! This is bad! If I don't hurry, everyone else will see Instructor Zeke like that too! How much time do I have left?! I need to at least let my hair down!"

Panic surged through her as she turned to rush towards the grand hall where the entrance ceremony would be held.


A voice called out behind her, responding to her words.

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