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Chapter 83 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Instructor, What’s Wrong? (3)

Zeke returned to the Yohaiden mansion the following day, Sunday morning.

Selena, having spent a sleepless night worrying about him, slowly made her way to the entrance upon hearing news of his arrival.

Her heart urged her to run to him immediately and check on his well-being, but she couldn't.

Not now.

She was deeply upset.

'Another night out….'

This wasn't the first time Zeke had acted impulsively.

The first time, he skipped the noble initiation ceremony and attended the commoner's ceremony without a word.

She let it slide, knowing he lacked common sense.

The second time, he showed up at Ramielli Academy with a loaf of bread instead of a sword as a swordsmanship instructor.

She didn't make a fuss, thinking it might be Instructor Zeke's unique training method.

The third time, he went on a four-day, three-night trip to find mana stones.

At the time, she wasn't in a position to help him find mana stones, and they weren't even lovers, so she didn't say anything, thinking it strange to cling to him and complain.

The fourth time, he went out alone to deal with the Eustia assassins, saying he would take care of it himself.

Even now, she sighs at the thought.

However, she forgave him, recognizing his intention to protect her from harm and his subsequent cooperation with her plans.

But this, the fifth time, was different.

He hadn't told her beforehand, nor had he given her any indication of when he would return.

It was just one night, but the sight of Iriel collapsing at dawn, crying out Zeke's name, had filled her heart with darkness.

Selena knew that Zeke was different from ordinary people.

So she understood.

Or rather, she tried to understand.

Whether he carried bread instead of a sword, or asked another woman to undress, he had his reasons.

However, she had to address his complete disregard for the feelings of someone who lived with him.

Selena made a firm resolution.

'This time, I'm going to make it clear. I'm going to draw a line in the sand.'

Selena took out the script she had written the previous night and checked it.

[Instructor. (In a cold voice.)

Last time, you at least told me before you went out overnight, so I could accept it. But this time, you didn't say anything. (With a slightly angry expression. Lower your voice.)

Instructor Zeke Clayman (Say his full name, one syllable at a time. He needs to know I'm angry!)

Even though I said you could leave without telling me when you were leaving, that didn't mean you could freely spend the night out…. (Trail off at the end to induce guilt! ★Important★)

The mansion where the Duke's daughter resides always keeps track of the number of people inside, and security must be tight. (No emotion, just explanation.)

Oh, no, more than that…. (This is the main point. With teary eyes, as if about to cry.)

The person at home waits, worried. What if something happened? Like what happened with the First Prince, and Iriel showing up at dawn. Am I not trustworthy enough for you? Why do you keep secrets from me…. (Voice trembling! Shed tears! Maybe then he'll hug me…?) ]

Selena muttered the script under her breath as she headed for the mansion entrance.

In the distance, she saw Zeke talking to the head butler.

He looked like a drowned rat, and the faint smell of blood wafted from him.

'His hand is hurt…?'

In Zeke's hand was a broken, silver blade. Blood dripped steadily from his hand.

Pity and worry welled up at the sight, but Selena clenched her fist and endured.

She memorized the script in her head and immersed herself in the situation like an actress.


Selena called out to him in a cold voice.

However, at the single word he uttered as he turned to face her, the script in her head vanished without a trace.

"Oh! Selena! I'm back!"

The Instructor greeted her with a bright smile, raising the hand holding the sword.


Selena blinked, cognitive dissonance washing over her. Perhaps she was seeing things due to her lack of sleep.


Second attempt. She called out to him again, her voice cold.

"Yes! Selena! Something came up yesterday!"


"I'm sorry. Did you wait long?"


Zeke apologized, putting his hands together, and Selena instinctively tried to raise her hand in response, only to stop herself in surprise.

His tone was as innocent as a young boy's.

It was a side of him she had never seen before, the polar opposite of his usual blunt demeanor.

'…What is this?'

Her brows furrowed deeply.

It wasn't because she was sleepy.

Those black hair and black eyes… it was definitely Instructor Zeke Clayman.

But he was smiling, a smile she had never seen before.

This wasn't the Instructor Zeke Clayman who would wait for her with an indifferent expression and say, "Hmm. Did you sleep well?" making her blood boil.

'What, what is this! Why is he acting like he always acts this way!?'

Rational thoughts filled Selena's mind, but she quickly shook her head.

'He wouldn't put on an act like this just because he's afraid of getting scolded. That's something I would do….'

This was… as if he had become a completely different person.

And in just one day, no less.

'Can someone's personality really change this much in a single day…?'

She looked at Zeke with questioning eyes, but he seemed oblivious to her confusion.

"W-Well……. Come in……."

In the end, Selena had no choice but to awkwardly usher Zeke inside.

"Okay! You're beautiful and kind today too. Thank you!"

'This is really hard to get used to.'

Selena couldn't bring herself to be happy about the compliment, even though it came from Zeke.

"Ah, I'm hungry. Selena, what's for breakfast today?"

Zeke asked as they walked towards the dining room.

"……Beef stew……. And salad."

"Beef stew! Ah, that. It's a bit gamey. Oh, but could you add a little more salt? The seasoning here is a bit bland."

Zeke, completely oblivious to the problem, critiqued the meal.

The head butler, walking behind them, flinched.

Selena's eyes flashed.

'What! He never complained and ate everything before!'

Zeke used to eat whatever was served without a word, never once asking for more salt or anything else.

And when he finished eating, he would just nod his head.

Was this really the instructor she knew?

"Instructor……. Are you alright?"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"……You seem…… a bit different……."

"Different? Me?"

Zeke asked, pointing at himself with the blade in his hand.

"Instructor, and……. It's a bit…… unsettling to carry a sword inside the mansion."

"Ah, this…?"

Zeke winced, trying to grin.

He shook his head.

"Aha, sorry. Sorry. I can't let go of this right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Haha, it's something like that. I'll put it down later when I have time. Just bear with me for a bit."


It seemed that the Instructor was not in his right mind.

'Maybe he hit his head…?'

Then, she suddenly remembered Iriel's desperate cry.

- Zeke, no!! Don't go!!!

Don't go where?

Iriel had screamed Zeke's name, her face filled with terror.

What if that cry was related to Zeke's current state……?

Selena looked at Zeke with worried eyes.

* * *

Selena decided to have breakfast with Zeke and ask about what had happened.

"What happened yesterday?"

"Yesterday? Hmm, yesterday, let's see……."

"You saved Iriel."

Selena added when Zeke scratched his head, as if he couldn't quite remember.

"Ah, right. That redhead! Is she alright?"

"No……. She's not in a good condition……. She's been talking nonsense. And, she was left at the front door this morning……."

"At the front door? Why?"

"Perhaps, as punishment for Yohaiden's attendance at the Eustia banquet……."

As Selena spoke, Zeke let out a hollow laugh.

"Ha! That's ridiculous! Those bastards are playing dirty. Hey, Selena."


"I think they're trying to drag Yohaiden down."

"Dr……. Anyway, what do you mean?"


Zeke pondered for a moment before speaking.

"There are those who are targeting Eustia, right? The Lost Hope."

"What? What!? The, The Lost Hope?"

"Yeah. They're after Iriel Eustia. Haha. That's probably why they left her here. They probably figured the Lost Hope wouldn't attack Yohaiden if they did that. I bet yesterday's incident was their doing too."

Selena's head spun, struggling to keep up with his story.

'What's the Lost Hope all of a sudden, and they're after Iriel? But why would they send her to us?'

"Hela, was it? I should teach that bitch a lesson……."

"W-Wouldn't that be a huge problem?"

Selena asked, her face pale, but Zeke just waved his hand dismissively.

"Nah, don't worry about it. It's fine. It's fine. I'm here, what can those bastards do? I'll crush them if they come. Besides, it's the least I can do after you saved me from that mess."

Selena's face remained pale despite Zeke's reassurances.

Noticing her expression, Zeke locked eyes with her.

Selena gasped involuntarily.


Why did these eyes, shining bright and clear like a young boy's,

These eyes, sparkling with anticipation,

Why did they terrify her so?

"What’s wrong, Selena? Do you… not like Eustia?"

A shiver ran down Selena's spine.

"Should I… get rid of them all?"

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