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Chapter 78 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.Bonus chapter thanks to '@MegasXLR' for subscription on Ko-fi.

Eustia's Banquet (16)

The performance that filled the hall came to an end, and with it, Zeke and Selena's dance concluded.

What kind of dance it was, no one could say.

However, as the dance ended, those who held even the slightest animosity towards Yohaiden unconsciously found themselves touching their necks.

An eerie sensation lingered, as if a cold blade had just grazed their skin.

'What, what was that…?'

Hela Eustia, in particular, felt as if a chilling blade still pressed against her neck.

Until just a moment ago, Hela had been in a separate mansion, receiving various reports and attending to matters.

News had arrived that the bodies of three assassins, missing since the battle at Lost Hope, had been discovered, leaving her no time for Iriel's banquet.

However, the news of Selena Yohaiden's departure for Eustia was impossible to ignore.

Hela, without a moment to spare, had rushed to the mansion in a carriage.

"The Godmother of Eustia, Lady Hela Eustia, has arrived!"

The gatekeeper announced her arrival, but no one seemed to notice.

Everyone in the mansion was captivated by Selena and Zeke's dance, as if possessed.

Soon, Hela, too, found herself drawn in.

That wasn't simply a dance.

It was more like…

A warning. A clear message to back off.

Her grip tightened on her fan, the ivory creaking softly.

'How dare she… Not only did you allow Yohaiden into Eustia's banquet hall, Iriel Eustia, but you let her get away with such insolence in front of the other nobles?'

Hela's anger was directed at her niece.

Her pathetic niece, completely entranced by that vulgar display.

Unable to contain her fury, Hela approached Iriel.


Only then, as if startled back to reality, did Iriel seem to notice her presence. Hela couldn't fathom how such a foolish child could be born from her own sister.

"Au- Aunt…"

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Well, that…"

"A truly ridiculous spectacle. The honor of Eustia has hit rock bottom."

Glancing at the other nobles, Hela signaled to Hades with her eyes.

He subtly directed the surrounding nobles and Eustia servants to discreetly encircle them.

"You dared to hold a banquet, only to subject me to this?"

"I wanted to invite the Princes…"

Iriel's gaze drifted towards the First Prince, who seemed a world away, engaged in conversation with Yuri as if they were the best of friends.

'Why did he come so early…'

Iriel bit her lower lip.

She had anticipated Hela's interruption to some extent, but not this soon.

If it had happened after her dance with Zeke, she would have had some ground to stand on.

Despite the unexpected turn of events, Iriel quickly gathered her thoughts.



"Zeke Clayman may have acted out of line, but it was undoubtedly for my sake."

Iriel spoke, but Hela's frown remained etched on her face.

"He believes that Eustia, our family, intends to dispose of him. That's why he did this, to secure Yohaiden's protection."

Iriel kept her eyes downcast but continued speaking rapidly.

"My previous visit to Yohaiden, while partly to avoid your scolding, Aunt, was also to confirm with Zeke Clayman… to see if all of this was truly for me."

"Hmm… And?"

Hela finally spoke.

"He said… he wants to stay at the academy, to protect me…"

In truth, Zeke was currently without his memories, rendering her words completely false.

However, Iriel's explanation aligned perfectly with the report Hela had received from Hades and the captain of the assassins.

"And so, he became Yohaiden's benefactor? Out of fear that we would eliminate him?"

"Yes…" Iriel nodded.

"But because of that, revealing Zeke Clayman as our pawn has become a joke. Iriel, do you understand? I never trust a hand I cannot control."

"Th-That's why… I'll relay any information about Zeke Clayman to you, Aunt! And if you have any orders for him, you can relay them through me!"


Hela raised an eyebrow, seemingly surprised, and toyed with her fan.

"So, you're saying if I were to order you to make Zeke Clayman betray Yohaiden, you could make it happen?"

"Y-Yes! B-But it would be difficult right now. If he abandons Yohaiden, he believes he'll be eliminated, and then… he won't be able to protect me…"

"Hah, I see… So, in the end, the ultimate goal of Zeke Clayman's actions is to protect you…"

Hela slowly nodded, appearing to accept her explanation. Iriel breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she had weathered the storm.

However, Hela's next words brought a chill to her heart.

"Yes, that's all well and good. But tell me, Iriel. How do you plan to salvage today's debacle?"

"Today's debacle?"

"The utter humiliation of Eustia."

Her words were laced with icy fury.

"I- I invited the Princes…"

"Don't be naive. When the nobles return home tonight, what tales do you think they will spin? Will they praise the refined elegance of a Duke's grand banquet, and speak highly of Iriel Eustia, the gracious hostess who invited the Princes?"


"No. They will gossip about Zeke Clayman and Selena Yohaiden. They will mock how Eustia became a laughingstock, how those two danced so shamelessly within our own halls."

Hela tapped Iriel's forehead with the tip of her fan.

"Zeke Clayman protects you, and you gather information for Eustia. Fine. But Iriel, none of that erases the insult we've suffered at the hands of Yohaiden. Did you truly believe we could let this transgression slide?"

"Th… The dance! I'll dance too! With Zeke Clayman!" Iriel blurted out, her eyes squeezed shut.

"You? The same dance that Yohaiden just performed? Are you capable?"

"…Yes. I can do it."

"Hmm… For him to declare himself Yohaiden's pawn, and then for you to dance with him immediately after…"

Hela raised her fan, concealing a smirk. She imagined the spectacle of it all, how foolish Yohaiden would appear.

"Yes, I must say, I'm rather looking forward to this."

* * *

Zeke lightly pinched Selena's hand, pulling her out of her lingering reverie.

"Ah!" Selena's eyes flew open, startled.

"Come back to earth. You can't afford to lose yourself in the moment."

"Oh… Is it over?"

"It is."

Selena glanced around the hall. Curiosity, awe, admiration, wonder, and even fear filled the eyes of the nobles and young ladies present.

Just as Zeke had said.

No one could tear their eyes away, captivated by the beauty and undeniable power of their performance.

A sword dance without swords.

The thought that this was the path her own swordsmanship would follow filled Selena with anticipation. Her heart pounded with excitement.

"So, is that everything?"

"For now. I should go greet the Princes. Coming?"

"No. I already met them before you arrived. Ah, but Selena."


"No matter what the First Prince says, just nod along."

"Excuse me? What…"

With that, Selena turned and headed further into the hall, seeking her next dance partner.

As she departed, Zeke felt the gazes of countless young ladies shift towards him.

Those expressing disappointment were likely daughters of pro-Eustia families, while those stealing glances were probably from neutral noble families.

'Selena's effect is quite potent, I'll give her that.'

In reality, contrary to Zeke's assumptions, no woman was bold enough to approach a man who had already captured Selena Yohaiden's attention.

However, they couldn't help but fantasize about sharing that very dance with him.

After all, even to the untrained eye, it was clear that Selena's movements were not entirely her own.

She was following Zeke's lead.

If they could learn even a fraction of that dance here and now, it would be a worthwhile endeavor.

'Lady Selena Yohaiden had her eyes closed the entire time. Meaning, that man, Zeke Clayman, was leading the dance!'

If beauty could be expressed through movement, it would be that dance.

The graceful movements of a snow-white butterfly, juxtaposed with the controlled strength of a lone wolf.

Two contrasting forces, dancing in perfect harmony, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

The young ladies' hearts pounded with anticipation.

However, Zeke had no intention of dancing again.

'This is becoming troublesome. Ah, that's right, the Soi Spoon!'

Preoccupied with Selena's arrival, he had momentarily forgotten about Soi.

He had managed to chase away the First Prince, but there was no telling what other nuisance might approach her.

Zeke's eyes scanned the hall.

'She's not where I left her…'

He had instructed her to wait, but Soi was gone.

Ignoring the lingering gazes that followed him, Zeke quickly left his position.


"Where did Zeke go?"

Having struck her deal with Hela, Iriel set out to find Zeke.

She had assumed he would be by the flower garden, but Selena was there alone, exchanging pleasantries with the Second Prince.

'Did he go to the restroom?'

Arms crossed, she waited impatiently for Zeke's return, but he was nowhere to be found.

Several young nobles and gentlemen approached, requesting a dance, but Iriel declined them all.

The pro-Eustia nobles whispered amongst themselves, blaming Selena Yohaiden for her disinterest.

However, oblivious to their gossip, Iriel felt a growing unease.

'Don't tell me, he left already?'

She inquired with the gatekeeper if Zeke Clayman had departed, but he shook his head.

What if the banquet ended without them even speaking?

Iriel's thoughts spiraled downwards.

Hela's scathing reprimand was one thing, but the thought of Zeke leaving without a word stung far more.

It was unfair.

She had swallowed her pride and begged the Flower Garden for his sake.

She had hosted this entire banquet, enduring Hela's wrath, and even given up the first dance, all for him.

And yet, the heartless man…

She knew he had lost his memories.

She knew that their shared past was now hers alone.

She knew that he was not the same Zeke Clayman she once knew…

But still…

Despite her knowledge, Iriel realized she had clung to a sliver of hope.

She had expected him to be there, waiting patiently, just as he always had.

She had expected him to watch over her with his usual stoic expression.

She had expected him to listen, even with a troubled frown, and eventually indulge her whims.

Now, a profound sense of loss gnawed at her heart.

Frustrated and suffocating, Iriel reached for a glass of whiskey.


The burning liquid seared her throat.

"Ugh, disgusting…" she choked, clutching her neck.

This was the same Iriel who had gotten tipsy from the mere hint of liquor in the chocolates at Hillaise's bakery. What chance did she stand against a strong whiskey?

"I'm… so hot…"

She stumbled towards the terrace, hoping the night air might cool her burning skin.

Her gaze swept across the grounds below, unfocused.

"Is that… Zeke? And who's… that with him?"

Iriel squinted, trying to make out the figures in the dim light.


One unsteady step after another, she moved closer to the railing.

[DEATH 40%] flashed across her soul.

Then, Iriel Eustia plunged from the terrace.

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