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Chapter 71 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.Bonus chapter thanks to '@Karl Tugade' for subscription on Ko-fi.

Eustia's Banquet (9)

Zeke facepalmed, overcome with self-loathing.

Lost in his thoughts while checking Soi Spoon's heartbeat, he'd unconsciously touched her chest.

'Ugh, I'm screwed. They must be ripping me to shreds in their minds. Damn it.'


Zeke clicked his tongue.

With Selena and Iriel as witnesses, there was no denying it.

'I didn't mean it,' he pleaded internally, but the train had already left the station.

His justifications wouldn't reach them.

But honestly, that wasn't the most pressing issue right now.

'What am I supposed to do now?'

Zeke had been striving towards one goal: completing this romance fantasy.

But the condition for its conclusion was the female protagonist's death.

His reasons for helping her, his sense of duty, it all evaporated.

A hollow feeling settled in his chest.

'I doubt they'll send me back to Earth just for helping Soi Spoon die.'

Could he even save her? He shook his head.

[Death 100%] It was as absolute as it sounded.

Her death was a predetermined fate.


And it shouldn't be changed…



Zeke's eyes widened as a thought struck him.

'Wait. What if I make her evade death in the finale?'

There was one person who had been infinitely close to a 100% chance of death.

That crazy bastard from the Dave Continent, the <Ancient Bard> had placed a curse on him, manipulating the law of causality to make his death almost certain.

Zeke Clayman.


That bastard's ability was outrageous, manipulating causality itself.

The Bard deemed Zeke a hindrance to his plan of world domination and endlessly cursed him, pushing his death probability to an unwavering 100%.

Back then, Zeke had overcome countless crises.

Every single moment was a close call.

With such a high probability of death, the most absurd things happened.

A dragon's rotten tooth would suddenly fall from the sky.

Mushrooms he usually ate would mutate into deadly, poisonous ones.

A failed spell cast by a mage a century ago would suddenly activate as Zeke passed by.

It was like walking through a minefield of active landmines.

Every step he took triggered a 'coincidence' aimed at killing him.

His very presence became a hazard, forcing him to push away even the Saintess and walk a solitary path.

But instead of cowering, Zeke plunged deeper into enemy lines.

If he were to die, he'd take down as many enemies as possible with him.

His gaze hardened as he gripped his sword.

Like a moth drawn to a flame, he charged, his blade a whirlwind of death.

He fought until he couldn't tell if the liquid drenching him was sweat or blood.

Driven by instinct, not reason.

Every choice a gamble, a single misstep leading to a bottomless abyss.

Zeke's survival in those impossible situations was a testament to his superhuman intuition.

He saved the Dave Continent, returned to Earth.

Perhaps… the current situation was similar.

To alter an impossibly tragic, predetermined ending.

He couldn't be certain, but it was worth a shot.

'Extrasensory perception… If I teach this to Soi Spoon…'

But was it right to subject her to such a transformation?

Becoming a Grim Reaper meant living a life that was no longer truly living.

If Soi Spoon couldn't control it, she'd become a murderous monster.

Sealing it deep within her, like he had, was impossible without the Saintess's help.

"Ugh…" Zeke racked his brains.

'Wait, isn't she a Berserker?'

He shot up from his seat.

"The 100% death probability is only for the finale. That means she could be completely safe until then."

* * *

"I'm in a bad mood," Iriel declared bluntly.

"Elise, what about the bread?"

"Uh… I didn't bring any. Should we go back to the bakery?"

Wanting to avoid Zeke for now, Iriel clicked her tongue.

Then, as if struck by a brilliant idea, she clapped her hands together.



"You don't have a dress for the banquet, do you?"

"The… banquet?"

Having initially planned to skip the Eustia Banquet, Soi Spoon's response was delayed.

"Hmph, leave it to me. You're going to keep me company until my mood improves."


Besides, the thought of the bakery she couldn't rebuild yet gnawed at her conscience.

And what better way to lift one's spirits than with a shopping spree?

'Hehehe, if you want to be my follower, you need a sense of style.'

While she still wasn't happy about Zeke ogling Soi's chest, the girl's quick thinking had somewhat appeased Iriel.

"That's not a bad idea for you. What's gotten into you?"

Selena nodded, seemingly in agreement.

'Huh? Wait, what?'

Before Soi could react, Iriel and Selena had grabbed her arms and were dragging her towards the shopping district.

Their destination: a boutique catering to nobility.

Soi felt out of place, acutely aware of her worn-out clothes.

'Am I even allowed in here? I'll probably get kicked out...'

Her worries were unfounded.

Selena and Iriel's faces were their entry ticket, and Soi, by association, was treated like a noble herself.

"Lady Eustia, Lady Yohaiden, welcome! And welcome to you, young lady."

The stiff shopkeeper bowed deeply, his greeting laced with nervous sweat.

Selena's eyebrow twitched.

"You addressed Eustia first? Elise, let's go. This place is clearly lacking taste."

"Elise, this shop seems to have a discerning eye. Feel free to choose whatever you like."

"B-but, I don't know anything about dresses…"

Soi stammered, her eyes darting nervously.

"Oh really?"

Selena and Iriel exchanged a knowing smirk.

"Well then, the banquet is only a week away, so we'll have to settle for ready-made dresses instead of custom designs."

"Indeed. Let's see who can find the most flattering outfit for Elise."

"Alright, Flowerbed. You dare challenge my sense of fashion?"

"Are you going to cry when you lose again?"

Soi shivered, a sense of foreboding washing over her.


"No! That doesn't suit Elise at all! The white dress she had on before is perfect."

"Shut up, Flowerbed. What would you know? She's a spring warm tone. Look at the harmony between her light brown hair and this beige!"

"Her silver eyes would pop with white! That's something YOU would wear. Don't impose your tacky tastes on Elise."

"T-tacky!? I've never been called that in my life. Maybe you should remove some of those flowers from your head before you speak."

The two princesses bickered endlessly, their fashion preferences clashing like thunder and lightning.

Caught in the crossfire, Soi had already changed into countless outfits, her cheeks growing hollow from exhaustion.

She stared at her reflection.


A girl in a pristine white dress, standing awkwardly.

It felt like she was looking at someone else.

The dress she wore was more luxurious than anything she could have ever imagined, even in her wildest dreams.

After all, as a poor commoner, buying expensive clothes was an absurd fantasy. A hearty meal was far more important.

'I've been doing a lot of things I never could have back in Ramielli.'

A bittersweet feeling welled up within her as she cautiously admired the dress.

Then, her eyes landed on the price tag.


Soi froze, her blood running cold.


Her head spun like a broken machine.

"Um, excuse me…"

She choked out, her throat suddenly dry.

Both Iriel and Selena turned to her.

"Yes, Elise? You like the dress I picked, don't you?"

"No way, the white one suits her better. Look in the mirror, see for yourself."

"They're… both beautiful, but…"

'I wasn't planning on going to the banquet, and I shouldn't be wearing something this expensive. I can't accept this.'

Before she could voice her thoughts, the two duchesses had already purchased the dresses.

"Fine, sigh, you want both? Give me that beige dress as well."

"I'm taking the white one."

"Yes, yes, whatever you say."

'Wait, that's not what I meant!'

The sudden arrival of the Eustia and Yohaiden duchesses threw the boutique into a frenzy.

The staff scurried around, packaging the clothes with trembling hands.

"N-no, wait, I…"

"Next up, accessories! This time, I'll definitely pick out the most stunning pieces, so make sure you choose wisely, Elise."

"You're just going to pick something gaudy with a giant red gem again."

"What's wrong with red!?"

And so, with Soi's protests drowned out by their bickering, they dragged her away, deeper into the shopping district.

Soi trailed behind them, a resigned frown etched on her face.

'This is too much…'

They visited every renowned shop in the Ramielli Capital.

Dresses, necklaces, bracelets, rings, shoes, even hair ornaments.

By the time they were halfway through, they'd accumulated so many packages that they had to hire someone to deliver them to Hillaise Bakery.

"Ahh, shopping really does relieve stress!"

Selena stretched languidly, a content smile on her face.

While known for her frugality, she didn't dislike spending money. She simply never had the time, always occupied with her duties.

"Hmm, not bad. A definite improvement, though I still have my reservations about the dress."

Iriel surveyed Soi, a satisfied nod escaping her lips.

The pristine white dress shimmered, accented by a necklace adorned with rose-red gems. A silver circlet graced her head.

Selena had attempted to add flowers to the circlet, but Iriel's vehement protests forced a compromise: small, intricately crafted floral patterns.


Both Selena and Iriel fell silent, their eyes fixed on the transformed Soi Spoon.

The girl who usually seemed indifferent to appearances, who preferred practicality over vanity, was breathtaking when adorned with such care.

Her silver eyes sparkled under the gentle sunlight, her hair gleaming with a healthy shine thanks to the fragrant oils applied earlier.

Her figure, though delicate, held a captivating allure, radiating an aura of gentle grace.

Soi stood awkwardly, fiddling with her shortened hair.

Even in her unease, she resembled a shy, highborn lady.

"This is… too much."


Just then,


A deep, commanding voice interrupted them.

Soi spun around.


"I've been looking everywhere for you."

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