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Chapter 25 - Extra C's Childhood Friend is the World's Strongest Heroine

I had possessed a character who was an extra C, from a novel I read as a child. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,Academy,EFWSH,Fantasy,Possession,Magic

Entrance Ceremony

Another week had passed by in a flash...

And the event known as the academy's entrance ceremony was suddenly upon him.

Thus, on an ordinary Monday morning...


Rudell, who hadn't slept well all night due to nervousness, let out a sleepy yawn and looked out the window.

The wide boulevard leading to the academy's main gate.

Commonly referred to as the "Path of Knowledge," it was now teeming with people.

There were all sorts of people, each with their own unique characteristics, but their destination was the same.

The massive building that stood before them.

Even compared to the Royal Palace, the heart of the Royal Capital and the largest structure in the Kingdom, this building was not inferior in scale, proudly displaying its imposing presence.

With a giant dome at its center and four enormous towers surrounding it in the cardinal directions, it was none other than the main setting of the original story.

Simultaneously, it was one of the largest educational institutions on the continent.

"That's... Pilsberg Academy..."

It was the Royal Pilsberg Academy.

"It's incredible..."

The academy's scale was so vast that it could rival the architectural marvels of 21st-century Earth.

Rudell was momentarily speechless, captivated by its majestic appearance.


But that was only for a moment.

With a short sigh, Rudell's expression hardened.

He hadn't come here to enjoy a second round of school life.

No matter how much the academy symbolized the youth of its students, it couldn't escape the dark turn of events in the original story.

As the story entered its mid-point...

An incident that marked the beginning of the story's descent into darkness occurred.

It was none other than the Kingdom's civil war.

Due to the Cult's machinations, the entire Kingdom was plunged into civil war, and the academy couldn't avoid the repercussions.

Pent-up grievances and conflicts erupted all at once, leading to a horrific battle between the professors, students, and factions of each department...

By the time the protagonist and his companions realized the truth and managed to stop the civil war, most of the academy's key figures, except for a few, had already perished.

Adding to this, the Cult's machinations to drive the final nail in the coffin further weakened the academy's power.

In essence, except for a handful of individuals, the academy lost its significance in the story.


A low groan escaped Rudell's lips as he delved into his memories.

No matter how much he had prepared to prevent such an outcome, he couldn't shake off his anxiety.

The academy's sheer scale was simply too overwhelming.

Countless professors, ordinary students, children of noble families, and the political connections intertwined with them.

It was an impossible task for anyone to consider all these factors individually.


I hope things go well.

Thinking so, Rudell rubbed his forehead as he felt a throbbing headache.

Meanwhile, the carriage that had passed through the academy's main gate gradually slowed down.

A moment later, as the carriage came to a halt, Rudell stood up and set foot on the ground.


Stepping out of the carriage, he lightly stretched and raised his head.

The magnificent sight of the academy.

If he failed, this grand spectacle would be reduced to ruins, not even a single blade of grass remaining.

"Let's do this."

Reminding himself of this fact once again, he began to walk slowly with a determined expression.

* * *

"Let's see... Is the auditorium this way?"

Rudell, reading the guide he received at the entrance, looked up and surveyed his surroundings.

The academy's exterior already boasted a massive scale, but stepping inside made its vastness even more palpable.

If he wasn't careful, he would surely get lost.

Getting lost and being late for the entrance ceremony on the first day would be a laughingstock.

- Freshmen, please come this way!

Just as Rudell, tense and cautious, was walking around, a shout came from not far away.

Turning his head at the call, Rudell saw a huge door and a crowd of people gathered in front of it.

School officials, freshmen, and event staff.

The sight of all sorts of people bustling about was enough to make him dizzy.

Of course, despite this, Rudell had to make his way there.

"Are you a freshman? Please write your name here!"

"Write your name here and get your name tag! All freshmen must wear it!"

The students gathered at the staff's calls, received their name tags one by one, and entered the auditorium.

Rudell also received his name tag and entered.


And at that moment, Rudell let out a low gasp as he took in the sight before him.

The vast space, similar in size to a soccer field, was bathed in light filtering through the glass ceiling.

At the end of the auditorium, a colossal statue on the podium created a solemn atmosphere.

An overwhelming grandeur,

... It was a grandeur that Rudell had never experienced before, both in his first and second lives.

However, his moment of awe was short-lived.

[Ahem. Testing, testing.]

A voice began to emanate from the magical device that served as a speaker, installed on the ceiling.

[Ahem. Attention, freshmen. The entrance ceremony will begin shortly, so please gather in the auditorium if you haven't already.]

Simultaneously, a flood of people poured in from outside the auditorium...

Rudell, wanting to avoid being swept away by the crowd, hurriedly moved his feet.

"Let's see... Class 1-A... Class A..."

Checking his class on the name tag, Rudell soon found a sign that read "1-A."


"Ah, yes. Hello."

After a brief exchange of greetings with the student holding the sign, Rudell found his designated area and settled in, observing his surroundings.

Meanwhile, the grand auditorium gradually filled with the incoming students.

"I don't think I know anyone..."

He wondered if any of the other characters he knew were present, but no matter how much he looked around, he couldn't find any familiar faces.

Could it be that, like Leje's personality, there were differences here compared to the original story?


Just as Rudell was letting out a low groan with such thoughts...

-Clank! Pssssshhh!!


He turned his head at the unidentified noise coming from behind him.



He exclaimed in surprise as he saw the shadow looming over him.


It was only natural for him to react that way because behind him stood a massive suit of armor, easily dwarfing the size of an average adult male.

It resembled a medieval knight's armor, but significantly enlarged, with mechanical parts visible between the armor plates.

Gears turned within, occasionally releasing puffs of steam.


The eyes of the armor seemed to move towards him, and then, with a mechanical sound, the part that appeared to be its mouth slowly opened.

The other students, witnessing this, backed away with uneasy expressions...

-Clack. Clack, clack, clack.

At the same time, a sound like a typewriter filled the air, and a piece of paper with something written on it emerged from the armor's mouth.

The typing stopped, and the armor grabbed the paper that came out of its mouth, unfolding it towards Rudell.

[I apologize for startling you.]

"It's alright. Don't worry about it."

A short sentence written in an adorably neat handwriting.

Seeing it, Rudell replied politely.


Simultaneously, the armor's body swayed slightly, and it averted its gaze from him.

'As expected. They couldn't be absent.'

Looking at the armor, Rudell turned his head forward, thinking to himself.

Considering the events to come, the more allies, the better.

The sooner he could identify their whereabouts, the smoother things would be in the future, a fact that needed no further explanation.

[We will now begin the entrance ceremony.]

At that moment, a voice echoed from the magical device once more, and the bustling auditorium fell silent.

The next moment, the orchestra, which had been waiting on one side of the auditorium, began to play, and with the resounding music, several figures ascended the podium at the front.

The academy's headmaster, and other prominent figures who held important positions within the Kingdom.

Among them was a familiar figure.

Blueish-white hair and eyes.

A captivating beauty and aura that drew the attention of those around her.

It was none other than his childhood friend and the princess of the Lagrind Dukedom, Leje.

"She's completely unrecognizable like that."

Her usual laid-back demeanor was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a cold and frosty expression.

If someone didn't know her usual self, they would never believe that the person on the podium and the princess of the Lagrind Dukedom were the same.

[Ahem... I welcome all the students who have enrolled in the academy this year.]

The headmaster's voice, amplified through the magical device, resonated throughout the auditorium, and his opening address began.


[Seeing all of you reminds me of the time when I first entered the academy. Back then, I was just an ordinary boy, the kind you could find anywhere...]

The headmaster's address was...

[This happened during my third year. I was engrossed in studying for an exam, but I let my guard down for a moment and ended up failing miserably. However, I didn't give up...]

... incredibly long.

[Lastly, let me share a story from my younger days when I was working at the Magic Development Bureau...]

[Ahem...!! Due to time constraints, we will have to conclude the headmaster's address here. Next, Miss Leje El Lagrind, representing the freshmen, will take the oath on behalf of all incoming students.]

Just as the students' stamina and patience were reaching their limits after a three-hour address, the vice-principal, unable to bear it any longer, interrupted the headmaster and sighs of relief filled the auditorium.

Meanwhile, Leje, who had been waiting behind the podium, stepped forward, and silence descended upon the auditorium once more.

Standing in front of the podium, Leje turned and bowed slightly to the headmaster...

[I will now take the oath.]

A resolute voice, commanding attention, emanated from Leje.

And so, the academy's entrance ceremony was drawing to a close.

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