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Chapter 198 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

Sara, feeling a sense of strong support in the embrace, gradually stopped sobbing and then ceased her whimpering.

"Thank you... I'm calm now."

Her words weren't just a pretense of being alright; indeed, Sara's expression had visibly relaxed.

Sara, realizing that her stance was not on a precipice but rather on a vast land where she and her friends stood hand in hand, spoke with a resolute look in her eyes.

"Tell me about the royal family's decision."

Monica responded.

"The exile of the Duke and Duchess of Lucia is inevitable. There are traces of young Lucia's involvement too, so be prepared for a confinement order as well."

Sara felt bitter, but she had braced herself for this much.

"That's expected. I have no intention of covering up my parents' crimes. What worries me is the possibility of this spark not dying out but spreading further."

There would certainly be those who wished for the complete downfall of the Lucia family.

It was clear that those seeking to advance their status would not let this opportunity pass. Navia had already considered a contingency plan for this.

"Just transfer the magic train project to Eiles from Lucia first."

The magic train was originally a project undertaken by the Eiles family. It had been forcefully taken away by the Empress, even going to the extent of annihilating the family, so it was only right that it be returned to them.

The plan was to first expose all the wrongdoings committed by the Empress, starting with the scandal involving the Eiles family. Thus, it was inevitable that Lucia, who had benefited from this situation, would face backlash.

"The Grand Duke of Eiles said we could gloss over it, but the other nobles will try to tear it apart. It's better for you to take the initiative."

If Sara were to step forward and reveal the crimes of the Lucia family, returning the profits and business gained from the magic train to the Eiles, people would inevitably think, "The Lady of the Lucia family seems to be the only decent one in her family."

"If you want to prove your integrity as the new Duke of Lucia, distinct from your father, this is the best and most effective way. What do you think?"

Sara was fully aware of this and did not feel the slightest bit wronged or regretful.

It was a disgrace of the family.

"It's only natural. This was never our family's business to begin with."

As they wrapped up this matter, the Eiles family was about to shed their past shame and recover all the property and heirlooms that had been taken by the royal family.

Creed was currently inside the royal treasury, searching for his mother's relics.

They quickly organized their upcoming tasks and took a moment to refresh themselves with some tea.

Monica set down her teacup and asked Navia, "Did you have a big showdown before coming here?"

She was referring to the incident of expelling everyone involved with Agnes at once.

Navia smirked. "A big showdown? It hasn't even started yet."

Monica caught on from her words that Navia was preparing something even more intriguing.

However, Navia chose to remain silent, sipping her tea with a serene expression.

Frustrated by her unexciting response, Monica suddenly lifted her teacup like a wine glass and said, "Much has changed, and it seems we will be leading this new era."

Her voice was deliberately deep and playful, adding a mischievous tone to her statement.

Apparently, it's a mimicry of a noble's demeanor? Navia and Sara raised their teacups just like her, as if they were holding glasses of alcohol.

Then Monica finished her toast with a sly smile.

"Let's do well, friends."

Clink. They clinked their teacups together and heartily downed the remaining tea.

Navia, with a smile playing on her face, set down her empty teacup and spoke to them with an apologetic expression.

"I should be going now."

"What? Stay a little longer. You haven't even had any snacks. At least have some cake before you go."

As Monica tried to hold her back, Navia gracefully composed herself.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but your faithful friend and servant has much to do."


Monica waved her hand dismissively.

"Still, make sure to eat. Ah, even if it's not me, Creed will take care of it."

At that, Sara quickly chewed and swallowed the cookie she had been mumbling in her mouth.

"What? What does that mean? Is there something I don't know? Are you dating?"

Navia had intended to tell Monica that after her successful coronation, she would meet Creed with the intention of marriage.

But she was taken aback when suddenly questioned about her relationship with Creed.

"It was inevitable that I would speak of it eventually..."

"That's how it turned out."

Upon hearing of Navia's romantic news, Sara covered her mouth with an expression indicating she was more excited than Navia herself.

Monica was smiling knowingly, as if she had already anticipated this.

"Who confessed first?"

"It just happened somehow..."

"What about a kiss? Did you kiss?"

Navia, feeling somewhat awkward, took out her pocket watch to check the time.

"Oh my, it's already this late… I need to go. Let's talk about this next time."

"Hey! You're running away, aren't you? Tell me quickly!"

Navia, pretending not to hear Sara's shout, hurriedly left the drawing room.

They had kissed before even confirming their feelings for each other. How could she possibly explain that?

Navia fanned her unexpectedly hot cheeks, trying to cool them down. She quickened her pace, fearing Sara might follow her.

Navia's next destination was already decided. She planned to visit Creed at the royal treasury.

'If Queen Estelle’s relics were mixed in, who knows what message she might have left for Creed.'

No, she was certain of it.

As Camilla had done when she foresaw the future, she wanted to do the same for Navia and Lark.

So, Creed was left alone, with enough time to find and reflect upon his mother's traces, to fully experience his emotions.

'I cried a lot too when I saw mom's letters and videos.'

If such things existed, wouldn't Creed also feel pain and sadness? Wouldn't he feel grateful and sorry?

Navia could easily guess what was going on in Creed's mind.

That's why she wanted to be comforting.

She wanted to embrace and reassure him that despite the tragedy, we have survived and will be happy forever.

Navia's steps quickened as she headed to the royal report.

'I miss Creed.'

She wanted to see him quickly, to confirm that he was somewhat okay.

It didn't matter if he wasn't okay. It was alright even if he had fallen apart.

Because she would reach out her hand and lift him up again, no matter how many times it took.

She would never tire.

"Haa... Haa... Hoo..."

When Navia reached the royal treasury, she was almost running, out of breath.

She took a moment to catch her breath and, with calm, settled eyes, looked at the imperial report.

The tall and massive door was firmly closed for Creed.

The knights standing in front of it were loyally guarding, determined not to let anyone in.

However, they too had been in the palace for a long time and had heard much about Navia's exploits.

'Are you here to see His Grace the Archduke?'

But why come all the way to such a place? At such a confidential time, to meet alone - were they in some special relationship?

Their curious gazes were apparent, but Navia did not hesitate and spoke to one of them.

"Tell His Grace the Archduke that Lady Eseled requests an audience."

The knight, about to say that entry was not permitted, bowed his head in bewilderment when he was told to seek permission from Creed.

"Oh, yes. Understood."

The knight who had gone inside soon came out and, with an even more respectful attitude, said to Navia.

"Please enter, Lady."

Navia took another deep breath and went inside.


As the door opened, boxes and cabinets appeared, bathed in dim light. The interior was quite spacious.

'Is this almost the size of a small banquet hall?'

This was my first time entering this place in this lifetime.

However, having raided various storerooms of Agnes in the past, I quickly grasped several things about this space.

The reason it was so dim inside was to prevent light from discoloring the items.

Of course, things like paintings were covered and stored, but it was standard to eliminate or cover windows in such spaces.

Yet, the inside wasn't completely dark.

In particular, a magic stone lamp emitting a bright light from a distance sparkled beautifully, as if a star had descended to the earth. It was clearly light left on by Creed.

Navia approached the light.

The slight scent of dust in the air seemed to speak of the years this space had held, inducing a strange tension.

'After all, it's the relics of Empress Estelle appearing for the first time in 20 years….'

Considering the regression, it meant that her belongings had been lying here, unclaimed, for over 20 years.

Navia's steps halted abruptly.

In the light of a lamp carelessly placed on a stack of boxes, Creed's figure was faintly illuminated.

He was sitting, leaning against the wall, holding a notebook in his hand.

His face was slightly bowed, casting a shadow that made it difficult to discern his expression. However, Navia knew he was crying.

The notebook was probably something like the diary of Queen Estelle, wasn't it?


Navia called out to him in a very soft voice.

Without a word, Creed turned his head to the opposite side where she stood and then wiped his face with his hand, trying to erase the traces of tears.

Sure enough, he slowly turned his head towards Navia with an appearance of having roughly wiped away his tears.

"…Uh, noona."

His voice, already a deep bass, was even lower and rougher than usual.

A complex swirl of emotions, indescribable in a single word, was keenly felt, as if pricking at the skin.

Navia furrowed her brow slightly, giving him a worried smile.

Creed, realizing that his voice was trembling, awkwardly brushed his face with his palm.

Navia tried to sit beside him but was quickly stopped.

"Don't sit on the cold floor."

Even in such a situation, Creed took off his outer garment, spread it beside him, and seated Navia on it.

It was a sad situation, but Navia remained true to herself.

Navia looked at him in amazement, then noticed his eyelashes sparkling with tears in the lamp light and the redness around his eyes.

His face, even in this state, was strikingly beautiful, but it was so heart-wrenching to look at that it felt like a tight squeeze on the heart.

It was as if a thorn had painfully scratched through one's heart.

Navia silently embraced Creed. She simply couldn't help but hold him.

What this pale, distressed child needed was the warmth of another person.

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