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Chapter 196 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

"You really are something..."

Nyx clicked her tongue in disapproval, intending to annihilate Niratoinira along with the entire prison. Just then, Lark extended his hand to stop her.

"There's something I need to ask first."

"What is it?"

"What happens if two incarnations of gods have a child?"

Lark was certain that his daughter and Creed would marry.

Wouldn't that mean they could have a baby? That was the problem. Since only one incarnation can exist for a single deity.

Nyx answered.

"Then, most likely, my incarnation will prevail. You are a demigod, and I, being a complete god, hold higher authority."

And the child, weaker than Navia, would undoubtedly perish.

"Hmm, I thought as much."

Lark nodded nonchalantly and continued.

"So, I have a proposal. Add one more clause to the divine law. You know, the one about one god, one incarnation. Make an exception for my daughter."

Nyx was momentarily speechless, then slowly opened her mouth.

"Are you out of your mind?"

Even the laws of the human realm wouldn't be adjusted so recklessly.

"Did you come all this way for this?"

Lark frowned, his face asking why he would question something so obvious.

"Why would I bother bringing such a worthless thing as Niratoinira here if I had free time?"

Nyx was at a loss for words this time.

Lark clicked his tongue and waved his hand dismissively.

"I have a conscience, you know. It's not just a simple request. Why do you think I didn't just annihilate Niratoinira and instead went through the trouble of bringing it here?"

He suddenly turned to look at Niratoinira, who had been silently observing and waiting.

"Hey, blow up the locations of a few guys to build up some divine power."

Gathering divine power meant he intended to kill them.

Lark, as if remembering something, added.

"If you don't talk, you won't die comfortably."

This meant he would keep hitting him until he died.

- Their locations are...

Niratoinira revealed everything he knew. Nyx couldn't believe how easily it cooperated.

Lark searched his pocket for a hair tie and tied his troublesome hair into a ponytail.

It was his own way of preparing for battle.

"Wouldn't it be possible to amend the divine laws if it's a deity that emerged from overpowering others?"

"Possible? It's not the deity that's the problem, it's the backlash from the conservative gods!"

"If there are such children, I just need to talk it out with them."

"Talk? More like fight!"

Instead of responding, Lark simply shrugged his shoulders.

Nyx, exclaiming in frustration, grasped her head. After all, if Lark was told it couldn’t be done, he was the type to personally bring down divine punishment and make it happen.

So, it’s better to just persuade the other gods...

Seeing Nyx’s expression, Lark grinned.

"Then, I'll be off."

I need to finish this quickly and play with my daughter.

His steps towards slaying a god were remarkably light.

* * *

A day had passed since Lark left for the realm of the gods.

The emperor's body was placed in a coffin and moved to the chapel within the imperial palace, and the mourning began.

The imperial palace was filled with people, noisy every day like a marketplace.

"Let's behead the empress and prince in the square for violating heavenly principles!"

"We must expedite the coronation of Her Royal Highness the Princess to quell the chaos."

"We must punish all those involved...!"

The voices heightened by power struggles were akin to the shouts heard in a racetrack.

Navia, having chosen to stay in a quieter annex away from the noisy main palace, was preparing the sharpest blade in a relatively serene location.

People eagerly awaited the moment when Eseled's lady would leave the annex.

Even setting aside the fact that she was a key figure in establishing the next emperor, anyone who felt the power of the White Moon at the banquet hall was naturally curious about her.

Speculation and rumors spread quickly.

Already, in the social circles, they did not hesitate to refer to Navia as a 'saint'.

However, they refrained from speaking rashly due to their lack of precise knowledge about her powers.

What if Navia had powers optimized for 'punishment' in addition to healing and purification? The nobles whispered as softly as possible, fearing they might become the first targets of such retribution.

Yet, not only the nobility but also any influential magnate had heard of Navia's astonishing abilities.

For that reason, the imperial palace was in a state of great commotion.

Just as Navia was silent, there were other families who were equally silent day after day. Namely, Agnes and Lucia.

The hottest topics of the moment were the households of Eseled, Agnes, and Lucia.

All three ducal families of the empire were simultaneously silent, continuing this silence in unison.

It was truly the calm before the storm.

* * *

"The princess must appear more majestic than ever before," Navia said, addressing the designers of Minerva and Hart Boutique while rapidly sketching at the table.

"We are a nation that has just won a victory. Especially at times like these, we need to show the public that this is merely an incident, a trivial happening, and demonstrate our strength."

"We will bear that in mind."

They had come to the royal palace to design funeral attire for Monica and outfits for the coronation.

After giving them detailed instructions on how Monica should be presented, Navia ordered that all the dresses she had be urgently overlaid with black fabric.

"Here is the black dress for the head of the household to wear. Shall I help you change?"

Navia nodded with a face fiercely concentrated.


She moved her lips to reply, but her mind was filled with concerns about how to manage this situation.

'The Lucia Duke's family is the empress's birthplace, so they will be the first to be hit.'

Having finished changing, Navia put on her black lace gloves and asked the maid beside her.

"When is Lady Sara Lucia expected to enter the palace?"

A response came from behind.

"We have been informed that she will arrive before noon."

Charlotte, who should have been at the Eseled Duke's residence, had come to the royal palace to support Navia.


Navia briefly softened her stiff expression and smiled brightly at the arrival of a strong ally.

However, work came first.

"As soon as Sara arrives, could you prepare a meeting place with Her Highness the Princess?"

"I am already on it."

Charlotte knew well what Navia needed.

"Thank you."

"Not at all. I heard that master returned, but I don't see him around?"

Eseled's people already knew that Lark falling asleep meant transitioning to the divine realm.

Therefore, they did not question why he appeared at the royal palace instead of the Duke's residence.

"It's because it's Lark, after all."

That was the conclusion everyone reached.

"Dad went out for a bit because of some work."

Navia's expression as she said this definitely had a newfound ease compared to before.

Charlotte quietly smiled, feeling inwardly relieved.

'Our young family head is strong enough to endure perilous times, but this sight is much more pleasing.'

After Lark fell asleep, Navia looked as precarious as a bird gliding under a sky laden with clouds that could unleash lightning at any moment.

But now, it was different. She radiated an unprecedented sense of complete stability.

'Now, nothing can stand in the way of our young family head!'

If anything dared to, Lark would be the first to ruthlessly demolish and shatter it.

'That must be Agnes.'

Navia, dressed in mourning clothes, checked the clock on the table.

"It will soon be time for Uncle Erkin to arrive."

Navia said to the courtier as she left the room.

"I will go to the council hall where the family heads are gathered. Tell Her Highness the Princess that she need not come."

"Yes, Lady."

Navia left the annex and entered the main palace.

Instantly, all eyes were drawn to her.

She had anticipated the attention.

Navia crossed through the crowd with an air of someone who saw nothing but the path she intended to take.

But there's always someone recklessly courageous everywhere.


A man was calling her desperately from a distance, approaching her.

Navia glanced at the man with a calm expression and signaled to her knights.

It was a sign to stop him from approaching.

It was not difficult to stop the advance of one man. The issue was the change in the nobles' gazes after he openly showed interest in Navia.

They had the intuition that if they lost this opportunity to speak with Navia, they might never get another chance.

Navia found herself in a quandary as she needed to hurry to the conference hall where the lords were fiercely competing.

She could overpower them with force, but it was better to avoid actions that would unnecessarily create animosity.

"It's annoying to deal with this."

Just then, she saw people clearing a path straight ahead from the opposite side.

"Who's coming?"

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Dream Big TL

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