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Chapter 87 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

My Identity Is Revealed

It was a moment of slight regret that I hadn't cast a protection spell before leaving.

Originally, this house had been protected by a magic barrier.

However, it required someone to actively maintain it.

Without anyone present, there would be no one to periodically replenish it with mana.

That's why the house wasn't currently shielded by a protection spell.

“I didn't expect things to turn out like this.”

I had been too careless about the realities of this medieval world.

Perhaps being around people with modern-day common sense had softened me a bit.

As I pondered this, I stared intently at the sleeping figures.

“...It’s better to just kill them, right?”

I didn't want to unnecessarily defile the house.

So, it seemed best to handle this quietly.

[Lightning Bolt]

Moving among them, I struck the brains of the unconscious individuals with bolts of lightning, instantly rendering them brain-dead.

In the past, I had felt a flicker of fear when taking a life, but now, such emotions were completely absent.

Perhaps this medieval world had hardened me to such things.

After eliminating everyone in this manner, I gathered the bodies in one place.

“There must be something here.”

The person I had encountered earlier had possessed considerable skill.

Though, admittedly, they were still far below my level.

With that in mind, I began rummaging through their belongings.

It took some time, but it proved to be worth the effort.

“What is this?”

I came across something I had never seen before in my life.

In terms of form, it resembled a gemstone.

It sparkled and shimmered brilliantly.

However, it was different from any ordinary gem.

It felt as if mana was surging within it.

As I held it and observed it closely—


It began to absorb the residual mana from the surrounding bodies.

And at an alarmingly fast rate.

This object emanated an unsettling aura.

“...What in the world is this?”

I had never encountered such an ominous artifact before.

Feeling a twinge of unease, I decided to take a picture of it and post it on the forum where I had left a message earlier.

I made it a habit to save pictures separately whenever I wanted to remember something specific.

I could always ask Silvia about it when I saw her next.

With that thought, I attempted to store the gem in my subspace pouch.

Or rather, I tried to.

“It’s not going in.”

Apart from living beings, there was nothing that couldn’t be stored in my subspace.

Which meant…

This gemstone was considered a living entity.

“...Seriously, what is this thing?”

Should I try breaking it?

Maybe then, its true nature would be revealed.

Pushing aside such pointless thoughts, I placed the gem in the pocket of my robe.

I had left my subspace pouch back at the house.

It seemed my to-do list had just gotten longer.

I had only come here to find books related to demons.

If I had known this would happen, I would have brought more books with me when I left earlier.

Regretting my lack of foresight, I used telekinesis to drag the corpses out of the house.

Incineration seemed like the most appropriate course of action.


As I began to engulf the bodies in flames using Inferno, I detected a presence approaching from behind.

Slowly, I turned my head—


A familiar face came into view.

Or rather, a face I had seen once before.

The knight I had encountered at the door was staring intently at me.

Most likely, the individual known as ‘Ferus’.

As he greeted me—

“You look quite different from your image on the forum.”


Frankly, I was caught off guard.

How did he know about my presence on the forum?

I thought I had concealed my identity rather effectively.

Deciding it was best to attempt a diversion, I was about to speak—

“Don’t bother lying. I came here with absolute certainty.”


I felt like my inner thoughts had been completely exposed.

So, he was absolutely sure.

In that case, there was no point in denying it.

Resigning myself to the situation, I replied, “I’m just a traveler passing through. Greetings to you as well.”

“You’ve been asking a lot of questions on the forum. Did you really think your identity would remain hidden?”

“I genuinely believed I had concealed it well.”

And I meant it.

While I had indeed posted numerous questions on the forum,I hadn't revealed anything that could potentially compromise my true identity.

This Ferus must have had incredible intuition.

My head began to throb, anticipating the complications that lay ahead.

With a sigh, I admitted, “Fine, you got me. So, what brings you here?”

The most pressing matter was to ascertain his reason for seeking me out.

There was no need for him to have specifically sought me out just to inform me that he knew who I was.

As my mind raced, I tried to steer the conversation.

“You mentioned defeating a Legion Commander before. I'm here to ask about someone you encountered during that time.”

“Ah… You even know about that.”

How he had obtained that information remained a mystery.

Perhaps he had deduced it based on my forum activity.

Personally, I wasn't particularly adept at reading people's minds, so I decided to accept his explanation for now.

There was no need to make a fuss about it.

Besides, now that he knew about my presence on the forum, there was no point in hiding anything further.

Being affiliated with the military, he likely had access to a vast network of information.

Or perhaps he simply had many connections.

“Yes, I did defeat Andromalius.”

“Did you happen to see a strange woman there? Someone exuding a malevolent aura?”

“There were two. Could you be more specific?”

“A Dark magician and a Necromancer. Both of them are forum users. Their nicknames are CocoNenne and Decadent, respectively.”

“I’m aware.”

This was no surprise to me.

I had already suspected as much.

After all, necromancy was not a profession for the faint of heart.

“Those two conspired to help the Legion Commander who appeared in Koruntum escape. They assisted in its escape and planned to kill it in a secluded location, dividing the spoils between themselves.”


This was getting ridiculous.

Interfering with someone else's belongings once was bad enough, but to repeat the offense?

Their actions were downright despicable.

“That’s why I’m here. Would you be willing to join me in hunting them down? We can take care of any Legion Commanders we encounter along the way.”

It was clear now that everything he had said up to this point had been building up to this proposition.

However, my answer was simple.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. I’m not fond of group activities.”

I hated the military.

It was true back in Korea, and it was still true now.

Group settings were my least favorite thing in the world.

I preferred to keep my circle small, forging bonds only with those I deemed truly important.

Which reminded me of a certain someone…

‘…I hope she’s doing well.’

My ex-girlfriend, whom I had broken up with just before being dragged into this world, must be worried sick about my sudden disappearance.

As I was lost in thought, Ferus spoke up.

“...Very well. If the opportunity arises, we’ll meet again.”

“Yes, please head back now.”

With those words, Ferus returned to Baruk.

Interestingly, he hadn't commented on the fact that I was burning corpses.

Perhaps he had witnessed too much in his lifetime to bat an eye at such things.

Pitying him slightly, I pulled out my phone and accessed the forum.

As always, new posts were popping up at a rapid pace.


After our conversation, I was curious about the current whereabouts of those two.

I decided to search for their usernames.

[ CocoNenne ]

I sorted CocoNenne’s posts by date, starting with the most recent.

[Author: CocoNenne]

[Title: You guys better get ready, LOLOLOL]

[Content: (Picture) I'm working on something truly epic, LOL]

L: No way, it’s real;

L: Why does it actually look like a… you know…

  ㄴCocoNenne: Honestly, I didn’t intend for it to turn out this way…

  ㄴCocoNenne: It just kind of happened

  ㄴ: LMAO

L: This is hilarious, LOL

L: A Necromancer who wields a… that’s pretty unique

// tㄴCocoNenne: Shh, shh

L: Well, it’ll definitely be effective against men

“...She’s created something strange.”

It seemed she was using the Legion Commander's corpse I had given her to create something bizarre.

While I couldn't gauge its power without witnessing it firsthand, judging by her boastful post, it must be quite formidable.

Or rather, a chimera would be a more accurate term.

With that thought, I moved on to the next person.

[ Decadent ]

I hadn’t seen any recent posts from her.

I wonder what she’s been up to.

I’m confident I could kill her instantly if I ever crossed paths with her.

As I pondered this, I sorted ‘Decadent’s’ posts by date, starting with the most recent.

The post at the very top caught my eye.

[Author: Decadent]

[Title: I wish I had a house…]

[Content: This poor baby wizard is broke]

L: Sell your materials, idiot

  ㄴDecadent: But those are precious, LOL

  ㄴ: Sigh

L: (Dark) Wizard

  ㄴ: Being a Dark magician is tough

  ㄴ: Sacrificing offerings to cast spells is a bit much, LOL

  ㄴ: But the power is insane, let’s be real

“She’s alive and well.”

It appeared she was doing just fine.

Why was she doing so well?

A part of me had hoped she would have vanished from the forum altogether.

But there she was, posting as if nothing had happened.

The anger I had felt before began to resurface.

But first, I had more pressing matters to attend to.

“I need to head to Ehrenburg.”

Visiting Ehrenburg was a priority.

I needed to have my wand repaired.


Clap, clap.

Dusting off my hands, I made my way back to Baruk.

Just in case, I decided to cast a protection spell on the house.

That should hold for at least a month.

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