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Chapter 80 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,MasterBonus chapter thanks to @MelSor and others from Ko-fi!


It would have been nice to go straight to Baruk after leaving the academy, but I couldn't.

Because I still had work to do.

To get a temporary wand to use.

"A wand... It would be nice to have one."

To be honest, I hadn't made any effort to get a wand until now because I thought it would be cumbersome.

But now I have learned 'subspace magic'.

It meant I could take out my wand and use it whenever I needed it.

So now I could say it would be nice to have a wand.

'...It's a little weird to put it in a subspace pocket and take it out.'

The subspace pouch really looked like a small pocket.

So I had to put my hand in the entrance and take out the wand one by one, which was more annoying than I thought.

That's why I haven't bothered to get a wand until now.

With that in mind, I started looking for a tournament held in Lukphelton.

It was highly likely that the application period for large tournaments had already ended.

So, I was looking for a tournament that was held on the spot, so it would be nice to get a suitable wand and use it.

'...I would buy it if I had the money.'

I didn't have any money right now.

Of course, I would make money again when I returned to Baruk, but I could say that I didn't have any right now.

So I just had to get a decent wand and use it, and then buy a new one when I made money later.

'I wonder if there are any tournaments.'

So I went around looking for a tournament.

I wondered if there were any tournaments that were held urgently.

I don't know about other places, but this is Lukphelton.

Since it's a place with a lot of wealthy people, even trivial tournaments are often held.

As I was looking around for a tournament,


I found a tournament that seemed just right.

The prize for the tournament was a decent wand.

There were no restrictions on participants.

So I thought it would be okay to take it easy.

With that in mind, I watched the format of the tournament.

"Now, you have to operate mana here and break this sphere."

At those words, the people around me were taking on the challenge-

"Ah, shit. This is too difficult."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

There were many people who gave up immediately.

It seems like they've played a lot of tricks on that sphere.

I was confident in handling mana, so I waited my turn behind those who were challenging.

And after a while.

"Can I do it?"


A rather innocent-looking man nodded-

I put my hand on the sphere.

And then check the structure of the sphere.

'...They made it dirty.'

Not only was the structure difficult to understand, but even if you knew the structure, it was difficult not to make mistakes.

That's why no one has succeeded so far.

But then I realized that it was rather fortunate that no one had succeeded before I arrived because it was difficult.

If it had been even a little easier, someone would have succeeded before me and taken the wand.

With that in mind, I let the mana flow.

'I have to bend it once here.'

Using magic after coming to another world feels similar to driving carefully.

It feels like the skill depends on how flexibly you pass the difficult course.

Thinking so, after a while.


The solid sphere cracked as if it were gold, and then it shattered.

Completely clean.

"Then I'll take the wand."

"Ah... Yes, yes...!"

If I had time, I would have participated in a bigger tournament and gotten a better wand.

I guess I'll have to settle for this wand for now.

Thinking so, I took the wand in my hand and immediately caught a carriage going to Baruk.

"Shall we leave now?"

"Well... I have a schedule too."

"I'll compensate you later. Let's leave now."

"Sigh... Okay. I understand for now."

Looking at the wand in my hand, the coachman seemed to tremble as he moved the carriage out of Lukphelton.

Clack- Clack-

As the carriage moved towards Baruk, I wanted to test out the effects of this wand.

So I tried using magic in the air.

And after a while.


A strong flame arose in the air.

It definitely felt like the effect of the magic was enhanced by holding the wand.

It felt like it was easier to manipulate mana.

With that in mind, I threw a fireball at an animal that was passing by.


The fireball flew straight and hit the running deer.


This seemed like a pretty useful wand.

It seemed like I could save a bit on mana consumption.

It was already quite convenient to use mana, but now it felt even more convenient.


Just using a small wand made it so much easier to manipulate mana.

Even the rate at which mana recovered seemed to have increased.

'No, I can't believe I just realized how good this is.'

No wonder Silvia didn't teach me about wands.

It seemed like she wanted me to get used to it properly, because once I got addicted to it, it would be difficult to use magic without a wand.

I was thinking about how thoughtful she was, and as I went along, I tried out various magic spells.

Isn't it human nature to want to use something new when you get it?


"Ah, don't be so scared. I'm just using magic."


[Lightning Chain]

I practiced using magic on objects around me while riding in the carriage.

It was perfect because there was nothing else to do while riding in the carriage.

I thought it would be good to improve my accuracy.

Thinking so, I looked back-

'...It's a bit of a mess, isn't it?'

The road I had passed was a bit messy because I had been using magic continuously, but it didn't matter.

It wasn't like I had messed up the road the carriage was on.

There were minor incidents where the coachman kept getting scared, but they were really minor.

Nothing important.

So I headed to Baruk.

[Author: Docddaaat]

[Title: Seriously, this bastard is so funny lol]

[Content: (Photo) Why won't you just admit defeat?]

L: This guy is really pathetic.

L: This guy is really pathetic.

L: This guy is really pathetic.

L: These guys, seriously...

  ã„´: Seriously, this is so frustrating, lol.

ã„´ Docddaaat: What are these guys doing, seriously?

'...What's this weird...?'

New jokes kept popping up on the forum if I didn't look at it for a while.

To be honest, I don't really get jokes.

I just don't know what to do.

Thinking so, I looked around the forum for a bit.

We'll be arriving in Baruk soon.

It was also because there were people around to practice magic.

With that in mind, I checked the forum a little more.

[Author: NewsFlash]

[Title: Trendy food these days...jpg]

[Content: (Photo)(Photo)(Photo)(Photo) I couldn't even browse the forum for a day while trying to get this... Anyway, everything in these pictures is really delicious, so go for it, guys, lol]

The only downside of the forum is that you can't save pictures.

Of course, if you upload a picture to the forum, it stays there, but you can't copy the picture from that post and paste it when you're writing another post.

So, in order to prepare a post, you have to see all the pictures you're going to upload with your own eyes before you can post it.

'...I still don't know why they made it so inconvenient.'

Why can't we just save pictures separately?

Whoever created this forum system, it's a bit inconvenient.

I wanted to point it out.

But I didn't bother saying it out loud.

If they were able to create such a sophisticated forum system, they might be listening to what I was saying.

'...Well, there's still a lot of speculation.'

Sometimes, when I was browsing the forum, there would be rumors about the forum system.

Who implemented this forum system in another world?

Was it an omnipotent being, or someone like us?

There were many speculations-

And I didn't agree with any of them.

Because I wasn't really curious.

As I was thinking about that.

"It seems like it's time for you to get off."

"Ah, yes."

If you're not a noble, you have to get off the carriage for inspection.

You could be hiding weapons.

With that in mind, as I got off the carriage, I saw a commotion ahead.

It seemed like something had been discovered during the inspection.

Or maybe it was an argument.


As I was yawning and waiting my turn.


I heard a familiar sound and saw someone's arm flying through the air.


Looking at the clean cut, it seemed like a skilled swordsman.

With that in mind, I glanced ahead again.

It felt like something was going to happen.

And after a while.

"Open the gate, before I say it again."

Someone's roar echoed around the checkpoint.

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