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Chapter 64 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Eustia's Banquet (2)

"I'll give you the invitations tomorrow, during class."

Iriel, having placed her order for the dagger with Alen, headed straight back to her mansion.

As her figure disappeared completely, Selena stretched languidly.

Her face was one of pure relief, like a bad tooth had finally been pulled.

“She’s finally gone!”

“Hmm, a banquet, huh? Did she say she’d invite all the students taking swordsmanship lessons?”

Those words meant that, in effect, both the First and Second Princes, as well as Soi Spoon, would be invited.

‘All the key players are gathering in one place.’

To be honest, up until now, it had been all about fighting monsters and training. In a way, this was the first time things felt like an actual romance fantasy.

What was a romance fantasy without a ball, with dancing and drinks thrown in people's faces?

"Yes, that way there won't be any noise. If it was just me and Instructor invited, it could be revealed that we're trying to win Iriel over."

"Even if everyone's invited, Yohaiden would be invited anyway, so why?"

For now, Zeke decided to go along with Selena's plan, which she had painstakingly devised,

but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was too full of holes.

"Nobles, by nature, live and die by 'justification' and 'face'."


"First, we have the Second Prince in our class, and although not directly, the First Prince is involved too."


Zeke nodded.

"Iriel inviting them to the banquet kills two birds with one stone: 'justification' and 'face'. If they attend, it elevates the perceived status of Eustia's banquet. However, she hasn't been able to invite them directly until now because of their lack of direct connection."

Zeke understood what she meant.

If the Imperial family attended the banquet, it would definitely give the impression of indirectly, if not directly, lending their support to Eustia.

"However, inviting them secretly wouldn't be a good idea. It could lead to misunderstandings about political maneuvering using her child."

"Hence, during class, huh?"

"Yes, by sending the invitations during class, in an open setting, we can avoid such misunderstandings. However, since I'm in that class, it becomes a matter of 'face' for her."

Selena flashed a confident, charming smile.

"Inviting all the Imperial family but not me, the Duke's daughter? No matter how strained the relationship between Eustia and us is, such an action would make her seem petty and small-minded. To take it a step further, it could even be interpreted as Eustia being wary of Yohaiden."


"So, as the most sensible course of action, she has to give me an invitation as well. Of course, Iriel is the only one who would actually believe I'd attend."

"I see…"

Zeke marveled at Selena's cleverness.

As someone who had rolled around in the world of dark fantasy, he would never have thought of such a strategy.

It was a brilliant move that precisely exploited the weakness of 'face', something the nobles here valued greatly.

‘Selena’s definitely smarter than Iriel.’

Compared to Iriel, who recklessly charged headfirst when targeted by an assassin,

Selena, who considered various possibilities, chose the best course of action, and executed it flawlessly, was in a different league.

“However, there might be a slight problem…”

Selena looked at Zeke with a troubled expression.


“…That day, we'll probably have to dance… Instructor, have your dancing skills improved at all…?”

Zeke's face stiffened.

‘Shit, Selena… Is there really no way to get out of dancing?’


“Ouch! That’s the seventy-fourth time!”

The dance practice continued late into the night.

Piano music played in the background, punctuated by Selena's cries every time her foot was stepped on.

Even the pianist who played the piano looked exhausted from the long practice session.

After hours of practice, Selena’s feet were in a terrible state.

After repeatedly stepping on her feet with his bare feet, Zeke had given up on shoes altogether.

“Instructor, what on earth is the problem!?”

Selena finally snapped, unable to bear it any longer.

What's the problem?

To begin with, Zeke couldn't stand having someone move so close to him like this.

Due to years of ingrained habit, whenever someone's foot came within his range, he would instinctively attack.

He tried his best to control himself, but the moment her foot came close, his foot was already shooting towards Selena's instep.

Of course, he didn't use enough force to break her bones right before impact,

but dancing was all about moving in sync with your partner, wasn't it?

‘This is crazy.’

Zeke said with a tired expression.

“Is there any particular reason why I absolutely have to dance that day?”

“Yes. At a banquet, ballroom dancing is the most effective way to display one's refinement in a public setting.”


“Especially for you, Instructor, since you’re completely unknown in social circles. If other nobles had seen you in social settings before, I might have been able to persuade them somehow… Don’t you have any close noble friends?”

“Aren’t you my friend?”

Zeke retorted grumpily with a pout.

Selena flinched.

“…Th-that’s… That’s true, but! I meant other than me!”

“…Can’t think of anyone in particular.”

“So I’m the only one… Ahem! Anyway! To protect you politically, Instructor, we need to show people that you’re not someone to be trifled with.”

“Does it have to be through dancing? Isn’t there any other way? Like a duel, for instance?”

Zeke figured that if he just grabbed someone and beat them up, no one would dare to underestimate him.

“…We’re going there as nobles, Instructor, not knights. And knights don’t just go around hitting nobles without a good reason.”

Not even with a good reason, she muttered under her breath. Selena let out a deep sigh.

“It would be one thing to talk to each person individually, but it's Eustia’s banquet. There won't be many people there who are favorably disposed towards us.”


Zeke felt a frustrating tightness in his chest, as if someone had shoved a sweet potato down his throat.

He couldn't understand why this inefficient flailing of limbs was so important.

‘What's the big deal about something like this? I’d rather do a sword dance!’

At that moment, it hit him like a bolt of lightning.

‘Sword dance?’

A sly grin spread across Zeke’s face.



“Are there set rules for dancing?”

“Well, there are basic, formal dances that everyone knows, like the one we’re practicing now. There’s some freedom depending on the music… But since dances tend to follow trends, there aren’t that many variations.”

“…In that case, would something like this be possible?”

Selena’s eyes widened.


The next day.

Students gathered for their swordsmanship class.

Zeke glanced at Iriel.

If she was going to do it, now was the time.

Receiving his signal, Iriel stepped forward and cleared her throat.


The students’ attention turned to her.

“Your Highness, Rosnante Leonine.”

Although they had agreed to drop the formalities, Iriel addressed him with his title, signifying the formal delivery of the invitation to a member of the Imperial family.

“What is it?”

“I’m hosting a banquet at my mansion a week from now, on the weekend. I would be honored if you would grace us with your presence.”


Rosnante accepted the invitation, but his expression was troubled.

He snuck a glance at Selena.

Accepting this invitation would be a public display of support for her, so he couldn't help but be cautious.

Moreover, he needed to be extra careful, given the current instability of his support base.

However, Selena simply smiled sweetly.

Next, Iriel approached Yuri Gilbert, the First Prince’s contact.

“Yuri, please convey this to His Highness, the First Prince. I would be honored if he would grace Eustia’s banquet with his presence. And this one’s for you.”


Yuri glared at Iriel as if asking what she was playing at, but he accepted the invitation nonetheless.

And then. Iriel headed towards Selena Yohaiden.

“Lady Selena Yohaiden.”

“Yes, Lady Iriel Eustia.”

“This is an invitation to the Eustia banquet.”

“Thank you. I’ve received it.”

It was a perfectly civil exchange, but those who knew the history between the two families couldn’t help but tense up.

What followed was swift.

One for Soi Spoon, and finally, one for Zeke.

“It will be a grand event that will satisfy everyone, so please attend.”

Iriel bowed her head respectfully.

“Alright, are we done with this?”


“Let’s begin the lesson then. First, I’ll be taking applications for mana path opening. Oh, Rosnante, you’re up for today’s demonstration, so you’re good.”

“W-why me…?”

It wasn’t that he disliked the grueling training, but Rosnante really didn’t want to be the first one. He looked at Zeke with fear in his eyes.

‘Why? Because you’re a man. What’s wrong with taking your shirt off in public?’

“No reason.”


“Yuri, and Elisa. Sign up for your dates.”

Soi Spoon looked back and forth between Iriel and Zeke, her cheeks puffed out.

‘You said you wouldn't discriminate between nobles and commoners!’

Selena first, then Iriel, and now he was making an exception for Rosnante during class.

If this wasn't discrimination, what was?


But all she could do was click her tongue.


Zeke had Selena focus on mana circulation, while the rest continued with their basic physical training.

Iriel, too, still needed more physical conditioning.


Rosnante, who remained behind, called out to Zeke.


“You said Iriel already went through it, so why is she still doing basic training?”

“Because her swordsmanship requires it.”

“…Is everyone learning different swordsmanship?”

“I don’t know. If your constitution is similar, you might learn the same style.”

Rosnante’s eyes wavered.

He had experienced Zeke's skill firsthand, but just how limitless was this man?

Normally, a swordsman who had trained for many years would delve deep into a single style of swordsmanship.

It was common knowledge that dabbling in multiple styles would never compare to true mastery.

‘But to teach different styles to each student? Tailored to their constitution?’


He swallowed nervously. If he truly learned from Zeke, perhaps even he could become strong.

“So, what should I do now?”

“…First, take off your top.”

“Excuse me?”

“I need to examine your back, and the fabric will just get in the way.”

“Can’t you just reach under my clothes?”

Rosnante asked, confused.

“If there’s something obstructing my hand…”

As Zeke was about to repeat the same explanation he had given Selena, his eyes widened.

‘Oh, shit. I can just hold his clothes with my other hand and pull them slightly so it doesn’t touch my hand?’

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