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Chapter 27 - I Became the Narrow-Eyed Character in the Little Prince Game

I Became the Mastermind Who Betrays the Heroines,but characters keep taking an interest in me.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,NEPG,Academy,Fantasy

Execution (1)

The faculty members were watching the duel with intrigued eyes.

Each one of them appeared to be in a daze.

"······Such an extraordinary talent, it's almost frightening."

A muttered comment from someone suddenly broke the silence.

Normally, it would have been met with scoffs implying exaggeration, but this time, not even a hint of noise followed.

They simply sat there quietly.


Sometimes, silence is a form of agreement.

The professors couldn't easily bring themselves to speak.

However, they all shared the same thought.


A talent that had never existed in history.

As they observed today's duel, the faculty couldn't help but marvel once again at the boy's existence.

It was such a powerful performance.

The professors unconsciously swallowed hard.

- I didn't expect much since he's the son of a snake... but what an intriguing talent.

- Who would have thought there could be a genius surpassing Her Highness the Princess?

- Saying he's amazing doesn't do him justice. He's better than the teaching assistants who help with classes.

- To reach this level at such a young age... his future is promising.

The class assignment test had already left quite an impression.

Thanks to that, the faculty knew about the boy's potential.

So when they heard about this duel, their expectations were naturally high.

But the boy.


He didn't just meet those expectations; he shattered them.

He nullified the spell that Lady Vanity had brought out as her trump card with just a simple gesture.

It was an endlessly beautiful movement.

The professors were left speechless and frozen in place.




"I didn't think he could go this far... it far exceeded my expectations."

"What was I doing at that age?"

Each of them let out a hollow laugh.

Admiration, acknowledgment, awe... as these various reactions surfaced, the lingering impression grew even more intense.

A fleeting thrill runs down my spine.

The professors had to smile, their shoulders trembling.

"We have no choice but to acknowledge it."

"At this age, there's no one who can match him..."

"There are some shortcomings due to his youth, but... in a few years, he will surpass us."

"Where did such a monster come from?"

Their voices were filled with pure admiration.

During the class assignment test, even some professors who had given rather harsh evaluations were now clapping as if enchanted.

Overwhelming talent is always captivating.

"What an enviable student."

"I want to teach him myself... How brilliant will his growth be?"

"I want to bring him on as my assistant."

"Ha... Do you think that's enough? I'm willing to offer him the position of chief assistant."

"Is the bidding war starting already?"

"Count me in too."

A subtle yet fiery nerve battle ensued.

The professors were already captivated by the boy.

Each expressed their desire to scout him.

They openly displayed their ambition to bring the boy under their wing at any cost.

While the commotion continued for a while,


There was a woman quietly holding her place.

Her long, flowing purple hair.

Her red eyes held a peculiar allure.

Selena was staring blankly at the arena.


Startled by something, she dropped the bottle she was holding onto the floor.

The woman stood frozen as if time had stopped.

"...Found him."

She muttered softly.

It was faint enough to be almost inaudible, but her voice was somewhat excited.

Selena trembled, her head bowed.

Immediately after,

"I must have him."

A twisted smile spread across her lips.

Selena shuddered as if heat was rising in her body. But soon, she returned to her usual cold demeanor.

It was a perplexing reaction.


The headmaster was watching the drunkard.

But he did not ask any questions.

As always.

■■■ turned his gaze indifferently.


《The duel has ended.》

《Emilia Vanity has been defeated. The winner is Judas Snakus.》

The fierce duel came to an end.

Though the announcement echoed through the arena, it was drowned out by a much louder sound.

Sob… Waaah… Sniff…!”

Emilia was weeping her heart out, utterly heartbroken.

Her cries echoed throughout the arena.

Her blonde hair was drenched, a puddle of yellowish liquid forming beneath her. The scene was almost too pitiful to describe.

It felt as if I was witnessing the collapse of human dignity.

I forced myself to look away and spoke, “Um, Lady Vanity?”


“I-I didn’t mean for this to happen.”


Emilia’s cries intensified.

My attempt to console her must have sounded like mocking laughter to her ears.

‘What do I do?’

This situation seemed beyond salvageable. I decided to stay silent.

I took off the outer robe I was wearing and gently draped it over Emilia's legs, hoping to offer her some cover.

‘If only…’

I wished I could erase the evidence of her humiliation with my ability, but I didn’t have enough power left.

All because I got carried away and overused it during the duel.


[Your unique ability, 'Liar,' is almost depleted.]

[Remaining power: 1.4%]

The message seemed particularly cruel today.

Without 'Liar,' I was no different from any ordinary person.

In the end, I couldn’t help her.

It was the medical staff who took control of the chaotic scene. Prepared for potential injuries, they approached the center of the arena as soon as the duel ended.

“If you are injured, please let us know.”

“I’m not hurt, but Lady Vanity…”



The medic sighed softly and surveyed the surroundings, then nodded with a complex expression.

“We’ll take care of this. You are free to go, Mr. Snakus.”


I nodded reluctantly.

Although guilt tugged at me, staying by Emilia’s side when she needed to calm down seemed unwise.

‘She probably doesn’t want to be anywhere near the cause of her lemonade fountain.’

With a sigh, I turned to leave. A tinge of regret lingered.

‘I should’ve held back a little.’

I got carried away and went overboard.

‘I can’t even remember a minor character’s background information…’

And to think I was once considered an expert on [The World as Seen by the Little Prince]…

“Time sure is merciless.”

That memory was already three years old. It wasn’t even part of the main storyline, just a single line mentioned in the extra booklet.

‘It's a miracle I even remembered it now.’

I tried to justify my actions, but it was no use.

As I exited the public arena, someone called my name and approached.

It was a bright, cheerful voice.

“Young Master Snakus…!”

I lifted my head.

In my sight was a girl with long, flowing pink hair and sparkling emerald eyes.

“Miss Regia?” I muttered.

Regia Pilots Official Illustration

“Young Master!”

Regia rushed towards me.

As she closed the distance, she suddenly threw her arms around me in a tight embrace.

Her warmth enveloped me.

“Thank goodness! You were amazing…!”


“I can’t believe you actually defeated Lady Vanity! I’m so relieved!”

Her joy was as pure and radiant as the spring sunshine.

A smile naturally spread across my face.


“They said you’d be expelled if you lost! I’ve been so worried these past few days…”

Her emerald eyes, as vibrant as a lush forest, curved with relief.

She tried to hide it, but she must have been truly worried. She showered me with congratulations, her relief palpable.

‘How can someone be so pure?’

Regia was practically squeezing the air out of me.

Her warmth seeped into my chest, and I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of embarrassment.

I patted her head gently, like comforting a small animal.


Only then did Regia seem to realize what she was doing.

She froze for a moment before awkwardly pulling away, her cheeks flushed crimson.

“I-I’m so sorry! I got a little carried away…!” she stammered, flushed. Her embarrassment was endearing.

;She’s just like I remember her from the story.’

Clumsy and naive, but undeniably kind.

She genuinely rejoiced in the happiness of others and shed tears of concern when they were down.

Perhaps she was simply too pure for this world.

“I’m honored by your enthusiastic congratulations,” I said with a chuckle.

I was genuinely touched by her reaction.

She had been bullied relentlessly for the past few days, yet she still prioritized my well-being. It was admirable.

I gently patted her pink hair once more.

“Um… Young Master?”

“It’s alright now,” I assured her.

“What do you mean?”

“The bullying. You were having a hard time because of Lady Vanity, right?”

My voice softened.

“But she lost the duel. No one will dare to mistreat you anymore.”


“Because I’ll be here for you.”

After all, friends were supposed to look out for each other.

I added playfully, “So there’s no need to be afraid.”

That was the reason I came to this academy in the first place.

I wanted to ensure their story wouldn't be a tragedy.

I wanted them to laugh, to experience joy and love, and ultimately, to have a happy ending.

It was my sole reason for enduring this tedious existence.

Touched by my sincere encouragement, Regia remained speechless for a while. Perhaps it was the setting sun, but her face seemed even redder than before.

As if she was blushing.

“...Thank you… for everything.”

“Hehe, we’re friends. There’s no need for formalities.”

“B-But I still wanted to express my gratitude.”

“You’re such a kind soul.”

I averted my gaze for a moment.

After sharing a brief smile, we started walking again.

Our footsteps echoed as we walked towards the end of this eventful day.

“Well then, now that your worries are gone, I’m sure you can look forward to a pleasant day tomorrow.”

“Yes…!” she replied, her voice filled with hope.

The pilot and the snake.

Together, we walked side by side.


The very next day, the aftermath of the duel arrived swiftly.


An awkward silence filled the room.

Standing before me was a girl with blue hair styled in two buns. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying yesterday. I felt a pang of guilt.

This was our first encounter since the lemonade incident.

‘This isn’t going to be easy.’

I cleared my throat and glanced at the person seated at the desk across from us.

Selena, with her captivating red eyes, observed us intently. She held a few sheets of paper in her hand, flipping through them nonchalantly.

As the one who oversaw the duel yesterday, she was responsible for carrying out the agreed-upon terms.

“Then, let the execution commence,” she declared, her tone strictly professional.

Today was the day to fulfill the promises made based on the duel’s outcome.

The final step, so to speak.


“Esteemed Head Professor,” I interjected.

“What is it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I apologize for interrupting, but may I speak briefly before we begin?”

My plan was just getting started.

I discreetly shifted my gaze towards the girl with blue hair. She sat there, utterly defeated, on the verge of expulsion and losing everything.

A sly smile crept onto my face.

“I have a proposition for Lady Vanity.”

“A proposition?” Selena echoed, her interest piqued.

“Regarding the execution. I wish to speak with her privately.”

Selena considered my request for a moment before nodding curtly. “Granted.”

“Thank you.”

My lips curled into a subtle, almost predatory smirk.

People were most vulnerable when they were at their lowest. Emilia was no exception.

This was my chance to manipulate the situation.


Let the gaslighting begin.

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