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Chapter 260 Part 1 - The Academy’s Weapon Replicator

I became an Extra in a game no one cleared, defy fate by duplicating objects! DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,Academy,AWR,Fantasy,Reincarnation,HaremBonus chapter thanks to @RETIGGA and @Pop from Ko-fi!

Ignition (3)

After finishing his speech, Frondier looked around at the crowd.

He hadn't said these things to frighten them. Everything he had said was a clear fact.

And perhaps all of them knew it. The words Frondier uttered were overflowing with possibility. It was the way Manggot would surely choose.

Therefore, if despair was all that remained after hearing these words, there would be no fight to begin with.


It was Enfer, the head of the Roach family, who broke the silence.

"The barrier will hold."

Although it was directed at Frondier, it was a message meant for everyone in the conference room.

"Whether they come one after another or march together to their deaths, nothing will change."

With each word, each syllable from Enfer, the expressions of the people gradually changed.

"A dog's death suits wild dogs. It will be the same this time."

He hadn't used his aura, nor had he infused his voice with any particular momentum. It was simply the unwavering voice of Enfer himself.

That alone was enough to shift the atmosphere, and more than enough for the eyes of the strong to shine once again.

Frondier, seeing Enfer's bold appearance, closed his eyes slightly and smiled.

──This is Enfer. The same Enfer everyone knows.

Confirming the change in the atmosphere, Frondier slowly opened his mouth.

"...As the head of the Roach family said, if we prepare thoroughly, the barrier will hold. Just as Manggot has its advantages, we also have things that put us ahead of Manggot."


When someone asked, Frondier nodded.

"First, the enemy doesn't know yet that we are prepared. They might have caught a scent, but it's too late for them to cancel their operation now."

Manggot is a burning flame.

Once it's lit, it's not easy to extinguish. This is true for the Empire, but also for Manggot itself.

Having started to spread like wildfire, Manggot can no longer be stopped by anyone's will.

Hearing this, Osprey muttered.

"So even if we can't attack first, we can defend first..."

"That's right. Manggot's original plan was based on the Empire being completely off guard. Manggot desperately wanted the Empire to underestimate them. But that won't happen now."

Needless to say, Frondier had already exposed Manggot's plan.

Manggot still doesn't know that the Empire is aware of their plan.

"An enemy who expects their opponent to be careless becomes insensitive to their own carelessness."

Therefore, if they could prepare fully, they would be able to minimize the damage and exploit Manggot's weaknesses.

"But Frondier, how can we prepare fully?"

This time it was Monty, one of the Zodiacs, who asked.

As he said, the Empire is vast. Excessively vast. No matter how tightly they try to fill the gaps, weak points are bound to appear, and it is impossible to block all the monsters attacking at the same time. And even more so if Manggot joins the fray.

This isn't a matter of strength or weakness. It's a matter of numbers and scope.

To this, Frondier said.

"The second thing that puts us ahead of Manggot is individual strength."


"Monsters are generally stronger than humans, and the members of Manggot who have lived outside are also stronger than most citizens of the Empire. However, the Zodiacs here, those with comparable strength, and a few other individuals in the Empire can wield power far exceeding theirs."

Although their numbers may not be large, there are individuals within the Empire who can take on the outside monsters one against a hundred. The 12 Zodiacs, the heads of the Roach and Rishae families. Aster Evans and Elodie de Inies Rishae of Constel. And, although silent, Frondier himself is also included among them.

"Just by placing these individuals in the right places, the momentum of the monsters will be suppressed to the greatest extent."

"The right places..."

This time, Sanders spoke in an anxious voice. It was understandable, as it sounded plausible, but if they knew the right places, they wouldn't be going through all this trouble.

Who couldn't say, 'Place excellent individuals in the right places to prepare for the attack'?


Empress Philly, who had been listening quietly, opened her mouth.

"Do you know the right places?"

"...I have some predictions. However."

Frondier's words stopped there.

His hand, which was about to point to the map and give instructions, also stopped. A look of contemplation appeared on his face.

From here on, it would become a story of Frondier assigning the Empire's talented individuals. It was beyond the authority he had been granted.

Frondier wasn't a commander, nor even a staff officer. He was here solely because he had personally gone around persuading various people, and to convey the reasons for persuading them and his predictions for the future.

In short, Frondier was now in a similar position to when he was explaining the situation to the pros in the Phenomenon headquarters conference room.

He could report and predict, but he didn't have the authority to order anyone to do anything.

"...Speaking purely as my personal opinion."

Therefore, Frondier slightly changed his wording. He couldn't give orders, but he could offer his opinion.

If the Emperor felt his selection was reasonable, he would at least listen to his words. Frondier could only hope that there wouldn't be any major changes to the arrangement he had devised.

But then.

"Your Majesty."

Someone quietly spoke up.

The voice was so familiar, yet the title so unfamiliar that everyone looked in one direction.

It was Enfer.

Enfer spoke while looking at Emperor Bartello.

Everyone stared at him in surprise.

‘Enfer spoke to the Emperor!’

Since the Emperor had cast out Frondier as a baby, Enfer had never spoken to the Emperor.

It wasn't that he couldn't, but if he had, the Roach family would have instantly become a fearsome enemy of the Empire. Surely Enfer wouldn't have addressed Bartello of that time with an honorific.

So, the reason Enfer didn't go near the Emperor or the Imperial Palace was not only because he was hostile to the Emperor, but also because it was the utmost courtesy he could show the Emperor. As long as there was no interaction, he wouldn't be disrespectful.

"I am deeply sorry to say this,"

With that formal preface, people's mouths gaped open. It was an extreme level of respect that was unthinkable for Enfer.

"Please grant Frondier the authority to deploy troops."


Bartello's gaze fell on Enfer. The two looked at each other with expressions that were difficult for anyone to decipher.

The clash of gazes between the two, who had once acted like sworn enemies who hated to face each other, was an unbearable pressure for those around them.

"If that is unreasonable, then at least his words should be heeded. Not because Frondier is my son. If you re-examine the achievements Frondier has made in the past, you will see that his opinions have sufficient validity,"

"Enfer, that request is meaningless."

The Emperor cut him off. Enfer closed his mouth at that, but a chilling flame ignited in his eyes.

"What do you think of me?"

The Emperor turned his gaze to Frondier.

"I told everyone here in advance. Do you remember?"


Enfer's eyes widened slightly at those words, and Philly, who was by Bartello's side, quietly uttered.

"...His words are the will of the Imperial Palace."

"The will of the Empire."

The Emperor finished the sentence.

Shaking his head as if he was tired of saying it again, Bartello said.

"It makes no difference whether I give Frondier authority or not. I will deploy them exactly as he said. Enfer, don't use such excessive respect with me. It's truly unpleasant to see and hear."

Enfer's face became difficult to read. It was a rare expression for him, making it interesting to watch.

When Bartello saw that and gave a truly faint smile, he said.

"Weren't we all once the Empire's watchdogs?"

Enfer seemed to have returned to the distant past.

Osprey, hearing those words, gave a smile similar to the Emperor's. All the Zodiacs, as if recalling the past, momentarily fell silent.

The Emperor turned his head and looked at Frondier again.

"Frondier, continue. Let's see you use everyone here like pawns, as you said. If any of them grumble, I'll make them walk on all fours with my own hands."

It was a rather harsh statement coming from the Emperor, but that was also Bartello.

Frondier, feeling a different kind of pressure than he had expected, said.

"...Then first, Tyburn."

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