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Chapter 14 - Extra C's Childhood Friend is the World's Strongest Heroine

I had possessed a character who was an extra C, from a novel I read as a child. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,Academy,EFWSH,Fantasy,Possession,Magic

The Dukedom, Revisited

A month had passed.

A short time for some, a long time for others.

But for Rudell, it certainly felt like a long time.

"It's really spring now."

On the road to the Dukedom.

Rudell gave a short exclamation as he looked out at the plains, bursting with fresh greenery.

Compared to the cold and barren Viscounty, the Dukedom's climate was truly a paradise.

"I hope Leje is doing well."

It had only been a month since they parted ways.

Nevertheless, Rudell's mind was filled with thoughts of Leje.

It wasn't that he particularly missed her or anything.

He was just worried that the boisterous young lady might have caused some major trouble without him there to act as a brake.

"It seems the Young Master has fallen head over heels for the Princess."


Just then.

The coachman, who had been glancing at Rudell staring blankly out the window, spoke those words, and Rudell looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Wasn't it? After hearing nothing but stories about Princess Lagrind every day, I naturally assumed that was the case."

"No, I'm telling you it's not like that..."

If the coachman had asked if he had no interest in Leje at all, that wouldn't be true.

Leje was inherently beautiful, capable, and above all, never a dull moment when they were together.

However, he simply didn't have the luxury to worry about such things right now.

The very reason he was heading to the Dukedom at this moment was proof of that.

'Today was the first hurdle, wasn't it?'

March 28th, 1321 of the Continental Calendar.

The point in the original story where everything began.

And if there were no other interventions, Duke Lagrind would fall into a coma tonight.

While defending Leje from assassins.

As a result, the position of head of the Lagrind Dukedom would become vacant, and Leje would be the one to fill it.

The absence of her father, the burden of being the head of the Dukedom, and the chaotic internal affairs of the Dukedom's factions.

All of these factors combined to create Leje's cold and aloof personality.

In other words, the cold and calculating Leje depicted in the original story was not her true nature.

"I can't just let that happen..."

When he thought about it, there were many reasons why he had to prevent that incident.

To stop the Death Eater Cult.

To prevent the Lagrind Dukedom from weakening.

To prevent countless people from dying.

But the first thing that came to mind was something else entirely.

He didn't want to see Leje sad.

The Duchess of Lagrind had passed away while giving birth to Leje when she was young.

The only family Leje had left was the Duke.

If the Duke were to fall into a coma, how heartbroken would Leje be?

To be honest, Rudell wasn't sure he could face Leje if she was grieving like that.


'Can I do it?'

His opponents were strong enough to put even the Duke, one of the top five most powerful individuals in the Kingdom, into a coma.

Even with his Shadow magic, it wouldn't be easy for a mere fifteen-year-old like Rudell to face them.

"I have to."

Rudell shook his head firmly as he looked out the window.

If he didn't do it, who would?

He hated getting hurt, but he hated seeing those around him sad even more.

Especially if it was Leje.

And so.

With a firm resolve, Rudell headed towards the Lagrind Dukedom.

* * *

After returning from the Viscounty, Leje El Lagrind had been experiencing the busiest time of her life.

A three-month vacation. What followed was an overwhelming amount of lessons and assignments.


Even with her superhuman abilities, the endless wave of lessons and assignments was difficult to handle.

On top of that, with the academy entrance approaching, she had to attend social gatherings regularly to build relationships with other nobles, making her fatigue unimaginable.

"I'm exhausted..."

But it all ended today.

Fifteen years old.

Once today passed, she would be recognized as a full-fledged adult and a member of the Dukedom.

Then she wouldn't have to attend any more lessons or do assignments.

That meant she could invest more time in herself in the future.

What else should she learn?

Magic? Or swordsmanship?

Or maybe the trendy magic engineering?

Whatever it was, she was ready to embrace it.

"My lady, it's time to get ready."

As Leje was looking out the window, contemplating her future plans, Alma opened the door to her room and bowed her head.


Looking at the clock, it was already past eleven in the morning.

The banquet started at noon.

Even if she started preparing now, time would be quite tight.

"Ugh... Banquets are such a bother."

"My lady."

"I know, I know."

Responding to Alma's sharp tone, Leje rose from her seat.

What could she do even if it was bothersome?

It was her destiny, born as the Princess of the Dukedom.

"Everyone, come in."

At Alma's words, maids began to bring in clothes racks with dresses for her to wear.

As Leje took her place in front of the mirror, the maids started to get her ready.

"I do hope you won't run away this time."

"I'm all grown up now, you know? And what are you talking about, bringing up stories from years ago?"

"I wouldn't know."

Alma avoided Leje's gaze, pretending not to know as she shot a sharp look at her.

Leje found Alma's behavior annoying but had nothing to say back, so she just let out a "hmph" and turned back to the mirror.

'If I hadn't escaped back then, I wouldn't have met Rudell.'

Her first encounter with Rudell.

That incident was still vividly etched in Leje's memory.

To think that she would sneak out of a banquet celebrating the birthday of the Princess of the Dukedom, of all people...

Looking back, it was a rather audacious move.

Of course, she didn't have any regrets since it led her to meet Rudell.

"My lady, could you please turn your head to the left?"

"Huh? Okay."

Just then.

Alma, who was holding various clothes up to Leje, spoke.

At her request, Leje turned her head, and...

'She's thinking about Young Master Weinstein again.'

Alma thought as she looked at Leje.

Rudellheit Weinstein.

The more she saw him, the more intriguing he became.

He had a somewhat absent-minded air about him, but when he occasionally posed sharp questions, Alma would flinch in surprise.

He seemed to act without a plan, but he was always prepared when needed, and they had benefited from that more than once.

'He's just the type you'd like, my lady.'

Moreover, unlike the children of other noble families who were intimidated by authority, he didn't react much to Leje's authority.

At first, she thought he was just another scoundrel trying to take advantage of Leje's power, but as time passed, her assessment of Rudell became increasingly favorable.

However, what she liked most was...

"Are you thinking about Young Master Weinstein?"

"Eh? No, I'm not! That's impossible! I've never thought about that guy!?"

There was no one better than Rudell to tease Leje with.

"I see."

When Alma responded with an indifferent voice to the flustered Leje, Leje narrowed her eyes and looked at her.

"My lady, if you move, it will be difficult to dress you."


Leje's inability to move was so amusing.

As the head maid and Leje's personal maid, she always had to maintain a serious demeanor, so she suppressed a smile.

"Speaking of which, haven't we heard from Rudell yet?"

"No, it seems he hasn't arrived yet."

The distance between the Viscounty and the Dukedom was at least a day's journey by carriage.

They had received a letter saying he had left yesterday, so he should be close by now, even if he hadn't arrived yet.

As Alma was busy getting Leje ready, a knock came at the door.

-Knock. Knock.

Someone knocked on the door...

"Come in."

At Leje's words, the door opened, and a maid entered.

"What is it?"

"Young Master Weinstein has arrived."


"What should we do?"

A smile immediately spread across Leje's face.

Looking at Leje, Alma asked.

"Tell him to come right in."

It was practically a predetermined answer.

At Leje's words, Alma nodded to the maid, and the maid bowed politely and backed out of the room.

The door closed with a click...

"What should I wear? Rudell likes light green, so should I wear a light green dress?"

Alma could barely hold back her laughter as she watched Leje excitedly pick out clothes.

She was usually the epitome of a tomboy, but when it came to Young Master Weinstein, she turned into such an ordinary girl.

"I think this dress would suit you better."

"Really? Now that you mention it, I think so too..."

With a faint smile that Leje couldn't see, Alma brought the dress to her...

Leje, with a slight blush on her cheeks, tried on the dress.

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Dream Big TL

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  1. Very nice. Pacing's been great so far. The story & worldbuilding is holding up well despite the frequent time skips.
