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Chapter 67 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

The Dark Wizard

Dark Wizard.

Similar to a necromancer, but fundamentally different.

Necromancers use corpses to perform miracles, while warlocks use sacrifices to work their magic.

“Hmm? What’s this? You knew right away?”

“How could I not tell with that kind of energy flowing from you?”

Those who can handle mana have a mana flow.

By observing this flow, one can understand a person's state of mind.

Whether this person is feeling anxious right now, or at ease.

Of course, the emotions of someone who controls mana very well don't show in their mana flow.

And right now.

From the person in front of me-

I felt a negative flow of mana.

And a very strong one at that.

At that level, they could have easily purified their mana.

But I could guess why they hadn’t, despite that.

‘Most people would be terrified.’

Even I felt a slight shiver facing that pressure, so how would others feel?

Thinking that, I spoke.

“Excuse me, but could you step aside a little? I need to take care of that.”

“Ah, well… That’s… going to be a problem. I’ve already called dibs on that one.”


“Yeah. So, why don’t you give up on this one and go catch other ones? There’s no need to specifically catch this one, right?”

He had a point.

If I handed Andromalius over to this warlock, the controlled monsters would retreat.

But there was something that bothered me.

‘..Trying to steal the last hit.’

He was trying to swoop in at the last minute and enjoy the fruits of my labor.

This was unforgivable.

So, without replying, I began to deploy a spell.


At the same time, a thunderous roar echoed from the sky.


A bolt of lightning struck the spot where the warlock had been standing.

And a moment later.

“Whoa, that was close.”

The dark wizard was very much alive and well.

I wasn’t particularly surprised.

It wasn’t like it was a particularly strong spell among the ones I could use.

Thinking that, I continued to cast spells.

I didn’t know the opponent's full strength yet, so I used a moderate level spell.



Flames erupted from the ground, engulfing the warlock.



“Ugh, I told you, let’s talk this out. Why do you have to be like this?”

The warlock seemed completely unharmed.

But I didn't believe that nonchalant expression.

After all, I believed in my skills.

There was no way he could stand there so calmly after being hit by my magic.

He might be putting on a brave face, but he must be making a lot of calculations in his head.

Thinking that, I continued to chain my spells.

[Ice Spear]



Judgement was a spell with a slight holy attribute.

Therefore, it was suitable for someone with a mana flow like the warlock’s.

And a moment later.


A huge beam of light descended from the sky.

And a moment later.


It struck the warlock right between the eyes.

There was no way he was unharmed this time.

I had used quite a lot of mana this time.

At the very least, I must have inflicted significant damage.

Just as I was thinking that.

“Ah, shit… I’m going to die. ㄹㅇ.”

I could see the dark wizard with blood streaming down his face.

That was a relief.

I would have been a little hurt if I hadn’t inflicted any damage.

Thinking that, I immediately cast another spell.

[Holy Spear]

A holy spear descended from the sky and began to attack the warlock.

Others might find it a little cruel, but… that didn’t mean I was going to stop.

After all, the warlock in front of me had done something wrong.

As I used [Holy Spear] to attack the warlock, I also cast a spell to prevent Andromalius from escaping.


It was a simple spell, but it was good enough to catch Andromalius in his weakened state.

And even though it was a simple spell, its power varied greatly depending on the user.

And a moment later.


I felt my body float up into the air.

My barrier was broken.


Frankly, I was bewildered.

I didn't feel any mana flow, yet he suddenly used such magic.

Thinking it was impressive, I cast[Lightweight]

I minimized my weight to slow down the fall, then recast the barrier to ensure my safety while looking around.

I was curious about what had just happened.

But at that moment.


An unidentified force struck my barrier once again.

It was a type of power I had never encountered before.

So I got a little nervous.

I could get seriously hurt if I wasn’t careful.

But at that moment.

“See you later~”

With those words, the hidden warlock disappeared.

Taking Andromalius, whom I had captured, with her.


It was the first time I felt truly angry since coming to this other world.


“Ah, what the heck. That bitch stole it.”

Due to the nature of a necromancer, using teleportation was impossible, so I was leading my army as fast as I could…

But in the meantime, the dark wizard had taken Andromalius.

I was a little annoyed.

I was planning to use it as a test subject, so it was troublesome that the warlock had taken it.

So I wrote a post on the forum.

[Author: CocoNenne]

[Title: ‘Decadent’ stole Andromalius << Finding this jerk.]

[Content: If you see anyone who looks like a strong dark wizard, leave a comment on my post. I’ll pay you. But if you’re lying, I’ll find you and kill you.]

“...That should do it.”

After writing the post, I turned my army around.

There was nothing more to do in Baruk since I had lost Andromalius.



Even when I was a beggar, I didn’t have much material desire.

If I did, I wouldn’t have been a beggar in the first place.

Live with what you have, and live without what you don’t.

But I couldn't help but feel angry when something I was about to obtain was snatched away.

“Ah, this is so frustrating.”

At this rate, I felt like I needed to kill some monsters to feel a little better.

I didn’t have any ill feelings towards monsters, but killing them would help.

With that thought, I used magic.


It was magic I created by using the aura of the knight I saw last time.

The principle was simple.

Adjust the spell formula to create the same intensity as a knight's aura, and it’s a success.


I deployed the spell formula and poured mana into it.

A slash that could be used on the battlefield.

And a moment later.


With a simple sound, the bodies of the monsters that were alive just a moment ago were cut in half.

It was refreshing.

This magic was perfect for wiping out a large number of enemies.

Of course, if I used it when there were allies around, they would be slaughtered as well.

The wisest way to use it was when there were only enemies.

After taking care of some monsters, my sullen mood lifted slightly.


It was like dropping platinum coins right in front of me.

It was true that I wasn’t very greedy for money, but that didn't mean I was a pervert who enjoyed being robbed.

Especially if that money was worth a fortune.

“I could buy another house…”

I could move to a nicer place than the one I was living in now.

Like Baruk District 1, for example.

It would be nice to move to a place like that.

‘Don’t think about it.’

It was something I had already lost, so there was no point in dwelling on it.

It would only make me feel worse.

Thinking that, I opened the forum.

And I immediately saw a popular post.

[Author: CocoNenne]

[Title: ‘Decadent’ stole Andromalius << Finding this jerk.]

[Content: If you see anyone who looks like a strong warlock, leave a comment on my post. I’ll pay you. But if you’re lying, I’ll find you and kill you.]


Another person appeared, claiming ownership of Andromalius.

It was absurd.

“What the…”

Why were there so many people trying to take the last hit and steal what I had worked hard for?

By the way…

‘So that person was a forum user.’

The dark wizard I had fought earlier was a forum user.

It was a bit surprising.

Thinking that, I checked the comments.

L Decadent: Come and get it lol

 ㄴ Decadent: You too scared to even take it

 ㄴ: lol for real

 ㄴ: Shit lol

 ㄴ: CocoNenne’s really pissed

 ㄴ: This is hilarious lol

 ㄴ CocoNenne: Are you insane

 ㄴ Decadent: Pissed?

L: These two fighting is so funny lol

L: So those two were the ones who caught Andromalius lol

 ㄴ: I’m so jealous of their platinum coins lol

 ㄴ: Do you think they care about platinum coins now?

“...But it was mine.”

I was the one who dealt the damage and captured it.

Why were these two unrelated people fighting?

I felt dizzy.

Thinking that, I slowly walked back to Baruk.

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