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Chapter 62 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master


To be honest, I didn't want to believe that guy was a modern person like me.

I could understand, at most, tearing an enemy apart in battle, but I couldn't wrap my head around gnawing on their flesh.

I wondered if I was the only one who felt this way.

So, I opened up the forum.

There was no way a forum wouldn't be streaming a scene like that.

[Report this dude if he's just straight-up crazy lolololol][27]

[Is this guy for real?][0]

[Seriously, is he insane?][2]

[What's going on? I just got here, fill me in][4]

[This is legendary lolololol][1]

[I really hope this guy isn't on the forum, seriously][20]

Countless posts were popping up.

Judging by the sheer volume of posts about Koruntum, it seemed the corpse army attack had caused quite a stir.

Seeing this many posts...

And among the jobs people typically got after coming to this other world, adventurer was a common one.

What a great gig.

'Not that it's easy.'

Work when you want, rest when you want.

As long as you don't bother anyone...

You could say it's a pretty sweet deal.

Of course, that's assuming you have the skills.

Without them, there's no rest.

You'd be constantly working just to put food on the table.

Lost in thought, I clicked on a few posts.

[Author: CocoNenne]

[Title: Report this dude if he's just straight-up crazy lolololol]

[Content: (Photo) Seriously, report him if he's nuts lololololol]

L: This dude finally lost it lololololol

ㄴ: I know, right? It's ridiculous.

ㄴ: That thing… a modern person?

ㄴ: Wait, wasn't that guy a Traveler?

ㄴ: ㄴㅇㅇ He is, he's kinda famous on the forum, never tried to hide it lol

ㄴ: Then why the hell is he acting like that;

L: Please be a foreigner, please be a foreigner, please be a foreigner, please be a foreigner, please be a foreigner, please be a foreigner, please be a foreigner

ㄴ Cthulhu: Nope, pure-blooded Korean lol

ㄴ: You gotta be kidding me

ㄴ: That thing... Korean? That thing... Korean? That thing... Korean? That thing... Korean? That thing... Korean?

ㄴ: This is so messed up...

"...What the..."

I was dumbfounded.

To think he'd so blatantly reveal himself as a Traveler...

It was a little funny.

But mostly, I was just baffled.

Normally, people tried to keep their Traveler status under wraps.

Not that there were any direct disadvantages, but from the perspective of the "uncivilized" medieval folks, we were basically body snatchers.

'Even if it is a dead person's body.'

Sure, we were possessing their bodies, but there was no real counter-argument. That's why everyone kept it hush-hush. And yet, here he was, so nonchalant about it.

I knew from before that Cthulhu was a famous martial artist.

Other forum users were somewhat aware, too.

But this was the first time someone had openly admitted who they were in real life on the forum.

That's why I was so taken aback.

'How can a sparrow comprehend the thoughts of a phoenix?'

Compared to Cthulhu, I was nothing but a sparrow.

I had absolutely no desire to surpass him.


I didn't have the guts to display that kind of madness.

Thinking such thoughts, I scrolled through more comments.

L: Looks like CocoNenne has achieved enlightenment lol

ㄴ: How can you not, after seeing that?

ㄴ: I thought he was at least gonna, like, inflict some damage, but what kinda crazy eats a corpse and doesn't even flinch lol

ㄴ: Now that you mention it, he is insane.

ㄴ: Yeah, he's definitely unhinged.

L Cthulhu: Guys, it was just for show, chill.

ㄴ Cthulhu: No slander ㄴㄴ

ㄴ: What the hell, like some animal... eating a corpse...

ㄴ: Even animals know better than to touch a rotting corpse lol

ㄴ: ㄹㅇㅋㅋ

ㄴ: My dear Cthulhu, as a performance, it was a tad too enthusiastic.

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ lol

ㄴ: This dude is seriously messed up.

L: I'm telling you, CocoNenne <<< this guy was just ordinary lol. Cthulhu is on another level. Before him, everyone else was just... basic.

ㄴ: You think Cthulhu gives a damn about your opinion?

ㄴ: Like a dude who tears apart rotting corpses and eats them gives a crap about Cthulhu being "on another level?"

At some point, Cthulhu had become a celebrity on the forum.

Honestly, it made sense.

He was the first to pull a stunt like that.

And then there was the whole revealing-his-identity thing.

'I wouldn't have understood it before.'

In the past, I couldn't fathom why anyone would subtly reveal their personal information on the forum. Now, I kind of got it.

The attention must feel good, a sign of confidence.

The confidence that comes from knowing no one can touch you, even if they know who you are.

'He probably wouldn't die even if a Tsar Bomba hit him.'

That guy had already transcended the realm of mere mortals.

Anyway, there was something I was curious about.

So, I left a comment.

L ReallyDirtPoor: But with those physicals, couldn't he learn swordsmanship?

It was a thought I'd often entertained.

If he was that strong as a martial artist, imagine how powerful he'd be as a knight.

Just picturing him swinging a sword with that monstrous strength...


It sent shivers down my spine.

He'd probably cleave any monster in two with a single blow.

As soon as I posted the comment, a reply popped up.

  ㄴ CocoNenne: Why are you asking me that;

Ah, right.

This was CocoNenne's post.

I'd gotten so caught up in the Cthulhu talk that I'd forgotten.

So, I went to one of Cthulhu's other posts and left a comment.

L ReallyDirtPoor: Hey hey

And just like that...

  ㄴ Cthulhu: What

Cthulhu appeared instantly.

I got straight to the point.

ㄴ ReallyDirtPoor: Why don't you learn swordsmanship?

  ㄴ ReallyDirtPoor: I bet you'd be crazy strong

And a moment later...

His reply came flying in.

ㄴ Cthulhu: Too much work

ㄴ Cthulhu: Plus, I feel like I can win without it


He had a point.

Against overwhelming force, strategy meant nothing.

All that awaited was destruction.

I had to hand it to him, Cthulhu was wise in his own way. I moved on to the next post. This one would probably be my last for now.

It was about time I headed back to Hearts.

[Author: Decadent]

[Title: I really hope this guy isn't on the forum, seriously]

[Content: Seriously, what a disgrace to Koreans]

L: lol

L: lol

L: I feel that

L: The thought that "that thing is Korean...?" just makes me laugh lol

ㄴ: It's unbelievable

ㄴ: Makes you question things...

ㄴ: It was hilarious though lol

L: If you'd seen it in person, you'd never believe he was Korean

L: That dude probably eats his meat raw lol

ㄴ: I bet he just tears into it with his bare hands

L: From now on, let's just call him "Human Hyena" <<< ㅇㅇ..

ㄴ: Hyena's a little too cool

ㄴ: How about Human Red Seabream?

ㄴ: Do seabream eat corpses??

ㄴ: I heard they do

ㄴ: ????

ㄴ: First time I'm hearing about seabream eating corpses

ㄴ: I always thought they did

ㄴ: ㅅㅂㅋㅋ

L: These comments are killing me lolololololol

ㄴ: ㄹㅇ, Human Red Seabream lol

Red seabream eating corpses?

That was a new one.

Anyway, Human Red Seabream, huh?

If I ever needed to get his attention, that nickname would come in handy.

He'd know exactly who I was talking about.

Lost in thought, I closed the forum and made my way back to Hearts.

And then...

“Ah, there you are! Perfect timing, come have a beer with me!"

“...I’m broke.”

Truth be told, I had plenty of money. But I wasn’t really in the mood for a beer.

That's why I said it.

And then...

“This round’s on me! We gotta celebrate!”

“Hm? Did you go somewhere?”

“The other adventurers told me.”

“Ah, right, a lot of them came back already.”

With the situation seemingly resolved, adventurers were flocking back to the Adventurer’s Guild, downing beer after beer.

They were something else.

People had just died before their eyes, and yet they could eat and drink without a care in the world.

Me, I’d probably only be able to stomach some roasted pork at most.

As I was thinking this, Hearts spoke up cautiously.

“...Well then, let me buy you a drink. Consider it thanks for your help.”


If I wasn’t the one paying, then I was all for it.

Who would say no to a free drink?

Plus, it had been a while since my last drink.

As I excitedly settled down at the table…


The door flew open, revealing a familiar face.

It was none other than…

“Oh!!! Human Red Seabream!!!”

“Eater of Corpses!!”

“The Devil in Human Form!!!”


Honestly, he had it coming with those nicknames.

He’d brought it on himself.

Well, whatever.

It was none of my concern anymore.

I was about to enjoy a beer on Hearts’s dime.

But just then…

“Hmm? What’s going on here?!”

Cthulhu made a beeline for our table.

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