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Chapter 45 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

The Villainous Young Lady’s Despicable Move (3)

‘I have to protect Zeke.’

That was the first thought that crossed Iriel’s mind as she opened her eyes.

“My lady!”

“Are you alright!?”

Attendants and maids surrounded her.

“Yes, I’m fine. Don’t worry. Can you all leave for now?”

Iriel waved her hand dismissively.

“But… Shouldn’t you be examined by the doctor…?”

Her personal maid spoke cautiously, gauging Iriel's mood.

“I told you to leave.”


“And you. You, just bring me some bread when it’s time to eat.”

Iriel pointed at the maid who usually took care of her snacks.

“But… You fainted. It’s not good to eat something like that as soon as you wake up…”

The personal maid advised again, but Iriel furrowed her brows and shook her head.

“You, you’re getting bolder now that I've been quiet, aren't you?”


At her words, the maid’s face turned pale. She bowed her head low and apologized.

“I-I apologize!”

“Get out, all of you.”

And so, she dismissed all the servants from her room.

When the maid returned with the bread, Iriel spoke.

“Tell everyone not to bother me for the weekend. You’re the only one who should come in when it’s time to bring me bread.”



Iriel took a bite of the freshly baked bread and thought.

‘I can’t trust anyone right now.’

Everyone in this mansion had been brought here by the Eustia family.

It was clear that they had planted at least one or two spies.

There was no way to know who was in cahoots with her aunt.

‘It’s better to make them think I'm heartbroken.’

Now that she had decided to help Zeke,

she didn't want to leak even the smallest clue to her aunt.

‘But… how can I help him…?’

Hela had already visited and warned her.

It was as if she was telling her not to interfere and get in the way.

If she intervened recklessly here, she didn't know what kind of worst-case scenario would await her.

“What I can do is…”


Sparring with daggers, which she had barely done since Zeke left.

Eating bread.

Her eye for clothes and jewels.

A sense of taste that distinguished the delicious from the not-so-delicious.

An authoritative demeanor as a superior.

The etiquette that had been forcibly instilled in her.

The tricks she used to bully Selena…

She only had useless abilities that wouldn't help him.

Even if she wanted to help, she didn't know how to utilize these skills.

He was willing to die for her,

but there was nothing she could do.

A deep sense of helplessness washed over her.

Iriel squeezed her eyes shut, trying to shake off the negative emotions.

‘Think, think. How can I help him?’

*Munch. Munch. Munch.*

Iriel chewed on the bread non-stop.

She had recalled Zeke’s past while munching on bread before,

so she hoped that another good idea would come to her this time as well.

She thought long and hard,

but there was still nothing Iriel could do on her own.

Strangely enough, her emotions kept welling up,

and her guilt towards Zeke only deepened.

Tears streamed down Iriel’s face as she chewed on the bread.

“W-what’s this…? No, wait, why am I like this…?”

Once they started, the tears wouldn't stop, soaking the bread.

His indifferent expressions in the past.

The faint smiles he had shown.

The words he spoke in his low voice.

Those eyes that had looked at her with deep trust.

‘I will protect you, my lady.’

‘Why am I thinking about his face when I should be thinking of a way to help him! It’s as if I like him!’

Iriel wiped her tears with her hand and shook her head.

She had feelings of affection for Zeke.

She wasn’t going to deny that.

But it wasn’t love or deep affection.

She just couldn’t stand the thought of someone taking away or destroying what belonged to her.


“Zeke is a jewel. My most prized one at that.”

Iriel muttered with bloodshot eyes.

Of course, she was touched by how foolishly and faithfully he tried to protect her,

but that was that, and this was this.

It was a contradictory statement, considering she had fainted while thinking about him,

but Iriel's pride wouldn't let her admit it.

‘Should I ask someone else for help?’

She had thought about it, but the moment she left the mansion or sent a letter to someone,

it would end up in her aunt's hands.

“What if I go to the academy classes and secretly meet with the other young ladies to ask for help?”

Iriel thought about the young ladies she had befriended.

They were all noble ladies from families with less power than hers.

Her followers.

The Romie Marquis family, the Catherine Marquis family… and so on.

‘But… would they really take my side in such a dangerous situation? They might even side with Eustia…?’

She thought of the young ladies who had acted as if they would do anything for her,

but Iriel couldn't be sure.

Again, it wasn't a viable option.

To stop Hela, it wouldn't mean much unless it was at least the Imperial family or a duke's family of equal standing.

‘The Imperial family… the duke's family… Ah!?’

Iriel's eyes widened at the thought that suddenly crossed her mind.

Just then, the maid who had brought her dinner knocked on the door.

*Knock. Knock.*

“My lady, I’ve brought your dinner.”

“Already…? Come in.”

The maid opened the door and entered.

‘Does Aunt Hela even know?’

“What’s my schedule like on Tuesday?”

Iriel asked the maid casually.

But after all the crying, her voice was hoarse.

“You have common classes in the morning. Etiquette, history, magic, and mathematics are scheduled.”

Iriel was famous for not memorizing her schedule,

so it was mandatory for the servants in the mansion to memorize her timetable

in case she asked about it.


Iriel waited for her to continue.

But the maid just stared blankly at her.

Before an awkward silence could settle in, Iriel spoke.

“Hmm… I see. No invitations for the evening?”

“No, your evening schedule is clear.”

“Hmm, alright. Then I’ll have to go and choose the bread for that evening myself. You’re dismissed.”

The maid bowed her head and left the room.

*Creak. Thud.*

Iriel touched her cheek, wondering if her tear-stained expression had been caught.

“...Does she not know that Zeke’s swordsmanship elective class is that evening?”

If Hela had known, she would have mentioned it when she visited Iriel.

Because in that class, there was the Second Prince, Rosnante Leonine,

Yuri Gilbert from the count family associated with the First Prince,

and… that Selena Yohaiden.

‘Come to think of it, all the other students filled out application forms and gathered for Zeke’s class…’

But Iriel hadn’t.

The last day of his demonstration class.

The day before, Iriel had dreamt of her childhood memories with him in the basement,

and as if possessed, she had sought him out without a plan.

It was also by chance that she had discovered they were short one student for the class.

‘That’s why I impulsively said I’d take the class as an elective. And right after that, it was the weekend.’

So, the people in the mansion still didn’t know.

The only ones who knew were Zeke and those who were taking the class with him.

‘Can I use this…?’

The first thing that came to Iriel’s mind was the silver-haired girl.

‘She’d definitely try to protect Zeke if I just subtly hinted at this fact…’

Her intuition as a woman told her.

Selena had quite deep feelings for Zeke.


The image of Selena blushing furiously and clinging to Zeke popped into her mind, making her grind her teeth.

But soon, Iriel was able to put on a relaxed smile.

“How foolish of her to approach you to protect me, not even knowing. Really, Zeke is so cruel…”

Convinced that it was her Zeke was trying to protect, not Selena, Iriel no longer felt resentful towards him.

Rather, it made more sense when she thought of his usual stoic self.

‘He probably did that on purpose in front of me. Ha. Zeke, really.’

A sense of superiority filled her chest.

She tapped her lips with her finger.

‘But what if I told Selena Yohaiden that Zeke is pretending to hate me to protect me…? Would she still try to help?’

That would be a shame.

Because she wanted to see his face, the one that was putting on a brave front and pretending to have it all, crumble in despair.

‘Then it’s better to hide it. That way, she’ll try even harder to protect him.’

Iriel felt no guilt in using Selena.

‘Next up are the First Prince and the Second Prince…’

‘Seduce them with her beauty?’

The thought briefly crossed her mind, but she shook her head.

If they had more time, it would have been a possibility, but she had to make a proposal to them during Tuesday’s class.

Even for someone like Iriel, it would be difficult to win them over in just a day or two.

‘Hmm… what should I do…? Even if the First Prince is involved with Zeke,

if he knew Eustia was after him, he might back off…’

However, Iriel didn’t know anything about diplomacy, about making proposals or cleverly gaining advantages.

All she knew was that when it came to asking for favors, more money was always more effective.

But the amount of money Iriel currently had didn't seem enough to sway them.

‘I paid half of it for tuition, and then there's not much left after buying this and that…’

In truth, it was uncertain whether the First or Second Prince would choose to go against Eustia just for money, but Iriel was certain that if she offered enough, they would be tempted.

‘Ah, that necklace!’

Not only was it the size of ten ordinary magic stones,

but it was also a rare red color with a beautiful shape.

Considering its rarity, it was worth a fortune.

She had given it to Zeke on a whim, but she couldn't help but regret it on her way back.

‘Father took it out of the treasure vault and gave it to me as a reward for defeating Selena three times.’

The Eustia family head’s obsession with the Yohaiden family was beyond imagination.

That’s why he was so happy that Iriel had defeated Selena three times,

even if it was through petty tricks and dishonorable means, and had given her the necklace as a gift.

‘With that, I can get the First Prince and even the Second Prince to move.’

Iriel was willing to give up the necklace if it meant saving Zeke.

After all, Zeke was her most prized possession.

‘So I have to ask for the necklace back.’

Honestly, asking for something back that she had already given him was embarrassing,

but knowing how Zeke had been treating her coldly with good intentions,

Iriel decided to swallow her pride and do whatever it took to save him.

‘But later… I’ll definitely make you repay the debt you owe me for relying on a flower like me, Zeke. And the price of the necklace too!’

* * *

Three days later, during Zeke’s class.

“Um… that necklace I gave you three days ago… Could you give it back to me…?”

She hesitated as she spoke to Zeke.

“I don’t have it.”

Zeke dismissed her words curtly.

“What!? Why not!?”

“I used it, so it’s gone.”

At his cold words, Iriel stared at Zeke with trembling eyes, then bit her lower lip and tears welled up.

She had tried to step up and help him, but this man refused outright.

He must have sensed that she was up to something.

He was pushing her away again, trying to protect her.

As if to say, ‘Don't get involved.’

‘What on earth did he use the necklace for!?’

Even his ridiculous excuse sounded sad to Iriel.

‘Why… Why are you trying to shoulder everything on your own…? I told you I’d help you, Zeke.’


‘Do you not trust me? Do you still see me as that childish, foolish Iriel?’

Her fist clenched.

It seemed impossible to trade with the First and Second Princes using the necklace now.

‘I won’t let you die, Zeke. At the very least, I’ll use Selena Yohaiden!’


*Gasp. Gasp.*

Iriel gasped for breath.

The training was truly grueling.

She felt like giving up at any moment.

It was far more difficult than when she had learned dagger techniques from him.

But she couldn't give up.

It was only natural for Zeke to push her away now.

Out of the five students, Selena was the only one who sat comfortably, meditating.

The other students gritted their teeth at the sight, but not Iriel.

She could feel him trying to force himself to hate her.

To lessen the guilt and pain she would feel after he was dealt with by the family.

‘Do you really think I'll turn away from you just because you make Selena rest comfortably while making me suffer like this? I know everything now!’

Besides, Zeke would poke the others with bread and act strangely,

but he wouldn’t lay a finger on her and would only look at her with a complicated expression.

‘Yeah, no matter how much you pretend to hate me, you could never hit me, Zeke.’

Iriel became even more certain of her thoughts.

She gritted her teeth and moved her body.

As she did, she organized her thoughts, planning what she would say to Selena and Zeke separately after class.

‘I will never, ever let you die, Zeke.’

At some point, Zeke’s eyes, fixed on Iriel, gleamed blue.


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