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Chapter 42 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.


"W-What? Get out of bed?"

"Yes, class... mana... physical... sword... training..."

Zeke was saying something in front of her, but Selena couldn't hear a single word due to her panic.

It was because a book of hardcore taste was placed between Selena's legs.

'Oh, what should I do!?'

Moreover, it was a rather thick book, so it would definitely show if she got up.

Even the illustration on the cover was so intense that there was no room for excuses!

Her head was filled with the thought that if Zeke saw [50 Shades of Shadows on the Duchess's Face], she would have to dive into the central lake of Ramielli Academy right away.

"......Did you understand?"


She reflexively answered his words.

But Selena was busy figuring out how to get out of this situation.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea flashed through Selena's mind.

'Pillow!!! The backrest pillow is quite high!'

Selena nonchalantly pulled the pillow she had been using as a backrest in front of her body.

As if a little girl was wary of a strange visitor at night.

'Hoo, just act natural, Selena. You can do it. Your dignity as a human being is at stake at this moment!'

Of course, even if Zeke noticed it, he would most likely pretend not to see or just ignore it.

However, Selena was more afraid of Zeke alone knowing about her secret taste than having the entire academy find out about it.

Just imagining his expression turning into annihilation...

Cold sweat dripped down Selena's back.

She lifted her body and pushed the pillow she was holding inside the blanket.

Then an empty space was created.

'Carefully, carefully. Yeah, slightly to the side.'

She kept her eyes on Zeke and focused all her nerves on her toes.

She pinched the end of the book with her toes and pulled it.

'It's heavy!'

But Selena's strong willpower finally succeeded in moving the book next to the pillow!

Selena slowly pulled herself out of the blanket and looked back.

Thanks to the pillow, the angular shape was not noticeable.

'Phew... Thank goodness...'

She had never been so focused on a struggle in recent times.

Only then could Selena finally face Zeke with the relief of a hero who had captured the Demon King.

'Okay, this is safe. But I think he just said something... I couldn't hear you properly.'

Selena cautiously approached Zeke.

Zeke's appearance came into view.

'Oh, um... the, the book I was just reading... is that why...?'

Jet black hair like the abyss.

A solemn expression frozen stiff.

Gloomy eyes full of melancholy.

The self-assertion of his sturdy muscles that cannot be hidden even in clothes.

A heavy and overwhelming presence.

Today, Zeke was her type again.

If she could rate him, he'd be enough to adorn the black night sky with the Milky Way!

'Instructor, you're amazing...'


Selena desperately suppressed her gaze from going down naturally.

Zeke stared at her for a moment and then spoke.

"So... take off your clothes."

"Yes... Yes!?"

Selena's eyes shook in confusion at Zeke's words.

Then she smiled softly.

'Ha, really. Now I'm even hearing strange hallucinations. There's no way the instructor would come to me as soon as he gets back and suddenly tell me to take off my clothes.'

Selena shook her head from side to side.

Perhaps this was a bit too much delusion.

She thought she should cut down on the novels she reads at night.

Selena looked into his eyes again and asked Zeke.

"Uh, I was thinking about something else and didn't hear you properly. Please say that again. What did you say?"

"Come here and take off your clothes."


Selena's eyes widened like saucers.

'Huh...? Is this a dream...?'

She couldn't believe it.

Was it possible that the youngest princess of the Yohaiden Dukedom had become so delusional from reading too many novels?

Could it be that she didn't even realize she had fallen asleep while reading and was having such a vivid dream?

Was that why her unconscious and base desires were so clearly revealed?

Maybe it's a dream within a dream, that's why it's so realistic...

A dream within a dream within a dream...


Selena slapped her cheek hard.

"Ouch... It hurts..."


Zeke frowned.

'What? What is it really? Did I use some kind of charm magic without realizing it?'

Selena continued to doubt her own delusions, but this was a signal that could only be misunderstood no matter how she looked at it.

Zeke was still looking at her with the same cold eyes as always.

'So, that means the important thing is...se...sex..., anyway, that!? Really?'

Realizing that this was not a dream, a shiver that started from her lower back spread throughout her entire body.

It wasn't just me who had feelings for him.

The feelings I had been nurturing little by little were not just mine.

She felt like tears were about to well up in her eyes from the emotion.


Selena glared at Zeke with determination in her eyes.

'How dare he suddenly tell me to take off my clothes!'

What could she do with this man who was as insensitive as a piece of wood?

But her body was honest.

Thump thump.

Selena's heart began to beat wildly.

'I can't just accept it here and now.'

Even if he likes me, can I be sure that his feelings are real?

And how do I feel?

Let me ask my subconscious.

To the wise and intelligent Selena Yohaiden.

Right now, she wasn't capable of making a normal judgment.

Haaa. Instructor...♥ I like you. I like you so much. I'm crazy. He likes me... Really. Haaa...♥ I want to lick that face, slurp slurp.

A mini-devil Selena, wearing a revealing outfit that barely covered her chest and with horns on her head, appeared beside her right ear and said.

She was grinning broadly and drooling shamelessly.

When Selena stared at her with narrowed eyes, the devil Selena glared back and urged her on.

Slurp... Hey, you stupid bitch! The instructor told you to hurry up and take off your clothes! What are you doing! Hurry up and show him those ridiculously huge breasts of yours! If you keep this up and the instructor goes back to his room, it's your fault!

'Ah! That, that can't happen!'

Just as her hand moved slightly towards the hem of her slip at those words.

A mini-angel Selena with white wings appeared beside her left ear and said.

Ah... The, the instructor... really... me... This isn't a dream...

'Yes, angel! You'll say something helpful, right?'

She looked at Zeke with moist eyes, then suddenly glared at Selena with a venomous look.

Then what are you waiting for! Selena! You airhead! What are you doing, hurry up and take it off! The instructor told you to take it off!

Both of them were absolutely useless.

YES! YES! OH! YEEEEES! Angel Selena and devil Selena shouted as they held each other's hands and danced in a circle around her.

They were both urging her to take off her clothes and jump him right there and then, but their encouragement actually brought Selena back to her senses.

'Right, I'm the princess of the Yohaiden Dukedom! At least I need confirmation!'

Selena opened her mouth with a serious face.

"Instructor, this is so sudden... I'm scared and I'm not sure if this is too fast."

"Yes, I understand. It's a bit early, but the sooner, the better."

"The, the sooner, the better..."

The instructor was the type who liked to make sure things were set in stone.

Zeke nodded.

His usual demeanor gave Selena a sense of relief.

It wasn't a careless word spoken in a moment of weakness or emotion.

Selena calmed her trembling heart and spoke.

"Th-then, isn't there something else you want to say before that?"

"Well, yes."

"Ye-yes... please tell me..."

Selena swallowed nervously, waiting for Zeke to open his mouth.

* * *

As Zeke headed to Selena's room, he realized what he was about to do.

They had gotten quite close, but would she really accept it if he suddenly told her to take off her clothes in front of him?

Even Zeke, who didn't understand women, was a virgin, and had never been in a relationship, could guess how his words would sound to her.

'Right, let me explain it properly. Then Selena will understand. She's serious about the sword.'

Knock knock.

Zeke knocked and opened the door after Selena's permission.

"I have something important to discuss with you."

"Ahaha... ri-right now?"

"Yes, get out of bed for a moment."

"G-get out of bed?"

"Yes, I'm going to ask you a rather unreasonable favor."

As expected, Selena looked troubled.

She probably expected to be asked for something even more unreasonable than she had imagined.

Zeke quickly added,

"Selena, this is necessary for our future lessons. Don't misunderstand."

Zeke began, "First of all, our bodies have pathways through which mana flows, called 'mana roads.'"

Selena listened intently to Zeke's words.

Look at those bright blue eyes.

As expected, her will and mental strength towards the sword were outstanding.

"I once told you that you have a body that is not suited for the sword. That remains true to this day. Even if you use the new sword you just received, you are still not suited for the sword."

Even the fact that she was sweating from her face showed that she was taking his words to heart and not just listening absentmindedly.

Zeke was satisfied with her attitude.

"However, if I help you, you can use the sword even if your body is not suited for it. In our future training, we will lay the foundation for you to learn the appropriate mana cultivation technique based on your mana roads. Do you understand?"


Selena seemed to not fully grasp what he was talking about.

Right, it's understandable that she wouldn't understand yet.

"Therefore, the necessary step right now is to examine your mana roads and choose a mana cultivation technique. For this, I need to examine your body."

Selena suddenly looked incredibly relieved.

Although she may not have understood everything, it seemed she realized that it wasn't completely hopeless.

"However, this method requires me to directly touch the center of your body with my hand. And if there are any obstacles near my hand, the examination of the mana roads will not be accurate. That's why... you need to take off your clothes."

Selena got out of bed and stood before him gracefully.

Zeke spoke to her again.

"So... take off your clothes."

"Yes... Yes!?"

Selena looked confused, as if she couldn't understand how taking off her clothes was related to mana cultivation techniques.

But she was a smart girl; she would understand soon enough.

"Uh, I was thinking about something else and didn't hear you properly. Please say that again. What did you say?"

"Come here and take off your clothes."

Selena looked momentarily bewildered, then shook her head.

The desire to be a knight and her pride as a woman.

Selena, caught between the two.

Soon, she slapped her cheek hard.


"Ouch... It hurts..."

With her cheeks flushed, she seemed determined to endure the momentary shame.

Ah, what good eyes.

Those eyes that sought a clear answer towards their goal.

However, it seemed the feeling of rejection hadn't completely disappeared.

"Instructor, this is so sudden... I'm scared and I'm not sure if this is too fast."

"Yes, I understand. It's a bit early, but the sooner, the better."

"The, the sooner, the better..."

There was a world of difference between training after understanding one's mana roads and blindly trying to improve physical abilities.

If she understood her body before starting the actual training, it would be like walking a path with a clear map.

"Th-then, isn't there something else you want to say before that?"

"Well, yes."

"Ye-yes... please tell me..."

"Turn around."

Selena bit her lip.

'That's what you wanted to say!! Turn, turn around! I-I'm a virgin! You beast!!'

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