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Chapter 31 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

The Second Prince’s Seclusion (2)


“I-I’m alive.”

“No, maybe I'm dead……. I won't know until I check at home…….”

After Zeke’s class ended.

Half of the major students who remained left the training ground in a state similar to Schrödinger's cat, unsure if they were alive or dead.

Zeke stretched lightly, trying to recall if there were any promising students.

At that moment, he saw Selena running towards him with an urgent look on her face.

“Instructor! Instructor!”



“Th-that, *heave*, so. *heave*.”

“Calm down. Take a breath and speak.”

Selena took a few deep breaths and told him what had happened in class.

“……So, you’re saying the swordsmanship instructor Dios is trying to interfere with my class?”

“Yes! He’s probably trying to instigate the noble students using the duel with the Second Prince as an excuse… and it seems like he's trying to influence even the commoners!”

“I see.”

Zeke nodded.

Selena glared at him.

‘No! This frustrating man!’

“This is not ‘I see’! Do you really not understand what this means!?”

“I know.”

“No, someone who knows, with such a nonchalant face! His intention is to prevent your class from opening at all by ensuring you don't meet the minimum number of students!”

Selena shouted in a hurried voice, frustrated, but Zeke only nodded calmly.

‘The minimum number of students was five.’

“Don't worry, Selena.”

Zeke placed his hand on Selena's head.

“And thank you for your concern.”


Zeke scratched his chin with his other hand and thought.

‘No matter how much of a pain in the ass the Second Prince is, you think I beat him without thinking? But Dios……. I thought the Second Prince's side would cause a fuss, but that side……?’

Zeke recalled the clown's face he had encountered at the entrance ceremony and let out an empty laugh.

‘Ha, that bastard Dios. What a funny thing to do? 19 points. I gave you +1 point last time, so now it's -18 points. You little shit.’

In fact, Zeke had made some calculations before dealing with the Second Prince.

Not only did he have justification, but he also thought of ways to avoid future annoyances.

It was only after coming up with various ways to use him in his future plans that he accepted the duel.

And his thoughts about Selena were also included in those calculations.

Zeke was currently staying at Selena's mansion.

If he were to recklessly crush the Second Prince, he would surely cause trouble for her, even if she was the Duke's daughter.

Furthermore, Soi Spoon, who would be attending his classes in the future, would also face disruptions.

‘But to run straight to me without a second thought, only worried about me…….’

A chuckle escaped his lips.

Was she stupid or innocent…….

However, he wasn’t in a bad mood.

Zeke had spent yesterday and today pushing the major students, gauging the average ability of students in this romance fantasy world.

However, there were no promising ones, only empty shells.

The only one worth mentioning was Selena Yohaiden, whose willpower was exceptional despite her remarkably low physical abilities.

‘And……. That Second Prince too, well, I'll admit it. He’s got decent hardware. It's just that he's been training his body like an idiot.’

Originally, he had planned to observe the students who would be attending as minor students for five days before going to see 'that guy.'

But thanks to Dios, it seemed he had to speed things up a bit.

‘The problem is, I still haven't figured out what kind of guy he is…….’

Zeke shrugged.

‘Well, I'll know when I see him. Maybe there won't be anyone useful among the minor students either. I should ask that guy about it too.’

Finishing his thoughts, Zeke started walking.

“Instructor? Where are you going?”

“I have somewhere to be.”


“I'll be back before nightfall. It shouldn't take long. You go back to the mansion first.”

With that, Zeke headed towards the academy's noble residential area.


A man was in his office, surrounded by mountains of paperwork.

He was swiftly writing on documents with an elegant hand.

He seemed accustomed to handling multiple tasks at once.

His eyes darted back and forth busily.

Knock. Knock. Knock.


He stretched and raised his head at the sound of knocking.

“Come in.”

Then, the secretary with her hair tied up neatly opened the door and entered.

She seemed flustered and quickly moistened her lips.

“What is it?”

“……Zeke Clayman, the swordsmanship instructor for the first years, is here to see you.”

“What? He’s here already……?”


“Huh, he’s certainly quick to act.”

After the academy classes ended.

The First Prince, Iloise Leonaine, returned to his mansion and let out a chuckle.

He had expected Zeke to seek him out, but his visit was sooner than anticipated.

“Well, let him in.”



The secretary left, and after a short wait, the door opened again.

A man with a sharp, sword-like aura strode into the office.

He then stood directly in front of him and stared with an impassive face.

Iloise spoke first.

“You must be Zeke Clayman.”

“That’s right.”

“That way of speaking is just as I’ve heard.”


Iloise tapped his lips with his finger, observing Zeke.

He could guess why Zeke was here with a little thought.

Surely, it was to request protection from the Second Prince.

He had come to pledge his allegiance.

Last night, when he heard that Rosnante had been defeated by an unknown swordsmanship instructor, Iloise hadn’t believed it, dismissing it as a cheap trick.

He was the one who possessed the most information about the Second and Third Princes, more than anyone else.

Putting aside his stupidity and nasty personality, even Iloise acknowledged Rosnante’s swordsmanship skills.

However, it didn't take long for the rumors to be confirmed as true.

A strong individual who had made an enemy of the Second Prince.

But even he was still just one man.

If the Second Prince was determined and set his people on him, even Zeke wouldn't be able to withstand it.

So, he could offer protection and put him in his debt.

From this perspective alone, Zeke held immense value as a potential recruit.

However, the sudden appearance of this unknown talent, at least at the level of a Knight Commander, raised Iloise’s guard.

‘I still don't have any other information about this guy……. Is he just incredibly skilled……?’

Zeke Clayman, with his extraordinary strength, was undoubtedly an attractive asset, but he could also be a dangerous individual depending on his character.

The fact that someone this powerful had remained hidden until now was also suspicious.

‘That’s why I sent someone to investigate him, but I didn't expect him to come directly to me the next day.’

He had ensured his safety just in case. The fact that Zeke had visited him would be known soon anyway.

Iloise decided to figure out what kind of person Zeke was himself.

‘Let’s test him a little.’

“I didn’t expect you to come to me.”

“That’s disrespectful.”

Iloise frowned.

‘What’s with this guy?’

He didn't expect such words from the start.

This wasn’t inside the academy.

Even within the academy, he had treated the faculty with respect, following the late Emperor’s decree, but this was his private space.

This was the First Prince's own mansion.

Yet, he couldn’t sense even a shred of etiquette or respect for the imperial family from Zeke.

“Outside the academy, I don’t need to be particularly respectful to you.”

Zeke frowned slightly and then nodded.

“I see. Permission to speak informally granted.”

‘This guy, really, what is he?’

Even Iloise, who had interacted with and dealt with countless people in his life, had never encountered this type before.

Iloise hid his bewilderment and forced a smile.

“Right, haha. Thank you. Anyway, let’s get straight to the point. You’re probably here hoping for my protection, right?”


“But……. Why should I do that?”

“And I’d like you to send a few students my way. It doesn’t matter if they are loyal to you.”

This man was making demands even after asking for a reason.

As if he was certain that Iloise would listen to him.

‘……Is this even a conversation right now?’

Iloise’s eyes narrowed.

‘……Or does he have something else up his sleeve?’

His mind raced.


Zeke sighed inwardly as soon as he saw the First Prince.

‘Damn, he’s definitely a different type from that Second Prince bastard. More troublesome.’

A thin face, a slender physique, a frail image.

Zeke’s eyes twitched at the sight of his hair, which flowed down to his shoulders.

Was it an imperial family trait? This guy also had a head of blonde hair.

Every single word he uttered grated on Zeke’s nerves.

Even the way he smiled seemed forced and awkward to Zeke’s eyes.

‘What? A kind and delicate personality? Bullshit.’

Whether his character was good or bad, his personality was shady.

The type who calculated every little thing and meticulously weighed the benefits.

The kind who was used to manipulating people in the palm of his hand.

Zeke, who had intended to adjust his approach based on the First Prince’s character, made up his mind.

If he yielded even once to this type, he would gradually get entangled and manipulated.

As if he had finished his thoughts, Iloise looked up.

“Right, haha. That's not a difficult request. But why should I do that?”

“Because you want to keep the Second Prince in check.”

“What does that……?”

“If you can’t do it, I’ll go to the Second Prince, apologize, and teach him swordsmanship.”


Iloise’s eyes widened.

His fists clenched involuntarily.

As soon as he heard Zeke’s words, he realized what he had been missing.

He had been so focused on the Second Prince’s personality and his defeat that he had failed to consider a crucial aspect.

Given enough time, Iloise would have arrived at the same conclusion.

However, the incident had only occurred yesterday.

And now, Zeke had exploited this opening.

‘This, this, I don’t have time to come up with a countermeasure……. He’s a fearsome individual. It’s not about Rosnante’s personality, he’s reading the whole game! Just how far ahead has he planned this?’

Ramielli Academy was a gathering place for the children of countless high-ranking nobles.

Therefore, both the First and Second Princes needed to build their image here, gather supporters, and graduate if they wanted to claim the throne.

Although Iloise, having entered the academy first, had a significant advantage, there were times when one person held more weight than the masses.

Someone like Zeke Clayman, a true master of his craft.

The sudden emergence of Zeke had become a significant variable, shaking the very foundations of the tower Iloise had built.


Of course, Zeke had this thought the very day he received the duel request from the Second Prince.

It was at that instant.

‘You guys pretty much figured it out, right? Now kill each other.’

Zeke smirked inwardly as he watched Iloise racking his brains.

From his perspective, “using enemies to defeat enemies” was an obvious strategy.

He had planned to get the male lead candidate, the Second Prince, into his class from the beginning.

And the only way for the Second Prince, utterly defeated on the first day, to regain his standing within the academy was to bring Zeke to his side.

However, Zeke had no intention of being recruited or apologizing to him.

If that were to happen, there was a chance the hotheaded Second Prince might resort to drastic measures, harming those around him.

That’s why Zeke had sought out his rival.

‘It reminds me of the old dark fantasy days. Back then, the angel chicks and demon bastards had that sweet annihilation event.’

With the First Prince’s involvement, the Second Prince wouldn’t dare to use any reckless methods.

‘He’ll be too busy watching his back and trying to find faults.’

Moreover, it would also have the effect of diverting their attention from Zeke as they focused on each other.

Therefore, it was in Zeke’s best interest to have someone from the First Prince’s side attend his class.

‘As expected, blondes should fight amongst themselves.’

Iloise, unaware that his usual smile had vanished, let out a dry laugh.

“Hahaha. An interesting deduction. But it’s a bit strange, why come to me first instead of approaching the Second Prince directly?”

‘Ah, this bastard keeps probing. It’s annoying how he pretends not to get it.’

“You’re right. In that case, I’ll go to the Second Prince.”

Zeke turned around, feigning as if he hadn’t considered that.


Iloise shot up from his seat and shrieked.

“Hmm? I know where the Second Prince’s mansion is. What’s wrong?”

“A-alright! Fine, do as you say!”

‘Good, that’s the spirit. If you had just agreed comfortably from the start, how nice would that have been.’

Zeke nodded and then, as if a thought had occurred to him, he decided to squeeze a little more out of this guy.

Let’s see, what he needed right now was…….

“Oh, by the way, do you happen to have any magic stones?”

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  1. Good writer all around, but he seems to be a noob in political handling
