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Chapter 27 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.Bonus chapter thanks to '@Conic' for subscription to 'Pebble' tier on Ko-fi.

Demonstration Class (4)

It was a genuine misunderstanding.

He truly hadn't thought that way at all.

He hadn't even for a second thought about working the kids to the bone, hoping to provoke the blond brat into making the first move.

‘Hmm, hmm. Really. Truly. But why do I keep wanting to laugh? Heh heh.’

Zeke had learned from Eric about the standard way to conduct a class.

Typically, the first class involved sharing one's career, background, family history, and concluding with a brief swordsmanship demonstration.

This was meant to attract a large number of students from the first lesson.

‘Is it really necessary?’

If he didn't know who the female lead was, he might have considered it.

However, he had discovered Soi Spoon.

Moreover, he had saved her mother that morning and confirmed a few things while having bread with Soi Spoon.

Munch munch.

"Excuse me? My father?"


"Why are you asking? Did something happen to my mother...?"

Initially, Soi Spoon remained wary, despite him being her mother's savior.

"You don't seem to like your name."

"....Well, that's..."

"I'll have your name changed in the academy records."


Zeke held her name hostage to get her to talk. Soi Spoon's eyes widened like saucers.

"Really!? I was going to ask the Principal myself! But why would you..."

"Think of it as the price of the bread you ate today."

She nodded her head vigorously, her face brightening.

‘Don't get scammed out there.’

Seeing her innocent smile, Zeke was reminded of his past self, constantly getting tricked.

"So, I need to know a bit about you to change it. You said your father passed away, right?"


"What was he like?"

"Um, well, he was a commoner... but they say he was very handsome and mysterious."

"What was his name?"

"Hero Spoon."

Zeke's eyes widened. He couldn't help but think, 'Why are all the names like that?'

Clearly, it was her father who had given Soi Spoon her name.

"How did he die?"

"Some strange people suddenly showed up and whispered something to him. He left in a hurry and... they found him stabbed in the back alley."

From his name to his death, Soi Spoon's father was a suspicious man shrouded in mystery.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories."

"It's okay. I don't remember anything before I was seven years old. I don't know much about my father."

"....Is that so? How did you lose your memory?"

"I was hit by a carriage, but then a man saved me... Um... but do I need to tell you all this to change my name?"

"No, it was just personal curiosity. My apologies."

‘Amnesia and a savior? Isn't that a classic female lead trope? That guy, he's probably your future husband!’

Every single detail of her past that casually slipped out was significant.

One cliché could be dismissed as a coincidence.

However, her commoner status, hidden past, overflowing talent, unusual name, and past rescue... he had seen it all before.

Could the author really have given such detailed settings to an insignificant extra?

Such perfect bait for plot hooks?

‘Saving her mother was the key.’

If they had a typical relationship, like a potential love interest or a friend, it would have taken a long time to uncover her past.

However, saving her mother, holding her name hostage, and adding his title as an academy instructor made Soi Spoon spill everything like a chirping bird.

‘If she's not the female lead, then who is?’

Therefore, Zeke decided to focus on Soi Spoon's growth and nurture those who would help her in his class.

However, this was a world of sweet and sour romance fantasy.

Not dark fantasy.

So, he decided to base his actions on the half of this body that was originally from this world, the half that possessed minimal willpower and mental strength.

‘They’ll be going through even tougher training in the future, so I don’t need any crybabies.’

While Zeke was lost in thought, the Second Prince had been yelling for a while.

"Why won't you accept my duel!"

"Wait a moment. And mind your tone."

* * *

The Second Prince jumped up, pointed at the swordsmanship instructor, and challenged him to a duel.

And Zeke just stared down at him with an indifferent face.

“What, what’s going on?”

“Is the swordsmanship instructor going to duel the Second Prince?”

“Um… Is this really happening…?”

The students couldn't hide their bewilderment and exchanged glances.

They were thrilled at the thought of potentially escaping the grueling training if the Second Prince intervened.

However, the situation had escalated beyond their expectations.

Zeke acknowledged the duel request but simply told him to wait, showing no other reaction.

The students could already envision the swordsmanship instructor eventually backing down and bowing his head.


Except, of course, for Selena.

Just then, Zeke turned his gaze towards the training ground entrance.

“Here he comes.”

Principal Lotto was rushing towards them, his face pale as a sheet.

‘What the hell is this mess on the first day of class?!’

Principal Lotto had anticipated that Zeke might not be the most approachable person to the students.

After all, the man spoke his mind even to his superiors. What hope did the students have?

But to think he would clash with the Second Prince right off the bat!

He had come to mediate before things got out of hand, but what he found was the Second Prince challenging the swordsmanship instructor to a duel.

‘Don’t tell me… this guy! Could he be the First Prince’s man!?’

The principal was well aware of the Second Prince’s pride in his swordsmanship.

The meticulous way he folded his pajamas every night before bed, the top ranking in the [Ramielli Academy's Top 100 Notable Figures - Revised Edition] document…

One of the names at the very top was none other than the Second Prince, Rosnante Leonine.

In the recently revised document, Zeke's name was rapidly climbing the ranks.

What if he was actually working for the First Prince?

That would explain why Yohaiden and Eustia were so interested in him.

'He entered the academy to keep an eye on the Second Prince, who just enrolled this year!'

Securing two Dukedoms and keeping the Second Prince in check…

His outrageous behavior from the first day of class suddenly made sense.

If the Second Prince chose Dios as his swordsmanship instructor, today was his only chance.

Perhaps it had to be today.

‘Come to think of it, he sent Eric to summon me as if he expected this… My God! I’ve been played!!!’

The principal clenched his jaw.

He tried to compose himself and asked Zeke,

“Swordsmanship Instructor, what is the meaning of this?”

“I received a duel request from the Second Prince.”

Zeke’s nonchalant tone infuriated the principal.

“Are you seriously suggesting that you, a swordsmanship instructor at this academy, would engage in a brawl with a student?!”

“There are limits to what I can tolerate, even if it’s a student.”

"What did he say to you?"

“My teaching methods have been insulted. This is the way of the sword I have practiced my entire life. It is no different from insulting my sword itself.”


This guy was dead set on this.

The principal, feeling the sting of truth in Zeke's words, turned to the blond boy who was glaring at them.

Normally, he would address him with respect, but this was Ramielli Academy.

The principal spoke informally to the Second Prince.

“Rosnante Leonine.”


“Do you absolutely have to go through with this duel?”


Seeing the burning determination in the Second Prince’s eyes, the principal swallowed a sigh.

“And your reason is?”

“I cannot tolerate the swordsmanship instructor's teaching methods.”

“Then why not attend Instructor Dios’ class?”

“No. I am certain that his methods will ruin the other academy students. So, I will prove it with my sword.”

The principal had hoped to reason with the Second Prince if Zeke proved impossible, but he too seemed resolute.

He looked back and forth between Zeke and the Second Prince, then up at the sky. It was incredibly high and blue.

‘Damn it.’

A dead end.

There was no way out.

Neither of them was backing down, and the Second Prince, a student, had been the one to challenge the swordsmanship instructor to a duel.

From a power structure standpoint, it appeared justified.

If this had happened outside the academy, it would have been absurd.

However, this was an academy founded on the principle of equality.

It was an institution sanctioned by the seal of the former Emperor.

Even a prince held less authority than an instructor within these walls, especially during class time.

'But who would have thought he'd actually go through with it… and yet, here we are.'

However, this wasn’t just sparring; it was a duel.

Sparring involved wooden swords, which posed minimal risk.

A duel, on the other hand, meant real swords.

The principal massaged his temples. No matter how hard he racked his brain, he couldn’t find a way out of this situation.

Even if he used his authority to suppress it now, it was clear that a bigger problem would arise later.

The principal spoke in a defeated tone.

“Very well… I permit this duel.”

He then turned to the students.

“From this moment forward, Ramielli Academy recognizes the honor and legitimacy of the duel between these two individuals!”

He then approached Zeke and whispered,

“Just how far are you planning to take this?”

“Well, I was just about to ask you the same thing. How far am I allowed to go?”

“You… At the very least, no injuries. He may be a student, but he’s still the Second Prince.”


“Answer me.”




The principal finally managed to pry open Zeke’s tightly shut mouth and get an answer.

He was convinced that Zeke was working for that sly fox, the First Prince.

Therefore, he didn’t believe for a second that the swordsmanship instructor would lose to Rosnante.

‘However, it’s an objective assessment that the Second Prince’s swordsmanship skills are on par with the Imperial Knights…’

Even the First Prince wouldn’t risk placing someone with the skills of a Knight Commander in the academy. It would be too costly.

Perhaps their skills were similar, with Zeke having a slight edge.

That was the principal’s assessment.

* * *

As the duel was declared, the students stepped back to create space.

In the center, the Second Prince, Rosnante, stood with his sword drawn, eyes closed, and regulating his breathing.

‘No matter who my opponent is, I always give it my all. Even if they are weaker than me. I never let my guard down.’

Rosnante was known for his arrogant and unpleasant personality.

However, he maintained a serious demeanor when it came to swordsmanship.

One must be honest with the sword.

It became stronger with every swing, every drop of sweat shed in training.

In the face of the sword, even lofty power, noble birth, and dazzling wealth faded away.

Therefore, a swordsman facing the sword must keep a cool head.

‘A swordsmanship instructor at such a young age… very well. I won’t underestimate you. But victory will be mine.’

Rosnante sharpened his focus.

Black hair, black eyes. Probably a northern noble.

Given his background, he likely had some confidence in his swordsmanship.

However, there was always someone stronger.

Just then, Zeke stepped forward.

Rosnante opened his eyes at the sound of his footsteps.

In his hand was… bre…ad?

‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’

He dared to bring bread, not even a wooden sword, to a duel of honor!

How could he humiliate him like this?!

His carefully maintained composure threatened to shatter.

Even Principal Lotto, who had volunteered as the judge, frowned at the sight.

“Are you certain you wish to proceed with that as your weapon?”

“Yes, this will suffice.”

The principal stared intently into Zeke's eyes.

However, seeing no flicker of emotion in those eyes, he simply shook his head.

“Sigh… Do as you please. I wash my hands of this…”

Zeke nodded in response. However, Rosnante couldn't accept this.

“Don't you dare mock me! Draw your sword! Zeke Clayman!”

“Then make me.”

“This bastard!”

The Second Prince’s anger was justified, and the students began to murmur amongst themselves.

“What is he doing? This isn’t even training…”

“It’s a mockery in an honorable duel……”

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  1. their expression when they realize he was trying not to kill the second prince when he used bread.
