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Chapter 165 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

"It seems it's time for you to head back to the academy."

"Yes, I plan to leave tomorrow."

Edward had negotiated with Nikan, using up the one-year deferment he had earned to return to his professorship at the academy.

He had spent the last year devotedly teaching Creed.

"Now, I will be assisting with Creed's studies at the academy."


"I wonder when Creed will graduate with his skills?"

The academy had a system for early graduation.

Navia had also heard early on that Creed would graduate early. However, she did not know exactly how soon that would be.

Edward asserted confidently.

"Four years. Creed will graduate at the age of fourteen."

To think that Creed could graduate from the academy, which normally takes eight years, in just four.

Navia couldn't help but admire Creed, realizing he was even more remarkable than she had thought.

'As expected of our Creed. He lacks nothing in intelligence and beauty.'

In a strange way, Navia was very much like Lark.

"Four years… That's quite a coincidence."

According to Lark's memory, the next war would break out in three years, dragging on for a year before ending in defeat.

The Eden Empire would have to pay a huge indemnity and cede some of its territories to the magical kingdom of Kaladis.

"Take care on your journey. I'll write to you periodically."

At Navia's words, Edward paused.

"…To me, you mean?"

He looked as though he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Navia, on the contrary, tilted her head and spoke casually.

"Of course. You belong to me, don't you?"

Navia rarely used such possessive language.

But when she did refer to someone as 'hers' in such a clear way... she was invariably overwhelmed by an indescribable ecstasy.

"I'll come to see you again in four years, my master."

Edward, as days passed, voluntarily lowered himself further, eagerly assuming the role of Navia's servant.

After he showed extreme reverence and left the office, Nero's expression darkened.

'I feel like I'm the only one who's not special to Master.'

No, 'a hindrance' would be more accurate, wouldn't it?

He had initially clashed with her, and lately, his estranged family had suddenly reached out, wanting to entangle him in Eseled's affairs.

"Nero, your mother also wants to register you as her child. Being registered as a child of a concubine and as a legitimate child are worlds apart."

His father had suddenly declared his intention to make Nero a legitimate child, not a bastard.

The reason was clear.

"Aren't you a servant of that household? And your talent, too! That would make marrying the Lady of Eseled possible, wouldn't it?"

Nero felt like his ears would rot.

He and Navia had an age difference of ten years. Of course, in noble society, what would such an age gap mean? But to Nero, it was repulsive.

'Disgusting humans.'

Suppressing his boiling anger, he checked the time and said,

"It's time to finish work. Please go to your bedroom and rest."

"Then I'll just check the meeting details once and…"

"It's already evening. You've done too much work today."

Nero, with a familiarity born of taking care of Navia, stopped her from her work and swiftly tidied up the surroundings.

"You're too overprotective, Nero."

"If I don't do this, you never rest, Lady Navia."

"It's not that much..."

"You skipped your break today, didn't you?"

"...Yeah, keep tidying up."

Navia had grown accustomed to Nero's care and spoke to him with ease.

'It's like having a real older brother.'

And a nagging one at that.

"Let's go, Nero."

Navia reached out her hand to Nero.

"Let's go."

Nero, who readily accepted her hand, would darken in mood but quickly brighten up.


He instantly felt happy holding this small hand that relied on him.

Three years ago, after Navia almost fell down the stairs, Nero always held her hand when they walked together.

Navia found it a bit absurd to be treated like a child, but she didn't mind as she always held hands with Lark.

In fact, walking hand in hand with someone was strangely comforting.

Before letting Navia into her bedroom, Nero nagged one last time.

"You shouldn't work in your bedroom."

Ah, she had actually planned to sneak in some work.

Navia felt guilty but brazenly responded as if she had no such thoughts.

"Of course."

Nero narrowed his eyes at her response.

He extended his pinky finger.

"Promise me."

Navia, conceding defeat, hooked her finger with his.

"Alright. I really won't."

Nero, unknowingly smiling, was about to stroke Navia's head but suddenly withdrew his hand in surprise.

"Sorry, sorry."

No matter how cute Navia was, she was his master, and his action was a step too far.

But Navia didn't mind.

Instead, she grabbed his hand and placed it back on her head.

"It's okay. I think of you like a brother, Nero."

Actually, maybe more like a younger brother?

Navia was confused whether to consider Nero an older or younger brother.

'Anyway, if I had a real older brother, I guess he would be like this... so let's think of him as an older brother.'

While Navia sorted out her thoughts, Nero looked dazed.

"Is it really okay?"

Could he really be the brother of such a lovely child?

To Nero's cautious question, Navia responded as if it were obvious.

"I already consider you my family."

Navia's unhesitant definition of their relationship in such endearing terms made Nero's cheeks flush lightly.


For Nero, who had no place to belong, being treated as a potential murderer by his real family, Navia was essentially his first family.

"See you tomorrow."

Navia waved at a very happy-looking Nero as she entered her room.

As the bedroom door closed and the surroundings quieted down, Navia thought of Creed.

"I heard you won."

That meant he had encountered Yulrich and Diana.

"...Will he be okay?"

Creed was smart and strong, but to Navia, he always seemed so young.

It must have been because she had watched him behave like a young animal since he was small.

Navia approached the window and opened it wide. Then a pleasant breeze poured in with the red sunset.


Another guest had arrived.


Creed, who had sneakily escaped the palace, had entered through the window Navia had left open.

Creed, who until now had maintained a cold expression, now wore a gentle smile.

"Have you been well, Noona?"

Creed and she had been unable to see each other properly for several days due to his participation in the tournament.

As soon as Creed stepped on the floor, Navia embraced him tightly.


Creed's body twitched in surprise.

Thump. Thump.

His heart acted up again, and his mouth went dry.

Unaware of Creed's turmoil, Navia stroked his head like someone waiting for a much younger sibling to return from their first errand.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"


"I missed you, Creed."

Her honest words of missing him and the sweet gesture of stroking his head were comforting.


Hesitantly, he embraced Navia in return.

"You always smell so nice."

Creed, unlike Lark who was not of the bloodline, could sense the magical scent of others.

However, Navia simply exuded a pure body scent, devoid of the peculiar discomfort associated with magical aromas.

It felt as if Navia was the only real thing in this world, which made it seem all the more special.

Is that why he wanted to stay like this forever...?

Creed, acting somewhat petulantly, burrowed deeper into Navia's embrace and rubbed his face against her.

Navia, with a touch akin to soothing a clingy large puppy, patted Creed and continued speaking.

"You won the tournament, didn’t you? I knew you were remarkable, but that really surprised me."

"It's nothing."

"How can that be nothing?"

Navia chuckled and pulled back slightly, then became curious.

"Creed? Why is your face so red?"

Was he so embarrassed to be praised for his victory?

Creed, feeling his cheeks burning hot, clasped his face and vigorously shook his head.

"It's... it's nothing."

Navia tilted her head again and ventured a guess.

'Well, Creed isn’t the type to boast about anything, after all.'

Every time someone offered a compliment, how adorable it was to see the silent, beaming smile in response.

In contrast, Lark never missed a chance to boast to Navia about how great a father he was. He always concluded with:

"How about that? Isn't Dad the best in the world? Huh? The coolest?"

'Really, just like a dad...'

There was a time when Navia playfully responded that she wasn't sure, and she didn't know how much effort it took to soothe Lark, who had gotten noticeably upset that day.

It was only after repeating dozens of times that the most handsome and coolest person in the world was her dad, that Lark finally wore his characteristic arrogant expression.

"Of course. Who else would it be?"

'...I miss Dad.'

Navia suddenly found herself immersed in longing, then quickly snapped out of it.

'I haven't been away from Dad for that long. I have a family to protect. So, I must not become weak.'

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