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Chapter 163 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

But his shout did not reach Creed, who stood in the distance.

Creed, with an expressionless face, simply extended his hand toward Vamillo, who was making a dazed expression.

Then, magic responded to his will.


As magic swept the surroundings, a whirlwind blew. Blue magic rapidly took shape at an incredible speed.

It finally became a giant spear stretching all the way to the spectator seats.

The tip of the spear targeted Vamillo.

The Colosseum became instantly silent.

The audience looked at Creed, who had caused this situation, with terrified eyes or astonished gazes.

An overwhelming presence, almost god-like, radiated from him.

In that tingling silence, Creed spoke in a chilling tone.

"It would be wise for you to forfeit."


The magic surged, emitting a sinister resonance from the spear that seemed to crackle with electricity.

"Otherwise, you might die."

As Creed flicked his hand backward, the spear retreated like an arrow drawn back on a bowstring, ready to strike.

"Wait, wait, just a moment...!"

Vamillo trembled and immediately knelt on the ground.

"I surrender! I surrender! No, I forfeit! I forfeit!"

The judge, who had been watching the situation in shock from within a translucent barrier, snapped to attention at Vamillo's scream.

'If that spear lands in the arena, it's not just a matter of Vamillo's life or death; could this place be completely destroyed?'

All the mages guarding the area simultaneously drew upon their magic, aiming at Creed, as if to confirm his fears.

'It could be covered in blood in an instant!'

"Participant number 512 wins!"

The judge declared Creed's victory like a scream.

As Creed lowered his hand, the spear disappeared, scattering blue particles. The scene was as beautiful as blue flower petals spreading in all directions.


Soon, a thunderous cheer erupted from the spectator seats, as if the previous silence had been a lie.

"A Archmage...! Only a Archmage could do something like that!"

And someone's whisper spread like a moan through the crowd.

The Colosseum filled with chants of "Archmage!"

Creed followed the knights' lead to where the Emperor was seated. The winner of the tournament was to be personally commended by the Emperor and adorned with a red cape.

Creed removed his torn cape and stood before the Emperor.

The Emperor wore an indescribable, complex expression.

Creed knelt on one knee and respectfully bowed, as he had learned from Edward.

"Second Prince Creed, your Royal Highness."

The crowd again buzzed in astonishment.

"But wasn't the Second Prince dead...? What was that funeral then?"

Diana glared at Creed with wide eyes, clutching her dress tightly.

'How has he appeared now? And he's unharmed!'

The weapon she had raised like a beast had appeared, speaking like a human. Diana's complexion paled.

'What if he recognizes me?'

She looked fiercely at a nearby mage, indicating to prepare to attack Creed.

'If he utters nonsense, I'll kill him on the spot.'

Yulrich stood holding the red cape, frozen in exhilaration.

Diana, feigning concern, asked Yulrich.

"Your Highness, are you certain that boy is Prince Creed? Surely he was given a funeral?"

"Only our bloodline can sense the aura of magic. Moreover, members of our bloodline share a similar scent. This child bears the same scent as my brother."

"Is that so? I'm confused how a prince thought to be dead has now reappeared... We definitely conducted a funeral back then."

To her murmuring, Yulrich replied with an obvious tone.

"A newborn couldn't have run away on his own; someone must have smuggled him out."

'Probably, Queen Estelle arranged something to save her son... to keep him from dying at Diana's hands.'

It wasn’t surprising that such things happened over the struggle for the throne. Hence, he didn’t take it too seriously.

After all, dismissing the Queen and destroying the Eiles Duke's family were decisions made for political gain.

Creed glanced at the Empress with a detached expression.

'This piece of junk!’

The foresight of the Eiles family was supposed to pass only to daughters. Trying to forcibly implant that ability in him and trying to make it bloom had led to this mess. How complex must her feelings be?

Creed gave a faint smile.


It was when Diana's expression turned rigid.


The audience began to notice something unusual and started murmuring, each throwing in their remarks.

"We should congratulate the winner soon, what are they doing?"

"Wait, isn't that Archmage the Second Prince?"

"What? Who's that?"

"Why, the one of the late Empress...."

Yulrich, realizing that Creed's identity had spread to the audience, thought it was time to sort out this chaos.

"Let's wrap up the tournament and get out of here. Everyone, get ready!"

He personally draped a red cape over Creed and reached out to the audience.

Fireworks exploded in the sky, and the military band captured the audience's attention with a spectacular performance.

"Archmage! Archmage!"

The crowd ecstatically shouted towards the boy draped in the red cape.

Ulich regarded Creed, who stood calmly despite the fervent cheers, with satisfaction.

"I wonder what happened in the past 10 years, but the son who suddenly appeared truly embodies the strength and dignity befitting of the royal bloodline."

'The power he displayed earlier was indeed like that of a great wizard, as they shout.'

"I should summon the court magician, or rather, the head of the Wizards' Association, to assess Creed's level of power."

'With this capability, perhaps he could even counter Duke Eseled?' Ulich's interest in Creed grew stronger.

Creed had appeared just as Ulich was feeling a longing for Estelle, emitting the same magical aura as his deceased brother.

He patted Creed's shoulder.

"Welcome, Creed."

Ares, watching from the side, had a chilling glint in his eyes.

'A rival is unwelcome.'

Especially since the Emperor had been cold to Ares after the friction with Eseled, going as far as to expel all the animals Ares had gathered from the palace.

Now, the emergence of another heir to the throne?

‘But he's an orphan with no maternal relatives to support him.’

Therefore, it wouldn't be difficult to get rid of him.

As Ares was devising some sort of plan, the tournament had officially come to an end.

"The tournament now draws to a close!"


* * *

Yulrich and the others quickly moved to the castle.

"What has been happening? Where have you been until now to only just now come to find me?"

The Emperor asked directly, causing Diana's expression to turn even colder.

The answer of that child could trigger the activation of the wizard's lethal magic at any moment.

Creed's lips quivered.

"Actually, I have no memory of anything before the last two years."

Creed had practiced deceiving them countless times with Navia for this very moment.

The lie, mixed with truth, flowed smoothly as if greased.

"The place I found myself in when I regained consciousness was Eseled's Duke's estate."


Ignoring the surrounding chaos, Creed continued speaking.

"I learned speaking, writing, and magic there. My magical abilities were taught to me by Duke Eseled."

Yulrich unwittingly let out a soft sigh.

'I was already troubled about how to persuade Eseled, and now it's resolved like this.'

At that moment, Creed changed the subject with an inscrutable expression.

"Did you say the winner would be granted a title?"

"Yes. Although you are a prince, you are rightfully the winner of the tournament, so you will be awarded a title. Originally, I planned to grant a lower title, but the title for a prince must be different."

Creed fell silent for a moment.

'I don't want to be a prince. And I don't want to be involved with this filthy place.'

This was the place that killed his mother, tormented him, and harassed Navia.

So, he did not wish for any connection.

"I want the Castle of Eiles, Your Majesty."

Creed desired only the blood of the Duke of Eiles that flowed through half of his veins. He never wanted to make use of anything solely from Duffman.

At that, Diana reacted sharply.

"Eiles is the name of a traitorous house. I don't understand why you would want to use that name."

"I will renounce my claim to the throne in exchange."

Diana closed her mouth.

'To use the name of Eiles in exchange for renouncing the succession rights? How foolish.'

This was an exceedingly good deal for her.

Creed continued speaking like a dutiful son.

"I am now worried that my very existence might unnecessarily disrupt the order of the royal family. Please accept my wish."

Diana inwardly smirked but outwardly expressed concern.

"But the Eiles ducal family is known for its treason..."

Eiles, that ducal family could become a problem for Lucia if rebuilt carelessly.

Then Yulrich spoke.

"I will strip Creed of the Duffmann name and appoint him as the Grand Duke of Eiles. Wouldn't that solve the problem?"

Diana was shocked.

"That's a vanished rank!"

'A Grand Duke! A title higher than a duke, that's unacceptable!'

Yulrich spoke with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Even if he has renounced his claim to the throne, Creed is still my son. But you say being a Grand Duke is too much?"

"…That's not what I meant."

"Then it's settled. Immediately confer upon Creed the title of Grand Duke of Eiles, and grant him the corresponding authority!"

The aides bowed their heads.

"We shall comply with your command."

Creed became the Grand Duke of Eiles in an instant.

Diana could no longer speak informally to Creed, who had ascended to the rank of Grand Duke.

"…Congratulations on your investiture, Grand Duke of Eiles."

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