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Chapter 157 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,FantasyBonus chapter thanks to @Ashtin from Ko-fi!

The situation worsened, and Nikan hurried Navia.

"What are you talking about, Navia!"

Navia, with a startled expression, quickly made an excuse.

"Oh, it's nothing! I misspoke."

Thus, Nikan couldn't press Navia any further. She had inadvertently defended Nikan and Vivian.

But Navia's expression, tone, and timing of her speech all made Vivian suspicious.

Then, without a chance for Nikan to clear the misunderstanding, Lark embraced Navia coldly in anger.

"Do you still think I'm making this up, Duke Agnes?"

"Wait a minute...."

"Doesn't everyone know how my daughter came to my house?"

It was a nearly taboo topic.

Nikan, turning pale, shouted furiously.

"Duke Lark Eseled!"

He couldn't outright tell him to shut up, so he fiercely called his name, trembling. But Lark didn't even flinch.

"There's no reason to stay at this unpleasant gathering any longer. Call the carriage!"

Lark, insulting not only Nikan but also Lucia who had arranged today's meeting, gracefully left.

Navia felt oddly satisfied and refreshed, even humming to herself.

"Dad, it's too soon for humming."

Navia softly chided him while clinging to him.

"Alright, alright. Ah, since it's come to this, I should show you your gift."

"A gift?"

He put Navia in the carriage first, whispered something to the coachman, and then came inside.

Navia asked with curiosity.

"Where are we going?"

"It wouldn't be fun if I told you now."

Lark, often showing a mischievous smile when playing tricks, gently poked Navia's cheek.

Her soft, white cheek was amusing to poke.

"Stop it, Dad."

"Then your cheeks should be less plump."

What a nonsensical thing to say.

Navia frowned slightly and touched her cheek.

Lark laughed at her reaction. He didn't know that teasing his daughter could be this much fun even after two years.

Soon the carriage stopped at a strange place.

"Here is...?"

It was a factory.

On one side, magic stones, blackened from all their magic being used, were piled up like mountains, and on the other side were several buildings lined up.

Navia covered her mouth in surprise. She knew what this sight meant!

"Could it be, the magic stone recharge is a technology you developed, Dad?"

There were two notable changes in this eighth reincarnation of Navia's life.

First, Creed's appearance.

Second, the magic stone recharge.

"The Empress gained an upper hand over the Duke Agnes household because of this..."

Once the magic in a magic stone was used up, it just became a black rock.

There was even a landfill for used magic stones.

Then the Empress suddenly revealed the mage she sponsored.

"This great mage has discovered how to recharge depleted magic stones!"

Navia had planned to recruit this mage in this life, but she was astonished to learn that the source of the technology was actually Lark.

Both world-changing events were related to her father!

"Dad, I had no idea you developed this technology. You're so incredible!"

Lark shrugged it off as if it was nothing.

"I can't do what I can't do."

Seeing his daughter's reaction, he felt proud of his two years of hard work and research in establishing the factory.

"I've laid several layers of magic circles around this magic stone factory. Anyone who enters will forget the technology once they leave. It will also be protected against attacks."

"It's perfect."

Lark swelled with pride.

Navia now truly had nothing to fear. If she was still afraid with so many weapons, it would mean she had no will to live properly.

Right. Pioneering her own life was not scary at all.

Even when she had nothing, she never bowed to such things.

But... she was scared of the meanings behind each gift Lark was preparing for their farewell.

Navia quickly embraced Lark.

Lark lifted her up and patted her back.

"Let's call Nyx."

The promised two years had passed.

It was truly time to part.

Navia's eyes stung, but she bit the tender flesh inside her mouth to hold back her tears.

For two years, they had given their all to each other as if each day was their last.

No matter how hard they tried, the time was too short and the parting would be painful.

"...I'll call her tomorrow."

But she couldn't delay it any longer.

'There's a set time to postpone the debutante introduction.'

Having the debutante introduction at twenty years old was ideal. Most had it before turning twenty-one.

It was best for him to be asleep at this time, when she turned ten.

If Lark really wakes up after exactly ten years, it would be the most appropriate time for them to perform the debutante together.

"Shall we go home?"

They returned to the duke's mansion.

It was just as the carriage was about to pass through the main gate of Eseled.

Navia spotted an unexpected figure outside the window.


Edward stood in front of Eseled's main gate, still retaining his chilling demeanor.

The moment Lark noticed Edward, he scowled deeply.

'Isn't that the same guy from before?'

That annoying, pitiful figure who used to watch over Navia from hiding.

"Please allow me to serve you as my lord."

"What is he doing here...!"

Just as Lark was about to rush out and grab Edward by the collar, Navia stopped him.

"Dad, go inside first."

Lark frowned and looked around.

Shadow soldiers clad in armor were positioned at the main gate, and there was no sign of anyone nearby.

Without him, Navia and Edward would be alone in this space.

'That guy seems to be here to spout nonsense to Navia again.'

A resolute determination was evident in Edward's gloomy eyes.

Lark, clearly displeased, asked Navia.

"What about you?"

Navia also sensed an unusual atmosphere from Edward.

"Um, I think we need to talk."

With that, she intended to finally settle their complicated relationship.

Lark clicked his tongue and gently stroked Navia's head.

"You're always too kind."

Navia was about to say it was just infatuation but simply shrugged and opened the carriage door.

As his daughter stepped out of the carriage, Lark used his magic to block the outside view.

To any onlooker at the main gate, only the shadow soldiers would be visible, not Navia and Edward.

Having set up all the safety measures, Lark gave Edward a fierce look through the window before leaving.

'If you mess with my daughter, you're dead.'

That was the message in his eyes.

Feeling a chill, Edward received Lark's stern gaze.

Soon the carriage left, and Navia stood still, facing Edward.

They were about ten steps apart.

Edward bowed respectfully from that distance.

"It's been a long time, Lady."

If Navia had extended her hand, he would have immediately approached to kneel and kiss her hand, but Navia kept her hands neatly folded.

She had not expected to reunite with Edward like this today.

Especially since Edward had been completely out of touch for the past two years.

She thought their connection had completely ended, but Edward's expression suggested otherwise.

"...I didn't expect you to come here, Teacher."

'Ah. Should I have called him Count Wayne instead?'

She had grown so accustomed to calling him "Teacher" that she unintentionally addressed him as she used to.

Edward bitterly smiled at hearing "Teacher" after so long and politely said.

"I don't deserve to be called 'Teacher' by you. Please call me Edward."

Navia didn't call him by name and remained silent.

Seeing her reaction, Edward smiled more self-deprecatingly and added in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry if I hoped for too much."

"What brings you here?"

"I came to say hello, having not seen you for a long time. Actually, I came to ask for forgiveness."

Edward couldn't bring himself to say any of it.

His true feelings were different.

Edward clenched his fists nervously.

He had pondered a lot before coming here today.

Should he maintain this ambiguous distance, neither a clear enemy nor ally?

Or should he once again humbly beg for acceptance?

His dilemma continued even after arriving here.

But now, facing Navia, he realized.

He didn't want to be just a henchman for the Agnes dukedom. He wanted to be a dog for a much greater being, to serve his purpose to the fullest.

And that greater being was Navia.

"...Perhaps I might be needed by you."

No, he definitely wanted to be needed by her.

"I came with such presumptuous hope."

Edward lowered his gaze, finding it hard to meet Navia's direct look. So he poured out his heart, his gaze fixed to the ground.

"I was ashamed to realize your noble bloodline. I'm so embarrassed and pathetic for having judged you with my foolishness... That's why I couldn't come to see you for so long."


Edward knelt on the ground, a gesture filled with solemn resolve.

Then he looked up again at Navia and said.

"I will become your dog."

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