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Chapter 120 Part 2 - A Depressed Kendo Player Possesses a Bastard Aristocrat

Don't worry, Mom. This time I will be truly happy. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,Academy,DKPBA,Fantasy,Possession,Depression


My stay at the Phyler estate stretched over several days.

Given the distance from the Lishite dukedom, we needed at least a week to prepare for the journey back.

Fortunately, Raymond was kind enough to extend his hospitality, allowing me to rest and recover without any inconvenience.

Naturally, this meant spending a significant amount of time with Margaret.

Not that I minded, of course.

I cherished every moment by her side.

"It's been a while since I last stepped foot in this study."


"Do you remember? We used to have history lessons together here when we were children."

"Of course... I remember."

"I could never quite match your brilliance in academics, Lady Margaret. You always excelled."

"...Please, let's not dwell on childhood memories. It's embarrassing."

We spent our days exploring the familiar halls of the Phyler estate, revisiting places that held remnants of our shared past.

It was a welcome distraction, a way to fill the silence that threatened to engulf us.

Far better than awkward tea parties, where our hands would hover over our cups, unsure of what to say.

We moved from room to room, each step a journey down memory lane.

The study, the dining room, the gardens, the bedrooms…

Finally, we found ourselves on the second-floor terrace.

"This terrace hasn't changed a bit. It's exactly as I remember it."

"Yes... It's remained the same..."

I leaned against the railing, feeling the gentle caress of the wind on my face.

Margaret stood beside me, her expression a mixture of melancholy and longing.

It was here, on this very terrace, that we had spent countless hours together, creating memories that shone brightly in the recesses of our minds.

'…This place must hold a special significance for you as well.'

When the manor underwent renovations a year ago, the terrace had been slated for a complete overhaul. However, at Margaret's request, it had been left untouched.

Raymond had mentioned in passing that Margaret would often seek solace on this terrace, spending hours alone under the starlit sky.

'You, too...'

Had she, like me, clung to the remnants of our past, seeking solace in the echoes of what once was?

Had we both, in our own ways, desperately tried to erase each other from our lives while simultaneously clinging to the hope that we wouldn't be forgotten?

The thought brought a bittersweet smile to my lips.

To dispel the heavy atmosphere, I forced a lighthearted remark.

"You always came here when things were tough, didn't you, Lady Margaret? You were quite the crier back then."


"Those were the days. Just a few years ago, you would cling to me, sobbing about being scolded by the Duke..."

"W-Wait, what are you saying...? Why are you bringing that up all of a sudden...!"

As expected, Margaret's cheeks flushed crimson as she stammered out a protest.

I chuckled softly, ignoring her embarrassment.

The wind whistled gently around us, carrying a hint of warmth that belied the season.

It was no longer the biting cold of deep winter.

I realized then that winter's reign was coming to an end.

The calendar read late February.

Time had a way of slipping by unnoticed.

The season I had believed would last forever was slowly but surely giving way to spring.

Though the chill of winter lingered, hints of life were beginning to emerge.

I took a deep breath, savoring the fresh, invigorating scent that filled the air.

"The academy will be starting again soon."


"So much has happened in just three short months."

Yes, so much had happened.

Despair had threatened to consume me.

Hatred had taken root in my heart.

Fear had paralyzed me.

I had been ready to give up.

But somehow, I had found the strength to persevere.

- I promise.

I had made a vow.

A vow to never run away again, to face my demons head-on.

And so, I had found hope.

I had found love.

I had found strength.

And finally, I had found forgiveness.

All of this, in the span of just three months.

"There was a time when I cursed everything... But looking back, I realize it was a necessary period of growth, a chance to reclaim what I had lost."

Those three months had not been a curse.

I considered them a blessing in disguise.

Despair and hope were but two sides of the same coin.

The future we create is ultimately our own.

It was a truth I had learned the hard way, but I was grateful to have learned it nonetheless.

"I have no regrets."

The pain of the past had subsided.

"I choose to see it as a passage of time."

Those three months were simply a chapter in my life, a chapter that had come to a close.

Whether it had been a curse or a blessing was irrelevant.

Time, after all, marched on.

The present would soon become the past, just as yesterday had faded into memory.

"Though I suppose the state of the academy is a concern..."

I pushed aside the weight of the past, forcing a neutral tone.

"I heard it was in quite a state after the incident. I wonder if they managed to repair everything during the break."



"It's nothing... Never mind."

Margaret seemed about to say something but stopped herself.

"Lady Margaret?"

"It's nothing, really... And I received word last week about the academy. The repairs are complete. Everything is back to normal."

"That's good to hear."

Winter was ending, and spring was upon us.

It was time to return to the academy.

I closed my eyes, feeling the gentle breeze on my face, and smiled softly.


At that moment, a familiar, mechanical sound pierced the air.

Before I could react, a bright blue screen materialized before my eyes.


[System has been restored.]

This was only the beginning.

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Dream Big TL

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  1. So this arc has ended finally, looking forward to what's next.

  2. Don't know how to feel about how easily the trama was handed it would make sense if he still showed signs and spouts of symptoms but no just seemingly looked past. Hopefully they do i good job at showing about it.

    1. How easily it was handled? There were twenty chapters of him having a mental breakdown and clawing his way out. I think I’ve had my fill.

  3. Are they not going to reconcile with margarets maid as well?

    1. they probably will but the maid doesn't work there anymore

  4. Man, I hope next arc would more interesting, literally fast-skimmed past last 15-20 chapters because of how boring they were.
