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Chapter 8 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Selena Yohaiden (2)

The next day.

There was still a month left before the entrance ceremony,

But Selena personally set foot in Ramielli Academy.

As soon as she arrived at the academy, she confidently went straight to the principal's office.

Knock knock.

“Come in.”

Inside, an old man with white hair was sitting at a large desk, wearing glasses.

Selena got straight to the point without saying anything else.

“Do you know the swordsmanship instructor named Zeke Clayman who was recently appointed?”

“Well, yes, but……”

“I want to take care of him for about a month.”

The principal frowned.

The academy's faculty, who will be joining this year, will be with the incoming students for 4 years, from admission to graduation.

Therefore, they had to take professor classes in advance.

And they had to prepare to greet the noble students from now on.

As the royal family and the children of the most prestigious families gathered.

No amount of thoroughness could be enough for the entrance ceremony, which could be said to be the first meeting with the students.

‘But this cheeky little kid, from which family is she a noble to barge in without even giving a heads up……? The world is coming to an end.’

“……So, who are you?”

“Ah, I'm sorry for the late introduction. My name is Selena Yohaiden, and I will be entering the academy this year.”

“Gasp! Yo, Yohaiden!”

The principal's eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.

The child of that prestigious family had come before him!

Along with the declaration that she would kidnap the swordsmanship instructor.


‘That bastard was a secret parachute appointment, so I was wondering who was backing him, but it was Yohaiden. Damn it. If only it was at least a marquis…….’

The principal quickly racked his brain.

‘He hasn’t even received his appointment letter yet……. Should I just let her take him? No! Even so, the professor will be absent from preparing for the entrance ceremony!’


The principal pressed his brow and let out a long sigh.

“Do you really have to take him?”

“Yes, I know he hasn’t received his appointment letter yet. He doesn’t belong to the faculty yet, so I can’t force him.”


This intelligent silver-haired girl had already investigated and made up her mind.

She knew the academy like the back of her hand.

Even if they appointed him themselves.

He didn't think she would advertise him as her man so openly from the start.

The principal felt deep fatigue.

‘Tsk, I ended up pushing the work onto Dios, the swordsmanship instructor. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. Please understand, since you won’t have to bump into Yohaiden yourself.’

He briefly apologized to another swordsmanship instructor inwardly.

He made up his mind.

Then his complexion changed in an instant.

“Did you say Zeke?”


“Ha, of course it’s possible. The swordsmanship instructor doesn’t have anything to do at the entrance ceremony.”


“Just a month? It’s okay if you take him a little longer. As long as he comes to the demonstration class.”

Selena nodded her head in bewilderment at his picturesque change of attitude.

“Th, thank you. I won’t forget this favor. But I’ll be there for the entrance ceremony.”

“I’m even more grateful that you say that. Lady Selena Yohaiden.”

As she finished speaking and was about to open the door and leave, Selena looked back again.

“Ah, and one more thing.”


“If my father finds out, the situation will become more complicated, and you wouldn’t want that, would you, Principal? I would prefer it if information didn’t leak to other families.”

Selena's cute threat to sell out her father.

But she should have thought about it from the recipient’s point of view.

“How dare you say such a thing.”

The principal patted his chest with a solemn expression, showing his pride.

“Our Ramielli Academy boasts ironclad security.”

Selena bowed her head.

“I believe you.”

“Hmm, go back safely.”

Creak, thud.

“Damn it. Ha, she must be saying she doesn’t want it to be known that Yohaiden is backing him. And if her father finds out, it won’t be fun……. Damn it.”

The swordsmanship instructor, whom he hadn’t even met yet, was already bothering the principal.

Knock knock.

“Principal, the Eustia family has sent someone.”

“Why! Why them again!!”

* * *

After returning to the mansion and writing a letter to her father,

Selena decided to personally educate Zeke.

In fact, it would have been better to ask the butler to find someone else to educate him,

But she volunteered to be Zeke's teacher under the name of ‘Gratitude should be sincere.’

The gazes of the butler and the maids looking at her changed slightly to suspicion,

But Selena was confident!

‘Hmph! Of course I should be the one teaching him! Hiring someone to do it is something you can do with just money! That’s not the right attitude as a Yohaiden! Right, Father?’

It was a fantastic rationalization that would have made her father shake his head if he had heard it.

“Ailey, let’s go to the dressing room first. I saw something in the Étudiante weekly magazine a while ago……”

Before class,

Selena put on round, silver-rimmed glasses, and a luxurious teacher-style suit.

“Ailey, you’re really good.”

“Thank you.”

Thus began the full-fledged Zeke Clayman etiquette education project.

Click-clack, click-clack.

High heels echoed down the hallway as Selena headed to the study.

Zeke was waiting for Selena at a separate desk.


Selena decided to check the student’s basic skills first.

“Instructor, let’s start with a basic test.”


As Selena handed over the papers with the questions,

Zeke answered the questions with a quill pen.

He kept writing, and the ink kept running out, making it inconveniently messy.

Still, he diligently solved the problems in front of him.

Surprisingly, he was able to easily solve problems that didn't ask for simple knowledge.

‘Oh, this is like a modern person possessing someone in another world.’

Selena looked at Zeke, who was writing down the answers with a surprised face.

‘His comprehension skills are excellent. Of course, his intuition is sharp. I saw it yesterday. That problem was something I struggled with in the past…….’

He just lacked common sense and hated memorizing.

Selena adjusted the scope of her education in her head.

‘Right, it’s unsettling to just learn common sense. At least I’m going to raise the instructor to a level where he won’t be ignored anywhere!’

Selena’s enthusiasm began to burn,

And Zeke’s comprehension added fuel to the fire.

A little while later.

“Instructor, try solving this too.”


On the desk was a mountain of test papers that Zeke had solved.

Zeke glared at Selena slightly.

But Selena, wearing glasses, just nodded.

“As expected…….”

Selena said something about a Northern noble or something,

But Zeke was too busy solving the problems she gave him.

The ones she gave him at first were easy and concise, so they were easy to understand,

But as she gradually escalated the difficulty,

There were no more easy problems.

‘Another world…… Modern knowledge is freaking useless……. Originally, shouldn’t they be amazed when I do things like multiplication?’

Zeke suppressed the opposite thought to what he had thought earlier.

In the first place, after spending 10 years in a dark fantasy world,

And only living in the modern world for a year, how much modern knowledge could Zeke have accumulated?

His modern knowledge from before entering the dark fantasy world had long been forgotten after 10 years of hardship.

“Good. Let’s stop here. Now that I have a rough grasp of your level, Instructor, I’ll make a plan.”

She had the maid bring a large piece of paper and quickly wrote down a timetable in elegant handwriting.

Zeke’s eyes trembled as he watched.

‘13 hours a day……? No holidays……?’

Selena filled in the blanks one by one.

Etiquette, social skills, dance, history, logic, theology, mathematics, science, language, magic……。

An endless list of subjects.

‘What kind of monster is she trying to turn me into…….’

“Hmm, I guess we’re short on time. First of all, I should probably cut out some useless things like etiquette. There’s a separate class for that anyway. Is that okay?”

From her point of view, etiquette was actually cumbersome and too complicated.

No one said anything to her even if she only observed it moderately,

And when she acted according to what she had learned, she was constantly told to stop being so formal,

So there was no point in using what she had learned there.

However, Selena didn’t know that such trivial etiquette was what Zeke, who came from a world that might made right, needed the most.

* * *

‘Ugh, the physical intensity is fine……. But the mental fatigue is no joke…….’

After that, a life of squeezing his brain dry like a rag began.

Whether Zeke had flipped some switch inside her,

Selena became like an enthusiastic parent from Gangnam,

Forcing a murderous schedule on Zeke.

13 hours a day,

Wake up at dawn, study for 6 hours, have lunch, and study for 6 hours.

And after dinner, a 1-hour test.

Selena roughly crammed knowledge into Zeke.

As he repeated the same thing every day, Zeke missed the dark fantasy world very, very, very slightly for the first time in a long time.

‘No, no way!’

Zeke shook his head.

“Focus, Instructor. You’ve already stepped on my foot seventeen times.”


“Now, follow me closely. Entrust your body to the music and one, two, one, two, yay! Eighteen times!”


‘Hmm, my ass. Shit.’

Other than that, Zeke’s dancing really didn’t improve.

He didn’t know if it was a problem with his body or the content inside.

The sight of Zeke moving like a stiff robot was hard to watch.

‘He’s a physical person, but why is his head good but his ballroom dancing so stiff? Is that why Northern nobles don’t go to social gatherings?’

Now Selena was using the term “Northern noble” like a cheat code.

“Let’s stop with the ballroom dancing and study magic today.”

“Yeah, alright.”

“Hmm, then this time……”

This time, Selena picked out a book almost the size of her hand from the study.

Zeke’s pupils trembled as he watched.

‘Teacher! Something that big won’t fit! It won’t all fit in my head! My head is full of common sense!’

Selena was happy to see that Zeke seemed motivated.

Actually, she thought this might be a bit much,

But Zeke didn’t say a word about not being able to do it, no matter what book she brought out.

He just nodded, as if showing his firm will.

‘Is this the joy of studying together?’

Now, even Selena was reviewing while teaching Zeke, so it was no longer a one-sided relationship where she was only helping him.

“Now, let’s start with memorization. It seems to be effective for you, Instructor, to memorize when your concentration is at its best!”

“Is that so……. I see. Alright.”

‘I can’t do it. I really can’t do it…….’

As each day passed, the dark circles under Zeke’s eyes deepened.

His cheeks, which had been charmingly rugged, were now hollow and sunken.

Even the maids he encountered in the hallway asked him if he was okay, worried.

“Eek! Your eyes! Mr. Zeke Clayman, are you alright……?”

“Nothing, happened……”

Every time, Zeke wanted to whine,

But this damn body wouldn’t stop acting tough, no matter who it was with.

‘Maybe I chose the wrong starter pack…….’

Like a high school senior a month before the college entrance exam,

Zeke spent his days being tutored one-on-one by his overly enthusiastic teacher, Selena.

Meanwhile, was there any sweet romance? Hell no.

There was only an overly enthusiastic teacher and an overly bluffing student.

“Are you a genius?”



Every day, this bullshit.

“That’s right!”

“This level is nothing, nothing at all.”

“Let’s call it a day!”

“Ha, I see.”

The only time he could heal his mind was after dinner,

After the test and before bedtime.

Every time, Zeke would space out and rest, forgetting all about romance fantasies.

A month passed like that.

The last class was finally over, and he was resting in his room.

Knock knock.

A short knock was heard, and Zeke, staring blankly at the pattern on the ceiling, opened the door.


“Yes, Instructor.”

“What brings you here?”

‘Is there anything else to learn?’

He felt like this was enough, but how could he tell this passionate teacher?

“Ah, tomorrow is the day we go to the academy, so I wanted to talk to you for a bit.”

“I see.”

“You’ve got the basics down now.”

Selena had taught Zeke a lot,

And he had diligently stored all that knowledge in his head.

Selena looked at her admirable student who had grown up well with pride,

And then her thoughts turned to the two things that had not improved yet.

“Except for ‘ballroom dancing’ and ‘etiquette’……”

Strangely enough, only ‘etiquette’ and ‘ballroom dancing’ had not improved at all.

‘It’s not that he doesn’t have any manners, but it’s not noble etiquette, it’s like military style? Strange. Should I have taught him simpler manners…….’

She regretted it too late, but there was nothing she could do about it now that the entrance ceremony was tomorrow.

After a moment of other thoughts, Selena remembered her original purpose.

“Um……. Instructor.”


“By any chance……. Could you take a look at my sword now?”

Zeke nodded.

‘If it’s just me watching without holding a sword……. I can experience beforehand how I’m going to do it at the academy.’

“Then go change into your training clothes and come out.”

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